6u66l39um · 4 months
one muse gives the other oral while they drive. 
driver uses one hand to finger the other while on a long road trip.
muses join mile high club in an airplane restroom.
in an airplane one muse has to be quiet while the other muse plays with them in their seats.
muses tease each other in the back of a taxi cab on the way home. 
while driving home after a date,  they get too impatient and pull into a parking lot to have sex. 
while driving in the middle of a forest,  our muses pull onto the side of the road for sex. 
our muses are on a road trip but a thick fog forces them to take a break.  they have sex inside the car while waiting for it to clear. 
while at the drive in theater,  muses participate in foreplay. 
while at the drive in theater,  muses forego watching the movie to have sex. 
revenge sex in someone else’s car. 
sex in someone else’s car due to impatience and carelessness. 
a quickie while parallel parked on a busy road. 
in an empty train car while freighthopping. 
in a crowded bus,  one muse sitting in the others lap purposefully and subtly grinding to get them worked up. 
in a private jet,  on the way to a business trip. 
in a private jet,  on the way to a vacation spot. 
one muse masturbates while the other drives. 
driver instructs the passenger to touch themselves through guided masturbation. 
while one muse drives,  they describe what they want to do to the passenger who isn’t allowed to touch themselves. 
sensual sex in a secluded meadow during a picnic. 
one muse holding the other up against a tree. 
in a cabin in the middle of a rainstorm late at night. 
in a cabin in the middle of a heavy snowstorm during the day. 
in the bed of a truck in front of hiking trails. 
in the bed of a truck while stargazing. 
a plateau overlooking the ocean on a cloudy day. 
one muse has been napping in a hammock and the other wakes them by beginning to finger them. 
muses get distracted from sunbathing and start to fool around by a poolside or lake. 
inside a gazebo while it rains. 
a little ways off from a hiking trail,  hidden by thick foliage. 
mutual masturbation while camping in a tent. 
beneath the shade of trees in the middle of an orchard. 
between rows in a vineyard. 
hidden away in the dead end of a hedge maze. 
in a bar or restaurant,  one muse sneaks under table to eat out the other. 
in a bar or restaurant,  muses discuss in detail what they’re going to do to each other once they get home. 
inside the stall of restroom in a bar. 
inside a single bathroom of a place of service (restaurant,  store,  club etc.)
in a hotel room,  up against the window overlooking a busy city.
a quickie in a diner restroom before getting back on the road. 
up on a rooftop where no one is supposed to be. 
inside one muses’s office. 
inside a third party’s office they shouldn’t have access to. 
inside an empty church on a weekday. 
one muse fondling the other while they’re trying to shop. 
foreplay and teasing in the dressing room of a store. 
oral performed while hidden in a storage room or closet. 
inside an abandoned house. 
hushed sex while staying in the guest room of another’s home. 
in the middle of a park late at night. 
on the floor,  in front of the fireplace to warm up after coming inside from winter storm. 
one muse on the bathroom counter while the other stands. 
in front of the bathroom mirror so they can watch themselves. 
to break in a new house or apartment,  boxes scattered about and furniture newly placed. 
bent over a table while something bakes in the oven. 
on the kitchen counter with half-eaten plates of breakfast forgotten. 
one muse spread out across the top of a grand piano,  pretty woman style. 
rushed and desperate,  messy on the couch because they were too impatient to even make it to the bedroom. 
one muse riding the other while the tv plays in the background,  movie forgotten entirely. 
on the balcony in early morning,  where neighbors might see,  but no one will likely look. 
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6u66l39um · 4 months
send 👀 to catch my muse skinny dipping
send 👀 + reverse and my muse will catch yours skinny dipping
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6u66l39um · 4 months
let’s cuddle rp prompts
send in one of the prompts below for my muse’s response. it’s a mixture of platonic, shippy, and smutty. you may specify intentions if you’d like. please add ‘reverse’ at any time to reverse the roles.
( little spoon ) both muses are cuddling and the receiver ends up being the little spoon
( big spoon ) both muses are cuddling and the receiver ends up being the big spoon
( chest ) sender pulls the receiver into their chest for a hug / cuddle
( crawl ) sender crawls into the receiver’s chest for a hug / cuddle
( behind you ) sender hugs the receiver from behind
( side hug ) sender hugs the receiver from the side
( pillow ) sender lays their head on receiver’s chest
( tears ) sender is crying and ends up being held by the receiver for comfort
( hurt ) sender is hurt and is being comforted by the receiver for comfort
( kiss ) muses are cuddling and begin kissing
( doing it ) muses are cuddling and begin initiating sex
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6u66l39um · 4 months
protective action prompts.
protective prompts, but make them actions!
[ FIGHT ] : sender physically fights off receiver's attacker.
[ TACKLE ] : sender tackles receiver out of harm's way.
[ PUSH ] : sensing danger, sender pushes receive behind them, sender becoming a human shield in the process.
[ WARN ] : sender, seeing incoming danger, shouts a frantic warning to receiver.
[ PULL ] : sender pulls receiver into a relieved embrace following a nearly-lethal fight.
[ INTERCEPT ] : sender takes a bullet/punch/attack meant for the receiver.
[ CHECK ] : sender worriedly checks the receiver for injuries after a potentially dangerous situation.
[ STEER ] : sender, sensing a dangerous situation simmering, guides the receiver to safety.
[ RECKLESS ] : sender yells at receiver after receiver endangers themselves unnecessarily.
[ CATCH ] : sender catches receiver as they're falling or collapsing.
[ KILL ] : sender kills receiver's attacker.
[ INCAPACITATE ] : sender knocks out receiver's attacker.
[ READY ] : sender prepares to fight for receiver.
[ DECEIVE ] : sender tells a lie in order to protect the receiver. (the lie can be directed to a potential enemy (e.g. "they went that way" "i'll take them") or to the receiver themselves.
[ HIDE ] : sender shoves receiver out of sight in order to hide them and keep them safe.
[ BANDAGE ] : sender tends to receiver's wounds.
[ WATCH ] : sender watches receiver after a potentially upsetting moment to make sure they're okay.
[ TOUCH ] : sender rests a worried hand on the receiver.
[ DEFEND ] : sender verbally defends and protects receiver from an enemy. (i.e. "if you want them, you'll have to go through me.")
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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6u66l39um · 4 months
[ TRUST ]  sender gently telling the receiver “just let go” as they get them to finish.  
[ TRUSTED ]  receiver gently telling sender “just let go” as they get them to finish. 
[ GRATIFY ]  sender asking “is that better?” after finally penetrating receiver after teasing them. 
[ GRATIFYING ]  receiver asking “is that better?” after finally penetrating sender after teasing them. 
[ CONTROL ]  sender stops stimulating receiver and tells them they have to be still if they want to continue. 
[ CONTROLLED ]  receiver stops stimulating sender and tells them the have to be still if they want to continue.  
[ GAZE ]  sender taking receiver’s jaw and saying “look at me” during sex or foreplay.
[ GAZING ]  receiver taking sender’s jaw and saying “look at me” during sex or foreplay.
[ HOLD ]  sender holding receiver close during an especially intense moment and whispering “i’ve got you.” 
[ HELD ]  receiver holding sender close during an especially intense moment and whispering “i’ve got you” 
[ CLOSE ]  sender wrapping their arms around receiver who is on top after they’ve finished,  holding them close against their chest with their face hidden in their neck while they recover. 
[ CLOSER ]  receiver wrapping their arms around sender who is on top after they’ve finished,  holding them close against their chest with their face hidden in their neck while they recover. 
[ JOY ]  sender getting louder than usual which makes receiver start laughing affectionately,  taking the opportunity to check in. 
[ JOYFUL ]  receiver getting louder than usual which makes sender start laughing affectionately,  taking the opportunity to check in. 
[ TIMID ]  the submissive partner getting self conscious and covering their face,  laughing softly at the intensity.   
[ COAX ]  the dominant partner gently moving the shy or overwhelmed submissive’s hands from covering their face so they can kiss them,  breathing praises against their skin. 
[ ADORE ]  sender whispering “you’re perfect” to receiver after undressing them. 
[ ADORED ]  receiver whispering “you’re perfect” to sender after undressing them. 
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6u66l39um · 4 months
☠ ― 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑆𝑦𝑚𝑏𝑜𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠. (𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑢𝑛, 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒(𝑠).)
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💤 - How does your muse sleep? Are they a light sleeper, or are they out the moment their head hits the pillow? Do they nap? Do they struggle to sleep due to things like insomnia, or nightmares?
❤️ - How did your muse come to realize their romantic and sexual orientations? Was it difficult to accept? Are they proud of who they are?
🧸 - Does your muse own any sentimental objects from their past? What makes it/them so special?
🛍 - Does your muse like to go shopping? What do they usually shop for? What kind of stores do they frequent?
🍔 - What kind of food does your muse usually eat? Do they have a favorite food, or favorite style of food? Do they have allergies? Are they vegan, vegetarian, etc.?
🍺 - How does your muse feel about the consumption of alcohol? Do they drink? Are they a heavy drinker, or are they on the lighter side? What's your muse's favorite alcoholic drink?
🎩 - What would your muse wear to a formal event? Do they dress more modestly, or do they go all out?
👠 - What kind of shoes does your muse usually wear? What is most comfortable for them in regards to footwear? Can your muse walk in high heels?
🎸 - Can your muse play any instruments? Do they play them often, or rarely? How actually skilled are they at playing them?
🎤 - Can your muse sing well? Do they sing often? If they were to stand up in front of a crowd, would they be able to sing in front of all of those people?
🗺️ - How often does your muse travel? Do they like to travel? Would they prefer to travel alone, or with friends? Where have they been? What was their favorite trip?
😖 - Does your muse have any embarrassing moments that they still think about? Do they laugh at them, or do they haunt them?
⛄️ - What would be your muse's ideal weather conditions? Do they prefer being hot or cold? What's their favorite season?
💘 - What is your muse like when they're in love? What does your muse find attractive in someone else? What are their love languages? How do they show affection? Do they show any distinct signs that they're in love?
🍡 - Can your muse cook? Can they bake? How well can they do either? Do they have any kitchen disaster stories?
⚾️ - Does your muse enjoy sports? Do they play any, or do they simply prefer to watch? Do they have a favorite sport?
🤸‍♀️ - How active is your muse? Do they exercise regularly? Do they do things like yoga? What else do they do to keep fit and active? Are they flexible? Can they do parkour?
👻 - How does your muse handle feeling scared? Do they enjoy horror? Do they believe in the paranormal? What calms your muse down? Do they have any scary stories?
🦵 - Does your muse have any physical ailments? How do they live with them?
🧠 - Does your muse have any mental ailments? How do they live with them?
🎶 - What kind of music does your muse listen to? Do they have a favorite genre? Do you think the aux cord would be taken away from them?
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6u66l39um · 4 months
send me   ‘ 😏 ’   and my muse will honestly answer the following q’s: 
How physically attracted they are to your muse
How romantically attracted they are to your muse
How often they would like to have sex with yours. 
Where they would most likely have sex with yours 
Whether they think yours would be  “good”  in bed 
What titles / nicknames my muse would like to call yours during sex
Up to 3 kinks they would like to explore with yours  ( with consent of course )
What sort of sex they’d prefer to have with yours  ( slow & sensual, quickie, etc. )
What type of relationship my muse would like to form with yours. ( typical couple, friends with benefits, etc. )
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6u66l39um · 4 months
❝  you need someone.  let me be that person.  let me be what you need.  ❞
❝  look,  i dunno if i’m the kind of person you need or even want right now.  but i’m looking around and i’m the only one who’s here.  ❞
❝  i never realized how much i needed you until you were the one person who wasn’t there.  ❞
❝  you asked me once,  if i would ever take a chance on us…maybe that ship sailed.  but.  ask me again?  sometime— doesn’t have to be today.  maybe tomorrow just.  ask me again.  ❞
❝  i know i can’t protect you from everything,  but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control.  ❞
❝  i used to have so much faith.  maybe not in deities or something but,  in the world.  the universe.  i believed their was a purpose to it all.  i’m not sure when i lost that.  ❞
❝  have you ever had something…missing?  like something just doesn’t feel right inside you but you don’t know what it is.  ❞
❝  sometimes,  i just need the world to be beautiful.  i know how dark and ugly it can be but i just want to see something good and focus only on it for a few minutes.  ❞
❝  i was sort’ve hoping you needed me.  is that selfish?  ❞
❝  people need someone to see them for what they are and not just see it but accept it.  i want to be that person for anyone i can…but it can be so suffocating to be that person and also remain unseen.  ❞
❝  sometimes i feel i’m being crushed under the weight of everything i’ll never be.  ❞
❝  you’re looking at me but you’re not seeing me.  do you know how that feels?  just see me.  please.  ❞
❝  i want to deserve you.  i’m trying to deserve you.  ❞
❝  i know i fucked up.  i know i did but don’t shut me out anymore.  let me in.  please let in.  ❞
❝  every time you smile at me,  i memorize it.  i remember each moment that i get to be the one to bring out that light inside you.  no matter what happens between us,  that’s what i’ll remember.   ❞
❝  i can’t help but think there’s got to be something out there for me,  somewhere.  just some place where i actually feel like i belong.  ❞ 
❝  the world is so big.  why do i never feel like i fit into it?  ❞
❝  when i’m with you i feel like myself.  i feel like every side of me is present and accepted.  and i feel good about it—  i feel good about who i am when i’m with you.  ❞
❝  do you like me?  i know you love me.  i know you care about me but.  do you like who i am?  ❞
❝  i want to look in the mirror one day and not feel uncomfortable with my own reflection.  ❞
❝  just take my hand and close your eyes.  pretend we’re anywhere else but here.  ❞
❝  so,  what would you be?  if you had to power to change all the things making you unhappy,  what would your life look like?  ❞
❝  do you even know what it does to me?  every time i see you cry,  any time you’re hurt even the smallest bit it just— do you realize how deeply you’ve imbedded yourself into my heart?  ❞
❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the most important piece of me.  ❞
❝  every time you walk away you take another piece of me with you.  ❞
❝  i’m only really living in the moments when we’re together.  the rest is just existing until you look at me again.  ❞
❝  it feels like there’s a string around my heart and it’s connected to you.  everywhere you go you’re just tugging me behind,  pulling me towards you.  ❞
❝  you’ve got me in the palm of your hands.  you could crush me and i would still thank you for touching me at all.  ❞
❝  i no longer know where i end and you begin.  you’ve wound yourself around my soul so tightly,  you’re all i feel anymore.  ❞
❝  you’ve stolen my heart,  the least you could do is tell me what you intend to do with it.  ❞
❝  i don’t have perfect words.  i’m not the kind of person who knows how to sound poetic and shit.  so all i know what to tell you is that i belong to you.  i don’t know if you want me.  but i’m yours.  and at this point however it is you need me,  i’m here.  ❞
❝  you’re the only thing that matters anymore.  i can’t eat,  i can’t sleep—  all the goddamn cliches from every stupid movie and song.  you’re all i think about.  i’m useless except when i’m yours.  ❞
❝  i haven’t stopped thinking about the way you laugh.  i’m hoping i’ll get to hear it again.  ❞
❝  when your eyes are on me,  i feel like something worth seeing.  ❞
❝  just let me look at you for a little bit.  ❞
❝  i would do anything for you.  all my lines and rules.  they mean nothing when it comes to you.  it’d cross and break them all just to make you happy.  ❞
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6u66l39um · 4 months
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : a little assortment of angsty and hurt/comfort action prompts for rp purposes. remember to tag your blood, death etc. add +reverse to swap the roles.
[ 𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 ] : as sender is about to leave, receiver embraces them. [ 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 ] : as sender is about to leave, receiver grabs them by the wrist. [ 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 ] : receiver pleads sender to not go. [ 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 ] : sender kisses receiver before leaving far away. [ 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 ] : receiver kisses sender who won't be back for a long time. [ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 ] : sender has rejected receiver's romantic feelings. [ 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 ] : receiver rejects sender's romantic feelings. [ 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 ] : sender and receiver agree to not give in to love. [ 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 ] : receiver expresses frustration regarding sender's actions. [ 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ] : sender tells receiver they don't love them anymore. [ 𝐥𝐢𝐞 ] : receiver is trying to convince sender they're feeling fine. [ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐯𝐞 ] : sender shoves receiver away from them. [ 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 ] : receiver comforts crying sender. [ 𝐫𝐮𝐧 ] : in a dangerous setting, sender tells receiver to run to safety. [ 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐞 ] : receiver catches sender as their feet give in. [ 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 ] : sender carries injured receiver to safety. [ 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 ] : receiver is taking care of sick sender. [ 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ] : receiver tends to sender's wounds. [ 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 ] : sender and receiver are attending to a funeral. [ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 ] : receiver is missing the deceased sender.
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6u66l39um · 4 months
╰┈➤ ACTION PROMPTS : Loving Actions (SFW) a set of action prompts, varying from platonic to romantic ! an assortment from simple ones, to more niche or specific ones that i happen to like. prompts become more descriptive as the list goes on. all sfw, and please keep them that way ! these are meant to be fluffy and sweet ! please do not add to or edit this list ! * add “+ reverse” to swap the roles for any prompt !
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[ BLANKET ] — sender drapes a blanket over receiver’s shoulders
[ MEAL ] — sender places a warm-cooked meal in front of sender
[ TAKEOUT ] — sender arrives at receiver’s home, bearing takeout from receiver’s favourite place
[ HOODIE ] — sender lends receiver a hoodie that may or may not be oversized for them
[ HOLD ] — noticing that receiver is nervous or scared, sender offers out their hand for receiver to hold
[ LULLABY ] — sender hums or sings a lullaby to receiver, to calm them down or provide them comfort
[ ADJUST ] — sender fixes an article of receiver’s clothing, but does not stop there. they fix receiver’s hair, turn them around to check their outfit, etc, all to make sure that receiver looks their best
[ DANCE ] — sender pulls receiver into a dance, but not on a dance floor ; in the midst of somewhere unconventional ( such as a kitchen or balcony ) , for a quiet, private dance, that may be more of gentle swaying than proper dancing
[ SONG ] — cradling receiver close, sender tucks their head near receiver’s neck and begins to quietly sing or hum a tune. a song, just for receiver, quiet and special and close enough to be felt against receiver’s neck.
[ PREJUDICE ] — sender, after touching & guiding receiver’s hand to assist them in doing something ( such as stepping up onto a higher platform or guiding them somewhere ) , releases receiver’s hand … but their own hand hesitates before retracting, sender still able to feel the sensation of receiver’s hand against theirs.
• HUGS •
[ REFUSE ] — sender, already embracing receiver, refuses to let go when receiver tries to move or move away
[ TACKLE ] — sender tackles receiver in a hug, possibly knocking receiver to the ground in the process
[ TIGHT ] — sender tightly hugs receiver in a strong embrace
[ SOFA ] — sender sits on the sofa that receiver has already been sitting on, snuggling up next to receiver and wrapping their arms around them in a comfortable hug
[ BEHIND ] — sender sneakily approaches receiver from behind and wraps their arms around receiver’s waist in a hug
[ CALMING ] — after finding receiver full of worries or fear, sender wraps them in a tight hug, reassuring receiver that they are there and helping to ground receiver
[ MISS ] — before receiver can leave, perhaps on a long travel or dangerous journey, sender rushes up behind them and hugs them, having one last big hug
[ SPIN ] — excited to see receiver, perhaps after a long period of time, sender rushes into an embrace, going so far as to lift receiver off of the ground and spin them around
[ SIDE ] — sender, standing next to receiver, takes another step to the side to close the distance, then wraps an arm around receiver in a side-hug
[ HAIR ] — while embracing receiver, sender begins stroking and running their fingers through receiver’s hair as a calming gesture
[ CHEEK ] — sender kisses receiver’s cheek to wish them good luck before an event / a performance / etc
[ UP ] — sender, shorter than receiver, stands up on their tippy toes to kiss receiver’s cheek
[ DOWN ] — sender, taller than receiver, leans down to kiss the top of receiver’s head
[ EXCITEMENT ] — sender spontaneously kisses receiver, full of excitement after an event or receiving news
[ SPINNING ] — sender lifts receiver into a spin, kissing them gently and chastely as they set receiver back down onto solid ground
[ FOREHEAD ] — sender gently kisses receiver’s forehead, their lips lingering against receiver’s skin in a tender moment
[ PEPPER ] — sender peppers receiver’s face with butterfly kisses, across their cheeks and over their face, smiling all the while with intermittent laughs
[ SHOULDER ] — hugging receiver from behind, sender kisses the back of receiver’s shoulder, lingering with their face pressed against receiver’s back
[ PALM ] — idly playing with receiver’s hand while receiver does another task ( writing, reading, etc ) , sender then sneakily kisses receiver’s palm
[ ASK ] — in the midst of a tender moment, the two of them already close together and within distance to be kissed, sender quietly asks if they may kiss receiver
[ REQUEST ] — sender, near receiver, watches the person they love, full of adoration ( perhaps with a love they do not yet know is requited ) . quietly, perhaps nervous or timid, sender asks if they may kiss receiver.
[ SECRET ] — sender and receiver, as forbidden lovers, share their last few moments before being pulled back into their lives. sender, catching receiver before they leave, gives them one last kiss as a goodbye, and a promise that they will meet again soon.
[ DISTRACT ] — sender surprises receiver with a kiss, intending to distract them from their current task, perhaps work they have been doing overtime or a project they have been focusing on for a long time. sender intends to create a distraction to tear receiver away from their work/project, or perhaps to bring some levity and lightness to interrupt receiver’s work
[ BALLROOM ] — in the middle of a dance, perhaps a large ballroom, sender’s and receiver’s eyes meet in the midst of their partnered dance. sender, perhaps without thinking, leans forward and kisses receiver
[ KNUCKLES ] — sender, after guiding receiver’s hand ( such as to assist them in stepping up onto a higher platform, or to lead them somewhere ) , goes to release receiver’s hand … but not without pressing a chaste kiss to their knuckles, soft and lingering
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Cinema Sins — Horror Movie Edition   {Sentence Starters}
“Murder requires foreplay.”
“Aliens are dicks to cornfields.”
“Oh, I’M the one that’s stupid…”
“Oh, yeah, sure… NOW it’s scary.”
“Are there no lights in this house?”
“But, here it is… a sexy demon butt.”
“In this case, being right is not a good thing.”
“Children’s toys are irresistible to evil spirits.”
“Actually, do yourself a favor and don’t imagine that.”
“It seems like it would be easier to just skip this part.”
“Honestly, why haven’t you already solved this case?”
“Does being psychic involve Dr. Doolittle like powers?”
“That will make you look like even more of an asshole.”
“Uh oh, looks like he’s bringing a knife to a ghost fight.”
“It really, really doesn’t. It makes the opposite of sense.”
“I haven’t seen trees this menacing since The Happening.”
“Feel free to scream and yell and beg for help at any time.”
“It’s a beautiful night to come out and be creepy for no reason.”
“This situation isn’t scary unless you see a door close by itself.”
“Damn, calling the cops here is like trying to call your cable company.”
“Hey, you’ve got to make the thankless job of killing fun from time to time.”
“I’m going to let you go for… some reason. If anyone asks, good behavior.”
“Now, I’m not gonna lie, if I saw this in real life, it would freak me the fuck out.”
“This is exactly like the pile of letters my college girlfriend wrote me. Only less on fire.”
“Relationships where this question needs to be asked are likely not bound to last long-term.”
“I hear if you take the sheet off a potential demon really slow, it loses it’s power to hurt you.”
“How old is that lock? I’m pretty sure that’s the key Ben Franklin used to discover electricity.”
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Doctor Who — The Woman Who Lived  {Sentence Starters}
“Spare me your pity, I’m fine.”
“This is what you made of me.“
“How’d you know I had a ship?“
“This is banter. I’m against banter.“
“How many people have you killed?”
“Now is not the time to be showing off.“
“Proud of me? You weren’t even there.“
“It isn’t right for you to be on your own!“
“Kill him and you make an enemy of me.“
“What else would you take from me, sir?“
“I had no idea how much you’d suffered.“
“Step aside or I shall blow your brains out.“
“Just let me shoot them and be done with it!“
“I don’t need to be indestructible, I’m superb.“
“Yes, I was. You didn’t see me, but I saw you.“
“See, you do have a heart. You don’t fool me.“
“For what it’s worth, I’ve saved many lives too.”
“But I do. Oh, God, I do. I actually do. I… I care.”
“My own companion. Singular. Unattached. Alone.”
“You didn’t save my life… You trapped me inside it.“
“You’re still not going to take me with you, are you?”
“At least I show my face. What’s wrong with yours?“
“You’re immortal, not indestructible. You can be hurt.”
“When things get really bad, I tear the memories out.“
“They would have died anyway. Human life is fleeting.“
“It can’t have been easy, outliving the people you love.“
“I am flesh and blood, my love, but all you see is a ghost.“
“This is no way to live your life, de-sensitized to the world.“
“And you will step away, if you wish to take another breath.“
“You’re going to get us all killed, if you don’t shut your mouth.“
“I am forced to assume you have plans I wouldn’t approve of.“
“Just ignore me, I’m just passing through, like fish in the night.“
“No. I just want you to attack first. Then my conscience is clear.“
“Oh, don’t mind me, don’t mind me. I’m only going to be a minute.“
“Sorry, I really was planning to listen that time but, basically, I didn’t.“
“I live in the world you leave behind, because you abandoned me to it.”
“Yes, I didn’t get that impression when you were threatening to kill me.“
“No. I think I want to stick around, and keep an eye on you for a while.“
“Fortunately, I’m really good at holding my breath. Ungrateful peasants.“
“All these people here, they’re like smoke, they blow away in a moment.“
“Enemies are never a problem. It’s your friends you have to watch out for.“
“While you’re busy protecting this world, I’ll get busy protecting it from you.“
“Sorry, were you talking to me there? Try again. I promise I’ll listen this time.“
“It broke my heart when the questions started and I knew I had to leave him.“
“Of course, you don’t forget the man who saved your life. It’s good to see you.”
“All the other names I chose died with whoever knew me. Me is who I am now.“
“I saved your life. I didn’t know that your heart would rust because I kept it beating.”
“I’ve had eight hundred years of adventure, enough to fill a library if you write it down.”
“But, I remember the person you used to be. She’s still in there. I can help you find her.“
“I have waited longer than I should ever have lived. I have lost more than I can even remember.“
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Send me ▧ for our muses to be trapped in a broken elevator together
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6u66l39um · 4 months
send me a prompt for one muse to find the other in the following situation:
feel free to specify which muse is in which role
( fury ) : incredibly angry
( hostage ) : held captive for ransom 
( frozen ) : suffering from hypothermia 
( tears ) : sobbing openly, unable to stop
( haunted ) : trapped in a haunted house
( fall ) : having fallen off a cliff or tall tower 
( hungry ) : half starved and malnourished
( splash ) : having fallen into a body of water 
( ends ) : having just broken off a relationship
( defend ) : unconscious as the result of a fight
( rest ) : trying to sleep, but unable to fall asleep
( fear ) : having just woken up from a night terror
( ER ) : in the hospital after an injury of some kind
( tall ) : stuck somewhere too tall for them to get down 
( feverish ) : suffering from a high fever and severely ill
( soak ) : shivering and drenched to the bone in a rainstorm 
( shipwreck ) :  unconscious / injured, washed up on a beach
 ( student ) : getting extremely frustrated while learning new skill
( exhausted ) : too tired to stay standing, too stubborn to lie down
( lost ) : wandering in the middle of nowhere, with no idea where they are 
( party pooper ) : alone, surrounded by party decor after no one else showed up
( magic ) : injured as result of a spell. either enemy’s or their own malfunctioning 
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Muse thoughts meme
🐺 - Does your muse consider themselves a lone wolf? Why?
🦉- Is your muse a night owl or an early bird?
🐣 - Does your muse still consider themselves young?
🦋 - What does your muse think is the biggest turning point in their life?
🦁 - Does your muse think themselves lionhearted? Are they right?
🐌 - Is your muse an ‘old soul’? Why?
🐜 - Does your muse think they are doing right for the greater many?
🐍 - What reputation does your muse think they have? Are they right?
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6u66l39um · 4 months
Lack of Sleep Starters!
pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit.
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Look at you! You're spilling coffee.
You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.
Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
It's 4am. You need sleep.
You're safe here. You can rest now.
I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to... the tiredness.
Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.
I'll carry you to bed if I have to.
Do I need to baby you?
Huh? What? I'm awake, I swear!
You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
I made a nest for you. You can sleep in that, if you want.
Can I get an extra pillow / blanket?
Want me to tuck you in, too?
I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved.
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