aestheticxloserx · 4 years
Disclaimer: I love him and this is wasn't intentional.
"you're a hungry hungry hippo" - inside joke but still hurts
points out girls he thinks are hot (I like girls too) and they're always skinny
Grab my stomach during bible study
Show me a sex scene from GOT where the girl is a literally goddess
Get me to run with him
Tell me he loves my body - I believe him but everytime I hear it I think he means he loves my body despite it being chubby
Being skinny himself
Struggle to lift me
Stay safe. Get help.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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i found this wallpaper and it’s so cute I had to share it!!!
By @clemoriarty on Insta!!!
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
it’s December 24, at 5pm. I make myself a nice cup or warm, hot chocolate, with no marshmallows, because I know it will be too much. I turn on loud Christmas music and put on an oversized sweater, a Santa hat, and long knee high fluffy socks. I dance around happily and jump around to the music because I love this holiday. after a couple hours I get ready for bed. I take a hot shower, brush my teeth, wash my face, the usual. I look in the mirror and notice how thin I’ve gotten. I look great. I pull up my shirt to reveal a flat stomach and nearly visible ribs. I pull up my sleeve to see how thin my arms are and how small my wrists are and how long and skinny my fingers and legs look. I’m obsessed. I can’t stop now.
it’s December 25th, and my family are (already) home after being at a Christmas party the night before. I finally wake up and jump out of bed and realize that I got up so quickly that I nearly pass out. I giggle it off and go to the restroom. I then drink a few glasses of water and look under the christmas tree and see a mountain of gifts. I rush to wake my family up and moments later we’re opening gifts. today is going to be a good Christmas.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
Imagine - 10
Quarantine is over, and people are finally leaving their houses. They step out like zombies, with dull eyes and a newfound layer of fat. Not you, though.
You leave your house like a goddess. While everyone was eating pop-tarts and cheetos, you were eating egg whites and broccoli. While everyone sat on the couch and watched Netflix, you got up at 7 AM every morning to work out and walked 2-3 miles every day. You lost so much weight in quarantine, and now you look toned and skinny. Your waist is tiny, your collarbone is sharp, and your arms and legs are thin and graceful.
On your first day out, you’re wearing a DIY cropped t-shirt and denim shorts with a belt that you poked some new holes in- everything had long since gotten too big, but you still make it look good. You realize that the first thing you need to do is go shopping, since all of your clothes are now far too baggy. You call up your best friend, and you plan to meet at the mall.
Your friend barely recognizes you. You’re so skinny now! You see a flash of envy in her eyes before her face softens and she tells you that she’s proud of you. You stroll through the mall, noticing how much easier it is to walk now that you don’t have that annoying chub rub between your thighs. You stop at almost every store to try something on, but since everything looks good on you, it’s so hard to decide what to buy! You decide on a handful of crop tops that show off your flat stomach, a few mini skirts to reveal your thin legs, and a chunky cardigan that makes you look so cute and dainty. You never thought that this day would come, but now you’re skinny and beautiful. You are happy, and you are free.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
✨✨after losing weight ✨✨
- will be able to look cute in everything
- wont have to look for stores that sell bigger sizes/not having to worry about a store having a bigger size whenever i find something cute
- thrifting will be easier
- wont have to worry about what people think of me when eating
- wont have to worry about my fat rolls showing
- wont have to worry about being the fat friend
- wont have to worry about something fitting me
- will be less embarrassed about eating in front of people
- wont have to worry about my fat jiggeling when ever I as much as move (because what fat)
- wont have to worry about people blaming my fatness whenever I eat a lot/I’m the last one at gym (once again what fat???)
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
as the year winds down - thinspo imagine
It’s September. When you sit down, you shift your waistband and your shirt to hide your belly, automatically. You buy a fancy latte with a sweet scone in the mornings. It’s starting to cool off from the summer heat a little, so you go outside, wander the neighborhood for a couple of hours. You tug at the hem of your sweaty shirt every now and then to pull it straight.
It’s October. You shift your waistband and your shirt to hide your belly, automatically, but sometimes you notice that it doesn’t dig in quite as much as it used to. You drink some more tea now, with milk and sugar, coffee with creamer, carrying your mug from home as your shoes crunch through the leaves outside. You go for runs or bike rides or just another long walk, more often and more enjoyable now as your endurance gets better. On weekends, you make a game out of exploring places you haven’t been before, seeing how far you can go. It’s November. You shift your waistband and your shirt to hide your belly, automatically, but it only takes a moment. You run out of milk one day, and have your coffee with only sugar, but it tastes weirdly saccharine and unpleasant. Tea is the same way, as you drink more and more of it. A breeze cools your face and arms as you go out for your usual exploration, weekends and sometimes weeknights, places that were once new to you becoming familiar now. You forget to feel tired as you look at the colors on the trees, at the people you pass by, and are surprised to find yourself already at the place where you’d usually head back home. It’s December. You sit down and your hand automatically goes to your waistband, but today it’s slid smoothly up to your waist on its own, and your new shirt still looks fine as it drapes on you now. You leave it. You like your coffee black now, your tea unsweetened, and drink a lot of it to warm you up. Now that you taste the natural flavors more fully, you treat yourself to fresh coffee beans from a local roaster, try a new loose tea. The snow hasn’t really arrived yet, but the brisk wind ruffles your hair and tugs at your clothes as you head out in the evening. You take one of your usual routes, enjoying all the lights and decorations on the houses you pass. It’s January. You just sit down, easy and natural, forgetting that you used to have to hide a pudgy belly. The sun is warm and the air is chilly, tea steaming invitingly in the cup, just the way you like it. You have to be more careful of the footing on your runs now, but you marvel at how fresh and new everything looks in a blanket of snow. That’s how everything feels now, a little. Clean and refreshed and renewed.
(originally posted by gyfernyss in fall 2018)
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
Imagine #2
I’m on a writing spree today apparently
Imagine #2
Hottest day of summer
It was the hottest day of summer. Your sitting at the pool fanning yourself with you slender hand. You’re thin body is clad with a floral bikini. Your ribs and hips peek out nicely. Your long hair is pulled into a messy bun that shows off your collar bones deep enough to hold water. And in fact, they were. You had put ice cubes in them to cool off. Your boyfriend came over with 2 cups of ice water. Both filled with mostly ice. You sat up and crossed your small, toned legs.
“A drink for the lady.”
He says smiling. You give him a grin back and reach your hand out to grab the water. Instead of handing the drink to you, he puts them down and walks towards you with a glint in his eye. You scoot backwards grinning.
“Stop that.”
“I haven’t done anything.”
“Stop whatever it is you’re going to do.”
With that, your boyfriend scoops you up bridal style, runs, and tosses you into the pool. You emerge laughing. You reach up to have him help you out of the pool. He takes your hand and pulls, but your skinny arms pull him into the pool laughing.
Other patrons on the pool deck turn you you both and smile wistfully, wishing they were as cute as the two of you. You ignore the stares and start a splash war with each other laughing the whole time.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
thinspo imagine
It’s a bright summer morning, warm but not yet turned hot, the sun glinting through the windowshades when you wake up. You lie in bed for a moment face down, feeling your hipbones press into soft white sheets, sinking down until you feel only the slightest pressure on your flat stomach.
You roll out of bed and dress casually, without planning, without turning back and forth in the mirror to tell if your belly is bulging out of your jeans today. Without deciding whether or not your arms can show today. You used to be jealous of people who dressed beautifully and effortlessly, with an attitude of “oh, I just threw this together”, but you do it yourself now. You pull on soft jeans that bag a little across the backs of your tiny thighs, the ones you wear over and over again. They look perfect on your slim legs, and the waistband never, ever digs in. A t-shirt fits your bony shoulders, but bags and folds just so around your waist, your lithe torso, with the arm holes wide. You take just a moment to straighten your sheets, leaving your bed neatly made to match your sparse, clean bedroom.
Dressed for the day, you walk barefoot and soundless on spotless wood floors to the sun-filled kitchen and make coffee, grinding the freshly-roasted beans and inhaling deeply before you pour water into the press to brew. You live alone, and the fridge only has the things you want to have: fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, a water pitcher. You pour yourself a glass of the cool, fresh water while you wait.
Coffee done, you pour it black into your favorite mug, set the press in the empty sink to cool, and take your drink to the couch. Light spills in, and the gauzy white curtains drift in the breeze from the open windows. You settle with the coffee and a book, stretching long legs out, belly concave as you lean back on the soft pillows, one slim arm slung across the back of the couch. You savor it. You’re not hungry.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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Here’s another wasp PSA since summer is coming: the one in the top left is demonstrating a warning posture. All the others are relaxed and going about their business, but she’s noticed someone there, and she’s turned toward them and raised her wings to ask that they back off and leave. She would rather not engage if she has to, just like the signals a dog tries to give you before it resorts to biting.
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If you see all these V’s, just move a little farther away
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
Imagine || photography
Thinspo imagine
You’ll be the one everyone wants in their photo
And you wouldn’t have to be pushed to the back each time
They’ll want you front and center because you’re tiny and beautiful
And all your friends will look at the photo in envy
They’ll all wish they looked like you
Imagine you’re at the beach with your camera
And you’re taking photos of the sea
People won’t yell at you to get out of the way so that they can take their picture
They’d want you in it
Bc who doesn’t want a gorgeous ocean shot with a cute thin girl in it?
You’d be the model of each trip
Pose at a bridge? You’re the model
A cute cafe? Model time!
And you wouldn’t even feel worried about it because you know you’ll look wonderful
Because you’re thin
And perfect
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
Honestly, I’m at my best when my ed is at it’s worst. My room is clean, I dress nice, I wash my face more, I whiten my teeth, I wear makeup, I do my hair. For some reason the only thing that pulls my out of my depression spiral is my ed and the only thing that pulls me out of my ed is my depression. Idk if anyone else feels like that? Idk I just always feel better when I’m losing weight and excersizing and not eating. Idk maybe it’s my body thinks I’m finally being healthy? But I’m not? So… idk, it’s just really weird.
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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*posting at 4am ‘cause im ashamed to admit how much i ship this*
edit:changed a panel because i didnt like the pacing
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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more goggies
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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And to everybody listening, your story is important. You are important. Your life has value. You go out and you live your life with your head held high, and you tell your story, ‘cause I’m proof that there are folks out there who want to hear it. | HOLLYWOOD - “A Hollywood Ending”
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
kpop idol thinspo
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they’re so perfect 😳💔
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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American Girl stories were the best tbh
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aestheticxloserx · 4 years
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Okay! So this is not an add! It’s just me being really excited about a product.
This is Kraes babybad which is a Danish family run company who makes a non-soap for children. You shouldn’t really use soap on newborns for their first year - and this is not a soap! It works absolutely wonders on skin issues! Like eczema and itchy skin. I’ve used it as a facemask and it completely removed my boyfriends psoriasis in his eyebrows and scalp after just one use. There’s a lot of review from people who didn’t need to use prescription lotions from the doctor anymore after using this.
There’s two different products and they only consist of two different ingredients. - Powdered oats and powdered coconut - Powdered oats and Dead Sea salt
Currently using it in a foot bath.
This will be the only thing I’ll bath my child in for her first few years.
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