Plans for my upcoming projects
After half term i will be sure on what I want to do in my different areas of study which are photography, videography and written work . I would want ot work in a gorup and already have someone that is as driven as me to work .  
Below is my wordpress weblink
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above is the feedback I got from form my class mates
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A pan shot
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Using Wordpress
Why use Wordpress?
WordPress is a free software, which makes it available for anyone with acess to a computer, laptop , smartphone etc  to easily  access , download, install, use and modify it. In addition anyone can use it to create any kind of website from sales , to blogs, to news sites etc.
Why does a journalist need a website ?
A vast majority of people use social media in this day and age,  and with technological development journalist have the privilege to use their smart phone to record videos or interviews to add into their websites where they can share eg blog posts to social media platforms for more views. 
Why use categories ?
This  in WordPress is used to sort and group content into different sections. A website publishing content on a variety of topics can divide their website into sections using categories. Example a journalist can share a news post based on celebrity news  on their website  and so when people type in celebrity news on perhaps google it can take them to the website straight away .
Why use tags?
 Blog posts tags add a form of internal linking to a website as it enables the owner/journalist to establish a site-wide hierarchy that helps improve navigation, and helps the search engines in understanding what the site is about.
Why should you update your site content as often as possible?
When building a website, it is important to only select element that will positively impact the objectives of the website. An example is if a website based on underground fashion  was to be launched then the owner should include many interesting  pictures of underground fashion stores ,clothes etc to keep their audience aware and engaged . 
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Video editing process
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To begin with i’m actually disappointed because i lost my footage of the interview with the mother . Lesson learnt , thou shall never save any videos on the ‘downloads’ as it will disappear. However on the bright side I still have the footage of the teenager which i will edit and get it done by Tuesday the 20th.
Editing issues 
I’ve never used the premiere editing software before and to be very honest I am struggling . The software is hard to use but with the help of my tutors I am able to cut , and put in some texts . I know i’ll get there slowly but surely .
Below is screenshot number 1 . I started off by putting the clips in order and also increased and lowered the level of my sound. In addition I cut the extra bits of the clips that weren't needed using the razor tool .
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On screenshot number 2 I have started inserting my interview questions . This was quite difficult for me at first because I had made a new clip writing in the questions and whenever I put it in , it just never shows up so I had to delete it from the sequence .
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On my third screenshot , with the help of my tutor I learned to insert my text in the video rather than putting it between shots. I positioned it on the bottom right side of the screen and used white text against her black t-shirt so that it can be visible .
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Extremem close up 
The rest of the videos for the test shots wouldnt let me upload it as it is longer than 3 seconds
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Plan log
So on Sunday i manged to shoot both my interviewees at different times of the day as they were both busy .I had a bit of a problem as i didn’t realize earlier that I needed another SD card for the audio recorder. I have a feeling the sound is going to be of low quality .This is disappointing but thank god it’s a trial video .The only thing left to do now is to edit and submit my footage for the 17th of this month. 
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Video documentary - What makes a good news story ?
3 main lights used in videography and their purpose .
The Key -  This is the main l used and the strongest as it has the most influence on the look of the scene. It is placed on one side of the camera/subject so that on that the side is well lit and the other side has some shadow. 
The Fill -  This is the secondary light and is placed on the opposite side of the key light to fill the shadows created by the key. The fill will usually softer and less bright than the key. 
The back light - The back light is placed behind the subject and lights it from the behind. Rather than providing direct lighting (like the key and fill), it is set up to provide definition and subtle highlights around the subject's outlines. This helps separate the subject from the background and provide a three-dimensional look.
 Light I have access to at home and how they could help me during and how they are helpful during my own video-graphy .
I don’t have any lighting equipment at home , however though i have already visited the interviewees home where i’m going to be filming in the kitchen . So far so good when it comes to the lighting in there as it has two very bright lamps which is similar to a key light . It nearly winter and it gets dark quite early so whether the suns out or its dark it wouldn’t really affect it . 
Important consideration when shooting my video content  .
                               Location and Time of Day
The first principle I will be considering for the order of shots will be the location and time of day. I have already organized our shooting schedule so that I will shoot all scenes occurring in the same location together which is in my interviewees kitchen. This way, I will be able to make use of the short deadline we have and shoot in time to make and edit it. It is important that i shoot at a time where there good sun light so that I can get good lighting as I will not be able to carry all the the light equipments .
                                Equipment - Camera Setup Angle
It is vital that my interviewee which is the main subject can be captured from a good angle.  I will ensure my tripod is stable and of good height and also move the camera around so that it can be in good position to showcase my subject from a seating position . I will ensure the camera is fully charged to avoid the battery dying in the middle of my shoot.
                                           Shot Size
I will try as much as i can to shoot using the rule of thirds as it compliments my subject’s eye line (the direction that they are looking off camera), by observing this rule. It is important that I consider my camera shot as cut into thirds and place the interviewee in the opposite third to the direction that they are looking. If my subject is looking to the right of the camera, i will changing the seating plan and place them on the left third of the frame. This gives your shot a sense of balance and removes any empty sort of  “dead space” behind them.
                                           On-Set Logistics
I will avoid keeping my interviewee waiting needlessly until I get around to their shots. I will ensure that I do some test shots and set up my equipment. This saves more time for both me and my subject.
                                              Pick-Up Shots
 I might do pick up shots such as the landscape or just a street in Nottingham.This will be a display of what the location of which the interview is being held at.
              Exceptional and technological Considerations 
I have no choice but to organize my schedule around exceptional considerations. My interviewees schedules, location and prop availability, and equipment availability. In this case, I just have ensure that I roll with it and do what I need to do but at the same I have to keep the rest of my scheduling so that I remain as efficient as possible.
What makes a good news story ?
To begin with a good story is based on what the target audience decides is interesting or important and so the writer should be able to tell their story to make important news interesting. A writer must be ensure to write facts and be honest as no one will be interested in a fake news story. Images are also vital as it makes the story more believable as it can be use as evidence to elaborate more on a story .
A write must also be able to tweak Human interest stories as it contributes towards attracting more readers due to its emotional appeal as it evokes responses such as happiness or sadness. .
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Mini documentary proposal
Below is a brainstorm of my ideas in relation to my documentary . I aim to shoot the documentary over the weekend and have the unedited version ready for my tutor to review .My idea for now is to discuss how much impact technology has on Millennials in our generation . I will be asking my teachers what they think and ensure that i come in extra early to be able to rent equipment hence it is based on a first come first serve.
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I will interview mother and teenager (young adult) and the subject matter will be strictly based on the impact social media impact has on their day to day lives.
Questions I will be asking the Mother :
1.How many hours on average a day do you spend on social media per day?
2. What social media platform are you on most ?
3.What impact has it had in your life over the time you have been active on it?
3.What impact has it had in your life over the time you have been active on it?
5.Has it in any way affected your real social life, do you still mingle with friends or family ?
6.Do you feel an inclination to check your social media atleast once every two hours?
7.Would you say that you are addicted (if yes then what do you plan to do about it )
8. Do you depend on social media use for excitement throughout the day?
8. Do your children have access to social media? do they have accounts on facebook? twitter? etc
9.If yes how many hours a day are they allowed on it?
10. Do you think there is a chance they’ill grow up in this day and age to be addicted also ?
Questions I will be asking the teenager :
1. 1.How many hours on average a day do you spend on social media per day?
2.What social media platform are you on most ?
3.What impact has it had in your life over the time you have been active on it?
4.What impact has it had in your life over the time you have been active on it?
5.Has it in any way affected your real social life, do you still mingle with friends or family ?
6.Do you feel an inclination to check your social media atleast once every two hours?
7.Would you say that you are addicted (if yes then what do you plan to do about it )
8. Do you depend on social media use for excitement throughout the day?
9.What do your guardian / parents think about this ?
Sound - I plan to lyrics free music from online website called ‘Ben sound’. It will be better to do so as i might make a mistake of choosing a song with explicit lyrics or it may have nothing to do with that my documentary is based on. 
Editing - I will be using software editor using the PC’s . I will be briefed by my teachers on how to use it to edit my video and put them together . I will include facts and figures on the subject matter, voice over etc
Mise-en-scene - I will be going to each of the interviewees house as i have gotten permission to do so when i contacted them via phone. I am aware they have to sign a permission slip and i will be taking it to them on the day of the shoot so i can proceed to shooting . 
The interviewee’s have the liberty to wear anything they want (not to reveling though as i might have very young viewers).
I will find a good amount of space , whether it is in the kitchen or living room with a white background to make the attract most attention to interviewee  as they are the most important subject. However though if i can’t find a white background I will then find a neat wall.
Equipment - Camera - for shooting . 
                    SD card - to save the videos 
                   Sound recorder - to get a clear recording of the interview 
           Tripod - During the one to one interviews I will need the camera to be steady and this will be perfect for it.  
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News package and Documentary
What are the key differences between a news package and a documentary? 
News package - Usually a presenter / fact driven/’ dry style’/ deals with global issues/ whereas a documentary is a wider commentary ./tripod mounted shots
Documentary - Narrator / follows a narrative/Music included /Creative use of shots / often human interests /handheld/pace of editing / news report covers any current issue or occurrence, 
What are some of the advantages and  disadvantages of using DSLRs for film making?
You can get a quality DSLR camera for substantially less than a Professional video camera.
DSLR’s are smaller and weigh less than a professional video camera.
You can swap lenses on DSLR cameras (a feature only high-end professional video cameras have).
Since DSLR’s record video in a highly compressed format, file sizes are relatively small.
Since DSLR’s typically have good quality lenses and good sensors, chances are you’re going to get great footage in low light and good depth of field.
Many DSLR’s will shoot in frame rates of 24 and 60 for a cinematic feel.
These features can add intrigue and beauty to your video previously only achievable with cinema quality video cameras.
Since DSLR’s weigh less, shaky footage is likely without a tripod or stabilizer.
Since DSLR’s record video in a highly compressed format that drops a significant amount of luminance data (usually H.264), so you cannot heavily color grade the footage without banding and pixelation.
Most fast lenses that ship with DSLR’s are not zoom lenses, so you must be flexible on your shooting distance, angle and feel.
Some DSLR’s change the resolution along with the frame rate, forcing unwanted resolution mismatches when editing.
Currently, most DSLR’s cannot record longer than 12 minutes at a time, so filming a speaker or live event could be challenging.
Footage shot at 60 frames per second will need to be converted with a program like Cinema Tools before it will appear as slow-motion.
Most (if any) DSLR cameras will not have a decent microphone, nor will they accept a standard XLR microphone, so recording audio can be challenging.
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We asked 16 year old George what would happen if technology was taken away.
George’s response was ‘I’d be later to college everyday’
From this it is evident that technology doesn’t only dictate our lives but also influences our body clocks .
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                               TRUMP’s Triumph
We asked 33 year old Mariam how she felt about President Trump and North Korean leader Jong - in kim .
‘I think it is absolutely ridiculous that two immature grown men are have a chance to ruin two whole countries through exchange of meaningless words. They do not care about the citizens, I feel as though they are selfish.’
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Should 16 year olds be allowed to vote in the UK elections?
We asked 16 year old student Awa what she thinks about being given the opportunity to vote in the elections ?
Sophie commented that ‘ I think it’ll be awesome, I mean its only right that we make or own decisions , we are the future generation’ . We know what we want.
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                                   North Korea
We asked 36 year old Nabou if Kim Jong Un’s regime would ever accept democracy and she responded that 
‘never ...never ever as long as that he goat lives. He doesn't respect his fellow human beings.’
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Plan log
I will be uploading a picture of my brain storm to explore my ideas of potential pictures I will be using for my photojournalism task. I will also ensure my mini proposal is done and written in detail .
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Smartphones , Instagram and Photojournalism.
David Guttenfelder in North Korea and Marcus Bleasdale in the Central African Republic
Why have smartphones become so important to photojournalism? What advantages do they have?
Size - One place where smartphones always wins is in the size department. Professional DSLRs are large, bulky, and heavy, and with the development of pocket sized smart phones they can be carried anywhere at anytime. This makes it easy for i.e photojournalists to take pictures at any time so they wouldn't miss a moments to capture. If a photojournalist were to be a dangerous location trying to get pictures they can easily do so without having to get captured by other soldiers, rebels etc because it wouldn't bring attention to them which decreases their chance of getting into danger. 
Instantly sharable/ accessible  - Anyone can share an image , video , or audio  they took with their smartphones on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook , etc at anytime. An example of this would be the Manchester attack , almost everyone that was at the location was able to instantly share videos and pictures online on social media or news platforms.
                              David Guttenfelder : North Korea
David Guttenfelder is veteran photojournalist and a  seven-time World Press Photo award-winner. He displays his images on social media platform Instagram which I have gone through and found very interesting pictures of North korea.
North Korea, is known to be a isolated country ruled by a paranoid and brutal regime, and so it’s closed and sealed from foreign world . David has been able to help the outsiders envision what the country looks like. The pictures are very captivating in terms of the props. The background that each of the pictures are taken are quite clean and neat and also the quality of the pictures are give a sense of professionalism and in addition it shows how colourful the country is which is in fact a reflection of how  vibrant their culture is .
He took pictures of traditional objects, the citizens and also the natural environment which makes his images powerful because it gives a sense that North Korea is very culture based and it is a united country a there’s hardly no images to show any sort of war , poverty, or destruction.
                           Marcus Bleasdale : Central Africa 
Marcus Bleasdale is a British photojournalist currently working in central Africa. He has shared pictures of the citizens show casing the difficult times they are going through. Scrolling down there are several images of the sick Africans , children is possession of gun , the poor environment . This send a powerful message about poverty and the negative impact it has upon their day to day lives which leads to children getting involved in civil war . On the other hand there are other pictures of the children being happy with a smile on their face which is very interesting because this illustrates that even through poverty , war etc the children still manage to be happy.
All the pictures are in black and white and so this decreases makes the viewer focus solely on the main object as there is no colour in the background to distract them. 
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Thinking about Photojournalism.
                               What is photojournalism?
Photojournalism to me is consists of finding, crafting and sharing stories about the world through captured images.
                           Why do we need pictures?
Empathy - One of the main purposes of taking pictures is to make the viewer feel like they were present during the capture , almost as if they were part of the story .
Evident - It is important that an image is used to accompany the a hard copy of eg a story as the viewer will most likely believe what they are being told .
To show things we wouldn't normally see - Unique captured moments attract the reader to perhaps read the article that comes along with it . Unusual image are attractive as we don't see them as much so the uniqueness of it attracts the attention of the viewer as its something new and they would want to understand the story behind it.
                  What makes good photojournalism?
Captured moments - It is vital that the photographer captures interesting moments as this enables the viewer to communicate / relate to it as it gives us a visual effect of what is happening.
Tells a story -  By capturing the essence of the story using as few images as possible, they photographer is be able to highlight the most important issues of a news story and convey the truth about a report through a single, powerful photograph .
Pay attention to detail  - This applies to people and their surroundings. A good photojournalist must be able to capture expressions on the faces of their subjects or the posture of people in surrounding crowds. In terms of using the close-up shots,  providing  context for pictures with a wide shot that includes surroundings geographic details that might consist of historical markers, piles of trash, a busy office building, a traffic pileup or a city park.
Context - The key difference between photojournalism and other styles of photography is context. It is vital that a photojournalist displays the story, rather than tell it.
     An analysis on the  Eddie Adam's "Saigon Execution.
The image below was taken by Eddie Adams in the year 1968 in Vietnam during the time of the war. To begin with the image is in black and white which immediately suggests to the viewer that the picture was taken a long time ago. In addition the black and white is aimed to focus the audience towards the idea that there is crucial elements and subjects; which consists of the gun and the two men.
The image displays a South Vietnamese officer in uniform shooting a prisoner/civilian in the head. Looking at it,  there is much more to the picture. There is brutality, fear, horror to this picture and the victims face says it all. It looks like the prisoner or a pedestrian is perhaps about to be shot for no unjust reason and so this contributes towards the depiction of the harshness of the war.
Overall it shows that there are two types of people in times of war. One where the person in control is fearless, with no emotion with set targets as the officer is keeping a straight face implying that he is clearly focused and isn't feeling sympathy for his victim . On the other hand the victim that is horrified, weak, and helpless , as mentioned earlier about the victims facial expression which shows a crying face and that he doesn't want to get shot .
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Undergound fashion : ‘ Sanseh beh Jekk ‘
What does fashion mean to me you may ask . It is all about expressing your identity to the world basically showing them who you are as an individual. ‘Sanseh beh Jekk’ means dress to impress . This is an expression used in an African language, wollof from The Gambia West Africa. I am of  African origin and use wearing to the prints , and patterns , hard textured fabrics . Curiosity is an understatement , as i would take pleasure in traversing to other systems of ‘sansehs’ (styles).
Saturday afternoon, 3:15 to be precise , its hot and I’m stood in front of Primark right in the mist of the Nottingham high street . I’ve only been here ten minutes and there’s hundreds of people going in and out of the store and so I wonder what is there secret ? How did they progress from being underground to mainstream ? Its only right I take a trip to the underground world and discover what it is like in their wirl wind of fashion . 
I sat down with Josh the manager at Mimms , a clothing store in the Nottingham high street right opposite the broadway cinema  there’s no chance you’ill miss it ! Although the store is well known locally it’s still underground  . They say the best things in life are yet to be discovered . I agree .
 We had a digestive biscuits and an overall a very interesting discussion .
        Can you tell us about the owner and about the shop itself.
Josh : As you already know the store is called Mimms . We are an independent clothing brand and it was established in about six years ago by a Nottingham born and bred . Erm . we currently stock our own garments , tshirts , jumpers , specifically and we’re solely focused on independence.
  Six years is quite a long time ! So who would you say are your main customers in terms of age and gender ?
Josh : Obviously it Is a street wear shop , it’s kinda’ male orientated at the moment with the designs the shirts and jumpers are basic designs and they come in different colors with our  very simple logo and name usually on left , right , or center of the clothing but yeah males my age 19, 20 I’d say.
    Your target market,  which are young male adults are known to follow trends   and so with your clothing designs would you say the purchasers definitely follow      trends or it allows them to sort of create their own ?
Josh: We follow trends , I mean that’s how you keep up with sales but we also try to stay ahead of trends so we can keep up with sales to ensure that were not late to the scene , so to speak.
  Looking at your designs, its basic yet so unique. Is It aimed to help the purchasers express their individuality to conform what is ‘acceptable’ in the world of fashion?
Josh : Oh definitely express themselves! We are all about being the best you can be . Each and every one of our products comes in different designs , colors just the same each individual characteristics .
    What are some of the challenges you face  being that you are in competition with high street stores like Primark , Zara etc  ?
 Josh: They’ve got ridiculous amount of money and were a small business so the revenue we allocate are from the sales profit etc .  Trying to  keep up in terms of expansions, stock  level is always at struggle , so that’s the main one.    I suppose getting ourselves out there , I mean it’s easy for someone to say ‘oh I need a t-shirt  I’m gonna go to Primark and obviously load of other places .
What inspired the clothing style ? I mean that in this generation there has been a lot of different trends going on , I mean with social media platforms such as Instagram , twitter , facebook etc people all around the world are sharing images, blogging their outfits , basically showcasing their sense of fashion.
Well , the owner Jack Higgens is quite young . He’s 26 and it was 6 years ago when he started designing the clothes so he was 20 at the time . Being so young (according to his story)   he was into simple, vintage style clothing and wasn’t so fascinated by the glamours , complex high street  fashion vibe. His grandparents raised him and had a what he calls a ‘vintage attitude and style’ ,old school basically. Based on this he got inspired and decided to take sewing classes whilst going to college making shirts and basically just designing clothes. Jack’s life motto is ‘life is all about  simplicity’ hence why the tshirt designs are mostly plain with the logo on either the left or right side corner.  
                             Where do you get your items made ? Abroad or ?
Josh : We get all of our T-shirts from China , erm we basically buy the t-shirts in bulk and have the factory we get it from put the logos, design and brand name on to it . 
        Why china ? It is cheap for production but often gets a backlash for their poor quality products .
  Josh: Well it is cheaper to get our products there which is one of the reasons why we purchase our items from there , however our items are of good quality and we ensure that we pick the best of  suppliers as we don't want to deliver poor quality products to our customers. We hold them close to our heart .
In that case what sales strategies do you use to attract more sales ?
Josh : Hence Nottingham is a student orientated city , so there’s loads of students events going on . There is an event called street food club which holds in Vixens-worth and other events so we put our items on display and set up a DJ booth. This is a promotion technique used to attracts sales and also potential customers to our shop and the brand itself . 
      Once you’ve gone mainstream hopefully, how do you intend to keep up with competition against the high street stores ?
Josh: We are so focused on the idea on the of independence   and so it helps us stand out against other brands as we’ve got that uniqueness , we push independence and knowing our target customers want, we’ill definitely keep doing what we know and what were good at.  
The history of Western fashion is the story of the changing fashions in clothing for men and women in Europe and other countries under influence of the Western world, from the 12th century to the present. With the development of social media people all around the world have been able to showcase and share their own take in the world of fashion . Whether it’s underground , or high street.
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Plan log
I interviewed the manager of Mimms successfully even though it was quite hard for me to find the location of the store . The interview went quite smoothly lasting about 25 minutes . The manager let me take pictures of their clothing and the building it is situated in .  I recorded the session using my iPhone 6s plus on normal video but with camera facing down . I will be writing the script of the interview on sunday which is the day before the deadline .
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