400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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By usign public plat forms to share petitions to build a community that wants change. 
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
Next Steps
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
Seen from the window
The rhythm of the everyday
‘Seen from a Window’ introduces people to rhythms of the everyday. Lefebvre's window looks down to a busy street in France. The observation of this view is where the reading gets its depth and integral analysis. 
The main idea is that every thing has a rhythm, for example people walking down the street have a constant step, street lights work in a timed pattern, cars speed up after slowing down around a corner, flowers bloom at certain times of the year. All of these rhythms overlap in intersect and when you tune in to your consciousness you can notice them. Often this consciousness only happens when you need to focus on intersecting rhythms such as crossing a road, “ a calculation must be made for the number of steps to be taken “ (Lefebvre 220).
By understating Lefebrvres environment it encourages readers to look out their own window and tune in to the rhythms they can hear, see and experience. There is a great example in the reading of a police officer who stands on the street corner for the purpose of maintaining these rhythms as this is what society relies on to function smoothly. If that rhythm breaks the government must put it back on track, this is what the police man symbolises. 
Lefebvre, Henri. Writings on Cities. “Seen from the Window” Blackwells Publisher Inc. 1996
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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Another concept that is a bit more subtle could be utalizing items that exist in the rythum of the every day and seeing how people react when these stay in place and dont move with the citys and urban ecosystem, it looks normal but when these things dont have activation and there own rythyms it disrupts peoples paths and comfortablity in space, i believe this would really communicate how a manifactured beach does effect the ecosystem even if the effects of that isnt obvious. By shifting to this part of my TOC (theory of change) it will have a more tangible and greater effect that being speculitive and creating more assumptions about the way the beach should look. I think its more importiant that people have the knowledge about it before changing the beach and i think that by this instalation and intervention into public space is a new way of designing compared to campaigns and posters or online polls/petitions 
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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By intervening the sand into the city could create a correlation between the sand of orientla beach staying in the ecology and constantly being replaced even through the nature of the ennvironment is to move it arround. Through primary reserach it became apparent that the public isnt aware that there is an issue with the beach because it isnt visable. By using the same stratergy to maintain sand but in an urban setting it would cause chaos and confusion, by using an instalation type stratergy which is more extreme than it would usualy do in my design. By causing this confusion creates aweness and explaining it towards the end could create the connection to the beach.
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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400mcneillecologies · 4 years
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