activebiker · 8 months
Safety tips are necessary and we would like to explain a few here: 1 — Wear Helmet & Gear 2 — Maintenance of Bike 3 — Group riding 4 — Stay hydrated and fuel up
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activebiker · 8 months
best mountain bike training provider for beginners | activebiker.com
Seeking for the best Mountain bike training provider for beginners  then we would like to suggest, need to visit our website today for getting the best detailed information from the Expert mountain bike rider
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activebiker · 8 months
Mountain bike riding lesson | activebiker.com
There are so many different types of Mountain bike riding lessons at activerbiker.com, please visit the site as well as join our newsletter for more information.
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activebiker · 1 year
Let's Talk About 9 Safety Tips While MTB Riding
Safety tips are essential for beginner as well as experienced. So, here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind while riding:
1 – Helmet & Gear: Always wear a helmet and appropriate protective gear like knee pads and gloves etc.
2 – Maintenance of Bike: Regularly maintain and inspect your bike. Check the brakes, tires, and suspension before starting. Active Biker’s trainer provide more detailed information about it so click here.
3 - Skills: Be honest with yourself about your skill level and choose trails that match your abilities because everyone has the different skills and stamina. Challenge yourself to improve and try to improve it day or month by month.
4 – Group riding: Riding in groups is not only more fun but also enhances safety. If anything goes wrong, you'll have someone to rely on for assistance. Here at Active Biker training session, you will get the information about MTB riding, you can join Active biker's strava club or whatsapp group as well
5 - Stay aware and alert: Keep your eyes on the trail, paying attention to obstacles, hikers, and fellow riders.
6 - Stay hydrated and fuel up: Carry enough water (2 water bottle) and snacks to keep your energy levels high throughout the MTB ride. Proper nutrition and hydration are essential to drive well.
7 - Be prepared for weather changes: Check the forecast before heading out and dress accordingly. Pack extra layers and rain gear if needed. Avoid riding in the hot whether like at the noon of summer, it will be risky for your health as well.
For more mtb riding safety tips, join Active Biker training schools and you will be trained by Prafull Goyal and team.
Feel free to share these tips with riders and let's keep spreading awareness about mountain bike riding safety.
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activebiker · 2 years
I have found an event for you, please check the event detail here Date - 24 Dec 2022 Day - Saturday Time - 6:30 AM to 12:30 PM IST
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activebiker · 2 years
I have found a free event for all the riders, check the detail of the event as follows: Duration 1+ hour Date - 3rd Dec 2022 Lucky one's will get Active Biker T-shirt. Supported by https://www.strava.com/clubs/activebiker
Active Biker Team
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activebiker · 2 years
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activebiker · 2 years
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activebiker · 2 years
mtb safe driving training Bangalore India | activebiker.com
Are you searching mtb safe driving training Bangalore then you are at the right place. Active biker provides you all the training for which you are looking. For more information, visit our website
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activebiker · 2 years
Mountain bike riding Events | activebiker.com
There are so many different types of Mountain bike riding Events at activerbiker.com, please visit the site as well as join our newsletter for more information.
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activebiker · 2 years
best mtb riding provider Bangalore India | activebiker.com
Looking for the best mtb riding provider in Bangalore, India then you are at the right place, here active biker you will find the best trainer for learning mountain bike riding. Visit our website for more information.
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activebiker · 2 years
mtb riding beginners in Bangalore India | activebiker.com
Seeking for the mtb riding for beginners in India then we would like to suggest, need to visit our website today for getting the best detailed information from the Expert mountain bike rider
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