“I’m handling it just fine. If anything, if I slip up they’ll just think I’m one of them or some shit, they’re zombies. Real original name calling by the way, haven’t heard that one a hundred times before. Nice try, sweetheart.” The gambler could blatantly tell she was just trying to get back at him with those sad excuses for insults. Absolutely adorable. It still irked him to be called old, especially when Coach had nearly a decade on him, but if she wanted a reaction she would have to try harder than that.
“It starts drizzling and they scatter like rats? Wow, you must have really lucked out with them, amazing teamwork there.” He should feel sympathetic for her landing herself with such idiots, but them’s the brakes sometimes and it doesn’t involve him, so sucks to be her. It made him glad that he had the team he did, even if he rarely told them as much. They’ve been through hell and back and stuck together the whole way, regular ol’ Horsemen of the Apocalypse as Ellis puts it. They were, unfortunately, getting good at this. Which led to Nick glancing down the hallways, his fingers idly rolling over his rings, feeling off-put by the lack of the near-constant growls he’s been accustomed to. He wasn’t anxious, just... antsy. Yeah, antsy.
“Still, could've picked a better hide-out. Hey, there’s a shoe store down the road if you wanted.” Nick snarked, sticking true to his woman-hating persona, but beneath the joke was an actual recommendation. It’s where he got his new worker’s boots after all, the dress shoes from before not exactly made for a zombie apocalypse. Now if they just could find a men’s clothing store...
“There’s plenty of hand guns in here, plus some heavy duty gear hidden away for riots, I think you’ll find something.” Why the fuck was he helping her? God fucking dammit, he hadn’t meant to say that. This is what he gets for traveling with goody-two-shoes, ughhHHH-- “Though if you’re “getting by” just fine, then that just leaves more guns for us, which is more than fine by me.”
“Listen, old man. I didn’t drag my ass all the way here to die in a police station from grandpa not handling his case of the sniffles.” He was purposely calling her short now, she knew he was. If she was going to get stuck with ‘little girl’, he better get used to her calling him 'old man’.
Wait, he was in a group? As in, teamwork and all that? Well, holy shit. “Like I said, I’m split from my group. The slightest sign of a storm and everyone got confused on where to go. Unbelievable.” Of course she wasn’t in a group, not long-term wise anyways. She was used to going solo, less people to rely on the better. However, a game would be boring if other 'players’ weren’t involved. She never would do anything to cause harm to the group, just  slowly separated from them whenever the time calls for it and would join another if the opportunity presented itself… Mostly.
“Look, you said it yourself, outside is a death wish. I have a better chance hiding in here than running outside wet, cold, and with impaired vision. I haven’t had a gun in a while, but I seem to be getting by.” More like 'Whenever I find a gun, I have no bullets and when I find bullets I have no gun. So fuck 'em.’ Sure, it wasn’t the most sane thing to do, but so far she was coming by on sheer luck. That, or her previous group served as a wonderful distraction for the would be swarm in this building.
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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧  @mrgamblinman T A T T O O E  D N IC K
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Finished an old doodle
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done at the stream, thanks for comin !
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ollld picture colored
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Tryin 2 draw again
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tryin new things
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Comm from a while back :- )
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i’m so sorry?
I just-
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“Not like I fucking chose to be sick, it makes me a walking target.” He deadpanned, playing with the cuffs of his suit, trying not to make a face at the discoloring. Note to self: check offices for any clothes in his size, cops had to change into something after work.
The glare did nothing to deter him, in fact it spurred him on just to spite her. “What? Don’t like being told the truth?” He asked, smirk refusing to leave him. “Pft, as if. I’ve gone blocks with broken ribs and didn’t get downed, a case of the sniffles is nothing.”
“The rest of my group is nearby, I just left one up there. We’re actually going to be holding out here til the storm and colds pass since going outside in this would be a death wish.” He paused, a quizzical look on his face now. “...Why’re you out by yourself for a supple run? This place was supposedly going to be swarming with infected and you don’t even have a pistol. Seems pretty fucking stupid to me.”
"Wouldn’t have to play hide n’ seek if your coughing didn’t give off a false alarm." Grabbing her bag, she tossed it on her back. Despite the distraction,  she managed to find some good stuff.
A glare was shot towards the other. She figured this is how Clyde felt with all her short jokes, oh how the tables have turned. ‘Oh great, now he’s having another fit’. Gripping her weapon,  she waited for the sound of footsteps or any other noise from the dead but rested it on her shoulder once everything was clear. "You should get that fixed, it'd be a shame if you got picked off because of a cold." Or even worse, getting her caught.
"Heh, shouldn't I be askin you that? You're the one with the gun after all. But no, I'm split from a group. Thought that I could gather up some stuff before heading back to base."
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  –”Well, hell if I know what you are.  All you look to me is some Vegas type high on some strong shit.“  Lillith shook her head, rolling it back to look up at the sky for a moment, out of pure exasperation.  Looking at this asshat was almost painful.  She felt she needed to look away periodically to give herself a break from this crazy.  She shook her head again and glanced down, muttering under her breath this time.  ”He thinks this is 2009, jesus…“
  –She shifted her attention back to the asshole in front of her, staring him down critically.  A bit of confusion was mixed in there, especially at the Leatherface comment.  The hell was that?  More crazy rambling?  God, why did she have to deal with him?  Why did she have a conscience?  Consciences sucked ass when dealing with people like him.  And especially since they were so close to Megaton.  Okay, not that close, but it was close enough to make Lillith worry about drawing attention to herself.  She was pretty sure a gunshot, or screaming would be heard…damn it.  Her hand was still at her sword’s hilt, and when she glanced back down, she caught his hand hovering over a sidearm, causing her to tense up just the slightest.  Shit, he saw what she did.
  –Ignoring most of what he said, Lillith stared this weirdo dead in the eye.  It took her a moment to realize he took her statement too literally, to which she sighed violently. 
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  –”Brahmin skin, genius.  It’s leather, not human skin.  God, why do you have a brain if you aren’t gonna use it?“  Lillith sighed heavily again and shook her head, tossing her red hair around.  ”And my fucking God, are you showing you can’t use your head for not a single, God damned moment.  We dealt with the nuclear fucking apocalypse, and it’s been two hundred years since it.  No one has the resources or skill to do as you suggest.  Do you really expect that to happen when, for the longest time, the most advanced groups were Enclave and wandering tribes?“  She paused to figure out how to respond to the South comment when she heard him address her as “honey.”  She cringed a bit, restraining herself from doing anything.  She’d get back at him… Just wait.
  –“I have never met anyone from the South. Only people who’ve been down there.  And if you know the South, and really are from Georgia as you claim to be, then it explains your obvious lack of sanity.  From what I’ve heard of the… local fauna down there, that’s not on my list of places to see.”  She paused, letting that sink in before rolling her eyes.  ”Gee, think I like being yelled at by someone who has a severe problem with keeping track of time?  Especially when that someone is someone I don’t know?  Nor care to know?“  The hell was with this guy?
“Got that first half right, I’ll give you that.” Nick shrugged it off, trying not to let it get to him, which wasn’t too hard since it didn’t. Oh please, he knew he looked like a regular strip-goer because he was one, just worse for wear with a bit of Boomer left on him from earlier that day. He rolled his eyes at catching her mumbling to herself, agitated at her not even attempting to believe him when he was giving her at least that much. 
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“Brahmin? The hell is that? Huh, haven’t heard that insult directed at me in awhile.” Nick quipped with a hint of amusement, which was quickly dashed, free hand coming up to comb through his hair, anger spiking. “What fucking nuclear apocalypse are you talking about?! When the fuck and why the fuck, explain that to me. You say I’m in the future but your gear is outdated as all hell and your most advanced people are tribal? Wow. Just wow.” His cynicism was out in full play by now, just dumbfounded at the shit this chick was trying to pull off on him, and he was starting to regret believing her. Forget blondes, redheads are fucking crazy.
“I’ve met my fair share of southerners, few too many in my opinion. I’m not from Georgia, I’m from Boston, I’m saying I was just in Savannah. Which is why I’m wondering how I got to D.C. of all places, since it’s a bit of a jump. And the only ‘fauna’ we came across were zombies, gators, and the occasional living person who thought we were errands boys... and girl.” He added, rubbing his temple, going over the pros and cons of just bailing. He hated it, but he definitely knew he wasn’t even remotely in the right place or time, so he kinda needed this chick’s help. God. Fucking. Dammit. Welp, play nice time. Calming himself, he tried for a look that’d hopefully garner sympathy, or-- ugh --pity. 
“Look, I need help alright? Obviously we’re getting off on the wrong foot here, so let’s start over; Name’s Nick, I’m not from around here, mind telling me what’s going on because I got no clue.”
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Well maybe you'll hear AC/DC MASTER RACE over your own geezer ramblings
{✘} “Oh hell no. I don’t mind their music in moderation, it’s actually pretty good in some situations, but there is no way they’re master race material against Sinatra. Like c’mon, why’s that even a comparison? And I’m no geezer.”
{✞} “Nick, imma have ta argue wit you on that. Sinatra’s amazin’ an’ all but AC/DC gets yer blood pumpin’! An’ their music ain’t slow as shit.”
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Oh SHIT he was there----wait was that denial
{✘} “It was not denial!”
{✞} “You keep sayin’ that ta yourself, Nick.” Chuckles.
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“Excuse me? The hell’d you just say? I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the crap spewing out of your stupid mouth.” You come into my saferoom, you insult one of my favorite artists.
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Hey Ellis, don't you think that Little Lion Man fits with you guys? Well, maybe more with Nick....But he'd kill me if I said that to his face. ...He's not here, is he?
{✞}“Kinda? Not much wit me I don’t think, and fer Nick–”
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{✘}“Yeah, no.” Snappy denial at it’s best, everybody.
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{✘} “Oh, fuck off with that already! You and Ellis are full of shit.”
{✞}“Uhhhh, Niiiiiick…”
{✞}“They ain’t horseshittin’ you…” Turns flashlight off.
{♕} Muffled sobbing.
{✘}“Ah tits…” Turns his off, lowering his voice. “I hate goddamn Witches…”
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