39miyawakis · 1 month
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ★ . . . no quality (%0) cringe icons gif
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39miyawakis · 1 month
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 ♡  ˚  ♩  👛﹒  ⊠   ⊹
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 ♡  ˚  ♩  📞﹒  ⊠   ⊹
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39miyawakis · 2 months
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watch pyramid game
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39miyawakis · 2 months
i miss my insane psycho princess
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39miyawakis · 2 months
i need more pyramid game or baek harin centered fics ong
TT toxic manipulative gorgeous dream girls >>>>
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39miyawakis · 3 months
idk about yall but... jang daah🤤🤤🤤 baek harin >>>>>
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39miyawakis · 3 months
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female ghost
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39miyawakis · 5 months
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39miyawakis · 5 months
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39miyawakis · 5 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 STAR GIRL ★ jang wonyoung x wow!yn
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↳ warnings: wow!yn, alternate universe au, fluff, they’re both down bad, you can find more wow!au stuff in my masterlist
the sound of the ceiling fan and the soft indie music that plays from the record player fill the room calming every sense that anyone could have.
yn hummed softly to the music as she drew stars all over her hand sitting in a crossed position on her bed room floor she’s so immersed in her mind to pay attention to the girl that sits in front of her just staring at her.
wonyoung shifted uncomfortably, which never happens when she’s in yn’s room, she’s always comfortable there, she doesn’t know if it’s the vibe in the room or if it’s just yn that keeps her so comfortable and calm.
but not right now.
something has been on her mind for a while but she’s been suppressing it down.
she doesn’t know if she can anymore, it’s just such a weird feeling for her.
yn is a flirt and a player, we all know that and wonyoung was never one to fall for yn’s antics, always playing hard to get. yn was her friend that’s all she’ll ever be.
that’s what wonyoyng thought at least.
but for the last couple months, wonyoung has noticed how yn has shifted her attention more to her older ex member, there was something there, something awfully different from how it is with yn’s other flings.
and wonyoung didn’t like it. she didn’t like the feeling she got in her chest when yn would smirk at the mention of the lesserafim leader, the way she always seemed to have the most fun teasing the older girl.
she thought yn had the most fun teasing her.
jealousy is what she felt, she never thought she could ever feel the feeling with yn, or was she just suppressing it?
did she like the older girl but had to much pride to admit it?
wonyoung clinched her fists nervously before clearing her throat, immediately getting the attention of the girl in front of her which made her even more nervous, since when did yn looking at her make her nervous?
many times actually she just never acknowledged the feeling.
“yeah?” the older girl said to wonyoung, she furrowed her eyebrows immediately taking notice of wonyoung’s uneasiness, yn could always take notice of the girl’s emotions, she was an observant person naturally, but even more observant with wonyoung, she always felt the need to know that the girl was okay and in a right state of mind, “what wrong.” she says immediately putting the cap onto the marker, putting her attention entirely on wonyoung.
wonyoyng felt both nervousness and pride, she loved that yn would immediately drop anything for her, didn’t matter what it was, she knew it was selfish but having a power like that and over yn of all people, is probably the post powerful thing in the world.
and it might be hard to admit it, but yn has that power over wonyoung as well.
wonyoung shifted uncomfortably under yn’s gaze before looking down in her lap, “nothing.” she said quietly, quickly backing out on what she was gonna say as soon as yn’s eyes were on her.
wonyoung shrunk into herself slightly, when she heard yn’s low chuckle, she looks up to yn see the brushing her own hair out of her face revealing the star tattoo and on her neck, “okay…” she responded lowly looking off to the side but it was obvious she didn’t believe the girl.
there was silence for little before yn spoke up again shocking wonyoung, “do you take me for an idiot?”
“you’ve been acting weird for the last couple of weeks.” yn starts, no emotion on her face, “did you think I would take notice? I know you.”
wonyoung doesn’t respond so yn continues, “please just tell me what’s wrong.” she says letting out a deep sigh, “I can fix it, I always do for you.”
wonyoung feels her grace heat up slightly at yn’s words before sighing and rubbing her palms against her leg, before shifting forward to her knees touch yn’s, “are you dating chaewon unnie?”
wonyoung is shocked at the frowardness that came out of her even yn but she quickly covers it up, “why? and what does me dating her have to do with how weird you’ve been?”
wonyoung feels a lump grow in her throat at the question, yn’s answer to it made her feel like a bad idea, she didn’t like how indifferent yn was, she was never indifferent with her.
“because…” wonyoung trails off, looking to the side of yn’s room finding the messy band posters more interesting than anything, “because I just… I just… I don’t like the feeling I get when I think about it.”
she looks at yn to see the girls reaction but when only stares emotionless which makes the lump in wonyoung’s throat grow larger but she continues anyways, “I don’t like the thought of you guys dating, I don’t like the thought of you guys holding hands, I don’t like the thought of you giving her that stupid star ring.”
it’s like she couldn’t stop everything from coming from her mouth, it was like because she started she couldn’t stop, “I don’t like the thought of you making her nervous because I only want you to make me nervous.”
she grabs both of yn’s hands desperately, the girl still staring at her emotionlessly but there’s a hint of conflict , the sight makes her desperate to say everything she wants before she gets rejected, she feels burning behind her eyes and she knows tears are about to come out in any moment.
she grabs one of yn’s hands and brings it to rest on her chest, “I don’t like the painful feeling I get in my chest when I think about you being with someone else and you genuinely liking them.”
“I don’t want you with someone else.” she says tearfully trying to pull yn closer to her like it’s possible, “I want you with me, I want you only looking at me, please yn, please only look at me.”
yn looks a off to the side but wonyoung’s grabs her chin and turns her to face her, “I don’t want you, looking at anyone but me with those loving eyes you always have.”
she feels herself shake when yn lets out a deep sigh, she knows what’s coming, she brings her head yn’s chest not wanting to look at the girl anymore.
“don’t do this to me.” yn says lowly, looking down at the girl who stiffens at her voice, “don’t…don’t get my hopes up wonyoung, don’t do it.”
wonyoung lifted her head slowly from yn’s chest and looked at the girl “huh?”
“is this a joke?” yn asks looking away, this is the very first time wonyoung has ever heard yn sound insecure and it’s scary.
“wonyoung if this is a joke, I will never forgive you.” yn says, wonyoung can tell the girl is trying her best not to show any emotions on her face.
“I’m not joking,” wonyoung says weakly trying to look at yn who looked off to the side, “why would I joke about this? yn… gosh…”
“yn, I need you.” she continues she tries to follow yn’s eyes who lets of another sigh and throws her head back, “I need you to be mine, I like so much it hurts, I mean it, I mean every single word that’s coming out of my mouth, yn this isn’t a joke, please please believe me, I understand if you don’t want me, but everything im saying is tr-”
before wonyoung can finish her sentence she feels the cold rings on yn’s fingers holding the back of her neck, pulling her closer before smashing her lips onto hers, her eyes open wide.
wonyoung feels yn bring her other hand to her jaw caressing it softly making wonyoung melt and close her eyes kissing yn back, she feels the butterflies in her stomach flying crazy as she feels yn’s soft lips against hers.
yn pulls away softly, keeping her hand at the back of wonyoungs neck, “me? not want you? ive wanted you since forever, you know this.” wonyoung opens her mouth to respond but is cut off by yn pulling her back into a kiss and she thinks this is the best thing she’s ever experienced.
who knew kissing yn could be her favourite thing so fast?
when they finally pull away, the only think that can come out of wonyoungs mouth is “you like me?”
yn rolls her eyes a small smile making it’s way to her swollen lips, “don’t ask stupid questions.” she says before laying down on her floor and lifting up her shirt and pulling down her sweat pants down to the side slightly to show her star tattoo on her lower waist, “I’d probably get ur name tattooed right above this if I could.” she says teasing flashing wonyoung a teasing smile.
and just like that she’s back, wonyoung lets out a soft laugh, “you’re so annoying.” she says, “so you really don’t like chaewon unnie?”
“honestly…” yn sighs from the floor, “i was trying to get over you, i just thought maybe something with me and her could work, but I was just being delusional, I don’t like her and I could never get over you.”
wonyoung feels her face warm up before she moves forward and lays on top of yn, “that makes me happy.” she says softly digging her face into yn’s neck, placing a soft kiss to it.
yn lets out a laugh and wonyoung can’t help but blush at the rasp to it, “you’re cute.” she says playing with wonyoung’s hair.
this was probably the best day of both of the girls life, yn getting the girl she always wanted and wonyoung getting the girl that she’s always needed.
“don’t hurt me.”
“I should be telling you that, you’ve got a hold on me.”
wonyoung smiles softly at that as she digs her face more into yn’s neck.
she got her star girl.
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★☆ me after feeding wonyn stans like it’s my job
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39miyawakis · 6 months
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39miyawakis · 6 months
A/n: I can’t take this smau seriously 😭
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Masterlist : Next
SYNOPSIS : After getting ahold of your little sister's Roblox account, you found out she's been dating someone in Roblox. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands by texting her Roblox lover to stop dating your sister, only to find out you were texting their older sibling.
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39miyawakis · 6 months
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Israel blows up Gaza's "Palace of Justice" compound which housed the Palestinian Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the Court of First Instance & the Magistrate. 100,000s of vital case documents are gone. Deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure is a War Crime!
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Israel's soldiers took victory images inside the Palestinian Supreme Court before blowing it up into pieces. This proves the facility constituted ZERO danger to the Israeli military & no militants were hiding inside it at the time it was destroyed. Again, a war crime!
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39miyawakis · 6 months
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YUNJIN in Goddess Awakened @ MAMA 2023
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39miyawakis · 7 months
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39miyawakis · 7 months
no more girlboss. it’s time for girllove. girlkiss. girlholdhands and girlmarry
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39miyawakis · 7 months
As always, the Irish speak nothing but facts.
How many more innocent civilians have to be killed by Israel before you condemn that for it?
That is a genocide.
That this is a crime on all accounts.
And deserves to be punished to the full extent off the law.
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