afghanbarbie · 7 days
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afghanbarbie · 7 days
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afghanbarbie · 7 days
i despise how anti-feminists spout the idea that women already have rights. even if we are not to argue about that statement in regards to the global north- many countries explicitly restrict women's human rights. you cannot ignore them simply because they are not visible to you. governments and societies have tried ceaselessy to silence them and in viewing feminism as a western-exclusive fight you are complicit.
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afghanbarbie · 1 month
I always knew misogynistic podcasts were awful, but it’s actually worse than I thought. I just realized it’s always middle aged men who have dedicated their entire careers to being misogynistic debating the most random ass 20-year-old girls who have no qualifications, interests, or insights on the subjects at hand. And that’s by intention, of course.
Like, it’s never a 45 y/o mens rights scholar debating a 45 y/o feminist scholar. It’s always a rich, notorious 45 y/o mens rights scholar debating a nobody 20 y/o girl who has never even once shown interest in political commentary.
I went on the social media accounts of one of these girls who was invited to debate a bunch of 40 y/o misogynists, and her whole profile was just innocent videos of her lip syncing songs. How do these men look at that and think “ah yes, this is who we need in our show to debate our right-wing meninist views; this is who we need to publicly interrogate on whether she’s a virgin and how many sexual partners she’s had.”
They’re purposely looking for young, unprepared girls to humiliate and that’s so obvious. The power imbalance has to be skewed to such an extreme degree, almost as though they know their regressive ideals would be so easily refuted by a woman with parallel qualifications.
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afghanbarbie · 1 month
I think more people on radblr should be talking about sweatshops, especially in the garment industry.
• Around 80% of sweatshop workers are women. Some employers force them to take birth control and pregnancy tests to avoid having to pay for maternity leave. Pregnant women are routinely denied sick leave to visit doctors, terminated from their contracts early, or left without any maternity leave when their short-term contracts are not renewed.
• Women are more likely than men to experience minimum wage violations. According to one study, "30 percent of the women workers in our sample experienced minimum wage violations, compared to 20 percent of the men". [Source: https://www.nelp.org/publication/broken-laws-unprotected-workers-violations-of-employment-and-labor-laws-in-americas-cities/ ]
• Indonesian women employees report that “girls in the factory are harassed by male managers. They come on to the girls, call them into their offices, whisper into their ears, touch them, bribe them with money and threaten them with firing if they don’t have sex with them.” [source: cleanclothes.org]
• "Toilet breaks are monitored, and some workers said they were flat out denied them, even when sick. The same goes for water and lunch breaks, both necessary to stay healthy when working 12+ hour days in a stuffy, overcrowded factory." 20% of women in sweatshops report experiencing sexual violence. [https://iwda.org.au/three-ways-garment-factories-violate-the-rights-of-women-and-how-its-allowed-to-happen/ ]
It's easy not to support this kind of abuse. Do not buy clothes first-hand. Only buy from thrift shops and second-hand apps, or find ethical brands and investigate where and how they make their clothing (hint: if a t-shirt costs $3, it's not ethical). Patch your old clothes. Consider learning basic sewing (it's not as difficult as it seems!)
I don't care how cheap Shein and Temu are. I don't care how much you think you need that specific Zara coat. Buying clothes directly harms women and avoiding it is a very easy way to help.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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would give anything to be invited to this
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
when women claim men don't have the same emotional capacity as us, i think it's untrue and more importantly letting them off easy. throughout history men have written insightful poems and novels on the human experience or on how "love conquers all", but digging deeper reveals they were still sexist assholes--men definitely have the same emotional intelligence as women (we're in the same species so obviously) but they simply teach themselves that women are the ones who aren't deserving of their empathy. this is why "nice guys" and the men you know are still as dangerous as the strangers you don't know; it has nothing to do with their moral compasses. it's just that no matter how virtuous they are, that virtue is more often than not entirely closed off to women.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
these past few months i kept letting myself believe that palestine would be the cause. it would be what finally woke westerners up to what their countries are committing or complicit in and get them to force their governments to change. i believed they would not forget about palestine the same way they so quickly forgot about us in afghanistan. and for a while that seemed to be true.
but i've watched people start to move on and forget. nothing changed in their countries — it's just back to business as usual. palestinians dying, like afghans and iraqis (and others outside their western bubble) dying, has just become something normal that we're all supposed to live with.
i wish the world would care about us as much as they pretend to when we're in the news. instead, they get bored, and then they normalise our pain, suffering and genocides so they don't have to care about it anymore.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
There may be a lot of discussion so please be respectful. I just think it would solve a lot of trans people's restroom issues if there was no such thing as "ladies" or "men's". And yes I know there are some, I'm talking about ALL of them being gender neutral.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
Hot take about BDSM but. If you get pleasure from causing pain onto someone, you're a fucked up person. No it doesn't matter if they consented.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
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Nazis backing Nazis. What a shock.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
It kills me how everyday the posts and content about Palestine decrease because of how many people are getting killed everyday.
It also kills me how many stopped boycotting or has never even tried to boycott.
Somethings are so small to do and easy yet people don't even bother when it's a genocide that has been going and going and going not since October 7th but for decades.
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afghanbarbie · 2 months
I am thinking about how my father's generation would hide Playboy magazines and swear by god that they were just keeping them for a friend if their wives found them. Now men openly watch the most violent, dehumanizing pornography and call their wives Karens for questioning their morality. It's crazy how much we have regressed on this issue.
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