9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
I’m sorry but I cannot help myself…
Priest in the streets
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Antichrist in the sheets
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Father Stu content courtesy of @codyfernuk IG
For @9layerdevilfoodcake
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
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Father Stu content courtesy of @codyfernuk IG
This is for you @9layerdevilfoodcake
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆
Ma’ammmm thank you!! I love you so much! So many stars for you, you don’t even know! My life would be so empty without you in it, you spread that positivity like wild fire!
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆
Ahh sending you this back!!! And millions more stars where that came from! You already spread your positivity all over me every day 😉, but thank you for this!
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
My Name Isn’t Alice
Michael Langdon x female!reader
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Author’s note: I had to delete and repost because tumblr doesn’t like to recognize my tags, which is infuriating!  If this doesn’t work, I’m just giving up on tumblr.
This is the beginning of an Alice in Wonderland AU I’ve had taking up residency in my mind for at least a year.  I wanted to write it despite the fandom being pretty empty, and I hope everyone who reads it enjoys it!
Warnings: depictions and ideations of violence, suicide (but not really), torment, eventual smut.
A sea of taunting blue stormed through the horizon of your mind, a duet of obsidian pupils piercing through the essence of your being, their sharp, pointed gaze bringing with it a frigidity that chilled you to the bone.  They haunted your waking and sleeping moments indiscriminately since you first returned their gaze, shrouded by a hue of red that screamed of the seventh layer of hell, the scorching heat of which driving your pores to weep and your throat run dry.  Candle light danced in wild frenzy across the miles of chiseled bone that crafted the beautiful countenance, as sharp as any blade that wades with ease through flesh, the venomous words that dwindled from his infallible, yet merciless lips slicing just as deep as you recalled the moment your fate was sealed.  
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
tumblr friendships are hard to maintain like im sorry i know i havent talked to you in 5 months but you’re still super rad and i still consider us friends im just dumb
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
The raging urge to be a villain’s favorite person.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
Michael Langdon How the Grinch Stole Christmas AU Oneshot
Word Count: 3.5 K
Warnings: 18+ (don’t be fooled kids, just because it’s a Christmas AU does not mean it is warning free), smut
Summary: After the Holiday festivities do not go as planned and end with Michael fleeing back into the mountains, Y/N struggles with the emotions of the night, feeling like she caused this with her parents and the town blaming her, causing her to break down and run until she finds herself at the last place she expected: Michael’s mountain.
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“You did this! You brought him here and look at what he did!”
Y/N could still feel the bite of her parent’s words and those of the townspeople, Mayor Jon Henry included. It felt like a painful slap and stung at the same time, creating a ripple of painful emotions within her as seen by the makeup running down her face. She found herself wandering in the outskirts of town, hearing the people yelling and smelling the ash from the fires on the Christmas tree in the town’s square, stumbling in her boots and partially ripped dress from getting caught by the crowd. 
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
I’m always like, “this WIP will be finished this week” and then six months later it’s still not done
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
Head Empty.
hiii so i wrote this last year and it makes me cry so i figured i would share.
Michael Langdon x reader
You woke up to the sun shining through the sheer curtains hung across the room. The strangest thing though is that your mind is blank. Your head is empty. Not a single thought, shape, or memory floods through your brain. Sitting up, you stare at the wall directly in front of the bed and still, nothing.
Minutes passed by before the door to the bedroom creaked open , a six foot curly headed boy walking in, his eyes meeting yours immediately.
Something snaps in your brain and you look at the boy.
“Michael?” You ask, looking into his eyes as he moves closer towards you, creeping slowly as if you might attack. You sit on the bed, staring at him as his face contorts with what you can only describe as disbelief as he moves to stand right before you. You lift the back of your hand and touch it to his cheek causing him to flinch.
“Michael, baby are you feeling okay? you look sick and like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Michael didn’t say anything before wrapping his arms around you as if it were the last time he’d ever see you again. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kiss his cheek and nuzzle your head into his shoulder.
“I missed you so much Y/N.” Michael said softly, his voice cracking midway through his sentence. You pulled back from his embrace and looked at him as he sat down next to you.
“What do you mean? I was only asleep.” You explain to him, your confusion only deepening when his eyes go wide and he wipes his watering eyes with his sleeve.
“I know, I know I just...” Michael began, taking a deep breath before grasping your hand, “I had a bad dream last night and something happened and it just...it felt real is all.” He said quietly. Throwing your arms back around him, you climb into his lap and lean in, kissing him.
“I’m right here Michael. I will always be right here okay? I promise.”
“What if I’m not strong enough for you?” He asks you, his voice wavering.
“You don’t ever have to be stronger than you really are, especially not for me. Only be strong for yourself.”
“I love you Y/N”
“I love you too Michael.”
You both sat on the bed in each others grasp for a while. There were no words, no background noise, just two people who can’t survive without each other. You’d like to believe that was true, anyways.
As time went on, you became more aware of the fact that Michael didn’t need you to survive as much as you thought. As his power grew, you saw yourself become more of a sidepiece than anything. Someone he kept around just to have around. Though he did smother you with kind words and affection, part of him was very distant and cold. You loved him deeply, and you began to feel shame for that part of yourself that loved him because it would consume you daily. You were so madly in love with him that even if he didn’t need you, you felt like you needed him. You don’t remember ever feeling like this before that strange morning but that’s all you feel now. A dependency on him.
These thoughts were racking through your brain as you sat on the couch that was in Ms. Meades house. You turned to look at Michael who was standing in the kitchen helping Ms. Meade with lunch, his laughter ringing through the house making your heart flutter. You stood up and made your way into the kitchen to join them.
“Oh good, Y/N!” Ms. Meade said excitedly, turning to grab an onion and a knife, she set the two items on a cutting board in front of you.
“Would you mind dicing this for me? My arthritis is terrible in my hands today.”
You smiled at her and nodded, “Of course! Is there anything else that needs to be done after I’m finished?”
“No dear, Michael will do the rest of it, he could use some practice.” She said jokingly.
Michael scoffed and rolled his eyes,
“I burned the chicken once. Once.” He said causing all 3 of you to laugh.
You began slicing the onion and cutting it in to teeny little pieces without a care in the world. You could feel Michael’s eyes fixed on you from across the counter but you didn’t look up. Perhaps you were being too careless though because without noticing at first, you sliced your finger open. Suddenly you felt a stinging pain and held your finger, wincing.
“You okay?” Michael asked
“Yeah I’m fine, I just knicked my finger is all. It’s not bad though.” You say partially lying but feeling the need to explain yourself to him. Michael walks over to you and grabs your hand and a paper towel before holding the cloth to your finger. “Let me get a bandaid.” He said, still holding your finger tightly.
“I need to clean it ba-“ You started before Michael cut you off,
“No, no it’s fine, i’ll just put this on there an-“
“Michael I was cutting onions, it could get infected I need to clean it.” You demand, trying to get your finger out of his grasp. You manage to wiggle it free despite his protests and you take the paper towel off and examine the wound.
Your finger is sliced open. There is no blood on the paper towel but it’s wet.
“What the fuck?” You say, looking closer at your wound.
“Y/N just let me put the bandaid on it please I-“
“Michael i don’t need the bandaid right now, there’s something wrong with it.” You tell him, cutting him off.
You squeeze the gash on your finger in an attempt to see blood but what came out of your body wasn’t blood. It was a thin, white, liquid. You stared at your finger in horror and confusion. Tears began to pour out of your eyes uncontrollably. You look closer at your finger as Michael is trying to get your attention but every sound, and every person becomes a blur. You use your fingers on your opposite hand to pull the cut skin apart to reveal the inside of your finger that was gushing a white liquid. What you saw wasn’t tissue, it wasn’t cut skin, it wasn’t bone, it wasn’t veins. It was wires and metal. Inside of you.
“Michael?” You sobbed, “What the fuck is inside of me?”
Michael looked at you in horror, tears streaming down his own face as he attempts to walk towards you
“Y/N , I can explain.” He said, reaching out to touch you but you back away.
“Explain what? Do you know what this is? Why there’s white liquid coming out of me instead of blood? And why there are metals and wires inside of my finger instead of whatever the fuck is supposed to be there? Huh?”
“Y/N please sit down, I can explain this I-“ Michael says sobbing before you cut him off yet again,
“I need to go to the hospital Michael.”
“No!” Michael partly shouted, making you jump.
“A hospital...a hospital can’t fix that” he said.
“What are you talking about?”
“Please sit down Y/N, please and just listen to every word I say and try to stay calm. Please.” He pleads with you, confusion coursing through your body. You walk over to the table, still clutching your finger and you sit across from Michael who’s head is in his hands.
“What’s going on Michael.” You ask.
“Y/N I-“ He began but let out a quiet sob,
“This was never supposed to happen. None of this. You were supposed to be here , with me, for all of eternity but you were taken away.”
“Taken away?” You asked, Michael sniffled and took a deep breath.
“They killed you. Right in front of me. I couldn’t stop it and I did everything in my power to stop it but I was weak. I lost you and I couldn’t forgive myself and I couldn’t go on without you so I had to figure something out and I just-“ He broke down sobbing as you had done earlier. Your thoughts were scattered, you couldn’t comprehend what he was telling you. It wasn’t clicking.
“I went to these people and I told them everything about you. Every single thing down to the last little details and i gave them all of our pictures and videos and they–they brought you back for me. They built you to be you and you’re just like how you were before it all happened. I-I’m so sorry Y/N.”
You stared at the boy as he cried in shock. You felt your world crumbling to pieces. Your head was suddenly empty again. Not a single thought would transfer through your head, you just stared. You were lost in an oblivion from that point on. Head empty. A loss for thoughts and you couldn’t get out. That was the last time Michael ever heard your voice and though you were just a machine, in that oblivion your heart still beat for him and him only.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
Here I am again BEGGGGGGGING for chapter 4 of some of a kind. The story won’t leave my mind.
But then go all out on spencer reid. Like if you do, I’m having an early christmas!
Thank you for this message! 🥰🫀 It honestly made me laugh a little cuz I forgot I mentioned writing for Spencer in one of my rambling tags. So I’m actually pretty shocked and touched that you read those lol! The concept of a secret office romance with Spencer is something that lives in my head rent free, so I might just go all out on that for you haha
As for Michael I am simultaneously so happy you still want to read more of that story and haven’t given up on it, as well as feel so guilty I left you on the hook for so long! There’s really no excuse beyond being busy and the writers block I’ve been cursed with! But I’ve been chatting with a couple friends about fics recently and they (as well as you sweet anon) are helping to light a fire under my ass and get me back into the swing of things!
So to make a short story long, I won’t make any promises since I so often leave them empty, but I will say I haven’t given up on that story. And just knowing that even one person out there is still interested in reading it warms my heart and gives me more motivation than I’ve had in months!
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @angelicmichael 😘💗❤️💗 much love to you!!!
I know I don’t interact on here as much as I used to but I want to send some love to my good judys as well as some moots I still see on my dash! I appreciate you all keeping what’s left of this fandom alive!!!🫀 @instinctsxbaby @guilty-fiend @celestialrequiem @revengeoftheantichrist @xavierplymptons @melodylangdon @wroteclassicaly @blakescoven @sojournmichael @langdoncult @bloodcoatedeclipse and everyone else in the fandom I’m drawing a blank on at the moment!
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awwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you
@gray-moon2 @katherinespetrova @magic-is-beauty @itsmentalillness @awkwardcaterpillar @suckitlikeavampire @ms-heartbreak-queen @nevilleismywhore @lantsovheart @thomas-the-goat-of-satan
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 2 years
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Uhhhh 👀
(credit: ahscults)
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 3 years
the feminine urge to fall in love with the villain.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 3 years
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 3 years
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