actuallyvady · 2 hours
i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself
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actuallyvady · 2 hours
Thinking about when I worked for honey baked ham and whenever we got busy our store manager would recalibrate the pricing scales to make hams more expensive per pound and most hams landed around $80 naturally so sometimes you'd get an 8lb ham for like $110
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actuallyvady · 2 hours
a combination of two polls I've seen multiple times:
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actuallyvady · 2 hours
When I am president, I will abolish. There will no longer be any.
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
"How can platonic BDSM be a thing". It's whatever Sam Reich is doing to his friends on Game Changer actually.
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
the primary question i’ve been looking to answer through reading books about athletic masculinity is why are there so few openly gay professional athletes?
i have little interest in answers to this question entirely dedicated to practical steps towards increasing the number of out athletes, or proposing reasons why gay men might find sporting environments hostile and avoid them. both of these conversations have a place in the discourse but they’ve been hashed and rehashed a hundred times to little material success. the fact is that gay athletes exist in all possible contexts and despite broadening societal acceptance in the west, few of them have left the closet.
when we ask, “where are the gay athletes?” what we are really asking is: “what about men’s sports is so fundamentally, structurally incompatible with male queerness that the idea of a queer elite athlete is unthinkable to so many?”
from my readings so far, the consensus seems to be: because elite men’s sports provides the blueprint for the norms of masculinity our society deems as ideal, norms of masculinity which actively exclude and in fact defines itself against queerness and anything seem as feminine or feminizing.
straight men who might passively consider themselves accepting of queerness still see an inherent contradiction within the mixing of anything outside conventional masculinity in the realm of men’s sports. women, trans people, queer people, disabled people—these are categories of people that, regardless of personal gender identity, cannot access masculinity in its hegemonic, ideal form. they have no place in a realm with which men engage in order to validate their claim to patriarchal power—an aspiration with undeniable roots in eugenics and the eugenic valorization of the young, abled white body.
women, most out trans people, and many disabled people would not make it into the locker room of an elite men’s sports team in general. that leaves gay men as the most common interloper. and when they are there (because they ARE there; sports environments cannot repel queerness and in fact the male camaraderie they offer often serves to ATTRACT gay men) these inherently unmasculine interlopers must stay silent—DO stay silent—lest they undermine the project at the heart of men’s sporting culture: to legitimatize patriarchy.
because if they did speak up, they’d bring attention to what men’s sporting culture is: really fucking gay.
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
in conversation about white people who go to Japan and expect their knowledge of anime to culturally carry them, I was once posed with “it’s like if there was a Japanese guy who was obsessed with spongebob and came over here and thought he could get by just communicating in spongebob quotes.” This is a false equivalence because if such a man existed we would crown him king. We’d love him. Americans would fucking love that. sometimes I get sad that this isn’t a real guy I can invite to a party.
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
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sometimes reading the comments is worth it
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
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🌊 The whimsical illustrations of Serendipity, written by Stephen Cosgrove and illustrated by Robin James, 1974 🌊
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actuallyvady · 3 hours
the amount of letters in your full name is now your forever age. what is it?
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actuallyvady · 21 hours
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My tribute comic to the Ancients.
It didn't really come out as I would have liked but I'm glad I finished it.
The text is from the song "What Angel Wakes Me" from the Titania fight in ffxiv, written by Masayoshi Soken. Making this comic was only possible through the support of my patrons. If you enjoyed it and want to see more don't forget to ring that bell and smash the subscribe button consider giving me a follow and donating on kofi or subbing on patreon! Links are on my pinned post
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actuallyvady · 1 day
The other thing I have realized in my efforts today is that not only do Dracula and Mina have similar tastes in women, and men, they seem to have similar tastes in everything. Architecture. Trains. Everything. It's uncanny
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actuallyvady · 1 day
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actuallyvady · 1 day
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Sometimes it feels like everyone around me is speaking in a secret language and I'm the only one who doesn't know it.
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actuallyvady · 1 day
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