2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Techies gonna blow this Goblin Slayer :D
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The Goblin Techies meet the Goblin Slayer. It doesn’t end well. I’m sure everyone will be happy with Mr.Slayers Choice. Its practically a community service.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
How to counter Rubick?
In the event that you truly wish to counter Rubick, don't let him slip significant spells.
Pudge is a normal example. When confronting Rubick, he must immediately activate Rot following Meat Hook. In case Rubick steals the hook, then he's very substantial chances to land a prosperous one since in most situations the competitions won't even understand he stole it! Thinking about the massive selection rate of both those heroes in bar games, I am certain that you have experienced the matter.
This lesson works with almost any hero, and especially those with AoE disables or enormous nukes.
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Magnus and Lion are great illustrations since they are one of the most well-known personalities from the meta and their skills can alter the destiny of a conflict. As a Magnus, Empower a teammate after a highly effective Reverse Polarity; as a Lion, drain mana for half an instant after having Finger of Death.
Pick heroes without a helpful spells to slip. Slark does not have any charms a Rubick may want. Pounce could be utilized as an escape, but that is a situational transfer.
Tanks don't dread his burst harm. High-HP heroes can not be killed easily by Rubick even thinking about the harm amplification of Arcane Supremacy (unless he occupies a large single-target nuke).
Naturally, this is the definitive counter against most of casters since they won't have the ability to use any charm. Should you perform Silencer, I expect you'll use a spell following your ultimate differently Rubick could slip an 8.6 so long International Silence.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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a super belated birthday gift for ma boi @yoruny
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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Invoker and Forge spirits
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
I have still more to give.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Twitch stats about Dota 2
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Miracle is trying new Phantom Assassin
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Rubick - Skill build explained
Ability Build Clarified - Select Fade Bolt
The greatest mistake you can devote with Rubick from the first game is becoming Telekinesis at level 1. Many gamers think that they're always the best option, and really they do function well in most scenarios, however Telekinesis is a situational skill without any additional damage.
In a couple of situations, it may be practical to competition the Bounty Rune (especially if more teammates join the struggle with the aim to score a kill) and to dam the competitions.
Successfully cliffing a hero is very rare today as a result of map layout, moreover, everyone begins with a Town Portal Scroll, so they can readily escape risk without waiting for the courier to deliver it.
This film shows the top 3 most used art assembles by expert players at December. Data and picture courtesy of datDota.
According to the figures, ace players never entrusted Telekinesis, and also the ability was chosen at level 1 just sometimes.
I Would like to point out that occasionally Telekinesis could be a Fantastic alternative:
Should you lane using a hero that has a high-damage ability which needs the enemy to stay set up, such as Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
In the event the next support tries a gank at level 1 before teleporting in their lane.
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These two instances are rare - especially in bar games - and you need to consider also the competitions you're facing as they may be overly tanky or possess leaks to endure your assault.
In many cases, picking Telekinesis in level 1 will mess up your lane. Fade Bolt is a essential instrument to exchange strikes in the first game because it deals magical damage and decreases the attack damage of these heroes changed.
20/25/30/35 assault harm reduction using a 10 minutes duration is enormous. If used at the ideal time, you'll have the ability to harass the competitions while getting less harm, and reduce their past hitting capacities.
Being really careful, you can not avoid this unwanted effect since you want the advantages caused by the ability: out-harass the competitions and possibly zone out them.
In the conclusion of the day, creep balance is a intricate matter shaped by various aspects, and damaging the creeps through your spells is merely one of these. There are lots of procedures to bring back the action to a secure place, like obstructing the creep wave, denying that the creeps, or yanking the neutrals.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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Invoker art
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
How to find my tracking Dota number
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Lore based balance :D
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Rubick as a Mid Laner
Rubick is not only a service , but also a flexible mid-century. 7.20 increased Rubick's foundation attack damage and his stat profits, which enhanced his durability, devoting, and last-hitting abilities.
The blend of his newest stats, the amount 10 ability +60 Damage, the Power Treads (+26 harm ), along with some Null Talismans, deliver his complete assault damage to exactly the identical quantity of a timeless auto-attacker in the mid match.
Later in the match, the Aghanim's Scepter makes a huge difference in team battle since you can literally junk bouts without pause, getting a type of Invoker.
Don't underestimate Fade Bolt much like the degree 15 ability -45 Fade Bolt Hero Attack you can lessen the attack damage of enemy heroes from 80.
The amount 20 ability -5s Fade Bolt Cooldown reduces the cooldown of this spell to just 5 minutes, but sadly the debuff doesn't pile. Envision how broken are the hero using a continuous 160 assault damage reduction impacting all of the enemies.
Each of the perks clarified so much, along with Arcane Supremacy, ascertain the present achievement of Rubick.
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Stargazer's Curiosity loading display for Rubick - Valve
Taking a look at the expert stats from December, Rubick continues to be played as a service in the vast majority of the games, but at a restricted number of matches he's been chosen also as a heart. I think the"mid Rubick" fad is much more prevalent in bars
Rubick's biggest weakness as a heart is the late match, actually he becomes unnaturally weaker past 40-45 moment. Fortunately for him, in this particular patch the ordinary game duration diminished both in bar and ace games, and complete the game is generally decided through the first 30-40 minutes.
At most rankings, players favor farming over compelling, therefore the matches still tend to survive an hour. I'd suggest playing Rubick as a mid century hero simply to experienced players at the higher regions of the matchmaking (from Ancient Empire ).
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
What items Dazzle needed?
Shadow Wave Advantages from Bad Juju
The 50 percent cooldown decrease of terrible Juju does not affect only things but also abilities, so Dazzle could spam his AoE cure every four seconds (and in precisely the exact same time also harm the competitors during a team struggle).
From the present meta there are lots of high-HP personalities, so percent based fixes are usually more powerful than flat ones, however Dazzle can still cure 980 HP (if all bounces hit) each four seconds! The amount 15 ability +20 Shadow Wave Heal/Damage brings the complete cure to 1120 HP. Rather, the only target cure is rather inferior (140 without ability ).
As a result of the minimal cooldown, it is possible to keep both the Necronomicon minions along with the creep wave always completely healed: a significant help for all of the push efforts from the game.
Even the Holy Locket is also a viable thing if you're striving for a healer-based Dazzle, however I have my reservations on it since the hero is indeed different in comparison to the prior spots. Before, his primary goal was saving and healing the members of his group, while now he's a versatile choice that will even out-damage a small number of personalities.
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If you're interested in finding a much more support-oriented thing construct without Necronomicon, I suggest purchasing the Medallion of Courage first since the merchandise is economical and synergizes well with your armor decrease, and that means you will dramatically raise the harm of your bodily auto-attackers.
Items like the Glimmer Cape and the Force Staff are of fantastic assistance both yourself and your teammates, even while the Eul's Scepter of Divinity and the Ghost Scepter are situationally essential when confronting determinate competitions. The Mekansm may also be rather effective due to a cooldown reduction.
The late game things are contingent on the circumstance, but I propose updating the Medallion of Courage to the Solar Crest as today it's actually strong when applied to your primary DPS. The merchandise is a good choice also together with the Necronomicon since it boosts the harm of your minions.
Should you just happen to become wealthy, give an opportunity to the Lotus Orb. This product is quite underrated in bars, and many players aren't utilized to it, therefore it may have a larger effect than anticipated.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
Praise the power that lets me offer my life again.
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2kawaiiforsenpai · 5 years
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Spheres of Magic
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