#wot is better than witcher and also has moiraine but like. we're spending too much time with the babs. i want my adult qpr back :(
aeide-thea · 8 months
the problem for me with both witcher s3 and wot s2—well, okay, one of a few problems, but the one i'm singling out at the moment—is that i've just reached a point with SFF where i've largely used up what little patience i ever possessed for the 'young trainee gets frustrated that they're not progressing faster and gets reckless' trope?
like it's not that it's not a plausible way for someone to behave, it totally is! but. i don't know. i need a, like, decade-long break where i just get stories starring middle-aged people who have, probably painfully, learned some damn patience and slow perseverance…
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