aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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"Gasp, who me? A heartbreaker...? I would never."
“Alright, good call. I’ll trust you with my car, but not my daughter. You’re too much of a heartbreaker anyway.”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
"I'm pretty sure I would end up breaking her.. So, I think I'll pass."
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“She’s not gonna bite if you want to come say hi. I swear, she’s a super chill baby.”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
"Yeah, that definitely makes sense." Aidan chuckled, moving the bottle of beer he was drinking towards his lips. "You enter for that raffle, mystery kiss thing?"
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“I don’t know yet, it might be this bottle if I’m not careful to watch the clock.”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
"Having a little too much fun?"
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“You, so pucker up, Buttercup.”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
just a kiss | ashlyn
Aidan leaned his back against the bar, his hand holding a glass of whiskey as his eyes gazed over the crowd. He had to admit, it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. See, Aidan wasn't the party type of person. He may have been able to murder whoever he needed to but in reality he was truly a cinnamon roll. He never took advantage of women, he would only sleep with the ones that were sober.
Before Aidan had any more time to think. He was being taken away by some of the staff people. "Are you gonna tell me what's going on?" He asked as soon as one of them put a blindfold over his eyes. He could hear someone tell him to step closer and the second he did, his nose filled with a familiar scent. He moved his hands out like the guy had told him to, his hand placing nicely on her hip. He pulled her closer to him but didn't say a word. The familiar scent began to make him see a familiar face and he was not ready to ruin whatever was about to happen.
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
Now, who are you kissing when the ball drops?
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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Aidan Walsh's New Years Eve Party Outfit
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
Aidan turned his head over towards her, laughing a little bit. "I guess he's no one important." He let a smug smirk come along his face as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you telling me that you wanted me to be your date here at your... office party?" He turned his head back towards the party, his eyes scanning the room once again. He let her tug at his arm to pull him away from the door way, his head turning towards her as she started to speak again.
"And here I was hoping the suit and the tie would make me look more friendly." Aidan said as he walked towards the bar. "I'm surprised your brothers' aren't here. What did you have to do to get them not to show up? Show them your puppy dog eyes?" He smirked as he leaned up against the bar when they got to it. He turned his head towards her. "What are you drinking this evening?" He asked as he glanced to the bartender who was talking to someone else a couple stools away from them.
Santa’s little helper || Ashlyn/Aidan
“I only take good ones.” Ashlyn shrugged teasingly, giving a look to let him know he was going to have to work for it. A few people stopped to look when he kissed the back of her hand, and Ashlyn just raised an eyebrow at him. Another girl would has swooned at that romantic gesture, but Ashlyn knew him too well for that. Not that it wasn’t appreciated anyway. “And you’re the most dashing man here, Mr. Walsh.”
Ashlyn’s eyes followed him as he moved to stand beside her, before she joined him in scanning the room. Her brothers had trained her well, and even at an event like this she didn’t let her guard down. “Who’s Zach?” she asked, a small smirk dancing on her face. “Maybe I asked for you specifically.” She glanced back over to him, pressing her hand into the crook of his elbow to lead them away from just standing near the doorway. “Try not to look so menacing, my employees are already scared of me,” she teased, bringing him over towards the bar.
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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"Can't you just take compliment?" Aidan said as he rolled his eyes a bit, pressing his lips together shortly after. A little curl of his lips started to show as he turned his head to look over at the people mingling around them. "How about this one?" He brought his hand up towards her lip, his eyes flickering up towards her. "My, Miss O'Shea.. You certainly are the most beautiful girl in the room."
He let go of her hand, turning his body so that he was standing next to her. Getting distracted was something that Aidan never really did on his jobs but he was more than ready to play along with his role as her date. He slid his hands into his dress pants pockets, turning his head over towards her. "So, Zach wasn't avalible or something?" He smirked in a teasingly manner.
Santa’s little helper || Ashlyn/Aidan
She had been too distracted by the party and handing out her jello shots to notice Aidan coming, which she supposed was why she needed a bodyguard to begin with. She raised an eyebrow at him as he took her hand and kissed it properly, her other hand still balancing the tray. 
“Dashing?” she asked, her voice light and teasing. “You don’t call a woman dashing Aidan. You look dashing.” Her eyes looked him up and down, taking in the sight of him all dressed up for once. “You call a woman gorgeous, beautiful, a knockout, something like that. Not dashing.” She laughed, keeping her hand in his and handing off the tray of shots to a passing waiter.
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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There was nothing that Aidan wouldn't do for the O'Sheas. Lately, Aidan's missions had been to protect one of the family members from whatever he had to and going to a Christmas party wasn't the most ideal mission but whatever he was asked to do he would do. His feet moved swiftly through the hotel towards the ballroom. He could see it now, the decorations and Ashlyn walking around, hosting the party even though it wasn't her job to host it.
He understood why Ashlyn didn't invite her brothers, there was no jolly in the parties that had both Liam and Bryan there. He could see it on the people's faces whenever he took strolls around the room. He could already hear Ashlyn the second he began approaching the ballroom. He could actually hear happiness in people's voices as well.
He walked up to the doorway and saw her - his feet began to come to a stop so that he could admire her from a distance. He glanced down at his tux, moving his fingers up to his tie to adjust it as if this - as if looking good was something he had to do. He cleared his throat, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking back towards her. "Miss O'Shea." He said in a husky voice, taking her hand in his. He brought it up to his lips, pressing them softly against the top of her hand. "You look dashing this evening." He said with a smirk.
Santa’s little helper || Ashlyn/Aidan
The bank’s holiday party was just starting, and Ashlyn was determined to get it in full swing. They had rented a ballroom for the occasion, everything decorated in red, green, and gold. There were cocktail tables all around, appetizers being passed by waiters, and a full band playing holiday tunes. It wasn’t Ashlyn’s job to run to party–they were paying the hotel to do that–but she couldn’t help it. She got her hostess powers from her mother. 
There were some high profile clients in attendence, of course, companies around Chicago with a stake in the O’Shea business in one form or another. Ashlyn had banned any of her brothers from attending the party–she wanted the clients to feel included in the festivities, not intimidated by her family. Not that Bryan and Liam didn’t know how to schmooze, but their presence did put a certain strain on the jolly atmosphere. 
To be her “date” and keep an eye on her, Bryan had told her he was sending Aidan. She was glad of her brother’s choice in bodyguard for the evening, she just hoped Aidan would be dressed appropriately for the party. 
Ashlyn stood near the door, greeting people with a tray of red and green jello shots balanced on her hand. “Don’t be shy, it’s a party!” she told her employees, all but thrusting the jello shots at them. 
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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"It wouldn't surprise me if it was her. She is trying to make everyone's jolly little hearts grow three times their size."
“I don’t understand the point of this…it’s a pub, it doesn’t need Christmas decorations. Did my sister do this?”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 8 years
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"You mean my muscles or my job description?" Aidan laughed as he looked at her. "At least you think I got great muscles."
“What? I would never,” she said with a laugh. “But of course you’re carrying all the bags, what else are those muscles for, hm?”
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aidan-walsh-blog · 9 years
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