academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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the x gene.  an  ANOMALY  in the blueprint of homo sapiens, and the destruction of peace as we know it.     conflict is brewing between the carriers of this gene, labelled  “mutants,"  and humans who believe their very existence to be a  threat.  loyalties are divided, and the time is coming to decide where  YOU  stand, and who you will stand with.
                                                   WILL YOU BE THE CHANGE ?
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
It’s been a long time coming, and we’re horribly sad to see the blog closing down. You all know that, clearly, so at this point this is more a message for anybody who might stumble upon the blog than it is for the members. The admins no longer have the time to run this blog, and interest is at an all-time low. There was excitement after the revamp; however, we were unable to keep it going, and our time here has run its course. It’s been an excellent six months with all of you, full of laughter and fun, and we couldn’t possibly have asked for a more welcoming group. Friends were made and characters were developed . . . we hope you all decide to keep the relationships you’ve forged through Academia, and maybe one day we can open again. But for now, it’s goodbye, so thank you once more!
I’ve had a blast getting to know all of you! You’ve all been so sweet and nice, and I’m glad that we helped you guys create a safe place to make new friends. You’ve given me an amazing platform on which to develop my character and helped him along with his journey. I hope I can keep him with me, and the gift you’ve all given me of his transformation will stick with me for as long as I have him. Feel free to ask for my contact information, and if you need me, I’m here. -Admin Tadashi / Trice / acjinwoo
Wow. This has been a pretty wild ride, don’t you think? This has literally been high school incarnate, to a point. Sprinkled with romance and drama and friendships that were so fun to create, I can honestly say I will remember these months for a good while to come. I’ve really enjoyed developing characters and planning plots and generally just freaking out. Maybe we can consider this as some kind of graduation? We’re all moving on. Academia 90210, its been real. Thanks for joining us. -Admin Gogo / Rocket / acreiko
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
↪  UNTIL 5.26.17
Park Jimin, BTS
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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↪  UNTIL 5.20.17
Park Jimin, BTS
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
is the masterlist fully updated?
sorry for the late reply, anon! at this point in time, yes, the masterlist is completely up-to-date.
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
If I join will it be okay if I start a host club?
Hello, there, nonnie! The admins have discussed it and we believe that yes, it is fine if you start a host club. However, I caution you strongly against making it too similar to the anime Ouran High School Host Club; we don’t want to distract too much from the main, general school theme of the group! -Admin Tadashi
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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ATTENTION ! It's that time again! Now that we're all a little more settled in from the reboot, we will be conducting our first activity check! It will take place this Sunday May 21st, at noon (12pm) pst. Please be sure to have posted at least one multiple paragraph thread (either starter or reply) by this time. Reblogging of memes or aesthetic posts does not count towards this so if you need to get some plots in with people to get the ball rolling, please do so! If you guys notice any of your fellow members (who have not alerted the admins to a hiatus) haven't been active, please help them out!
Thank you everyone, and here's to a successful activity check!
- Academia Admin Team
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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A list of inbox memes for members to use! If you answer in-character and using a para, we will count your answer as activity. Reminder that these are only for the use of Academia members.
“It seems a little dangerous to be snooping around a different school like this.”
“Don’t wake me up! I don’t care that I’m sleeping in the cafeteria— I have a test next hour.”
“I hear that another event is coming up.”
“I’m your club president, and I say we put some of the funds toward _____.”
“I wonder if I can convince everyone again that SNSD is gonna perform here.”
“That school’s uniform is so unflattering.”
“Wow. I didn’t see that coming.”
“Summer vacation . . . it’s so close I can taste it.”
“I’m confused by this lesson; maybe you can give me extra help?”
“Do you plan on joining that club?”
“_____ is the most ridiculously untalented school I’ve heard of.”
“_____ makes me speechless at how attractive that school’s students are.”
“Being in _____ is like being in an alternate universe.”
“I bet you a lifetime supply of cold noodles that I could pose as a student at _____.”
“I was in class and tried to flirt by asking the kid next to me what school they go to. I’m officially changing my name and transferring to _____.”
“I’m wide awake today; I’m going to take advantage of this energy-high.”
“You realize what time it is, right?”
“Kurin kind of reminds me of being in a playground at night.”
“Taechon kind of reminds me of being in a playground in the middle of the day, when one kid falls off the swing and scrapes his arm and somewhere else there’s another kid on the roof of the playset. That’s just me.”
“Please, please pretend to be in a relationship with me just to get this kid off my back.”
“Anything you can do, I can do better.”
“Rumor has it they dragged a body out of Chunghwa’s swimming pool.”
“...you realize the swimming pool was just a Dongnam prank, right?”
“Quit studying and come with me to get some patbingsu.”
“With so many finals and test, I just hope everyone takes care of themselves.”
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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SCHEDULE: Math A2, Science A1, Korean A2, Mandarin,  Yoga, Nutrition, Personal Fitness
EXTRACURRICULARS: Girl’s Tennis Team (Team Captain)
DONGNAM SCHOOL NEWSPAPER, 05.16.17: New student Melanie Lee has officially joined the third year class! Melanie is eighteen years old and has been reported to be ambitious, honest, and disciplined but also stubborn, critical, and insensitive. Her personality will take her far as a member of the Tennis Team. Let’s welcome Melanie to the school and wish her a good year!
name and pronouns: ebby/she/her other muses: n/a time zone: eastern
muse name: melanie lee birthday (or age): 18 faceclaim: lee mijoo school: dongnam grade: third year desired clubs: tennis team positive traits: ambitious, honest, disciplined negative traits: stubborn, critical, insensitive proficiency: math is her favorite subject, but she excels in all of her courses to maintain a perfect gpa.
there’s something to be learned when your mother is from the slums of seoul and your father is a rich kid chasing a different dream.opposites attract. two souls that just so happen to meet and fall in love and the rest is history. a dynamic duo. a great team. one working their way through life, constantly overcoming obstacles to succeed. the other standing up to a family that wants him to stick to the norm. the lesson of achieving dreams and hard work not betraying you, but also melanie learning that family is important from the start.
“what do you want to be when you get older?” her mother asked.
“you. i want to be you, mommy.”
“are you sure you don’t want to be me?” her father chuckled.
“i wanna be you, dad.” her brother chimed in.
and they are perfect. the four of them. together in their home. fitting like a puzzle. a mother who is graceful and pure. a father who is charasmatic and hard-working. a son who is kind and considerate. a daughter who coragious and passinate. all of them so loving and caring to each other. they’re a unit. a family.
“it’s lung cancer. in the fourth stage.”
she’ll beat it. that’s all that comes to melanie’s mind. her mother? diagnosed with lung cancer? it just doesn’t make sense. but she knows, there is no doubt in her mind, that her mother will fight, and her mother will beat it. she’s beaten all the odds before and she can do it again.
“you’re rich! you can have anything you want.”
and it finally sinks in. that’s not the truth. when all melanie wants is for her mother to make it through and come out on the other end, but all of the doctors say the same thing.
“the treatments aren’t working,” “she’s not responding to the new trial medicine,” “there’s nothing else we can do.”
her mother is getting weaker and weaker and her heart breaks because all she can do is pray. pray for a miracle. all of the resources that money can buy, can’t save her mother, and she quickly learns that money means nothing at all.
it was only a hobby, until it soon became her everything. the racket became her loyal companion, protecting her from the obstacles aimed at her. the sport helped her cope, or rather, helped her release her frustrations. ones that she couldn’t voice at home for fear of coming completely undone in front of her father and brother. she was only sixteen. yet her mother was dying right before her eyes. out of all of the scenarios she often came up with, that would happen in her life, losing her mother this early on wasn’t one of them. she wasn’t ready to let go. and so she couldn’t face it. she wouldn’t. instead, day after day, she grabbed the racket and went to work. becoming better and better, while her mother grew sicker and sicker.  
the tears just wouldn’t stop falling. not for her. her father. her brother. her mother lay there lifeless. and suddenly her entire world had fallen apart.
“i’m so sorry.”
but that’s not what she wants to hear, she doesn’t want to hear any of it. she just wants it all to go away. she wants her mother back.
it’s a year later and the memory of her mother is simply too much. everything in washington reminds them of the fact that she is no longer there. yet, the three of them wait, they’re always waiting, just hoping that everything was a dream and that she’ll walk through the door. her smile lighting up the room and her voice filling the air. but they know, they know that it will never happen. so they leave it all behind. in an attempt to start anew. melanie and her father return to a home that they once knew, while her brother heads somewhere, anywhere, to escape the hurt.
"what school would you like to enter?“
she sees the excitement. it’s all over her grandfather’s face. he wants her to say chunghwa, but she won’t. she doesn’t waver.
“dongnam, grandfather. i want to go there.���
she knows very well that any school would have accepted her. she’s miss perfect. a straight a student with musical talents, plus she has a grandfather who’s willing to make a hefty donation.
if it was up to her grandfather, she would be mingling with the stuck up rich kids at chunghwa to probably further his business ventures. but she no longer wanted that lifestyle. money was nothing to be proud of, she’d decided that awhile ago.she couldn’t even bring herself to apply to kurin. it reminded her too much of her mother. plus, melanie hadn’t touched the keys of a piano since the day her mother fell ill. and for a split second, taechon was would have been her first choice, but a rich kid faking poor would cause only trouble for  her, and plus her grandfather wouldn’t allow it if it caused people to talk.
appearances are everything. but to her, tennis was her everything. she did rank top 5 for usta junior tennis nationals. dongnam would be a good fit.
muse name, age, and grade: melanie lee, 18, third year school attending: dongnam current clubs (leading or attending): n/a
starting or joining: joining club name: tennis team additional notes: team captain
melanie’s a natural born leader, plus she has prior leadership experience as was captain on her varsity tennis squad when she lived in america. she knows how to challenge others and also give criticism in a way that members work hard to better themselves. she’s been playing tennis now for 8 years, and is currently ranked in the top 5 in the nation. she’s a senior this year at dongnam and she would love to be the captain of the team and have everyone excel in the sport.
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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SCHEDULE:  Math A1, Science A1, Korean A2, French, Advanced Biology, Philosophy
EXTRACURRICULARS: Journalism Club (Chief Editor), Debate Team
CHUNGHWA SCHOOL NEWSPAPER, 05.16.17: New student Min Subin has officially joined the third year class! Subin is eighteen years old and has been reported to be hardworking, determined, and resourceful but also insecure, skeptical, and secretive. Her personality will take her far as a member of the Journalism Club and Debate Team. Let’s welcome Subin to the school and wish her a good year!
Name and pronouns: Heather | She/Her Other muses: None Time zone: CT
Muse name: Min Subin Birthday (or age): June 6th, 1998 (18) Faceclaim: Lee Jieun / IU School: Chunghwa International Academy Grade: 3rd Year Desired clubs: Journalism Club (Chief Editor), Debate Team Member Positive traits: Hard-working, determined, resourceful Negative traits: Insecure, skeptical, secretive Proficiency: Math A1, Science A1, Korean A2, French Subin does very well at math and science. She wanted to take science A2 because she had heard that it’s actually better than A1, but her parents thought she was trying to make things easier for herself and made her take A1 instead. She does well in Korean, but has a difficult time with traditional writing, so both herself and her parents decided it would be best to take A2 and improve on her handwriting. As for French, she wasn’t the best at first, but quickly improved and now can speak the language conversationally.
BIOGRAPHY!        As a child, Subin focused more on academics than anything. Her parents always made sure to ask her how her grades were, contact her teachers, and tell her that if she didn’t do well, they would be disappointed in her. When she did make bad grades, they would put her down and say that they couldn’t proudly announce that she was their daughter. She saw those words as them saying that they were embarrassed by her. Because of that, she started studying even harder and abandoned the social life she had built. She faded apart from her friends because all she cared about was studying.​​​​​​​        Throughout middle school, her grades were better than ever. She was nearly always at the top of her class and she turned all her assignments in on time. She wouldn’t allow herself to rest if it meant sacrificing precious study time. All she cared about was making her parents proud and becoming someone that they couldn’t be embarrassed of. She was the student that teachers used as an example of what everyone should be like, and because of that, she was nicknamed the teacher’s pet and jokes were made about her. She was frequently ‘accidentally’ tripped in the hallways, and sometimes people would push her or make fun of her to her face. It bothered her and she became almost ashamed of who she was.        When high school came, applying for Chunghwa was a decision that made both her and her parents happy. They liked it because of the honor it would bring to their name, and she liked it because she would no longer be the only student who was so serious about studying. It seemed like the perfect answer for everything the small family wanted, and they were ecstatic when Subin was accepted. Of course, acceptance was expected with the family’s wealth and Subin’s own amazing grades.        Now, as a student about to start her last year in Chunghwa, Subin is more lost than ever before. While her parents aren’t constantly on her back, they do pressure her, and it’s harder to be at the top of the class when nearly everyone else is just as smart as she is. It makes her feel less special, less proud. Even just the overall atmosphere of the school makes her feel out of place and uneasy. But, she’s slowly becoming more free and independent. She’s tired of following the guidelines that her parents and teachers set for her. She wants her last year to be something that she’ll remember.
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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SCHEDULE:  Math B2, Science B1, Korean A1, English, Japanese, Music theory, Music Composition, Jazz band
KURIN SCHOOL NEWSPAPER, 05.16.17: New student Shin Kijae has officially joined the third year class! Kijae is seventeen years old and has been reported to be optimistic, driven, and caring but also shy, over-thinking, and introverted. His personality will take him far as a member of the Dance Club. Let’s welcome Kijae to the school and wish him a good year!
Name and pronouns: Emily (she/her) Other muses: n/a Time zone: gmt+1
Muse name: Shin Kijae Birthday (or age): August 5th, 1999 (17) Faceclaim: Choi Youngjae (got7) School: Kurin Grade: 3rd year Desired clubs: Dance club Positive traits: optimistic, driven, caring Negative traits: shy, over-thinker, introvert. Proficiency: Although the more academic side to life wasn’t his forte, Kijae has always been well known for his abilities in music, his perfected piano skills and angelic voice, the effortless way he can play a guitar. He’s also no stranger to languages; being fluent in both Korean and English though he’d love to learn more.
{ Early Life }
The youngest son to a wealthy family, Kijae grew up with an older brother, father and mother. Their house was never quiet, with his father the CEO to a major record label and his mother a well respected lawyer; business parties, meetings and anniversaries always kept the noise levels up. Kijae was definitely more of an introverted boy, he still is. During his first years of school kids would complain how he never wanted to play with them. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them; he just preferred to play on his own, especially after discovering that banging objects together would make a noise. At the tender age of six years old, Kijae’s parents finally gifted him with a piano and lessons twice a week. The boy was a natural- as if he were a born musician. At it was a few years of begging and pleading before his grandparents gifted him with a guitar, and since then he swore to perfect them both.
{ The Teens }
The thing with growing up with a strict Korean-British family, it required you to be the best of the best. Even more than that. When he wasn’t practising the same piece of music over and over again, his head was stuck in his books. As he got older and reached his middle and high school years, Kijae’s room was overflowing with a hoard of books, paper work, crumpled up sheets and flashcards. His grades were damn near perfect. Despite his efforts, Kijae could never compete with his older brother when it came to the academic side of things, and because his parents were almost against all things creative; it really didn’t help. There was a clear bias of his family, Kijae had to endure endless rants of his parents crushing his dream of being a performer. “You can’t make a career prancing around on stage”. “It’s impossible”. “Why can’t you just be like your brother?”. Now Kijae isn’t that much of a pushover, and the fact that for most of his life his dreams had been stamped on only fuelled his hunger to prove everyone wrong. One night after school as he was practicing, he started to quietly sing along to the music until he got lost within it, belting each note and rhythm until one of his friends walked in and busted him. The boy sat there with his face bright red, his shyness only becoming more prominent as his voice was complimented. It took him a while to warm up to the idea of singing, though once he got used to it he didn’t stop, the angelic melody of his voice was heard anywhere he went.
{ Present Day }
As soon as he was of a decent age, Kijae immediately snagged the opportunity to audition, to get his name out there. After failing at a few companies who deemed him “too young”, he opted to join a school to train up. He was scrolling through his emails and that’s how he stumbled across the name Kurin. He practised day and night until his audition day, his stomach full of butterflies and palms sweaty the entire time. It wasn’t the typical ‘run home to your parents’ ordeal for him. Because once he was accepted, all hell broke loose in the Shin household. His parents had absolutely no intentions of allowing their son to take such a non academic path. After days of not speaking, unless it was an argument; Kijae decided it was time to do something for himself for once. So he packed up and left for Kurin, determined to work as hard as he could so he could finally achieve his dream. A few years have passed since that day; failed attempts of rekindling the relationship with his parents has just made him more passionate. His training is rough, vigorous and time consuming. But he wouldn’t have it any other way. Since he first joined Kurin, Kijae set up an online account to upload his music; probably the best move he’s ever made. Slowly but surely he’s built up a little fanbase for himself, something he’s only ever dreamed of. He always said even if it was just one fan, he’d sing with his life.
club form
Muse name, age, and grade: Shin Kijae, 17, third year School attending: Kurin Current clubs (leading or attending): n/a
Starting or joining: joining Club name: Dance club Additional Notes: n/a
With his dream of being an idol in mind, he knew he needed to be able to dance. Despite his best efforts of hiring out rooms, dancing in his bedroom; he wasn’t the greatest mover. He wasn’t terrible, but he was no dance machine. He knew with the right training he could become a lot better. Being the dedicated boy he was, he was desperate to work hard, wanting to take any opportunity he could to achieve his dream.
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
ok honestly just wanted to say that i'm happy to see this rp still here and wanted to say congrats on the revamp! glad to see you guys doing well! i would love to reapply but honestly i feel so bad about just disappearing without saying that i can't bring myself to do it.
thanks for the support! honestly, i don’t think any of the admins or members would have any hard feelings about it. in fact, we lost over half our muses during the revamp so we’d actually be really pleased and excited to have you back. 
nonetheless, we’ll respect your decision if that’s what you’ve chosen! again, thank you!
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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Choi Youngjae, GOT7 - Kurin / 3rd, Dance club (  — accepted!)
Lee Jieun, IU - Chunghwa / 3rd, Journalism & Debate Team (  — accepted!)  
Lee Mijoo, LOVELYZ - Dongnam, Tennis Capt.  (  — accepted!)
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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↪  UNTIL 5.15.17
Lee Mijoo, LOVELYZ - Dongnam, Tennis Capt.
Choi Youngjae, GOT7 - Kurin / 3rd, Dance club (  — pending!)
Lee Jieun, IU - Chunghwa / 3rd, Journalism & Debate Team (  — pending!)  
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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SCHEDULE: Creative Orchestra, Art Direction, Music Theory, Experimental Music
EXTRACURRICULARS: Performing Division
YESEUL INSTITUTE OF ARTS BULLETIN, 05.06.17: New student Hwang Kitae has officially been accepted into the third year class! Kitae is twenty-one years old and plans on majoring in Composition. He has been reported to be confident, relaxed, and playful but also egotistical, troublesome, and fraudulent. His personality will take him far as a member of the performing division. Let’s welcome Kitae to the school and wish him a good year!
Name and pronouns: rocket, she/her Other muses: acreiko Time zone: mst
Muse name: hwang kitae Birthday (or age): 30 september 1995 / twenty one Faceclaim: kwon hyuk / dean School: yeseul institute of arts Grade: third Desired clubs: performing division Positive traits: confident / relaxed / playful Negative traits: egotistical / troublesome / fraudulent Proficiency: the makeup of his family is fairly affluent, so whatever subject kitae struggled with in high school was solved easily with the use of money. excellent tutors were easy to come by, so he didn’t struggle for long. despite this, his parents’ focus has always been music so he does have weakness in subjects unrelated to music. these subjects are, expectedly, math and science courses. Electives: creative orchestra, art direction
.001 his welcoming. healthy. perhaps the healthiest of all the children that surround him. a tuft of black hair upon his soft head and a pair of bleary brown eyes that look at the world in wonder. most importantly, his mother thinks, a strong set of lungs. he does not scream, no. rather he sings to her, the beautiful melody of a child born with such a precious gift. just like her. his parents know before he is even an hour old that he will follow in their footsteps. a singer, a star.   ( a money maker )
.002 his path. father has a background in business. a ceo, he sells cars. imported, fancy things that put much more than a buck in his back pocket. he can provide mother a lavish lifestyle, so she does not have to lift a finger. she does anyways, because that is what she desires. she has the voice of an angel and the face of a doll. the country adores her and the stories she tells through song. she adores the fame, the fortune. kitae will too, of course. it is in his blood, after all.
.003 his gift. mother is right, it seems. kitae develops a knack for music. his fingers push eighty eight ivory keys until he finds the right note. over and over again, until he can play the song back just as perfectly as it has been played to him. his fingers pluck the strings and pull the bow of a cello until a tune cries from its strings, haunting and beautiful. perhaps the best, however, is how he orchestrates his music like his mother before him, tells his stories through melodies of tongue. his talent comes to him as easy as breathing. mother is right. mother knows best.
.004 his plight. his childhood is easy, to those looking in from the outside. they see the nicest of clothes and the fanciest of toys. the highest of education. they see a child, born into wealth and spoiled accordingly. they do not see the conflict that arises between his parents over stainless steel cutlery and fine china, or the rumpled bed sheets of one of the many guest bedrooms. they do not see a child being torn apart by his parents’ differing ideals. this is a good thing, he supposes. it is easier to pretend that he is mean because of his value, and not because he is treated like an object to be passed among the adults how and whenever they see fit.
.005 his life. kitae understands that something coming so naturally to him is what others spend years of their lives honing, perfecting, chasing. that his gift is something to be coveted, used to the fullest extent. keep going, kitae. mother tells him. don’t give up. father says, don’t disappoint me. practice more. and so he does. his fingers ache with fatigue. he sees time signatures burned into the back of his eyelids when he blinks.
.006 his resolve. his music is what keep them together. they don’t fight in whispered tones across the dinner table when kitae presents a new award or when he shows them his newest trophy. mother doesn’t angrily fold his socks and father doesn’t aggressively turn the pages of his newspaper. when kitae creates a melody, his parents find harmony in it. find harmony in each other. this, he supposes, is worth the pushing and the prodding and the grooming to be something. so the boy continues. he writes and he practices and he works. he hears dissonance in silence and harmony in sound. he thinks his efforts are noble.
but after a while, kitae begins to enjoy the cacophony.
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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              Hello, everyone!!  Today’s acceptances will take place around 7:30PM PST tonight instead of its usual hour. We hope everyone is doing well and make sure you check back often, because we will have an event posted for you in the upcoming week or two! 
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academiakrp-blog · 7 years
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↪  UNTIL 5.13.17
Kwon Hyuk ( Dean ), SOLOIST
↪  UNTIL 5.15.17
Lee Mijoo, LOVELYZ - Dongnam, Tennis Capt.
Choi Youngjae, GOT7 - Kurin / 3rd, Dance club (  — messaged!)
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