#whoops looks like we're starting a chain reaction
narujenreacts · 3 months
Since we're getting MD news today and it will most likely be either another teaser trailer or full trailer for E7 and it will probably reveal some things, I figured I'd list what I've noticed and my theories before then. I would've made a Things I Noticed video on it, but since I'm still finishing up the one for E5 I won't be able to do that. I'll still make it after, but for now, this will have to do! (Note: I posted this on Twitter and YouTube before Glitch posted the new teaser for E7, but forgot to post it here. Whoops lol)
~E7&8 Teaser~
1. The goopy fleshy covered entrance has most likely been foreshadowed since E4. There was a drawing of it among others with the dead drone that Uzi found under the floor.
2. The yellow light by the box is not a piece of V or a Disassembly Drone. It's just a lantern.
3. Theory: The scenes of N and Uzi going to hug each other and then Uzi hugging N and crying are two separate moments. The first one is going to be more comedic. N and Uzi hear something that scares them and their automatic reaction is to hug each other. Like something out of Scooby Doo. For the second moment N appears to be stiff. Unmoving. Almost as if he's in a trance, shut down, etc. Remember that Uzi has admin control of him and V, so if she wanted to she could most likely put him in SLEEP MODE or the like. Why would she do that? Because she's about to face Cyn/the Absolute Solver (her standing alone in that teaser GiF lends to that) and she doesn't want him to get hurt or worse, so she makes him stay behind. Before she leaves though she gives him one last hug good bye. Hence the crying.
4. N being dragged away. Some have said it looks like what he grabs is Uzi's beanie. From what I can tell, that's not the case. It's just a rock that N accidentally grabs in a panic. If it was Uzi's beanie I believe they would've had him look at it in desperation. As for who he's being dragged by, there's multiple choices. Cyn, Eldritch V, Nori or Yeva. It could even be Uzi. Also, I believe he's being dragged into the same opening that we see in the beginning. The one covered in the goopy flesh stuff. Because I can see part of the same box on the left side and I think the rock is even there on the floor.
5. The shot of the Sentinels chained up. We know Nori treated the Sentinels like "pets", so it wouldn't surprise me that they're hers. This could even be what leads to the teaser image of Nori and Yeva standing in the entrance of the Cathedral.
6. I've seen some say it's the manor from E5. No, it is not. It's a cathedral. The design is completely different from the manor.
7. If you look on the right written in blood are the words "THE END" and "NULL" and there's a drawing of what looks like a corpse spire. You can see these best when the lightning flashes.
8. Nori's locker being closed. The one closing it is Tessa. I can tell not just by her hand, but her bow enters the frame briefly.
9. The moment of N and Uzi turning to look at something. Uzi's left hand light is yellow, which is the same one she breaks/snaps N's hand with in the next shot. This could be after that moment, and this shows she was under the Solver's influence. What also leads me to believe those two shots are connected is the red lighting and their expressions as well as body language. For the lighting, in the first shot Uzi's back is to it. In the second shot, it's N's back. Why the swap? Because between those moments I believe more happens and they move around. Then Uzi snaps out of it, realizes what she did to N's hand and starts apologizing to him. N looks scared of her, because he is, which would make Uzi feel even worse. Guilty. In fact, what if she feels so guilty this is the moment that leads to her making the decision that she needs to face Cyn/the Solver on her own? That shot of Uzi hugging N also has red lighting, and who's back is facing it? Uzi's.
10. The cross Uzi is holding. There was that moment in E5 when Louisa (Tessa's mom) called Cyn "little anti-Christ". Why I think Uzi is holding the cross is because N remembered what Louisa said and tells Uzi to hold it. Or gives it to her. All in the hopes it'll help hold back the Solver's corruption.
~Nori and Yeva Teaser Image~
Not too much to say about this one. We never did see Yeva or Nori actually die. Just Yeva's body in E3 and Khan's comment of "And to put your mother out of her misery when the Murder Drones got to her with that nanite acid," in the pilot, so I wasn't too surprised to see they were still alive. However, what does strike me as odd is Yeva's stance and expression. Until this image Yeva has always looked terrified/horrified, so why does she look almost bored in the image? It's odd. Unless she's changed since then. Or...here's a random thought...what if Uzi swapped sentience with her? Lol highly doubt it, but it'd be funny.
~Uzi Standing Alone GiF~
1. Uzi is holding something in her left hand and it shimmers in the light, so it's gotta be something reflective. To me it looks like a necklace. Nori's? Yeva's? Or both?
2. The lights flickering in the background are candles. Who lit them?
3. The thing hanging from the ceiling in the background looks like it's either a lantern or one of those medieval cages.
4. Between Uzi's stance and her possibly holding her mom's necklace, I can see her thinking to herself, 'Don't worry, everyone. I'm going to put an end to this. No matter what.'
~Extra Things~
Cyn's eyes are going to have two small x's for eyes instead of the usual single large X we've seen, which might be a reference to Liam's previous work, Internecion Cube.
I believe current Tessa is either not human or at least not 100% human. Possibly a mix of organic and machine. After all the Solver has consumed human flesh.
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