acapoet · 9 days
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Addams Family Values (1993)
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acapoet · 19 days
Most men don't understand its not about giving her the world, but making her feel like she's a priority in yours.
It's about hiding cute little notes around the house for her to find telling her all the cute little things she never knew about herself.
It's about sending her her favorite iced coffee at work that day because you know from what she told you the night before it was going to be a long one and you listened.
It's about surprising her with a sweet text throughout the day to remind her you're thinking about her.
It's about coming home from work and asking about her day because you genuinely care about the answer.
It's about starting that new load of laundry and folding the old one because you want her to know it's not just her responsibility and you help share the load.
It's about going to the refrigerator to get yourself a drink, and you get her one without even asking.
It's about driving down a backroad and you pull off to the side to pick her some beautiful wild flowers.
It's about cuddling on the couch in sweatpants and binge watching your favorite show on Netflix together.
It's about taking her to her favorite restaurant unannounced because you know she just wants her favorite food that day.
It's about slow dancing with her in the kitchen because you haven't went out in awhile.
It's about calling her randomly and asking how she is doing because you care about her mental health.
It's about laying her favorite dress on the bed with a note that says "put this on and be ready by 7pm".
It's about knowing the smallest details about her, like the way she likes her coffee in the morning, or her favorite smell, or what movies make her cry.
It's about going to a local ice cream parlor on a Saturday afternoon to talk about your life goals together over a couple hot fudge sundaes.
Take my advice and remember...... it doesn't always have to cost much money, it just needs to catch her off guard.
The most powerful thing is often and unexpected gift at an unexpected time.
Also "showing" her through actions that you pay attention to her, value her, and make her a priority allows her to "feel" secure and safe in your relationship, and this my friends is ultimately the most important ✨️🩷
- a mix of me and another writer ✍️
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acapoet · 20 days
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acapoet · 20 days
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acapoet · 20 days
I know you worked a long shift, I know you're tired and don't feel like stopping, and I know you don't think it matters and that they are just some "stupid flowers", but get the flowers!
It doesn't matter if you go outside and handpick them yourself. She will appreciate them and you more than you will ever know. Women love the little things.
She likes the small surprises and nice gestures letting her know you're thinking of her. So get the flowers, put a smile on her face, and never stop being the guy who does the "little things" for his woman.❤️
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acapoet · 20 days
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acapoet · 2 months
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acapoet · 2 months
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acapoet · 2 months
i need to fuck someone whos unhealthily obsessed with me.
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acapoet · 3 months
When we gonna call so I can moan & talk nasty in your ear until you cum for me
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acapoet · 3 months
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The Addams Family (1991)
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acapoet · 3 months
came to the conclusion that in order for u to be happy. you gotta stop holding on to stuff no matter how much it hurt you. you can’t change what happened 3 years ago, 10 months ago, or 2 days ago. let it go. even if the person who hurt you never told you sorry or took accountability for it, let it go. you ain’t hurting nobody but yourself, by holding on to it
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acapoet · 3 months
read that again.
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acapoet · 3 months
Being faithful in a relationship isn't just about staying out of someone else's bed. It’s way deeper than that.
It’s the texts you don’t send, the flirty conversations you don’t entertain, and the decisions you make when no one's watching.
Being faithful isn’t just about avoiding the act of cheating. It’s about consciously removing yourself from any situation that could potentially blur the lines.
It’s about not seeking validation or attention from anyone outside the relationship. It’s about not having anything on your phone that you wouldn’t want your partner to see.
Being truly faithful is not just about physical monogamy. It’s about emotional integrity. Being faithful starts and ends within you 🫶💖
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acapoet · 3 months
I hope you find someone who will message you the most random parts of their day. The little pieces of nonsense that maybe only make sense to them, but in that special little way only they could because you are that special person to them. The person they want to share their world with and make you one of their favorite parts of it 🫶🖤
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acapoet · 3 months
i just wanna make you feel like your favorite songs do 🖤
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acapoet · 3 months
I hope you stumble upon someone who will message you the silliest things that make perfect sense to only them, making you feel special and included in their world ❤️
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