agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
//HELLO FRIENDS I just realised that I have heckled up horribly in that I forgot to say I was going on holiday so this blog has been dead for like 2 weeks wh o op s. So, better late than never - I'm interrailing around Europe with buddies till the 15th! Take care of yourselves and see you then!
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
"I see," Mercer said curtly, leaning back against the bookshelf and folding his arms as he gave the vampire a particularly scathing look.
"And is that your infuriatingly oblique tactic of asking to join my Guild, or an offer to play housekeeper? Because if it's the latter, there's a space on my desk shaped precisely like a bottle of mead." 
Well, well..hello Guildmaster.
"…any particular reason you’re disturbing me rather than directing your attention to one of my associates?”
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
//hi friends - just to let y'all know i'm unlikely to be on much at all this week b/c I have a friend over for the whole week. the good news is after that, my dogsitting stint is over so i'll be on waaaay more! take care everyone!
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
"That remains to be seen," the Breton shot back, face betraying nothing, though in his mind, red flags were instantly rising at the mention of invisibility. Could prove troublesome in the long run, especially if her skill rivalled that of his own. He supposed it depended on her means of practising such a skill - vampirism would be considerably more problematic than illusion spells or potions, but what was the likelihood of that?
"But if you can prove that you'll be an asset to the Guild, there may be a place for you here. Give me a brief run-down of your past experience."
(CLOSED w~agitatelarcenist) It's a Long Way to the Top
"I don’t think, I know.” She said cooly as she eyed the papers. This place may be a shit hole, but at least this…Mercy Floss (or whatever Brynjolf said his name was) was more organized than the shmuck who was in charge of the Cyrodiil Guild when she left. “I’ve had enough experience to know what I’m actually doing. And invisibility helps not getting caught.” She left it at that, believing her actions should prove her skills.
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
- has mun read 'mercer Frey does at the end'? It's kinda funny. Yes it has explicit sex scenes in it but the ending is to die for. -
//i'm afraid i haven't! and google isn't turning up anything - mind tossing me a link? :0
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
♠:What's one thing you dislike about your Muse?
//THAT HE'S A REALLY BAD PERSON. honestly, i started roleplaying the character more out of fascination than any kind of endearment. characters with complex motivations always grab my interest, and i'm hella interested in what drove him to become such a bad person
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Some fun Munday asks!
♦: Relationship with your Muse.
♠: What's one thing you dislike about your Muse?
♣: Any headcanons about your muse?
♥: One thing you love about your Muse.
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse's canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
☄: What you think of your Muse.
♪: Favorite song.
✫: Why you began RPing.
✽: Favorite season?
❂: The Mun's birthday. (Month and date--no year!)
☂: Favorite kind of weather.
✤: Favorite kind of food.
▲: The Mun's Zodiac sign. (Any kind of Zodiac works!)
●: If you could say just one thing to your Muse, what would it be?
☑: An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
☒: A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
☁: Favorite part of RPing.
✉: Any RPers the Mun admires.
▶: A talent of the Mun's (besides RPing, of course!)
♬: Sing or say something! Post the link to it.
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
//due warning, lovelies - i'm at a con all weekend so i won't be able to reply to anything - y'all have a good weekend and take care of yourselves!
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Mercer watched the display with a certain degree of internalized amusement. It seemed funny to him that members of one of the most powerful organizations in Tamriel would consider showing such cheek in front of their leader when he had every single member of the Guild eating from the palm of his hand; every damned rat in the place answered to him, and did so without question.
Still, he held his tongue on the matter, knowing better than to point out such a thing. Whist her subordinates seemed somewhat snide, this woman was powerful. Among the most powerful figures currently in Skyrim.
"This place is home to a great many beggars and thieves, Emissary. I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific if I’m to help you," he stated flatly, with a small shrug. 
"Guidlmaster. I need to speak with you immediately."
It took a lot to shift Mercer’s perpetual expression of irritation. But in most people’s books, a Thalmor Emissary flanked by four or so Justicars was ‘a lot’. Not that his face betrayed any excessive display of emotion, just a vaguely surprised look on top of the permanent irritation.
"Concerning something important, I assume," he asked with no small amount of suspicion as he closed the hefty tome on his desk and stood. "It isn’t often a Thalmor Emissary ventures into a place such as this one. Is there something with which I might assist you?"
Whilst there wasn’t an ounce of sincerity in Mercer’s tone, he at least knew when to play it respectful, and now was, without a doubt, a situation calling for some feigned respect.
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
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//so i feel i should issue a formal apology for my lack of activity - i've had my hands very full with taking care of this little guy! so being the dick i am i thought i could distract everyone with this cute picture - i'm hoping to have time to get on a computer soon and organize all my asks and replies. till then, hope everyone is doing well c:
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
1. The meaning behind my URL 2. A picture of me 3. Why I love my best friend 4. Last time I cried and why 5. Piercings I have 6. Favorite Band 7. Biggest turn off(s) 8. Top 5 (insert subject) 9. Tattoos I want/ have 10. Biggest turn on(s) 11. Age 12. Ideas of a perfect date 13. Life goal(s) 14. Piercings I want/ have 15. Relationship status 16. Favorite movie 17. A fact about my life 18. Phobia 19. Middle name 20. Anything you want to ask
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Mercer's jaw clenched, twitching with irritation upon being ordered around when he was so used to the exact opposite. Still, considering the... somewhat sizeable plans he had in mind, it was hardly in his best interest to piss off another Daedra. With a grunt of annoyance, he opened a draw and tossed a white rag in Vile's general direction. 
"And to what do I owe this honour?" he asked stiffly, leaning on his desk, one elbow propping up his chin. "Our patron Daedra seldom graces us with her presence - forgive me for considering it unusual for one with no ties to the Guild to just drop in in such a manner."
"I’m dripping wet."
Mercer couldn’t believe the cheek of it. He was at the end of his tether with everyone and their mothers coming up to him, the Guildmaster with the most menial of issues. Why on Nirn would anyone with half a brain think that their being idiotic enough to fall into one of the Cistern’s pools was his problem? He didn’t even bother to look up from the book he was writing in, merely snapping in a biting tone,
"I imagine Vekel would be inclined to find you a towel for a septim or two, but I myself am finding it endlessly intriguing how everyone in this cesspit seems to think me responsible for their own boundless stupidity when—” 
His speech came to a brief halt, however, upon finally taking in the being before him. Fantastic. A Daedric Prince, of all things. Just his luck. 
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
"Hey Mercer, got the thing you wanted." She deposited the bag onto the desk - there was a dull thud as its contents made contact with the wood. "Where's my cut for a job well done?"
"Sorry, would you care to try that again with a little more respect?" the Guildmaster sniped, with a pointed glare at the woman before him. Still, it had been a long day, and whilst it irked him, the young woman's arrogance wasn't something he was in the mood to excessively chastise for now. Instead he gave a low grumble of annoyance, irritably flicking a bag of coins in her direction. 
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
I like that you're super nice and have awesome in character writing skills :)
//golly gee, thank you, kind stranger :')
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Reblog if you want your followers to anonymously tell you one thing they secretly like (or dislike) about you.
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Mercer gave a hard scowl as his gaze shifted between the woman's face and her slumped posture, setting his quill down on the desk.
"Bitch or not, it fails to change the fact that she caught you. I've told Delvin not to allow you anywhere near a ledger any time soon," he informed her sharply, before relinquishing his position bent over his desk in favour of standing at his full height.
"Regardless, that isn't the reason I need to speak with you," he continued, rubbing his thumb against the heel of his hand in an attempt to get the circulation going again. "Whilst your blunder in Solitude was irritating to rectify, I've a far more pressing matter on my hands, which is soon to become a pressing matter in your hands, understand? I presume you're familiar with the Temple of Dibella in Markarth?" 
Larceny's in your blood - ((RP with AgitatedLarcenist))
"Hey, boss. Bryn sent me over, said he had something you wanted to speak about… If it’s about that failed numbers job over in Solitude, I swear, it wasn’t my fault! That damn shopkeeper was at my back the entire time! It’s not my fault that the elf is such a bitch…" Serah was obviously still pissed over the failed task. She scoffed and crossed her arms, slouching in front of the Guild Master. She avoided his gaze, a pout on her face. “… I ran off with a couple of circlets and necklaces though, and Tonilia seemed happy enough…”
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agitatedlarcenist · 10 years
Dragonborn: Okay Mercer, give me the key, the eyes, and then it's time to meet your death.
Mercer: ...
Mercer: ...
Mercer: I came out tonight to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
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