agenteller · 4 years
i  don’t  know  where  my  last  sc  went  but  i’ll  post  a  new  one  soonish  i’m  just  getting  myself  sorted  over  here  and  also  might  try  to  make  a  verses  post  for  easier  plotting  ! 
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agenteller · 4 years
i  wanna  be  here  more  but  i  need  more  plots  hmmm  ,,,
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agenteller · 4 years
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𝚢𝚘𝚞  𝚊𝚛𝚎  𝚝𝚑𝚎  𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 .        hands can do so much, they’re extremely versatile much like yourself. they can nourish, they can pray, they can comfort. but we both know that’s not what you use yours for is it? you know as well as i do how hands can maim, can strangle, can destroy. they are unthinking and unfeeling, and unlike the others they do not act off instinct but off of command. every act you commit is purposeful, filled with an intent, sometimes to be cruel and sometimes to be kind. you know who is deserving of your hurt, who is deserving of your love. always make sure you can tell them apart before you wrap those hands around them.
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tagged  by :   my  bb  miss  @actssassin​ !!  tagging :   @sovietperil​  ,  @thelittleqveen​  ,  @praeditatis​  ,  @fabreai​  ,  and  you  !    
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agenteller · 4 years
from  here  on  out  i  will  be  using  sophie  as  my  main  gaby  fc  i  still  will  use  alicia  here  and  there  but  since  my  interpretation  of  gaby  is  pretty  divergent  i  feel  like  using  a  non-canon  fc  delineates  my  blog  better  so  you’ll  be  seeing  more  of  miss  cookson  from  here  on  out  
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agenteller · 4 years
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why  yes  she  was  styled  by  illya  and  napoleon  do  you  think  she  actually  knows  how  to  dress  without  them  ?  lol 
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agenteller · 4 years
when  will  i  be  able  to  get  write  gaby  going  undercover  as  a  ballerina  and  how  seamless  the  transition  goes  due  to  her  ballet  schooling  but  also  thinking  about  how  she  could  be  someone  like  jose.phine  ba.ker  under  these  circumstances  .  a  similar  concept  to  being  an  ‘honorable  corespondent’  and  how  she  collected  foreign  intelligence  during  w.wii  at  parties  and  also  crossing  country  lines  for  performances  at  embassies  and  ministries  to  gather  further  intel  without  raising  suspicion  .  quite  honestly  i  would  love  to  see  it  for  miss  gaby  !! 
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agenteller · 4 years
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*    𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻     :     𝚆𝙾𝙼𝙰𝙽 𝙾𝙵 𝙻𝙴𝙸𝚂𝚄𝚁𝙴     ━━   sit  back  and  just  enjoy  the  ride  ,  watch  my  worries  and  wave  goodbye   !    /    independent gabriella ‘gaby’ teller from the 2015 film the man from u.n.c.l.e. repaired by cora
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agenteller · 4 years
don’t  mind  me  just  thinking  about  grish.averse  gaby  who  is  a  durast  that  had  to  flee  ker.ch  to  avoid  being  an  indentured  servant  and  somehow  ended  up  as  a  stowaway  on  sturmhon.d’s  ship  because  that  would  be  her  luck  !  
would  like  to  add  to  this  and  say  when  she  returns  to  rav.ka  she  is  part  of  the  nolniki  and  works  closely  with  david  and  nadia  in  creating  rav.kan  versions  of  foreign  machinery  with  all  the  stolen  intel  she  has  gathered  while  away  on  missions  she  is  both  a  spy  AND  and  engineer  Thank  You  
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agenteller · 4 years
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clever girl you play with fire because you want to be burnt
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agenteller · 4 years
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             @pevunyol​ said :  ❛ 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 - 𝚕𝚘𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 . ❜                                                           MANIC STARTERS  |  (  ACCEPTING  !  )
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          OS  ALTA  GREETS  HER  WITH  ALL  ITS  WINTER  CHILL  .  a  season  that  rules  the  landscape  of  this  foreign  soil  she  has  learned  to  call  home  .   kerch  was  no  refuge  for  grisha  though  one  could  argue  nowhere  truly  was  .  she  greets  the  capital  with  little  flourish , her  society  wear  traded  for  the  anonymity  of  a  purple  kefta  ━  such  dress  was  far  from  a  novelty  once  beyond  the  inner  city  gates  .  taking  little  time  to  settle  as  her  visit  would  be  brief  in  nature  she  situates  herself  in  the  war  room  before  the  flickering  hearth  .  WHEN  HE  ENTERS  HER  EYES  STAY  FIXATED  ON  THE  FLAMES  .  the  durast  had  not  met  nikolai  as  a  king  and  she  still  could  never  fully  reconcile  sturmhond’s  roguish  ease  with  the  gilded  royal  before  her  .  A  CUTTHROAT  WAS  A  CUTTHROAT  NO  MATTER  HOW  POLISHED  THE  BUTTONS  ON  HIS  UNIFORM  WERE  .  they  exchange  the  formal  pleasantries  with  a  practiced  ease  before  shedding  all  ceremony  as  the  spy  opens  a  bottle  of  brandy  (  something  old  and  far  too  grand  stolen  from  her  father’s  cellar  )  their  conversations  always  flow  freely  but  even  more  so  now  .
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         ❛  some  would  say  having  a  bit  of  both  are  good  traits  for  a  king  to  have  .  if  you  had  one  and  not  the  other  you  wouldn’t  be  able  to  keep  yourself  afloat  ,  moi  tsar  . ❜  in  the  past  few  years  her  ravkan  had  taken  on  a  fluent  precision  though  it  was  not  entire  unaccented  .  since  returning  to  ketterdam  the  opportunity  to  practice  rarely  arose  (  the  counterfeit  version  of  herself  residing  in  her  childhood  home  had  no  reason  to  learn  the  enemy’s  tongue  )  the  topic  shifts  with  the  hazarding  of  another  sip  .  ❛  you  were  right  ,  you  know  …  my  father  is  working  with  the  fjerdans  on  a  weapon  of  some  sort  . ❜  THE  PRODIGAL  DAUGHTER  HAD  RETURNED  AFTER  A  TROUBLINGLY  MYSTERIOUS  DISAPPEARANCE  .  there  had  been  much  suspicion  surrounding  her  homecoming  .  gaining  back  the  trust  of  her  family  had  been  a  chore  until  it  gave  way  into  a  flood  of  intel  .  ❛  should  we  toast  your  good  sense  and  self-loathing  then  ?  i  do  hate  when  you’re  right  but  i  will  happily  drink  to  your  small  victory  .   ❜  especially  ,  when  it  was  more  of  a  loss  than  anything  else  ,  yet  she  raises  her  glass  all  the  same  .  ❛  it  looks  like  we  have  our  work  cut  out  for  us  .  ❜
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agenteller · 4 years
love  really  is  gaby  learning  russian  so  she  can  insult  illya  properly  in  his  mother  tongue  and  i  think  that’s  Beautiful  
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agenteller · 4 years
idc  how  cliche  it  is  i  will  write  gaby  falling  in  love  with  her  partners  1000x  over  because  she  truly  is  someone  who  is  baffled  when  anyone  is  soft  towards  her  real  or  otherwise  and  while  she  can  play  it  off  it  really  is  only  a  matter  of  time  before  she  catches  feelings  and  screws  herself  over  because  that’s  the  kind  of  mess  she  is  !! 
#raise your hand if you were robbed of affection in your youth physical or emotional so now you look for it in all the wrong places h A HA#i should note that just because she catches feelings she seldom acts on them and usually looks for an out as quickly as possible#unrequited baby jail is where miss gaby lives
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agenteller · 4 years
oh  just  an  fyi  gaby’s  aesthetic  sideblog  is  @gbytllr  and  her  pinterest  board  can  be  found  over  HERE 
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agenteller · 4 years
*  all  starters / lyrics  taken  from  the  halsey  album  manic.
‘  but it seems i’m only clingin’ to an idea now .  ’
‘  someday when i burst into flames, i’ll leave you the dust, my love .  ’
‘  i told you i’d spill my guts .  ’
‘  seems like it’s impossible to work this out.  ’
‘  is it really that strange if i always wanna change ?  ’
‘   it’s gettin’ harder every day, somehow.  ’
‘  the people on the street don’t know my name.  ’
‘  i’m constantly having a breakthrough .  ’
‘  would you make out with me underneath the shelter of the balcony ?  ’
‘  i don’t need anyone,  i just need everyone and then some .  ’
‘  and with one eye open, well, all i see is you .  ’
‘  i know my heart still has a suitcase but i still can’t take it through.  ’
‘   it’s crazy when the thing you love the most is the detriment.  ’
‘  i keep digging myself down deeper, i won’t stop ‘till i get where you are .  ’
‘  i woulda followed all the way no matter how far.  ’
‘  you  push right through me .  ’
‘  they say i may be making a mistake .  ’
‘  it’s funny how the warning signs can feel like they’re butterflies .  ’
‘  i would’ve followed all the way to the graveyard .  ’
‘  i gotta get it off my chest.  ’
‘  you’re not half the man you think that you are .  ’
‘  you can’t love nothing unless there’s something in it for you .  ’
‘  i tried to help you, it just made you mad .  ’
‘  i had no warning about who you are.  ’
‘  just glad i made it out without breaking down.  ’
‘  i really meant well from the start.  ’
‘  i feel so sad . ‘ 
‘  you should be sad . ‘
‘  i spent a long time substituting honest with sarcastic .  ’
‘  you cut me open, sucked the poison from an aging wound .  ’
‘  now fifty thousand war cadets would cower at this small brunette.  ’
‘  cause i could never hold a perfect thing and not demolish it .  ’
‘  how could somebody ever love me ?  ’
‘  there’s power in the words you whisper .  ’
‘  he treats you so cold and so mindless.  ’
‘  your eyes are open when you kiss him .  ’
‘  talk to your man, tell him he’s got bad news coming .  ’
‘  you can take a chance, come take my hand.  ’
‘  all my empathy’s a disaster .  ’
‘  my friends are getting bored of me .  ’
‘  i can’t remember anything but thinking you’re the one .  ’
‘  i could fall in love with anybody who don’t want me.  ’
‘  i’ll keep saying i hate everybody, but maybe i don’t .  ’
‘  i know i’ve got a tendency to exaggerate what i’m seeing.  ’
‘  i know that it’s unfair of me to make a memory out of a feeling .  ’
‘  infatuation is observation with a cost .  ’
‘  if i could make you love me, maybe you could make me love me .  ’
‘  and if i can’t make you love me, then i’ll just hate everybody .  ’
3AM .
‘  think i took it way too far, and i’m stumbling drunk getting in a car.  ’
‘  i keep on hanging on the line, ignoring every warning sign.  ’
‘  come on and make me feel alright again .  ’
‘  i need it digital cause baby when it’s physical i end up alone.  ’
‘  it’s 3am, and i’m calling everybody that i know .  ’
‘  and would you please pick up the fucking phone ? ’
‘  i was afraid to leave you on your own .  ’
‘  and if they laugh then fuck ‘em all .  ’
‘  does it ever get lonely thinkin’ you could live without me ?  ’
‘  gave love ‘bout a hundred tries .  ’
‘  i  got you off your knees, put you right back on your feet just so you could take advantage of me .  ’
‘  you don’t have to say just what you did .  ’
‘  i  had to go and find out from them .  ’
‘  you can come to mine, but both my roommates are home .  ’
‘  and i’m terrified, but i can’t resist .  ’
‘  beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong .  ’
‘  i think it’s finally, finally, finally safe for me to fall .  ’
‘  you stopped me in my tracks and put me right in my place.  ’
‘  i used to think that loving was a painful chase. ‘
‘  but you’re right here now and i think you’ll stay,  ’
‘  bit my nails down so they wouldn’t scratch .  ’
‘  your pussy is a wonderland .  ’
‘  and i have never felt the difference .  ’
‘  can’t get caught, so we’re stiller than a statue .  ’
‘  bad news, think i’ll probably die before i have you .  ’
‘  told me pick my battles and i’m pickin’ them wise .  ’
‘  so we’ll sneak in the back and then we’ll kick in the door.  ’
‘  tell me, have you ever keyed a ferrari before ?  ’
‘  and i’m not breakin’, i won’t take it .  ’
‘  and i won’t ever feel this way again .  ’
‘  and i won’t ever try again .  ’
‘  ‘cause all i want in return is revenge .  ’
‘  ‘cause i don’t need you anymore .  ’
‘  i’ve been trying all my life to separate the time in between the having it all and giving it up .  ’
‘  self - loathing and pride live in my heart .  ’
‘  may my leap not be a fall .  ’
‘  never forget that the stars you hope for only appear in the dark .  ’
‘  i wonder what’s in store if i don’t love anymore .  ’
‘  we are too young to be hesitating, just run right into it .  ’
‘  nothing grows when a house ain’t a home .  ’
‘  lyin’ awake and i stare at the door, i just can’t take it no more .  ’
‘  they told me it’s useless, there’s no hope in store .  ’
‘  but somehow i just want you more .  ’
‘  i cry and my knuckles get sore .  ’
‘  and when you decide it’s your time to arrive, i’ve loved you for all my life .  ’
‘  somehow i still love you more .  ’
‘  i should be living the dream .  ’
‘  and you wouldn’t believe everything that i’ve seen .  ’
‘  no one around me knows who i am .  ’
‘  i know that i have done some wrong, but i’m trying to make it right .  ’
‘  know that i love you but i’m still learning to love myself .  ’
‘  but i go home and i got no self-esteem .  ’
‘  no man wants to really commit .  ’
‘  if i breathe, it’s alright, but some things don’t change .  ’
929 .
‘  i can’t remember half the time that i’ve been alive .  ’
‘  they said don’t meet your heroes, they’re all fuckin’ weirdos .  ’
‘  nobody loves you, they just try to fuck you .  ’
‘  and who do you call when it’s late at night ?  ’
‘  you gotta promise us that you won’t die, cause we need you .  ’
‘  and i’m picking my hair out in clumps in the shower .  ’
‘  but then i realized that i’m no higher power .  ’
‘  but i wasn’t in love then, and i’m still not now.  ’
‘  i think my moral compass is on a vacation.  ’
‘  soft and slow, watch the minutes go .  ’
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agenteller · 4 years
idc  how  cliche  it  is  i  will  write  gaby  falling  in  love  with  her  partners  1000x  over  because  she  truly  is  someone  who  is  baffled  when  anyone  is  soft  towards  her  real  or  otherwise  and  while  she  can  play  it  off  it  really  is  only  a  matter  of  time  before  she  catches  feelings  and  screws  herself  over  because  that’s  the  kind  of  mess  she  is  !! 
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agenteller · 4 years
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        SHE  WISHED  THE  TRUTH  DID  NOT  FEEL  SO  MUCH  LIKE  UNRAVELING  .  pulling  at  her  seams  and  fishing  around  inside  .  it  is  easier  here  under  though  ;  the  canopy  of  sheets  in  the  early  morning  glow  beside  a  man  she  called  husband  .  yet  she  was  only  just  now  beginning  to  unfurl  herself  for  him  (  the  titles  they  gave  one  another  had  been  in  name  alone  )  he  pressed  for  details  regarding  her  past  and  for  once  she  gives  way  .  PALE  DIGITS  TWIRLING  THE  SILVER  BAND  AROUND  HER  RING  FINGER  AS  SHE  CONCEDES  .  ❛  i  used  to  be  a  dancer  before  all  of  this  .  ❜   it  was  a  modest  reveal  but  it  did  provide  some  much  needed  perspective  :  it  was  a  start  . ❛  a  ballerina  at  the  berlin  ballet  ━  i  was  pretty  good  too  .  ❜   she  does  not  fight  the  smile  making  its  way  across  her  lips  while  she  soothes  a  silvering  tuft  of  hair  back  from  his  forehead  .  fingertips  dithering  along  his  skin  then  her  palm  rests  flat  against  his  cheek  .   ❛  i  could  have  been  a  principle  if  i  was  better  behaved  .  ❜   
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                             @actssassin​​  ...  𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚙 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚖𝚢 𝚍𝚎𝚏𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚜  (  sc  )
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agenteller · 4 years
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           illya’s touched a nerve and he knows it.     it’s the same nerve he knows would set him alight in her position ;  the implication of any weakness is like poison for people like them and he understood when he said the words what kind of reaction it would elicit.   ❛   it is our job to be what we need to be  …  when we are working.   ❜   he answers, matter-of-factly  -  and he   believes   it.  he wants to reach a hand to her, to stroke her soft cheek, but he doesn’t, merely pulling her arm in his a little closer to himself instead.  maybe it’s this whole damn city that gets under his skin, the way everything seems just a little softer, a little more romantic.  the way music seems to drift from every corner of it.  the   haze   of its enticing silhouette.   ❛   no, chop shop girl.  you are not weak.  but if you force yourself to be too strong, you will   break.   ❜   trust me, I should know.
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         HE  IS  A  STRANGER  LIKE  THIS  .  close  and  soothing  ;  all  the  vehemence  drained  out  of  him  (  i  hear  our  footsteps  on  the  cobblestones  side  by  side  and  if  i  close  my  eyes  we  are  two  very  different  people  )  the  other  spy  puts  her  on  edge  with  his  candor  .  it  dashes  the  illusion  ,  tucks  the  fantasy  into  a  back  drawer  in  her  mind  .  THERE  IS  ONLY  THIS  DUSK .  A  TIME  BETWEEN  DAYS  /  A  VIOLET  HOUR  .  when  he  speaks  it  sounds  almost  like  reassurance  ,  she  can  nearly  trick  herself  into  believing  it  (  look  at  how  good  you  are  at  your  job  !  )   ❛  when  are  we  ever  not  working  ?  ❜  we  do  not  simply  shrug  off  these  clothes  ,  hang  up  the  coats  of  this  life  and  trade  them  for  another  ━  though  they  are  expected  to  .  ❛  ha ,  and  if  i  fall  into  a  thousand  pieces  will  you  be  the  one  to  put  me  back  together  ,  peril  ?  ❜  a  snort  dwindles  into  a  laugh  yet  the  words  do  not  pass  her  lips  without  the  darkening  of  her  gaze  .  I  THINK  YOU  WOULD  HOLD  ME  TOGETHER  /  I  THINK  I  MIGHT  LET  YOU  .   she  would  not  but  when  she  turns  away  her  head  falls  against  his  shoulder  ,  cheek  nuzzled  into  the  material  of  his  coat  .  ❛  i  won’t  ━  break  that  is  …  ❜  the  edges  of  her  voice  had  dulled  still  it  was  not  entirely  without  its  pinpricks  .   ❛  i  couldn’t  give  you  the  satisfaction  of  that  .  ❜ 
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