ahyespain · 5 years
“I’m not a sadist, I swear”
First ever blog post here, so we will see how this goes. 
I am finally making this blog after a year of silently following the whump community but never participating. I finally think I’m ready, so here we go! If you have any questions or suggestions, please send me a message or something so I can get better at this! Thanks a ton! 
My first experience with whump was when I was about 11 or 12 and I was reading Lord of the Rings. Frodo gets stabbed and basically poisoned and has to be taken by horse to the Elves to be healed. I remember reading that part and thinking “I need to... read... that...again.” Why? Was it well written? Did it add character growth? Help me realize some deeper meaning in the plot? No. A dude was hurt and it gave me a funny feeling in my stomach (I think they are called whumperflies?)
As I grew up I realized more and more that I liked seeing fictional characters in pain, but if I tried to explain it to other people, they’d think I was a sadist or something. They couldn’t understand. And frankly, neither could I. I started to think I was the only one in the world who felt this way until one fateful day.
I was going through my dashboard and saw a gif set of Dean from Supernatural all beat up (yaaasss, please give me more). It had a tag that I had no idea what it meant. I clicked on it and it brought be to the wonderful world of whump. Images, stories, gifs, whump lists. Everything to fill my whump needs. Even better, I found community of people who understood and felt the same.
This ended more cheesy than I intended, but thanks guys, and I hope you can welcome me to the community! 
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