16crave · 2 years
Healthy or Unhealthy?
[8:32 pm]
I'm sitting outside on the deck of my apartment in the city right now. It sounds glamorous. We'll get into that later.
It's 64 degrees, my head is killing me, and I feel like I could fall asleep immediately if I went inside.
But some part of me is feeling too inspired to let this night go to waste.
It's just me and my thoughts, finding a new way to anonymously share my thoughts on the internet.
I have two directions I'm considering taking this blog in..
and I really, genuinely don't know what to do. Maybe I'll just be honest and mix the two, because aren't our lives a combination of both anyway?
*I just remembered I have a quiz in one of my classes due at midnight
.. Maybe I should let you know a little bit about who I am.
I'm won't tell you my name, but I will tell you that I'm an 18 year old girl, currently in college, and I live in a big city. Not the biggest, most well-known city you might think of first, but I live in one of em. I love writing, and like many teenage girls, I love Sex and the City. If you like Sex and the City, then you may be interested in reading this.
I'm gonna go do that quiz and I'll check back in later.
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