#yeah i'm sure however those cs kids do marriage matching is whack. bitchless people trying to get other people bitches? pleaseeeee
missingn000 · 2 years
business kids are too dumb to do econ or anything actually cerebral, and comp sci kids are (a) a dime a dozen, literally everyone is doing comp sci now, and (b) not studying anything nearly as interesting as literally anything else. like, ik, i want to study theoretical physics, so i might be a little unhinged, but im telling you im RIGHT. also coding is quite possibly the most mind numbing, painful activity i’ve ever encountered. and same tbh, i feel like there’s so much stuff going on that’s more interesting + i’d end up disagreeing with however they decided to do the matching and getting into an argument with them🤠🤠
REAL AS FUCK cs is like. a SKILL not a major, unless you're doing actual hardcore research on algorithms or computational math, which rarely happens in undergrad cs programs. i hate coding too!! when my shit doesnt compile...like...GOD. how do cs kids take that much constant rejection? i could NEVER. econ is marginally better than business because it takes actual brains but it's still a similar type of person that does it
also. THEORETICAL PHYSICS YOU SAY? IM DOING THAT HXGFSGHJK well kinda. when you get to grad school you do weird hyperspecific shit like philosophy of quantum mechanics or how the discovery of dark energy & dark matter influences how physicists actually do science which is where i'm at. amongst other things. godspeed with theoretical physics it's great. a very worthwhile field of study and VERY unhinged but it's fun i promise
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