7ove-2-7ove-u · 3 months
The joke is that it’s been months since they’ve seen each other but Jensen hasn’t even noticed because he doesn’t care.
Emphasis on joke. It’s a bit that plays perfectly into Misha’s self deprecating nature. Anyone taking it seriously just doesn’t understand their humor, although of course will say we’re the delusional ones and they’re telling the truth
I agree. It is obvious when you watch the video that Jensen reaction makes it clear that Misha is joking and lies about not seeing each other so long.
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 3 months
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them <3 @bloodydeanwinchester
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 3 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 4 months
TW! Mild implied non-con under the cut!
Keep reading
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 5 months
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...nice face
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 6 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 6 months
enjoy a slowed video of jensen's eyes going soft when he looks at misha
edit: beware. i forgot to turn the sound off, and you don't want to hear what ended up being posted. listen at your own risk.
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 6 months
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Is it me or does it look like Misha going in for a Kissy Kissy wink wink 😜
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 6 months
enjoy a slowed video of jensen's eyes going soft when he looks at misha
edit: beware. i forgot to turn the sound off, and you don't want to hear what ended up being posted. listen at your own risk.
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 6 months
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( Source )
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 7 months
Thoughts on the official translation of 405?
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Yeah, thoughts abound.
1. Is the official translation of the final line in chapter 405 accurate? No.
2. Regardless, some people think it's inaccurate in really blatant ways that it actually is not. For example, some people think the official translation is changing some explicitly used pronouns around. If there's EVER anything about Japanese that isn't completely clear, it's what the pronouns should be--because the vast majority of them are implied.
3. Re: the "yeah yeah" line, I can conceive of a delivery of the line that does not sound disrespectful. That doesn't mean that's how the translator meant it, and this translator does have a habit of translating Katsuki's rude language with a certain *VIBE* that I don't always agree with--but that doesn't change the fact that Katsuki does speak very rudely and the translator clearly tries to capture that in the way they seem to think is best.
4. It's quite a leap to claim that this official translation is inaccurate due to deliberate malice, which I see a lot of people doing. From what I can tell, the translator just didn't realize the final line is a callback to chapter 322. Without that context, yeah, I can see how it'd be difficult to fully understand what's being said there, because enough of the words are vague or implied that it'd be confusing what Katsuki's talking about without that realization. Katsuki doesn't say "I (ore)" in the line, he says "kocchi (this/here)," which depending on the context can mean "I, we, us over here on this side (of the line, of the argument)." He also doesn't say "Izuku/Deku/that nerd" specifically, he says "aitsu (that guy over there)" with the kanji reading as "One For All." Without the context of chapter 322, it could easily read like "we'll wipe the floor with you where those One For All guys couldn't."
5. Building off #4, we need to be a little more self-aware as fans. When you are a big fan of something, you're gonna be more likely to remember specific lines and notice callbacks and be keyed into the little details. First of all, not everyone is capable of that, especially with respect to a long 405-chapter-and-counting manga. This line is referencing something that the translator hasn't necessarily seen in over two years. Should the translator have to comb back through the entire manga every week just to be safe? Is that really feasible? Of course I'd love for the official translation to be as accurate as possible, but when you're translating something on a weekly basis that isn't even finished yet, it's just a fact that there will be times you miss things. You don't always have the luxury of time to go back and check for things you've missed that need to be tied together. I've messed up lines in my translations before too. Please keep in mind this is the translator's JOB, not necessarily their PASSION. They're likely translating multiple projects at the same time for a meager paycheck. They've got a lot of stuff to remember from various projects at the same time, and they're gonna miss stuff on occasion. Did the translator "not care" in this case? I think it's far more likely the translator cares enough, but if they're not in the fandom they're not gonna care more than the fans nor should we expect them to.
The proper response is not to ATTACK THE TRANSLATOR'S LIVELIHOOD like I see MANY people doing, holy crap.
Translating is often a thankless job. No one writes Viz telling them how good of a job the translator is doing when they get 99% of the translations right. The most obsessive fans often jump on mistakes as if those mistakes are personal attacks. But we're complaining about 1 or 2 lines out of the whole chapter. The rest was pretty good. That's the case for most chapters. It's hard to justify claiming malice when the translator far more often than not gets it right. But goodness, attacking the translator is not going to endear you to anyone who matters. If the translation is something you truly care about and you want to foster nontoxic fandom spaces and have good relationships between the fandom and the producers, a more proper response would be something like:
"Hey Viz, I think the translator missed this key bit of context which could have helped him with this line's translation. I love Horikoshi's work and want the best for it, and I think the translator cares about doing a good job. Would you please let the translator know about this and have him look into it for the official print tankoban release in English?"
The more you alienate and dogpile the translator, the less they're gonna care about doing a good job.
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
the header!!!! https://www.creationent.com/cal/ce_bur/index.htm
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7ove-2-7ove-u · 8 months
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feels good feels organic
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