abbixwestfield · 3 years
You Again | Abbi&Chloe
What..the hell.. Abbi sighed as the read the note in her hand, that had been left on her bed by a guard she assumed. It wasn’t like Princess Bitch would lower herself to set a Louboutin in there if she didn’t have to. Abbi had been confident, and full of relief, in the knowledge that the woman had bored of her after their first meeting. But that didn’t seem to be the case now, as she was apparently expected to join her in what was no doubt going to be a simply fun-filled day! Lunch and shopping..yay.. Where oh where did she sigh up for that? Wanting to go about as much as she wanted a day at the dentist but figuring that also like that, she had no choice, the brunette complied with the request to ‘make herself presentable’, dressing in a deep red maxi dress and even running a brush through her espresso waves. Her luck that her fuck off attitude was also paired with a strong sense of self-preservation... 
Arriving at the quad actually pretty close to the instructed time, Abbi sighed again when her azure eyes landed on Chloe. Well..time to grab this day by the balls and get it over with.. 
“Ah..hi Mistress. How are you?”
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
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Kaya Scodelario
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
What 3 things have been on your mind lately?
Aspen, weed, and pizza. And in that exact order.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
💭💭 Abbi
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For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours.
I think she is quite in between: she wants to go beyond, but in certain ways she is afraid to take the next step.
I also think she is one girl to have a hell of a fun with. 
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
She’s been such a good friend to me, so quickly. I hope that I’ve been one to her as well. She’s special.
Hair envy. That is all.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
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Kaya Scodelario
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
When was the last time you had sex?
Sadly, it’s been a hot minute. I know..I’m just as shocked.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
I admire you in so many ways
Hmmm care to tell me just how many?
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Seriously though..cheers. Sometimes a girl just needs to hear that. And whoever you are, I promise that I admire you in just as many ways.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
Most admirable quality: That Abbi never gives up. Her attitude in the face of rejection or failure never waivers, she is never down for long. Most attractive physical feature: Her eyes. Most annoying habit: Probably the weed smoking. It’s not really for me, and I am very sensitive to smells.  Something they would like to do with them: Anything, really. We both enjoy music, so maybe something involving that? 
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
Send my muse something yours has always wanted to tell them, but don’t say who it’s from!
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
orion shrugged that maybe she was right. “You got a point but pizza man is predictable and you are not a predictable person.” He smirked and once she gestured for him to sit he did just that. “Of course I have time for you for both Jane’s he smiled happily to spend some time with her. “You’ve gotten big and not you Abbi.” he smirked at the little pup or the dog he remembered. “I wouldn’t say hiding just been keeping to myself since graduation. It has been quieter as well not that I’m complaining about that. how are youI can hardly remember the last time I saw you.” he smirked stealing her joint bringing it to his lips to inhale deeply.
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‘Touche’“ Abbi sighed dramatically. “Since I seem to have a case of the basic bitches today, I’ll do you a solid and allow you to pick your own nickname. Unless we’re feeling nostalgic and you want to go with Tarzan. When Orion sat, she reached over at once and wrapped thin arms around his sturdy frame, hugging him tightly and finishing things with a light kiss to his shoulder then cheek. “Mmm..yummy as always.” She remarked, laughing as she watched Jerry’s tail thump excitedly as he seemed to recall who Orion was. “Someone missed you. And yeah..I get that. It’s a bit confusing isn’t it? Deciding what we’re going to do now. I should have left last year, but as you see my glutton for literal punishment ass is still here” Abbi smirked, assuming a shocked expression as he took her blunt. “Hey! That’s going to cost you!” She laughed, shoulders rising and falling again in a shrug. “Not too bad, really. Had some bad shit, but some really good shit too. What about you?” Her hand found it’s way to his cheek then, lips curving in a fond smile. He would always have a place in her heart, no matter what.
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
“You most definitely are.  Nobody likes me after I’ve had a bad day, my punishments tend to be more… strict."  Uriel chuckled, sipping on his drink with a raised eyebrow.  "So it was more for the side benefits of an education here than for the direct results of that education.  I suppose that makes a rational sort of sense."  It was Uriel’s turn to laugh and shrug.  "That was something of a buried compliment,” he teased, sipping on the drink.  “Besides, there was plenty of time and opportunity to enjoy the carnal nature of being on Earth in between voyages."  Snorting a laugh, he smirked at Abbi and shrugged before letting his wings appear behind him, the bright white along the spines darkening to pitch black at the tips of his wings.  "Yes, though I don’t believe anyone has called me that in the bedroom.  But yes, divine punishment is my speciality."  A smirk crossed his lips at her comment and he smirked once again.  "Is that so?  You just hoping to cop a feel or are you looking for more?”
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“Okay well now you’re just enticing me” Abbi grinned, only half joking. She of course had no desire to be at his mercy for a real punishment, but a little spanking here and there never killed anyone. She gave a nod at his words, smile growing tight and more than a bit wistful. “Yeah, pretty much. And I found what I was looking for too, but like most good things in life it didn’t last. I still want to do them proud though, you know? Even if I don’t have my powers anymore” Abbi remarked, her normal good spirits restored as she giggled. “Buried? I thought it was pretty obvious. Must be losing my touch if you had to dig for it” She teased, before her dark blue eyes grew round at the sight she was being graced with. Something told her that Uriel wasn’t one to be a trick pony, showing his wings to anyone who asked. So she took the gift for what it was, reaching out in awe before stopping herself. “Can..I touch them?” Those words came out in a whisper, as well as the ones that followed as she was once again compelled to tell the truth. “More.. I think that you’re attractive, and intriguing..and exciting. I want to know what you could do to me..”
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abbixwestfield · 4 years
Raven smirked at the other woman’s actions. She was willing to play, especially if Abbi was as into it, as she was. It could make things more interesting, after all. “Oh no, what ever will I do,” she teased, grinning a little bit at her. She looked down, as Abbi ran her finger across her, cocking a brow at her. “Why don’t you slide that hand a little further down? Underneath a bit, if you will,” she teased.
Abbi never really thought of herself as the kind who took direction well. If anything she had always been just the opposite, taking quite a bit of joy in rebelling against her parents and most other types of authority. But she found herself happily following Raven’s instructions. “I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” She murmured, looking into the others eyes as her hand playfully stilled. “Oh? You mean..like this..?” Small even teeth sank into Abbi’s lips again, as her fingers slid under Raven’s shirt, barely ghosting over the woman’s taunt nipples.
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