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Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your tongue has deep crevices, looking like it has cracks? You might have a fissured tongue. Here's what you need to learn about this condition.  
Learn more here: https://advdentalgroup.com/?p=9401
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Improving the appearance of your smile is made easy with the different cosmetic dentistry options. Flaunt your pearly whites more confidently with dental veneers. Find out if veneers for teeth are perfect for you!  
Learn more here: https://advdentalgroup.com/what-are-veneers-things-to-know/
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Getting a tooth crown helps protect damaged teeth. However, you'll still be prone to teeth pain. When this happens, don't panic. Learn how to stop tooth nerve pain and the causes behind it.  
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Holistic cleaning allows you to maintain the cleanliness and health of your teeth and mouth. Dentists suggest using dental floss for a more thorough cleaning. Learn what holistic dentists have to say about this.  
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Teeth are strong, but they're susceptible to wear and tear. Sometimes they get chipped, which affects people's smiles and their confidence. Learn what to do about chipped teeth and how to identify them with Advanced Dental Group.   
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We wish you and your family a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season!
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There are 178 million Americans with missing teeth. The good news? There's a new type of dental implant that may be better than previous designs. Learn more about them here. For more clarification on how dental implants can help you, Advanced Dental Group is here for you. We will set you an appointment with the best dentist in your area.
Learn more here: https://www.healthline.com/health/mini-dental-implants
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How Do You Fix An Overbite?
Overbites may significantly hinder your confidence. Fortunately, there are ways to fix an overbite — no matter how minor or severe they are.
Find out how you can both treat and improve your set of teeth with these professional care methods.
Read more here: https://advdentalgroup.com/how-do-you-fix-an-overbite/
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Whitening strips may be an effective and accessible tool to whiten your teeth. But it should be used with utmost care and not be treated as an alternative to dental treatments by professionals. Check out how going overboard with whitening strips is never a good thing. For professional whitening treatment, let Advanced Dental Group's affiliated dentists help you instead.
Learn more here: https://www.menshealth.com/health/a38254448/what-happens-if-you-leave-whitening-strips-on-too-long/
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At Advanced Dental Group we focus on your teeth and your health, and making sure we find the best dentist for you! 
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Are you suffering from sleep apnea? You may be at risk of severe COVID-19. Check out this one minute-read about the relationship of sleep apnea with COVID-19.
Learn more here: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/sleep-apnea-severity-linked-covid-19-outcomes-2021-11-10/
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Should you need a braces, contact Advanced Dental Group. We can connect you to the most trusted clinic catering to all your dental needs.  
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Everything You Need to Know About Receding Gums
Gum recession is a condition that needs proper and immediate treatment. If it is neglected, the consequences may be worse than expected. So, it is best to know the causes, symptoms, and ways to prevent receding gums from worsening.
A regular appointment with your dentist is one of the best options to consider!
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Just like natural teeth, removable dentures are also prone to bacteria that put your dental health at risk. Experts recommend cleaning your dentures twice daily. Here are some tips on how to maintain healthy-looking dentures. Are you looking for dental care advice? Advanced Dental Group can connect you to the best dental experts in your area. Contact us today.
Learn more here: https://www.thestar.com.my/lifestyle/health/2021/11/07/tips-on-how-and-when-to-clean-your-dentures
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Are your teeth sensitive to cold or hot foods? This could be a sign of a dental issue. Contact Advanced Dental Group. We can find the best dentist for your care!  
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Everything You Need to Know About Sensitive Teeth
It can be frustrating if you can’t enjoy your favorite ice cream or hot soup without them hurting your teeth. That’s right! Even hot foods can affect your sensitive teeth.
If you want to know the answer to the question, “Why are my teeth sensitive?” Learn more here to find out!
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If you want to give your smile a makeover, look into cosmetic dentistry procedures for a much-needed confidence boost. These can fix teeth that are damaged, misshapen, crooked, chipped, or broken. Schedule an appointment with your dentist for a smile makeover consultation. Advanced Dental Group has you covered. If you want to learn a bit more, here are some things you should know about cosmetic dentistry.
Learn more here: https://32ndstreetdental.com/blog/how-can-cosmetic-dentistry-fix-my-uneven-smile
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