addamsoctober · 28 days
“I remember,” she told him with a smile, as his band was on festival line-ups before her’s even existed. (Or at least- before it really existed. They weren’t that far off in age.) It had to be a weird feeling, and she was she wanted to keep doing this until she dropped dead, and for all she knew Alejandro felt that way too. They were both still young though, one festival from the sidelines wasn't a death sentence. A grin spread across her features, "Stoked. I think this is the biggest crowd we've played but, I don't know, it's all kinda the same to me, once I'm up there."
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"Oh it's nothing," he said and ran his hands over his face before he looked over at her. "Just feeling nostalgic. This used to be a big day for us," he admitted and now he couldn't tell you where his former bandmates were right now. Though knowing Amber she'd surely try to find him later and was probably feeling the same. "It's one of the best stages, you're gonna crush it." He had easily become a fan of Genesis as a musician alone and not just because she was related to his wife but because of her talent and then her band had only made it that much better. He was rooting for them, that was for sure. "Are you excited?"
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addamsoctober · 1 month
The Crypt Keepers didn't play until later in the day, so Gen was sneaking in time to check out some of the other artists when she spotted her- cousin? Cousin-in-law? "What was that?," she raised her voice over the music, eyes still on the stage as she settled into the crowd next to Alejandro. She peeled her attention away from the band performing though once she realized there was some kind of personal crisis happening next to her. "People bring up special guests at these things all the time, sure... You good?"
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"Feels kind of weird not to be up there." Alejandro wasn't sure if anyone heard him. The edible he had taken earlier were finally starting to kick in and he was sure he had been standing in the same spot for what felt like hours even though in reality it had been minutes. The kids were with his parents and he was sure Casper was somewhere around here but he had been feeling melancholy at the idea of merely being a fan at this festival. A feeling he wasn't at all used to. "Maybe they won't notice if I just go up there. Oh fuck, that's desperate isn't it? Am I old now?"
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addamsoctober · 3 months
"Hence the name." She smiled back at Willow, humoring her just the slightest with a raise of her brows. They were an unlikely pair but the same could probably be said for most of October's relationships. Her gaze followed her gesturing hand, interest piqued. "Those do sound cool. Probably better than the antique one I have too, it's about the size of an actual dagger. Stunning but hardly efficient." Shrugging, she walked with Willow back to where the letter openers were. "What else is on your apocalypse agenda?"
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"More the merrier, right?" she sucked her teeth, allowing herself a moment of bitterness before she let it pass. It had been a long time and she was happier than ever, she liked to think that felt better than praying on anyone's downfall. "Why thank you, they're sticky and you can write notes on them." Willow wiggled her brow, goofing around even if October wasn't really the type to play along. "I, uh, I saw some cool letter openers over there," she gestured, figuring they'd be more up her friend's alley. "Looked like tiny swords. We can swing past those and then go if you want."
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addamsoctober · 4 months
"That's not what I was thinking." She returned Willow's pointed look, corners of her mouth tugging up in a smile. "Not unscathed but yeah, we lived. I know someone else who could join him too," she joked, though she didn't have much issue with the aforementioned blonde, not anymore. "I like your sticky notes," she nodded down to some of the stationary in her hands, all very Willow.
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"Would just like to clarify that I'm not so egotistical to truly think I have haters," she gestured to October pointedly, needing her to believe her. "Ouch, really? That sounds... and everyone lived to tell the tale? I'd probably start keeping a snow shovel on me at all times after that. I mean, to bury Travis alive, obviously."
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addamsoctober · 4 months
October followed her gaze out the window, watching the snow as it fell with no intent of letting up. "Are they?," she countered at Willow, unaware that she even had enemies. "I think the last time we got snowed in I was with my parents, Axel, and my ex-boyfriend, so, couldn't get much worse than that."
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"Am I the only one who feels extra wary on days like this?" Willow craned her neck to look out the shop window, watching the miserable sky and the growing amount of snow falling from it. "Like, is this somewhere I want to get snowed in? Are my enemies in the room with me? Because I'm sure as hell not carrying enough snacks right now and I'm so not in the mood for mental warfare. I'm just here to buy more stationery than I'm ever going to need."
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addamsoctober · 5 months
"So I've heard." She didn't think she'd done much to win Austin's parents' favor, so she figured it had more to do with how their son felt about her than her ever dazzling personality. "I doubt they're noticing much of anything. Oh I wouldn't want to miss that," she deadpanned back, smile breaking across her lips as she took his hand and followed him through the bar. "Good. Uneventful. I went by my parents' house, they have this new nativity set I guess, and it's all taxidermy mice. How's your's, where are Keaton and everyone?"
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Austin's smile was wide as he watched his mother hug October, feeling like the night was complete now that she was here. "You know you're her favorite, right?" His cheeks turned pink despite himself when she kissed his cheek and his eyes widened as she pulled out the joint. "Wow, you are also my favorite. Thank you very much. Oh god no, I've been trying not to get them to notice I haven't been doing as many shots at them. I took an edible earlier and I'd really like to not spend Christmas morning throwing up," he admitted to her. "My real birthday gift is being the one to remember all of this. You're just in time for the group photo though. Your favorite," he teased and reached for her hand so they could move through the crowd towards the end of the bar. "How'd your day go?"
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addamsoctober · 5 months
"Hi!" She greeted Austin's mom, grabbing her by her shoulders just so she didn't stumble into anybody else. The woman grabbed her by the neck to pull in her for a hug, and October gave her boyfriend a smile from over her shoulder. A bar crawl might've been the last thing she wanted to do on Christmas Eve, or any day really, but she agreed to meet Austin and his family out later on, offering to drive if necessary. (Very necessary.) "Happy birthday." She kissed on him on the cheek, then revealed a joint she had in her pocket once she pulled away, sticking it behind his ear. "I can get a round of shots if you need to catch up..."
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"Sorry, sorry, she has had...a lot to drink tonight." Austin apologized on behalf of his drunk mother who had bumped into someone on her way out of the bar they had been drinking at. For his birthday he had managed to convince his family, including all of his brothers to get out of the house for Christmas eve and go on a bar crawl. His father had of course been resistant at first but now that they were all out here they were clearly having a good time. "It's my birthday and my parents are somehow the drunkest. Which I guess is pretty fitting." Luckily the third edible he had taken was kicking in and he was finding it hard to care about anyone's behavior at this point.
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addamsoctober · 7 months
"Saw trap, but," Gen held up a finger for pause, "They have to let me complain the whole time. Or a slasher, I think I've got the final girl scream down." With a raise of her brows, she opened her mouth wide like she was about to let one rip, watching Rocky's reaction before she settled back into a grin.
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"Alright, so, hypothetically speaking we're trapped in a horror movie. What kind would you be most likely to survive? I think I'd make it to the sequel in a zombie franchise. I'm fast, I'm nimble, I'm pretty dope at axe throwing...."
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addamsoctober · 8 months
"Your grandson's got shit taste." Contrary to popular belief, October didn't love decorating for Halloween either- her house always looked the way it did, and she found most holiday decor tacky. She took the crystal off him and turned it over in her hands. "Already found it, I've been trying to find a use for it. It's taxidermy, so quite nice actually. Classier than I'd pictured."
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"jack picked it out for me. i'm not going to tell my grandson no." patton laughed. he wasn't big into Halloween decor like his daughter but he'd humor casper occasionally. and now he did the same for jack. "I'm pretty sure our parents were hoarders. look at this shit." he took out a decent sized crystal from the box and held it out toward October. "think we'll find that dismembered hand dad used to tell us about?"
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addamsoctober · 8 months
"Really?" October swatted away a cheap hanging Halloween decoration as she walked into Patton's house. "Here, these were all in the basement," she said as she dropped a box on the table, full of oddities from their family's home. "No telling what's in there." @addamspatton
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addamsoctober · 10 months
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addamsoctober · 11 months
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( @serena-stein @cliffsaito )
easier than lying hush hella good play destroy mad love figure 8 gimme what i want never be me hit me like a man lilith like a prayer (madonna cover) i caught myself
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addamsoctober · 11 months
"A few." She nodded, "And you know, beggars can't be choosers." Shrugging, she smirked when she looked back over at Samara, chuckling a bit. Gen's ego didn't bruise easily, but she could respect the effort, plus she always thought it was cool how much talent ran in Rocky's family. "Oh that's what you hear, from who? I hope you're not ragging on the tramp stamp either, that's a time honored tradition. Babies I could do without."
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“Have you gotten any requests for asses? Or are you strictly a tits person?” Samara asked with a hint of a joking tone although clearly impressed. She had nothing but respect for all the groups she would be sharing the stage with but it was only right that she mess around with Gen a bit considering she was in the same band as her younger brother, lest any of them got too big of an ego. “I hear it’s only a slippery slope from there. Then people start asking you to sign their babies or giving them tramp stamps. Hope you’re confident in your penmanship skills.”
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addamsoctober · 11 months
He happily gave her hands a squeeze, feeling her energy rolling off of her. “Hell yeah we can. Now that was some rockstar shit for real. Very, very hot,” he told her and pulled her in so he could kiss her. “Drinks? Dancing? Water slide? All of the above? I’ll do a belly flop just for you.” He slid his arm around her shoulders as they started walking to get drinks, getting a kick out of how many people were telling her how awesome she was. “I gotta say, I’m pretty psyched about being a rockstars arm candy. Adding it to the vision board as a blessing I didn’t know I needed. Hey you think if I built you a robot that could play an instrument you’d want to pilot it? That’d be kinda cool. Or absolutely terrible. Probably both.”
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“Yes yes, and yes,” she laughed again, pulling him in for one more kiss. As pumped as she after their show, she felt lighter too, like a weight had been lifted off her, even if she hadn’t been all that nervous beforehand. She thanked the couple people that congratulated her in passing. “I think you’ve always wanted this, on some unconscious level. Hm, I love you, but I don’t think so,” she told him honestly, turning her head to smile up at him. “What about a robot photographer? It could be on stage with us and get angles, maybe some video, that a photographer in the crowd might not be able to. Give your arms a break too.”
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addamsoctober · 11 months
Damon always loved taking photos but he was especially focused on them now that he was working on something for her. The longer they were together, the more cheesy he became, he was sure. Now that he wasn’t focused on wrecking his life so much and shit just felt…stable, Damon had realized that he possessed a lot of the tendencies he had once made fun of his brother for. He supposed that was what love did to you. “Totally fair. Either way you’re gonna rock it.” When they did actually go up there, Damon made his way to the front of the stage as best he could. After a few pictures and videos, he stashed his phone away to just be in the moment and sing along. He had been determined to know every word he could, actually in awe as he saw her up there. Anyone who could see him would have seen him beaming with the goofiest smile as he watched her. When the set was done, he waited for her by the side of the stage, already cheering when he saw her walking down. “Crypt Keepers brought down the house! My god!”
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They’d built up a big enough discography that Gen felt they’d really fit a little bit of everything into their set list, within their forty minute slot. Of course they were mostly bangers, since that was kinda their thing, but there was a slower ballad in there too, a couple people could really dance to and not just head bang. Plus they fit in their version of Madonna’s Like A Prayer, which was just fun for everyone involved. Adrenaline pumping, she laughed when she saw Damon on the side of the stage and ran down the steps to him. She raised her hand to high-five him, keeping their hands clasped even as she dropped their arms, grinning. “Now we can party.”
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addamsoctober · 11 months
Although Gen heard plenty about Beverly from Rocky over the years, she didn't know her on much of a personal level. Rocky didn't really know her boyfriend either though, so it wasn't a big deal, just something that hadn't happened. "Total honor, right," she confirmed with a nod. She started to sense what Beverly was trying to ask without really asking it. "On a person, yeah probably. I've signed lots of weird objects though, take out bags, an album that wasn't even our's once. Rocky's gotten a couple weird ones, but no boobs, as far as I know."
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having a rockstar boyfriend was an interesting adjustment for beverly. one she never imagined she’d have to get used to. it was still odd knowing that the rocky she grew up with was now adored by many screaming girls. she would never deny that she wasn’t the jealous type because she one hundred percent was but as she had gotten older beverly had been able to manage it better. more like hide but that was better right! “oh, that’s like a badge of honor is the music realm right?” she asked. her type a-personality didn’t really mesh well with these sort of scenes but for rocky she tried. “you’re allowed to let it go to your head a little. is that the … most peculiar place you’ve been asked to sign?”
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addamsoctober · 11 months
"Back up, Beverly's got boobs, right?" Gen rose her brows at Rocky then clapped her hands together, pointing at him afterwards. "Problem solved. You can just ask her. How do your drumming wrists feel, nice and warm?"
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“I won’t accept this negativity in my safe space–” Rocky waved his hands around him, mapping his supposed safe space. “I was talking about Beverly actually but now you’re giving me ideas…”
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