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Free! -Eternal Summer- 6
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────】⌘��──── Oh, the man didn't seem to show any sort of emotions like everyone else had the past two weeks. So many looks of pity... Sousuke was honestly just sick of dealing with people. Yeah, he was sad, and broken, and lost without Saiyuki by his side, but he didn't need people constantly telling him that it was okay, or that time heals all wounds. He didn't want to hear it. It only made it worse.
                         As the man reached out and took the ring from him, Sousuke felt a pang of sadness, seeing the ring lifted from his palm. It was like a sign of finality, and he had to divert his thoughts to something else quickly, before breaking down like a fool in front of the other guy.
                         The chapel...
                         Sousuke wasn't really religious, but maybe spending a few minutes in there wouldn't hurt. Maybe he'd be able to get a hold of his thoughts, of his emotions. Maybe he could find some type of closure? Doubtful, but it was worth a shot, wasn't it?
                        "Y-yeah... sure. Maybe that would help."
til death do us part //
Rin’s face softened as he noted how young the man in front of him was. Probably near Rin’s age. This must be quite painful for him, given the emotion in his teal eyes. Rin often beheld a decedent’s family’s pain with a sort of cool detachment, but not when they were so young.
“Yes,” he said, “I’m Matsuoka. I’m very sorry for your loss.” It was usually fairly obvious from his attire that he was the funeral director. As the young man struggled with composure, Rin kept a serene facial expression. Whatever he wanted to request was probably deeply important to him. If it was in Rin’s power, he’d grant it.
"Of course," he said, voice quiet and even. He didn’t ask if the young man wanted to see her. Rin was quite, quite certain that he didn’t. If he’d requested to, Rin might’ve even gently tried to deny the request.
Cars could do ugly things to a body. Poor girl.
Reaching out a slender hand, Rin took the ring, holding it gently. “I’ll see that she wears it,” he promised. Glancing toward the chapel, he paused, thinking. “Would you like a moment in the chapel?” Sometimes a private moment before a service was more helpful than anything else.
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Free log By やた
Translation by : Cherry Typesetter: Me / kidokon-kontsu ※Permission to reprint this was given by the artist. ※ The source is rated r-18
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{ Sorry friends, I've been busy with work and taxes and all that stupid adult stuff. I have a couple of days off coming up on Tuesday, so I should be able to get caught up on some stuff. I've got 11 drafts and 10 asks, so hopefully I can work through it all~ thanks for your patience. xoxo }
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By モリー
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────】⌘【──── S o u s u k e                           chuckled, wrapping an arm around his friend and pulling her close against him. Normally, he wouldn't want to be so close to anyone, but they were friends and he really didn't mind feeling her warmth against his body. 
                          "Sure... I'll keep you warm."
‡ Kanade
{ The Garnet Singer}
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Deep asleep in her bed, Kanade feels a slight motion in her bed and then looks over to see the tall male wondering into her bed to sleep in “Sousuke…. What’re you doing in my bed?”
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────】⌘【────  After a few moments, someone finally came into sight and Sousuke instinctively looked at his nametag before looking up at the man's face and forcing a miserable smile. This was tougher than he thought it would be. He honestly didn't know how he was going to open his mouth and speak, without his voice cracking. But he gathered his composure and cleared his throat.
                           "Uh--hello, yeah. I, uh, I think you are arranging the                              funeral for my fiance, Saiyuki? I had one last... one                              last request before the funeral tomorrow..."
                            Yeah, it was hard to speak. Just saying her name was a challenge that he barely overcame. But he managed, and he tried to hold eye contact with the man standing before him. But, damn, it was hard.
                            Fishing into his pocket, Sousuke felt the familiar shape slip between his fingers. It was smooth. Cold. It made his heart ache terribly just knowing what it was. What it meant. He pulled it out and held it in his palm for the other to see. A ring. A wedding ring. He had intended on showing Saiyuki when he told her he was finally ready to set the date. She had been so patient with him, and he was finally ready.
                           But now it was too late, right?
                                                                 Keep it together, Sousuke...
                          "Please... I would like her to wear this..."
til death do us part //
Rin had finished the programs and the video for the funeral exactly as directed, checking things with the family to ensure they were precisely perfect. The floral arrangements had arrived that morning and he’d set up the chapel carefully, as always. Rin took the directions from families very seriously.
He wanted his funerals to be perfect every time. At present, he was adjusting the casket spray, arranging the leaves exactly how he wanted them. He heard the door open, but paid it no mind.
After all, no one bothered to enter a funeral home with anything other than pure intention. Apparently people found it creepy? Too sad? Rin liked the quiet, frankly. When a voice called out, Rin turned his head slightly.
It wouldn’t do to yell from the chapel. Lightly tapping a hand on the top of the casket, Rin turned and went out to the hallway. He was dressed in his normal black suit, name tag clearly visible on the lapel. “How may I assist you?”
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by: minoru-chan
SouRin Week Day 1 • First Kiss 
Link: www.facebook.com/minorujoeling
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────】⌘【──── C r a w l i n g                           into bed with Kanade wasn't what he had intended to do initially, but it looked so comfy and he was just so damned tired. He really couldn't stop himself. So he crawled in and laid down beside the girl, flopping his body down onto his side and smiling at her as she woke up, speaking his name.                          "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
‡ Kanade
{ The Garnet Singer}
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Deep asleep in her bed, Kanade feels a slight motion in her bed and then looks over to see the tall male wondering into her bed to sleep in “Sousuke…. What’re you doing in my bed?”
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til death do us part //
ringeneering //
────】⌘【──── T o m o r r o w                           was the day of the funeral. Sousuke had someone else in the family make all the arrangements thus far because it was just too hard for him to deal with. Losing his fiance was just too much to handle. But there was still a few last minute things he had to do, and everyone else was unfortunately busy, so he got stuck with the final touches.
                          The funeral home was ahead, and Sousuke could feel his heart pounding as he entered the door to the building. Seeing all the coffins and flower arrangements just made it all so much more real, and it took everything he had in him to not break down in the doorway.
                                                         Focus, Sousuke. You can do this.
                          Clearing his throat, Sousuke walked deeper into the room and looked around, awaiting someone to greet him. It was deathly quiet, which made it all the more worse for him, but he cleaned his fists and tried to keep his mind clear of all the negative thoughts.
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────】⌘【────" I d o n ' t                            know you very well, but I'm sure you would like                           something like this, right?"
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❤ [harukashipshimselfwithwater]]
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────】⌘【────" E h . . .                           I don't fucking know. Here, I saw this and thought of                           you, Nanase..."
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────】⌘【────" R i n ,                           I didn't know which you liked better, so I got you                           both."
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