aaronj-williams · 1 year
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Awww yes, just a simple day for us, Ariel’s first day back to school and an amazing dinner made by mom. Play time. TV time. Bath time and Bed time. All a good time. Just a quick clip. https://youtu.be/YBuViIQ3AEo (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-hc0Ns1pf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 1 year
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2nd day of 2023 and we took a trip to Ijams Nature Center and took a mini hike around the Toll Creek Trail. The trail is dotted with spots for the kids to stop and play!! We had a blast and we are enjoying this nice weather while it lasts, it was a good day to be outside made another short video on the YouTube if you all want to check it out!! https://youtu.be/kQFfFwVmOxM (at Ijams Nature Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8HxaEsRT9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 1 year
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Happy New Year!! 2023 is finally hear!! Our first New Year celebration together in our home and we had a blast. We all slept in a bit but the girls played a lot and after some clean up we went to the park. The girls played for hours and we ended the night with the Velasquez family at the China Wok Buffet. It was a magical start to the new year. Check out the little video I made and put on YouTube https://youtu.be/ANm4Gwnrc0Y (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5iCpcs7D-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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We've been slacking on the pictures!! I only took one today and my Honey Bunny hasn't taken any in a couple days, we are busy bees. Did I mention that Martha will be here at the beginning of the month!! We have to finish fixing things before she gets here!! LOL. We gotta go go go. I gotta go go go to sleep!! Goodnight!! #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjW0QrIjhdA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Okay, so a lot has been going on, but. Things still gotta get done, there was a PTSA meeting at Emerald and Arlene and Ariel wanted to be sure an attend so I got off work a couple hours early to help with dinner and so that Avery and I could hang out. The last part of my shift i was able to BBQ and work. LOL. Hey working from home has some great pearks. Anyways the girls went to their meeting I cooked and Avery and I hung out. We played, put up some LED solar Christmas lights. Which we need more of, *cough* *cough* taking donations *cough* *wink* but the girl and I had a blast. I've been collecting acorns like a mad man in the backyard, I cant walk barefoot out there without stepping on one. #newus #firsttimehomeowners https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWzz0YDmdD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Monday Monday Monday, work has been crazy, but as a family we had a good night, the girls ate well, we all played outside for a bit, aaaand I also put up some solar lights that we got ages ago. I mean it's been too long until we put them up. Little things, little things. #newus #firsttimehomeowners #homeprojects (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjWzAVwDYDq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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As hard as I might have been to wake up we still made it to church, we may have been a little late but we made it. After church we picked up a few snacks at the grocery store and oh my goodness, when did Claire's have it's own section at the grocery store!! These girls wanted everything but settled for a picture with them. The snacks were for a visit with Auntie Brailey!! We had some good quality time with Brailey and the family. I havent seen all of them in a while. After that we had a long talk about what we would do next and even though there a million projects to finish at the house we took a break and went to one of the parks that my Honey Bunny has found on her walks. It was a fun little park by the river, I was teaching Ariel how to jump off the swing at the right time. Once we got home it was chaos until bed time. Cooking, eating, screaming, playing, rolling, showers, snacks, stories and more snacks,and now that they are asleep...cleaning up everything. Goodnight people!! #newus #firsttimehomeowners #sequoyahhillspark (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjO4RlOMDOC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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That was a busy Saturday!! For once I didn't have work on a Saturday, which was nice. Also nice I finally just slept. When we did get up we all had breakfast, then the girls picked out their clothes to go to a festival in Maryville!! Now that Arlene's vanity is nearly fully functional the girls love getting their hair done at it. While the girls where out I got to work on the girls room, I cut up the rest of wall and ceiling, put in new insulation got up new sheetrock and did a massive amount of cleaning. I took a break from being inside and I mowed the lawn and after mowing I got tired of having all my gardening gear on the ground and stole my Honey Bunny's broom hangers to hang up all my attachments. During all this the girls were having a stupendous time at the festival, riding little rides, getting in fire trucks, swat vehicles, police cars, and getting a bunch of free stuff including getting their faces painted!! Before they got home I started getting the All-Purpose mud up on the walls to close up the seems and when the girls did get home Ariel came to "help" me. Long but very good day. #newus #firsttimehomeowners #homeprojects #fallfestivals (at Maryville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMp8a8MRUv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Thursday, what happened Thursday?? I really dont remember, work has been extra stressful this week. Ariel is doing good in school, Avery is still coughing...she did help us clean up last night!! Alvin has been getting in extra trouble lately because he keeps going after the girls food!! That is all. #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJ4N2YM2B9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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The girls are still getting used to the cooler weather and to pinch pennies we havent touched the heater yet, lol. The coldest it's been is 67 in the house. Compared to Fresno the difference is enough to feel it. Avery was NOT feeling it though. Ariel has masks if she needs them packed in her backpack and it looks like her unicorn is wearing them, lol!! The girls had bible study Wednesday night and as their treat they had black cupcakes!! Look at that mouth!! In other news, I dont know if its because its colder or Alvin just wants more love but he has been cuddling extra lately. #newus #firsttimehomeowners https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJ3exIsydo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Tuesday was funny, mostly because Avery was distraught over her peanut butter not covering her whole bowl. Thankfully My Honey Bunny knew what she was looking for. When Ariel got home we sat down to do an hour of homework!! Anyways, part of the homework was reading books and that's how the girls fall asleep. #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjJ2xb7MIsJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Today My Honey Bunny and Avery had some good quality 1 on 1 time. They really did, swinging, playing, watching TV. I'm happy they had a good time. Of course they went to go pick up Ariel from school, but came home, ate food, did homework and made their way to the library and a park!! My Honey Bunny wasn't able to take any pictures because there was a climbing wall that Ariel was all over, the girls came home, had snacks and played until bed time. In other news...my chair broke...again!! I fixed it last time with spare parts, I dont know if I have more spare parts but we shall see, lol. Anyways, goodnight everyone!! #newus #firsttimehomeowners #familytime (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_iB5ksUUG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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We are down to yesterday!! So, Ariel wanted to make pies!! Pumpkin pies to be exact, only because she wanted to eat whipped cream. I guess you cant have one without the other. After church was over we made them, the girls each made one, and they came out really good, and didnt take much time, effort, or money, lol. While waiting for the pies the girls played and went to church, I stayed behind to get some much needed work done in the girls roo. Since it was raining outside. When the girls got home I was ready with Mentos and Coke!! Ariel had wanted to do the experiment, forgot about it and I finally pulled them out to watch it fizz over. Also...it rained!! Like hard hard. I was worried a tree might topple over or something, it was wild. Anyways, o hope everyone had a good weekend!! #newus #firsttimehomeowners #kidsprojects #beginnerbaker (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_eXQ-s7T6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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Saturday was a Mommy Day. An old college friend took her to Soaky Mountain for the day, whaat!! Ariel dressed her, and posed her for the picture, lol. The girls and I just relaxed, it was a really chill day. Took the girls to the store did a little shopping for dinner, Ariel had asked for lettuce wraps. We even ran into Auntie Carina!! Again!! I dont know anyone out here and we are constantly running into each other, we dont even leave the house very often. Anyways it was a wonderful day with the girls and we are glad that Mommy had fun. #newus #firsttimehomeowners #momday #dadday (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_W_ROMDYe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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By Friday the girls were feeling better but slept a lot. Like Avery was awake to eat. Alvin guarded Avery while she slept, and Ariel fell asleep right after eating dinner. Poor girl didnt even get to read any books. #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_VjAnsk44/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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My Honey Bunny said she missed her opportunity for Ariel to wear her Mexican flag bow on Mexican Independence Day but she did ware it the next day. Avery was still down for the count, and during a meeting I decorated my attic/office with some of my Drawings. My Honey Bunny also made posole for the girls to get them through feeling sick. #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_VQJfs32C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aaronj-williams · 2 years
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The 21st Avery wasn't feeling too good but she took her medicine well. Ariel and I had a night to ourselves while My Honey Bunny and Avery were out. Ariel picked her pizza, she doesn't like cheese on her pizza. So I let her got one with no cheese. It was a relaxing night with the girl. I didnt her Homework with her which is something I don't usually get to do. #newus #firsttimehomeowners (at Knoxville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci_U3CKMY4_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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