adstargetsadsite · 3 years
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adstargetsadsite · 3 years
Blogging tutorials for beginners
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adstargetsadsite · 4 years
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How To Make Money Blogging Ultimate Guide ($7,000+ a Month) https://bit.ly/3bs8Nn9
If you are wondering how to make money blogging after a few months of some valuable blog posts, you are not alone.
In fact, there are hundreds of thousands of bloggers out there asking the same questions such as "How to make money with a blog".
It will also shock you to know that there are hundreds of solutions out there written by other bloggers sharing their income strategies.
what made this different is that, you are getting a full package of what you need to do from scratch to start your blog and make real money blogging shared by an experienced blogger.
I have been blogging for over 8 years, I ranked hundreds of blogs that made real money for me and my clients over the years.
In this blog post, I am going to explain in plain language step by step and all that is involved having a great blogging career.
So first of all, I will assume you already have been blogging for some time and started getting some reasonable traffic before the search for ways to monetize your blog.
First things first, let's clear some myths about blogging
Can you really make money blogging?
According to Google asked the question, this is one of the most asked questions by bloggers or people aspiring to start blogging.
The answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY YES!
You can really make money blogging. In fact, there are bloggers that make 7 figures blogging such as Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post is known to make over $2 million and considered the word's richest blogger.
Also, another rich blogger is Michael Arrington, the founder of TechCrunch makes over $800,000 a month from this Tech blog.
Other bloggers like Neil Patel makes over $300,000 blogging about digital marketing and so many others making around $100,000 monthly blogging.
This only proves that it's possible to make money blogging.
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Image credit: Problogger
In another survey by blogging.org, 1000 bloggers were surveyed and asked how much money they were making: About 81% never make $100 from blogging
#1. About 9% made enough to sustain their personal lifestyle blogging 4-6 hours a day
#2. About 8% make enough money to support a family
#3. About 2% make $150K+ blogging 1-2 hours a day
#4. With this evidence, you can agree with me that you can really make money blogging.
Here is how to start blogging
I assume you already have been blogging or have your blog set up already.
If NOT, I will refer you to take your time and read in detail how to start a blog and all you need to need to start growing your blog traffic in the button below
How to start a blog and make money blogging
You will learn step-by-step all that is listed in the image below to get you started the right way to avoid errors.
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To get started with your blog, get a great hosting plan and a free domain here with all the benefits
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Click here to Sign up
Best blogging platform to make money
Wordpress is hands down the best blogging platform to make money. This blog you are reading right now is created with WordPress.
The reason why the majority of professional bloggers use WordPress as their blogging platform is the following
Wordpress is very easy and flexible to use for both beginners and professionals.
Search engines love it as it takes care of 80% of your SEO issues.
Endless customization opportunities to design and optimize your blog appearance.
Wordpress gives bloggers the opportunity to integrate third-party functionalities using various plugins.
It's built for all. Everything you want or desire to do with your blog, you can do it with WordPress.
It's the most popular blogging platform and loved by all Webhosting companies and they all have WordPress hosting plans to get you started.
Make money wordpress
Hence, WordPress comes with all possibilities to integrate third party services. You have opportunities to build shops and other e-commerce services like drop shipping to help you create recurring income.
This allows you to have payment gateways that allows people to pay for your services and products making you money.
Also, with WordPress, you can have all your forms that lead to your sales funnels plus your email funnels which allows you to control everything within the same platform.
WordPress is simply a money making machine.
Types of Blogs that make money
This is a tricky one! I would say all types of blogs make money. However, there are some that make more because of the niche, industry and the demand around it.
And of course, it mostly depends on your efforts. How much work you put over time.
One of our writers wrote about top blogging niches that make bloggers the most money here: How Niche blogging will make you a smart blogger.
He explains the benefits and discussed each of the types of blogs as well as tips to help bloggers grow their blogs specifically.
Top 10 blogs that make money
Food and Recipes
Food & Recipes
Health & Fitness
Travel and tourism
Personal Finances
Personal Development
Money Making
Beauty & Fashion
Tech/Gadgets Review
These are the top 10 types of blogs that make insane money. The reason is the high demand and massive organic traffic within these sectors.
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Also, there is so much to promote among these niches which give bloggers endless opportunities to make money faster as they grow their blogs and traffic.
Ways to make money blogging
So without further delay, I will discuss some of the most profitable ways you can make money blogging.
So let's get started.
CPA Marketing
CPA stands for Cost per action and the marketing part of it explains how you market the CPA offers to make money with your blog.
This has made the number on our list because it's gradually taken over the traditional blog monetizing practices simply because it pays 200% more than display ads on your blog.
Generally this is how CPA marketing works.
As a blogger, you are required to sign-up with a CPA Ad network and promote offers using a referrer link on your blog widgets. Each time someone signed up for the offer you get paid.
While display ad networks like AdSense may pay $0.5 per clicks or $1 per 1000 impressions. You make up to $15 or more for just one action your visitor takes through a CPA offer you are promoting.
Watch how you can make money with CPA marketing
The beauty of CPA marketing is that you are not necessarily required to sell products before making money as far as your visitor's register or signup on some of those partner site, you are credited.
Affiliate Marketing
Bloggers make millions of dollars with affiliate marketing day in day out. This is a green light that you can also do the same.
It's not rocket science and involves just a few clicks to sign up, get your affiliate link(s) and start promoting affiliate products to make money while you focus on creating content.
This work best if you promote niche related products or services on your blog.
There are great affiliate programs such as Amazon affiliate which is one of the most popular affiliate programs.
Others include web Hosting companies that also pay very good commissions and multiple affiliate ad networks you can sign up and promote hundreds of affiliate offers to make money.
Sponsored content
If you ever wonder why bloggers sometimes write reviews for brands or company products and services, the reason is pretty simple. They are paid to do so and it's called sponsored content.
Brands pay bloggers to write positive reviews for their new products and services and they pay heavily for those sponsored posts because of the exposure they derive from it.
All you need to do is to contact some brands (businesses) within your niche and offer then sponsored content offers and you be surprised how positive they will respond.
Bloggers charge from a couple of hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars for sponsored content.
It all depends on the size of your traffic and reach. Be cautious when asking for the price as overpricing will scare them away.
Sell digital products
You can create or buy digital products with resell rights and start selling them on your blog right from the first day. Digital products also include various training for various digital skills.
The demand for these products is much and growing every day as many people aspire for skills that will create them more income streams or become their own boss by starting up various businesses.
You can buy multiple digital products on Amazon or eBay. Buy then and offer some as gifts and sell some to make money using tools like ConvertKit.
You will need to research on what is related to your niche and what possibly your readers will be interested in buying such as e-books or video tutorials to get it and sell it on your blog keeping 100% revenue.
Sell physical products
You can also sell physical products on your blog even though you don't build or create those products and here is how to sell a physical product to make money blogging.
Buy products on websites like Aliexpress and other dropshipping websites, in your country or area. Once you have those products, list them on websites like Amazon or eBay and sell for profit.
Display Advertising
Displaying Ads on your blog to make money is one of the most popular ways of monetizing blogs and still used by most bloggers.
However, it's not the most profitable nowadays which is why is not on top of our list but highly recommended.
The good thing with selling ads or display ads on your blog is this. You make money every day and night as far as your audience keep coming to read your blog.
This is why Google AdSense has over two (2) million publishers using AdSense to monetize their blogs.
AdSense, as well as AdsTargets, are typically the best Ad Networks for bloggers to make money blogging through display ads.
How to make money blogging
Now that you know most of the ways to make monetize your blog and make money. Let's look at how you can actually make money blogging.
Create an email funnel / Email List
The first-way process is creating an email funnel that will allow you to keep your audience engaged and keep coming back to your blog as well as sell your products to them through your funnel using services such as ConvertKit
Building an email list gives you endless opportunities to grow your blog traffic and increase your search engine rankings. Each time you create a new post, you will be able to send an email to all your subscribers to read your blogs.
Your email list helps you also to market your affiliate and CPM offers as well as other digital and phisical product you may choose to promote on your blog.
Content and Content marketing
Content is really the core or the pillar of your blog money making strategy. Whatever you want to achieve with your blog center's on your content.
Content should actually be your first priority because in this game, content is the king and every other strategy depend on your content.
You should focus on creating unique and quality content. Aim to have at least 100 quality blog posts and well optimized for your relevant keywords.
This way, you will be able to get free quality traffic from search engines such as Google, Bing and others. This will be explained more below.
Search engine optimisation (SEO)
So why search engine traffic? Well, you need search traffic to actually make money and it's the best long term strategy to get quality free traffic.
Everything from setting up your blog, creating content, establishing authority all depend on your search engine optimisation. Here is how you should implement your SEO on the blog (Blog SEO).
#1. Keywords research:
Keyword research is the foundation of your blog SEO and traffic. Research and use the most relevant keywords in the main pape of your blog in the title, meta description and in the body section of your blog.
This is the first step of informing search engine what your blog is all about.
Imputing those keywords makes it easy for your audience to find you whenever they search for queries or related keywords bringing you tones of quality free traffic.
#2. Title tags:
On every page of your blog, you need to optimise your title with at least your focus keyword(s) and is should not exceed 65 characters.
This makes it easy for search engines to easily crawl and index your pages as well as understanding what your page is about.
#3. Meta description:
Just like the title tags, your meta descriptions is a bit longer with 165 characters which explain a bit more about your page content.
It is very important you include the same keywords you include in your title tag here as well for consistency making it easy for search engines and people to understand your page content.
Well optimize titles and meta descriptions helps increase your click through rate in search engines results.
#4. Content length:
Content length matters especially when it comes to blog post. On the main page (Home page) of your blog, I will suggest your content exceed 600 words.
The same applies for your blog post. Recommended words should be at least 600 words. However, we advise your blog posts should not be less than 1,200 words.
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The reason for this is, Google, as well as other search engines, prefer longer and valuable content. Having longs and well-detailed content will have a positive impact on your ranking and even when you don't have high page authority.
#5. Sitemaps
Make sure you create at least XML Sitemap in the public html forder on your host.
XML contains all links on your website which make it easy for search engines to find and index your pages and have a better understanding of your content.
You can use free SEO plugins in WordPress to create sitemaps or use free tools like XML Sitemaps to create, download and upload those sitemaps in your host.
#6. Robot txt
Robot.txt file is responsible for allowing search engines to index your websites and links on your website and is a must-have.
You must make sure you have it live at all times in your public_html folder to always give search engines access to index your blog.
This can be done in your Google webmaster tools.
#7. Internal links:
Always make sure you link to other pages on your blog especially pages with similar content.
This is great for your SEO and considered as one of the ranking factors.
Internal linking makes people spend more time on your blog reading your posts which tells search engines your content it valuable which increase your rankings in search engines.
It also helps both your new and old posts rank faster and better in search engines providing more value for your SEO.
#6. External links (backlinks)
External links also known as backlinks serves as recommendation or upvotes for your blog to search engines.
It basically tells search engines that your content is valuable which is why other blogs are referring their visitors your content.
This has a massive impact on the overall rankings of your entire blog and individual blog posts.
Although it's not easy to acquire backlinks, there are ways can reach out to other bloggers asking them to link to you using tools like Semrush to find prospects or HARO to contribute to journalists and experts so they can link back to you.
Guest blogging is another great way to acquire backlinks. You will have to reach out to your niche related experts and ask to write for them to get backlinks.
How to start a blog for free and make money
There are multiple free blogging platforms that allow you to start a blog for free such as Wordpress, bloggers spot, Tumblr, Wix, Reddit, github.io etc.
In fact, you will pretty much do a lot with these free blogging platforms such as monetizing with Ads, selling stuff, collecting emails, affiliate marketing and much more.
However, with free stuff, there is always a limitation and to be frank, these free blogs comes with crazy URLs that are not easy to remember by your audience as well as some limitations to customize and manage your content.
If you would ask me my opinion about using free blogging platforms.
My advice would be this... Please budget at least $100 and start a blog by buying a domain and a hosting plan to start blogging.
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Treat your blog like a business and you will make more money blogging than using free blogging platforms.
People and other business partners won't also take you seriously. Some Ad networks might not even accept your registration.
Blogging is a business and should be treated as one if you really want to make some money blogging.
From the first day, you decide to start a blog, map up a strategy to create quality content consistently. Always remember that content comes before anything.
Your second priority should be to reaching out to other bloggers within your niche to collaborate. This will get you backlinks, increase your domain authority, increase your visibility and organic traffic.
Thirdly, Your blog monetization strategy should be diverse and broad.
This is what really makes you money and make your blogging life more interesting.
Choose a niche you are interested and make it unique in your own way. This will keep your audience engaged and you won't be bored working on your blog.
I wish you all a successful blogging career.
Please, let us know your opinion about this post in the comment section.
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adstargetsadsite · 4 years
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Top 6 Best WordPress hosting for small business https://bit.ly/3buNeCm
Choosing the best WordPress hosting for your website or blog plays a major role in the successful performance of your website and ultimately your businesses.
However, most businesses do not take this seriously because of the lack of knowledge and awareness of how their WordPress hosting can have on their business.
Here is what most small business owners should know. your hosting has a significant impact on your search engine rankings as well as your customer's user experience.
Choosing a wrong or bad web hosting company could affect your website speed, search engine performance and even your PPC campaigns which makes it harder for you to grow your business.
This is why you need to choose the right hosting company.
Also, understanding the various types of WordPress hosting such as shared WordPress hosting, VPS hosting, Dedicated hosting, Free and managed WordPress hosting, will lead to better decision making.
In this article, we will discuss the best WordPress hosting options you should use to host your website.
Make sure you read till the end in order to make the best decision.
so here we go...
WordPress Hosting Providers
These are some the best web hosting options you need to look at when it comes to WordPress hosting.
Bluehost WordPress hosting
According to Wikipedia, Bluehost was founded in 2003. The company managed to gain a reputation for its excellent service for many years of excellent web hosting.
As of today, they managed to host over 2 million domains with a great 99.99% uptime making it one of the best web hosting services.
WordPress recommends Bluehost officially. They also ranked the overall #1 for hosting and powering small business websites.
With all this history of WordPress hosting excellence, we highly recommend Bluehost for your WordPress business website.
Bluehost wordpress offers three plans which are shown in the image below.
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Hostinger WordPress
Hostinger has built one of the best WordPress hosting systems you can ever dream of having.
In comparison with other hosting companies, they offer Quick and secured, guaranteed 99.99% uptime, feature-rich WordPress hosting solution.
It might interest you to know Hostinger actively contribute to the WordPress codebase, so you can be sure that they know all the ins and outs of this world-class CMS.
Some of the features you can be sure of having is an amazing load time 339 Ms and 99.99% uptime which significantly helps your website performance in search engines bringing you a tone of traffic to grow your business.
Hostinger is gradually becoming one of the most desired WordPress hosting among many WordPress users considering their affordable prices of $2.15/mo for the starter, $7.45/mo for premium, and $14.95/mo for a business plan.
These prices are cheap compared to the value they offer as seen in the image below.
Click below to start hosting with Hostinger
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SiteGround WordPress hosting
SiteGround is very popular among WordPress experts over the years and was ranked #1 as the best performing web hosting service while also serving over 2 million websites around the globe.
Some of the best known features of their web hosting is security and website speed.
You will be sure your wordpress website will have an amazing site speed and highly secured all the times.
This is great for your search engine rankings as Google and other search engines use these factors to rate websites SEO which improves your rankings in search engines.
The end benefit is so much organic traffic which is great for your business both in short and long-term.
SiteGround is officially recommended by WordPress, Woo and Yoast based on their outstanding performance over the years.
Click here to start Hosting with SiteGround
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You can see they have special offer price now if you are willing to join today.
Some the great feature of SiteGround features include automatic upgrades, built-in WP caching, one-click staging, CDN, and GIT version control.
They are also one of the few companies offering location specific hosting with 3 data centers in the USA, Europe, and Asia.
HostGator WordPress Hosting
Personally Hostgator was the first web hosting company I ever used back then in 2011. It was a great experience and the support was awesome.
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The fact remains that, HostGator is the best WordPress hosting when it comes to hosting a business website.
Millions of small businesses use HostGator because of their long-term reputation of great web hosting service which includes, Free SSL, 24/7 support, 99.9% uptime guaranteed.
Start Hosting with HostGator Here
This is one of the best things you can get from HostGator, 2.5X faster load times for your WordPress web hosting due to super charged cloud architecture, low-density servers, CDN, and multiple caching layers.
Considering their hosting plans with the offers that come with it. It simply awesome and one of the best choices you can have for your business.
DreamHost WordPress
Surely one of the top 5 best WordPress hosting company and officially recommended by WordPress.
One their outstanding features is making it very easy for you to set up your website and get running running within minutes.
They offer instant WordPress setup, free domain, FREE SSL Certificate, FREE Privacy Protection, Advanced, Easy-to-Use Panel, FREE Email Hosting, Automated Backups, and an amazing 24/7 Award-Winning Support.
>>> Start your hosting with DreamHost Today
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Other features include free SSDs which makes your site 200% faster. DreamHost powers more than 620,000 WordPress website and blogs.
It's simply one of the best choices you can have as a blogger or a small business.
GreenGeeks WordPress
Here is what you will get hosting your WordPress website with GreenGeeks. They offer 1-Click WordPress Install,  Automatic WordPress Updates, Free WordPress Migration, Caching Technology, Superfast page loads, Expert WordPress Support 24/7.
In addition, they offer WP Staging, WPcsl and Git all the services you need to perfect your wordpress performance.
These features are common with the above-discussed WordPress hosting companies relatively because it what gives the best experience and the reason why these hosting companies are the best choice for WordPress hosting.
>>> Start with GreenGeek Here
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MochaHost WordPress
MochaHost has a top-notch Managed WordPress hosting backed up by 100% Uptime & Lightning Fast Guarantee!
Actually MochaHost WordPress is supper good for small businesses and bloggers.
The offer all the following services to power your WordPress website while you focus on building your business.
Join MochaHost and start your WordPress here
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iPage WordPress
iPage has been around for a long time and has managed a portion of the marketing for hosting WordPress sites and blogs.
They have only two plans which are WP Starter which goes for $3.75/mo and the WP Essential which goes for $6.95/mo.
Although iPage is not as effective as the others such as BlueHost and Honstinger, it's still an option for starters.
Some good features they offer is unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth for both plans.
As far as WordPress, their customized control, panel and plugins, automatic malware removal and sitelock professional security make it possible for iPage WordPress to make this list of best WordPress hosting list.
Start with iPage here with all the benefits
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Summary of best WordPress hosting companies
Just to sum up all the discussed above, the table below explains all the features and what each of the wordpress hosting companies offer.
HostingCostFree DomainFree SSL1-Click WPUptime Load TimeBluehost$3.61/mo✓✓✓99.99%390 msSiteGround$3.95/mo✓✓✓99.98%629 msHostGator$5.95/mo✓✓✓99.99%369 msDreamHost$2.59/mo✓✓✓99.92%569 msGreenGeeks$2.95/mo✓✓✓99.99%375 msMochaHost$2.28✓✓✓99.97%478 msHostinger$2.15✓✓✓ 99.99%339 msipage$3.75✓✓✓99.94%709 ms
Best WordPress hosting
Now it's decision time after going through the list of wordpress hosting providers discussed above which is the primary purpose of this article.
I have decided to make it easy by suggesting the best four among the above list based on their performance and reputation. We look at which of the hosting providers will be the best for your website and here they are.
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During there research on how to determine which of the WordPress hosting companies on our list, we came across a great comparison of the best WordPress hosting providers which can be seen below
#1. Bluehost performance test
What makes any hosting provider great is the load time and speed performance. As you can see the below metrics of BlueHost is exceptionally great.
Bluehost tested B grade 86 according to WPbeginner analysis with a load time of 1.24 seconds with 660.5Km, 23 requests makes it faster than 85% of the tested servers.
This is a great performance you can expect from BlueHost making it our first recommended wordpress hosting provider.
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The load impact test shows how BlueHost servers performance even when your traffic increased. It did not have any impact on the server making it one of the best performing web host for your WordPress website or blog.
Read also BlueHost review: https://adstargets.com/blog/bluehost-review/
#2. SiteGround Performance test
SiteGround has a pretty good performance for load time impact and speed. However, as the traffic pileup, the load time tends to slow down.
Even at that, the performance is graded B for 88 from 100. Load time of 649 ms, with 326.9 kb page size, 14 request from Dallas server making it 95% faster than all tested site.
This is impressive and can be your best choice for hosting your blog or business WordPress site.
#3. HostGator Performance test
HostGator did an amazing job as well as ranking B with 81 performance grade. Their WordPress has great reputation overtime as discussed earlier.
Their load time is 691 ms, 457.4 kb and 27 request making it 94% faster than the overall tested wordpress sites.
You could notice however that, as the traffic mounted up, the load time dropped a bit even though it's not that much.
In general, HostGator is a great host you can bank on anytime to host your website or blog and have amazing performance.
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#4. DreamHost performance test
DreamHost has the overall best performance among these four when it comes to loading impact test result.
They manage to score B with 88 performance grade, 760 ms Load time, 450.6 kb and made 23 requests making it faster than 93% of the all tested websites.
This is sure one of the best performance I have personally ever seen.
They didn't show any sign of slowing down even as the traffic increased which makes your website performance resilient and perform at optimal levels at all times.
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This type of performance can only be found among web hosts companies with great technologies like DreamHost and you can be rest assured your users or visitors will always return because of the great user experience.
Choosing Dreamhost will be a great decision if you decide to go with it.
Wordpress speed optimization Tips
Here are some of the things you can do to optimise your wordpress speed.
#1. First, you will need to use tools such as Google site speed test or GTmetrix to find speed issues on your website and try to fix them.
#2. Use CDN platforms: CDN stands for content delivery network. It's basically a crowd system that host or keep all your website content and deliver them when a request is made making it load faster on your visitor's computer or mobile devices using the closest server owned by the CDN company.
#2. Use image optimisation plugin
Plugins like EWWW Image Optimizer and Smush helps optimises your images by compressing them and making them load faster and better on your website.
You can also try out other lazy load image optimisation plugins to improve your site speed.
#3. Avoid installing too many plugins on your Wordpress site. It cause your site to slow Always make sure you install only plugins you need and delete all the plugins you don't need.
In general, you have a lot of choices to make when it comes to WordPress hosting but you have to be very wise and careful with your choice.
As seen above. We may recommend going with BlueHost or DreamHost as the best WordPress hosting if you want a high performance of your website or blog especially when you are expecting high traffic.
Apart from those first two, HostGator and SiteGround will pretty much do the job of having your blog or website perform at optimal levels.
That's it, people.
Let me know which of the hosting is your favourite or which one you will use in your next WordPress hosting.
#bestwordpresshosting #wordpresshosting
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