42-forty-two-42 · 7 hours
42 did as instructed and put its arms behind its back.
4̱̮͊2͇͊, 4̹̖̎̏2̢͔̀ ̖̎4̢̄̚2̳̙͝ ͈̯̈́͆4̢̊2̭͐͛ ̨̡̔4͕̟̾͋2̧̺̅ ͕͑̊4͖̾2͈̺͊: '4̦͓̏̿2̬͝ ͔̟͒͛4̢̗̃͠2͓̯̔̃?"
( Well, let me say that again: "A favor?" )
42 paused, looked away and back at the doppel.
4̜͙̆̇2̗̃ ͉͂̀4̛̳̹͝2̨̚ ̡̙̐̿4̙͔͛̐2̲̰͆ ̪̂͗4̩̦̈͒2̡̀̒ ̝̹̀4̱̤͆2̢̌̌ ̟̓̎4̫̮̽2͖͗ ̹͎̄̓4̨̂2͖̯̽̌?͇̤͆
( Or do you still not trust me? )
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 8 hours
42 chuckled.
4̼̅̽2͚̯͑ ̜̼̾ͅ4̮̫̾̂̚2͇̽͊ ̭͖̽4͎̀̽̎2͚̖̣͌͝ ̳̮̈4̣̤̤͌̄͝2̰͗̑͜ ̭̠̑4̼́͛͜͠2̱̳͒̕, 4͕͔̌̊2̲̱͑͊ ̻̽4̱̱̜̉2̣͛͒̕ ͚̓̑́4̢̤͉̆̌͠2̛̙͐̀ ͚̯͂4̨͓͖̔̀2͓͑̄ ̥͇́4̢́2̰̃́.͖̐͌͜
( Your threat might have worked, if I did consider that. )
42 suddenly leaned down a little, glancing both at the pigeon and the "new doppel".
"͉̍̚4̱̤̰̓2̤̘͎̋̆̉ ̙̑4̢̗͇͋̎2̻̽́̕?͍̗͝͝ͅ" 4̡̱̳͐͋́2̨̆͆ ̮̑̈́4̜̃̀͑2̡͍͓̍̄͘ ͍̹̠̈́̌4͙̮̝͗̾͝2̜͉̬̔ ̼͗4̛̲2̢̛̋, 4̜̺̖́̀̈́2̖̾̈́̀ ̝̓̚4̠̩̰͐͒̂2̫̟̔̇ ̥̘͂͘4̱͎̔̌̽ͅ2̨̜̻̈̅ ͔̪̪̐͛4̥̯̽͐2̖̈̚ ̟̞̉͝4̧̤̞͑2̖̺͔̎͆ ̢̥̊̔̀4̦̠̣͑̕2̤̟̔͂ ͉͌͆̓4̠̱͔͑̔͆2̻̳̲̎͑͝!̝͔̾͒̾
( "A favor?" I need no flesh, you both are feeding me curious things! )
@ask-the-doppelganger (sry for spamming, but this happened unexpectedly (and I genuinely LOVE it) )
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 8 hours
42 turned its faceless head to the unknown doppelganger which, apparently, joined the conversation.
4̙͈͕̄̔̌2̦̹̻̌͆́ ̰͔͊4̟̀̀̾2̩̖̫́͒̇ ͉̳͖̓̃̇4̖̼͝2̣͋̽̉.̡͙̰̌.̬̝̓͂͠.̼͋̈́̃4͖̻̓̈́2̾͗́ͅ ̛̖̦͒͘4̨̐̈́2̫̔̑̉ ͙̽4͎͎̮̂2͕̘̂ 4͎̉2̣̅ ̯̦̃̀͝4͎̝̼̅̉̓2̘̪̑͛ ̧̭͗͊̋4̘̻̆͋2͉͍̬̔ ̰͐̒4̢̰͂2̟͘. 4̥͍͉̊2̮̻̀̎ͅ ̧̓4̣̩̗̂2̱̠͙̊̈̈ ̘̮́͜4̢̾ͅ2͔̺̩̊ ̬͇̓4͉̉͐͝2̟͈̟͊ ͇̄̈́4͉͆2̡̡̠̿͗ ̫̼̓̃4͆͜2͕̝͎̀͆̀ ̫̅̈4̻͂̐̏2̫̏̎̑ ̯̥̈́4͚̑̿͠2̘͙̊ ̛̗̟̘͛4̧̿̍2͈̽̔ ̡̮̭̌4̹̉2̻͌.̲̎̕ 4̤̱̃̓2̫̙͍̀,̨͖̞͊͘͝ ̢̰̓̕͝4̱̩̰͌̊2͙̫̇ ̧̘̑4͓̰͋ͅ2̟͑ ̳̱̎̐4̲̈2̄͗͜ ̫͠4̫͈̈̈́͝2͇̗͙̕͝ ̖͊͛4̝̥̩̈́̕2̞͙̐̕ ̦̠͎͑4̧̤͂2̧̦̅̐.̬͔̼̊̐͝
( Why hello there...Do not worry about me knowing that. It is not like I was going to harm her. Besides, I knew she looked somewhat trusting. )
42 rubbed its chin.
4͔̃̕2͉̺͐̋͜ ̬̂̓̌4̭͎̬͘2̠̦̊̂ ̥̠̌4̛̗̀2̪̗̒ ̢͕͌͌ͅ4̝̒̿̅2̛̬͚̦͛͆ ̙͓͇̎4͈̞͗̑̽2̢̭͂ ̢̪̖́4͚̣̀̈́͜2̦̺̔͐̾ ̥̳̏̊"̞̉̀̀4̙̮̟͗̇̽2̤̘̗̏̍"̠̣́ ̰̹̇̚4̡̛͚̻̈͐2̞͋͐̕ ̱͖̀̅̾4̺̣̰̐2͚̳̇.̯̑̀
( But I am curious about the "protection" statement now. )
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 10 hours
4̣͌̎͝2͖̍͝, 4̠̚2̳̬̲̊̚ ̹͕̄ͅ-̪̙̋ ̜̈́̚4͉̭̑̈͛2̥̙̙̅ ̡̱̩̓̀4̢̭̈́̽2̡̯̰̓̾. 4͍̔͛͆2̢͓͊̑ ͚̔̀̒4̠͕̌́2̝̩̂ ̡̻͚̅̀̒4̪͋̀2̗͍͖̇ ̨̛̳̠4͉̎̊2̢͙̆̈̊ ̫̲͇̆͐4͚̼͚̉͠2͔̩͝͝ ̜̘̈́̈́4͙̮͔͐͋̕2̭̦̱́͒ ̹̋͛͘ͅͅ4̂͝ͅ2̧̳́̆ ͕̳̏͘4̤͔̏̾̚2̛̟͐͛ ̢̹̻̍4̥͓̪͂͆2̱̻̖̓̾̃ ͍̮͈̐̇"4͉͙̈́̕2͉͈́ ̨̒̓̕4͖͙̫̈̈́2̪̪̋" 4̯͓̘̈̉̈́2̹̎̐̒. 4̧̡̲̈́͊͘2̜͚̦͂̿͘ ̜̏͛4̜̙̰́͝2̪̙͋͝ ̝̥̈́̓̆4̦͇͒̽͒2͚̤͂̽ ̝̬͊̾͝4̬̽͗̕2̌̆ͅ ̤̟̄4̗̈͂2̋ͅ ̘̮̤͋4̢̓͑̇2̻͎͊ ͙̥̋̑͊4̱̝͚͊2̧̳̯̾̿͝ ̺̲͉̾͐͠4̙͈̩̍̈́2̭̞̆̋ ͕͍̘̉̌͛4͖̞̈2̡̭͔̋̾ ̧̪͍̎̈́4̮̬͗2̲̆͑̚ ͕͕͌̕4̝̦̥͒2̻̳͌̊ ̩͓̒̋͝-̫̺͝ ̰̟̇̑4̮͂2͇̹̆͗̍ ̢̤̠͋͘4͉̕2̜̲̏̈ ̭̼̄4̨͇͎̈2̛̭̳ ̙͍̜̾͋̌4̦̰͗̐͜2̣̬̝́ ̜͕̺͋4̡͇̓̈́͝2̮͂̍.
( Better, worse - no matter. But I have to agree with you on the "watching humans" part. This is what they are for me in the first place - the curious species to watch. )
42 seemed to look at the pigeon more thoroughly. It obviously saw this particular bird before, but during their previous encounter 42 didn't seem to care about that yet. They did part in quite awkward silence after all. Meeting 42 again is quite the luck. Especially when IT is the one approaching.
4̗̓̄̾2̣̟̍ ̥͆̌4̡͖̤̓̈́̃2̨͙̞̒.͚͂̃.̖͉̌̒.̞̰̈́4͕͈̺̒2̪͂̅ ̖͊̑4̢̫͖̈́̽2̠͕̓ ̪̖̅4̢̩̉̀2̡̼̜̑̆̓ ̣̯̉4̤̫͘2̲̺̊ ̻͓̎4̰̱́2̮̳̏ ̹̙̮̑͛4̝̓2̯̕ ̢̹̙̓4̻̂͗͝2̠̞̀̓̇, 4̨͉̄2̟͍̓͛̓ ̫̈4̭̍̋͝2̹̆̑̈́ ͍̻͍͌̈͗4͉̉̕2̆͒̃͜ ̘͚͊4̦̹̦͑̔2̗̃ ̬̽̕ͅ4̝́̈́2͚̹͚̋̏ ̹͖̜͑͝4̛̩͉͠2̤͐ ̞͕̍4͇̞͎̓̍͂2̭̠̂̑ ̰̟̫̃4͔͙̈́2̩̺͚̑ ̯̱̀̄4̜̣͗̀̂ͅ2͎̂ ̝̤̓͂̈́4̦͚̲̅2̞͚͂̆.̡̲̓
( You know...I do not know your watching method, but somehow I can tell we are different in that. )
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 21 hours
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 1 day
4͉̌̑2̻̪́̐ ͍̈́4̫̅2̯̓͒ ̙̎̓4̭̃2̭̃́ ̠́̓4̬͍̀2̨͙̅ ̝̬̌4̙̀2̖̻̀ ̗̪͛4͔̃2͕̓̏ ͍͒4̩̯͋͝2̭̝̓̌ ̹̀4̨̪̿̈́2͚̇. 4̪͐2̺̞̓ ̧̭̒̈́4̯̫͗̎2̜̀̂ ̯̪̾4̯͝2̢̯͝ ̱̫̄4̩̎2͈̱̇ ̯̭̊̑4̛̰̲2͈̺͑ ̢͋̓4͍̪̉̂2̝̼̒ ̨̗̆4̧̹͂2̦̜͗ ̠̎4͓̩̏͌2̢̟͗͑, 4̡̖́2̦̌͌ ̬̯̎4̙͚̏̈́2̧̙̓͌ ̱́4̮̳͛2̠̈́ ͈̏̅4̞̊͐2̖͔͑ ̰̐4͙̌̅͜2̹̭̒. 4̘̏̀2͍̩͊̾ ̹̬̄̓4̘̈2̟͛̏ ͚̒4̖̏2͈̄ ͔̄̽4̧̀̀2̡̜̄͝ ̛̩̟̃4͖͎̾2̛̜̈́. 4̧̼̋2͍̬̋ ̯̕͜4̞͝2̗͂̒͜ ̻̹̀̀4͖̄͝ͅ2̛̼͙͒ ̠̈́4͚͌̌2͍̾͝ ̢̇̕4͔̇2̛͔ ̣͓̔́4̺̅̿2͉̓, 4̰̖̾̈́2̲̖͛ ̥̖̓4̤̥̈́̑2͇̺̋̈́ ̣̤̚͝4͍̼̏2̝͍͆͘ ̨̦̾4̳̤͑2̨͑͝. 4̣͈̄2̩̥̄ ͚͊4͔͉̀2̡̯͘ ͍͕̾4̪͆2͍̾ ͇̈́̚͜4̺̈͛2̢̥́̓ ̭̭́̊, 4̘̝̔̔2̯͛͝ ̝͗̆4͈͠2͓̰̒ ̠̆4͓̭͑2̢̰͛ ̣͠4͈͖̓2͇̽͝ ͚̃4̗͝2̥̹̊ ͇́̓4̪̎̔2̧͔̊̕ ͍̲̋̚4̢͛2͉̕͜ "4̤͘͝2̪̕" 4̡͖̎̑2͚̋́ ̥͋̾4͍̦̓͒2̞̯̒̈ ̢̥̊4̳͖͆̋2͉̊̾ ̢͗͊4̺̈́̈́2̲͔̄͝ ͠ͅ4͚͇̔2̥͎̓.̙͚͌
( Unless you stalk your own kind as well. So whenever you see them do their thing, you can finish the job. And get it relatively fresh. You are free to judge me, if you want to. I know it is low, but I do not care about my "reputation " enough to change my ways. )
I remember an ask about the doppels who just attack people from streets…
Wonder what about the ones which are like “street vultures”, aka the ones who get the scraps from the ones mentioned above or may hunt stray animals?
(I definitely do not hc 42 to be like that) (what a liar)
Oh, it's a viable strategy, but it's a tradeoff. It's not as risky as hunting for humans, but the meat one gets like that is a lot worse. I suspect that there's a lot more street vultures than active hunters, but it's pretty hard to tell.
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42-forty-two-42 · 5 days
I'm going to try doing something like an ask/rp blog in my native community. Tomorrow is the voting which decides if I should pass. Wish me luck.
If I'm successful, I'll be treating y'all with stuff from there from time to time :)
Of course, I'll also be leaving translation under the picture.
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42. Greetings.
42. There's no need to look at me like that, human.
42. I can see in your eyes that you want to learn something from me.
42? And what exactly it is? Do you want to share it?
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42-forty-two-42 · 5 days
As they say, "there's always a bigger fish". But Robertsky is yet to know that the doppelganger wasn't pursuing him to hunt down and feed on his flesh. Although it could. After all, the doppel seemed to be attracted by the scent of flesh and blood. So it was hungry.
It probably wouldn't have been hard for the doppelganger to keep up with Robertsky, but suddenly it stopped at the "leftovers", generated a more "Roman-like" face, kneeled down and started gnawing on it even more viciously than Robertsky did before. But it was periodically looking at the man, like it was hoping he would stop running so it could...talk to him after it's done? Why would a doppelganger want that?
As Robertsky was gnawing on the human head, some figure appeared in the distance. Only a silhouette was recognizable and it looked like...Roman? What would his nextdoor neighbor be doing around here at that time? Unless...it wasn't him...
( me just desperately trying to interact with anything/one as @42-forty-two-42 )
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42-forty-two-42 · 7 days
I've been thinking about some random idea lately...I mentioned that 42 could replace Roman if it wanted to several times. How? I just suddenly imagined that 42 could stalk people it finds curious. Roman? 42's impersonating him, so he's on the list without question. Besides, it's quite convenient to stalk somebody who lives on the first floor of their building. So if 42 becomes curious about you for any reason - get ready to wake up at night feeling like you're being watched.
I mean, red-handed doppels ask your permission to "visit you at night while you sleep", so it might actually become relevant.
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Trifid Nebula
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42-forty-two-42 · 8 days
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4͉͐2͍͐ ̥̏4͇͂2̜͘.͚͂
( Quite understandable. )
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42-forty-two-42 · 8 days
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42 already started passing the lollipop back to @doctor-reflex-is-in , so it took the bag, trying to smell anything in it.
4̫͒2͈͝?͉̊ ̱̀4͎͋2̫̄ ̼̏4̤͐2̗̓ ̀ͅ4̺͗2͇̍ ̦̈́4͈̽2̳́ ͉̑4̡̈́2̨̓ ͎͊4͗͜2̣̏ ͓̊4̘̈́2͈͛.͔͑
( Oh? Now I wonder where you got that. )
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42-forty-two-42 · 8 days
// Y'all look at it!
(but I'm so happy I made this)
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A strange silhouette could be seen in the distance. Unless approached close enough one could mistake it for the some big dog, which seemed to gnaw on some corpse. But dogs do not wear suits or hats, do they? Well, that turns out to be a human...no, a human-like figure. A doppelganger. It seemed to just...let its inner animal feed - it sat on all fours and only used its teeth to tear the pieces of flesh from the body while holding it with its hands, like it wasn't going to just give a piece to anyone disturbing its meal.
Yay, I did illustrate that 42 headcanon of mine!
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42-forty-two-42 · 9 days
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42 did take a lollipop at first, but then it handed it back and said:
4͎̔ͅ2̘͉̺̍̂, 4̬͔̪͛̊̀2̞̭̥͂̃͂̋, 4̙̲͎̹̿̎͘2͙̥̾̏̅ ̧͔̘͇̄4̩̥̟̬͒͌̾2̬̈́͂͋.͚̮͒.̊̈̐̚ͅ.̫̤̦͑̐́̚4̠̊͒̀̅2̩͕͖̺̈̌ ̢̧͓̰͗4̨͚͉̉2̳̼̗̆̏ ̳̬̋̉̋4͙̌͋̍2̛̟̩̺̅̀̚ͅ. 4̟́2́̍̉͊͜ ̣̃͋̆͒4̝̞̘͖̿̐̃2͓̥̃̌ ̛̬͈̫̓͒̕͜4̞̖̖͆2̧͈̝̼͆̈͒̐ ̭̼̳̔̌4̦̲̭̦̓̏2̟̣̼̀̽͆ ̟̺̪̄̉͝4̛͉͔͕͜2̨̺̳̃̾́.̲̩̋͊̊
( Well, thanks, but I...am literally carnivorous. So keep it to yourself. )
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42-forty-two-42 · 9 days
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42 put its arms behind the back.
4͉͒͜2̨̫̋̎ ̨̤̈́"͔͆̂4̥̟̇2̢̯̐"̘͑ ̙͝4͈̑͜2̗̫͌̓ ͕͙͆4̗̽̾2̮̈́ ̣͌4̱̎̅2̗̈́ ͈̅̏4̢̊2͖̀ ͍͗̊4͍̓ͅ2͔̓.
( As "healthy" as my kind can be. )
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42-forty-two-42 · 9 days
”You want your reflexes tested?”
Quite an unexpected person for 42 to meet - some doctor, which didn't seem to be from the D.D.D. ...Or anywhere around. "You want your reflexes tested?" - he asked.
4̮͌2̲̅ ̪͑4̦̔2̗̿ ̗̄4̻͠2̺̊ ͙̊4̛̘2͎͛ ͙͑4̤̋2̩̉ ̟̽4̮̈2̯͝.̯͑
( I guess I could use that. )
"Hit the circle!" - the doctor instructed.
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42 made a quick slash, snarling. But the slash turned out to be precise - nothing except the circle was harmed.
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4̬̊2͓̒, 4͈̑2̙̾ ̳̾4͔͝2̤͂ ̡͊4̳̈́2͍̀ ̘̎4͎̃2͚̃ ͇̿4̗̍2͓̅. 4̜̃2̣̉ ̮̓4͉͑2̜͛ ̬͗4̝̅2̧̅ ̘͝4͕͝2̻͐.͕̌
( Huh, I think I did good. Still quick and precise. )
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42-forty-two-42 · 10 days
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42 kept looking at the man, growling.
4̢͈͖̭͖̫͊͌͌͑́̒̍̈́͝͝2̢̗̰͈͍̫̼͂̒̓̆͋͌̍̑̑ͅͅ ̢̛͈̜̯̪̺̐̇̾͌͝4̢̢̛͔̬̗̙̯͚̀͑̈̇͆̽̑2̧̢̺̤̣̠͕̜̯̗̃̈̾̽̄͂̇͛?̢̨̭̼͚̠͑͌̓͊͊̓͜͝
( Are you? )
Obviously, 42 didn't believe it entirely, but it still hasn't attacked yet, so it must be a good sign.
// @doctor-reflex-is-in , I'm super-sorry for taking that long! Will also try to work on your other ask today.
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42-forty-two-42 · 10 days
4͚̉2͚̌ "4͉̈2̲̿", 4̠̆2͓̃ 4̱̃2̝̀ ̬͠4̧̈2̳̾- ͎̂
..4̠̂2̻͐-͇͠2̞̓-̈́͜2̳̕, 4̣̇2̲̅ ̨͋4̬́2̰̈́ ̲͆4̙̄2̛̪ ̣̚4̣́2͎̎ ̪̋4̖̏2̬͠ ̟̾4͎̔2͇̍?̖͗
( By “everyone”, do you meat- )
( ..uhhh, MEAN the likes of me too? )
Greetings, Robertsky! You're finally here!
"Ey yup I'm here finally
Sorry for takin so long
I was mulling about joinin... an I think I'm ready to join... This Ask blog thing"
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'i hope it goes smoothly"
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