#zunu grimwald
skullsh1ft · 4 months
Hey, back with another story update post
Today, I'll bring focusing on Zunu Grimwald, the main villain of the story and Dearl's rival/nemesis. Much of this will have already been covered in the post about Dearl, so make sure to read that too.
Zunu was orphaned as an infant and, as a toddler, was kidnapped by the Sheoll corporation, along with a group of other children in an attempt to create genetically enhanced soldiers to dominate the area and bring more money and power to the corporation. Out of the children that had been taken, only Zunu and Dearl had survived the procedure, giving them both superhuman abilities. While being raised by the leader of the organization, Zunu was treated poorly, leading to her becoming jealous and spiteful of Dearl. As the mistreatment becomes worse, Zunu eventually snaps and kills her guardian, overthrowing him and becoming the new leader of Sheoll. After Dearl refused an offer to lead alongside Zunu, Zunu lashed out in anger, nearly killing Dearl and leaving her badly wounded. As weeks went by, Zunu began to gain more influence and power in the area under Sheoll's regime, bringing in abundances of resources and recruits due to the merciless nature of her reign. One day, while looking back at the enhancement procedure for soldiers to attempt to restart the program, Zunu noticed a nearly dead man attempting to hide behind equipment in the room. Out of pity, she decided to help him recover, leading to a nearly symbiotic relationship between the two.
Sorry if this one isn't too great, the creativity has not been flowing too hard recently
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