alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
I dunno, I just want something that doesn’t suck.
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Yeah? Have you thought about moving out on your own at all? And you know if you ever just need a break, my door is always open.
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Okay, rude, does all my cooking the past week suck?
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Not really. I mean, I could, but I don’t know. I kind of like living with just Alex. Plus the apartment’s so close to campus and it’s big enough, and I can do kind of whatever I want, within reason because it’s just my sister. I always figured I’d just spend college there. Mmph. I might have to take you up on that, but if I did it every time I wanted to kill them, I’d probably just live with you.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
So…we just go run until we lose three pounds of pancakes. How hard could it be. Heh. See ya Megan, Mika.
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Have a good night, guys, we’ll see you. C’mon. You seem…stressed. Everything okay?
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I’m not quite sure that’s how that works, but you know. Worth a shot. Bye! 
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I’m ready to commit capital murder, but other than that... ...no, it’s just. Dealing with them both together. All the time. It’s a lot and I hate it. Alex is high maintenance by herself, but add Devin into the mix and I’m ready to actually kill them both. ...hi.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
She’ll never know. Which one of us would tell? Certainly not I. …yeah, Megan you should go have fun with your girl tonight. It’d be good for you to get away from this demon.
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…right. Well. Cool. If you do want to come over, I’m hosting a game night at my place with a few coworkers, figured you may want to come? 
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Listen, if we gain like three pounds in the course of a day, she’ll know. She always knows. I -- hey! I am not a demon!
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Fucking...debatable, Alexandra. Yes. Please. Take me away from here.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Pancakes. Definitely pancakes.
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Hey Alex, Devin.  You busy tonight, dear?
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I mean...I’ll make you pancakes, but we’re most assuredly not supposed to eat pancakes. I think Karlie might kill us. She’s not, please take her, she’s been an insufferable piece of shit all day.
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Oh, no, I’m just doing the Jaina raid -- Alex, shut your mouth, I swear to god.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
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Well aren’t you just incredibly delightful tonight. I see you over there, babe. What do you want for food? Hi Mika.
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Alex, shut -- oh, hey.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
What do you want for dinner tonight?
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I’ll feed myself, thanks.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Mika’s kinda old and that’s weird. She probably deserves it.
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Yeah, you’re really good. What little I’ve read of your work, you’re good. Oh, god no. It’s all about him, I wasn’t around when they were filming it. It’s really recent, so I was already up older and out of the house by that point. It just features his work and his restaurant and all that. Mm, not super often. I see dad more often than I see my mother. She likes to stay busy, so she doesn’t take many days off. Dad at least is easier to visit at work. …okay. If you want me there, I’ll be there. Easy.
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She is older but...I don’t know. She’s not that much older than me. And Megan’s always dated older than her. I’d rather her date an older woman than the gross older men she used to date. Ugh. Mika’s so much better than the trash she used to bring home. I think Mum is just...wary, but I can’t imagine it’ll deter her for long. Because I don’t know. I like Mika. Don’t you?
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You think? It’s just...I’ve always been alright at it. I’m not as big on like...academic papers, but I like creative writing courses. I can write academic papers too though. I’m just...I don’t know. It comes easy. It’s borne mostly of my rage at how the writers handle their female characters. WOW especially, like good god. Oh. Okay, that’s still really cool though. He must be like...a really big deal in that sphere. I mean...fair. At least your dad’s kind of fixed in one place. Your mom goes everywhere. I do, but I don’t want you to come if it’ll make you uncomfortable. I think they’ll warm up to you though. I really do. I got you something, by the way. For Christmas.
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Well, sure, of course. Whatever you say is law. I mean, it kinda seems like she does, but you know her better than I do. I guess I could be wrong.
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College assignments can be stressful too. Just a different type of stress is all. Oh, yeah, dad just. He’s awesome at what he does. Actually, he’s on a Netflix show that highlighted all of his work and it was…kind of awesome. Mm, I don’t mind the airports so much. It means I get to see my mom, which is always a nice surprise. Your mothers are really going to come to hate me just showing up at these family events aren’t they?
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It’s...I don’t know. She has no reason to dislike you, and normally Mama like...she doesn’t just dislike people for no reason. So I’m not super sure what her issue is. If it helps, Mika’s facing the same shit.
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I guess, but...I’m good at them, most of the time. English major is like...my prime time. I can write for days, most of the time. Oh, what! Are you on there at all, because like...I’ll watch it anyway, but seeing you gives me more incentive. Do you not get to see her a whole lot? I’m...kind of the same way. Airports mean I get to see my grandma, most of the time but like...I don’t see her until a billion hours later on a plane. So airports themselves? Bleh. ...I don’t know. I don’t think so. I hope not. Even if they do I just...don’t care. I like you and they’re not going to stop that.
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Is that how it works? Okay, but like. One of them has. The other wants me to burn in a fire probably.
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So it does. It’ll be nice to just relax for a bit. I’ll still stream a bit and do all that, but…the big stuff I’ll take a break. Both, honestly. He kind of lives in his restaurants? So, if I ever wanted to see him I had to be there. He’s…a man of his work and little else. Hah, yeah, I get that. I traveled for awhile with my mom and it was cool, but it gets old. Hey, of course it’s okay. It’s always okay. I’m fine either way, though. Unless…well, would your parents be okay with it? Last time went…as it did, so. I don’t want to overstep.
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It’s how I say it works, so absolutely. Oh, she...doesn’t. Not really, I don’t think. Don’t get me wrong, she’s massively unfair to you but...I don’t think she actually hates you.
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Makes sense. I’m just enjoying not drowning in assignments, which is way less stressful than what you do. It sounds kinda like my Mum. Less so but...Mum’s always been very involved with the lawyering. But I was never in courtrooms or anything. Neither was Alex. Yeah, exactly. I hate the airport now. I like going to Australia in the summer but...ugh. Oh -- they’ll be fine. I mean, they probably won’t be happy, but I don’t care. You should come, if you want to. You can just stay here tonight and we can go in the morning.
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Um, I dunno. I guess ‘cause holidays are a family thing or whatever.
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Breaks are always a good thing. I’ve been working too much, so I figured I’d give myself a brief break with no major events. I do, actually, yeah. Any convention out there I make sure I go to just so I can pop in and see him. We’re quite close. Mom is a pilot, though. So, she’s all over the world. Tomorrow I will be napping in a hammock on my balcony with a book and a glass of wine.
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Well, sure, but...you know. You’re dating me. That gives you like a free pass to come to my family events. Besides, my mother has practically adopted you, honestly.
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God, right? All that just...piles on stress. You deserve a break. Oh yeah? He taught you how to cook then? Or did you just spend a lot of time in the restaurants? Oh, cool. I wanted to be a pilot when I was younger, actually. But then I realized I’d seen far too many airports and didn’t really want to live in one, more or less. Oh. Well, do you want to come to our thing? It’s an all day affair, but you’re more than welcome. If not, maybe I can like...sneak away early and come see you? If that’s like...okay.
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Okay, yeah, sure. Yeah. That sounds like…good to me? You’re sure it’s okay I go?
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You definitely can manage at least the basics, so yeah. Whenever works for me. I have a slow week with the holidays, no travel or anything for a change. But, yes he does. That’s where he ended up after my parents split.
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Of course I’m sure. Why wouldn’t it be?
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Oh! That’s uh. That’s good. Me too, obviously. We’re on break till January, so I don’t have anything going on. Mm, do you go visit him a lot? What does your mom do? What’re you doing tomorrow, anyway?
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Oh, well. Yeah, like. Okay. That’s cool then. I can just…wrap up surfing early and stuff or you could…come with me first and then we could go together or whatever. I dunno.
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We could do that. We normally start around nine. I think Megan’s going to stay here tonight too, so she’ll leave before us and let Mum and Mama know we’ll be along shortly, I think.
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
I…can if you want me to, yeah. As long as it’s not like. Imposing or anything.
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I can make it happen. We’ll learn a few basic skills and you’ll be good to go. Cooking isn’t so hard once you get the hang of a few things. He owns a few restaurants in Chicago, actually. He’s like…a big deal sort of.
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You’re definitely not imposing. I know Mum has a gift for you anyway, so honestly? I think they’re expecting you.
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Nice. I’m sure I can manage to pick at least the basics up, y’know? I can uh. I can come over whenever, or you could come over here when you’ve got some spare time...maybe. Mm, sounds fancy. I know all about the big deal parents thing. Does he live out in Chicago?
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Oh, like. No, that’s cool. If you’re busy I can just bring it by another time. No worries.
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That’s cute. I’ll have to teach you both sometime. At least the basic skills anyway. My dad is a chef, though. He’s…pretty good.
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Mm, up to you. You’re welcome to stop by though. I’m sure Mum would like to see you.
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Uh, please do? I’m going to gain like thirty pounds with all the takeout we eat, even with Alex’s absurd workout regiment. Oh, really? Private chef or does he work in a restaurant or something?
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
I dunno but it sucks. People suck. Erm, I was gonna go surfing probably? And then like drop off your gift whenever you’re not busy and stuff. 
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…the compulsion was there yes. She’s not very good.
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Oh. Okay. Well, you can...I’ll be honest, I’m going to be busy most of the day. Christmas is...an affair. You don’t have to come, but you’re welcome to, if you like.
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...neither of us are. Mum just cooked for us like...all the time, growing up. She still sends me home with care packages. How’d you learn?
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
Yeah, I’ve had to do that a looot. There are a lot of good places to hit people to make them go away.
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Ugh, that’s awful. Why can’t people...you know. Just take no for an answer. What are you doing for Christmas tomorrow, by the way?
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Did you feel the need to save our poorly made food?
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Jesus, Megan.
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alexandrahopemorgan · 5 years
…gross. Should have hit him harder.
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Should have had someone go with you, apparently men can’t manage to keep their damn hands to themselves for five minutes.
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...I agree with Devin. You should have hit him harder. Who was it, do you know?
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No. You act as if I know people. Luckily I will punch any man who gets too close to me as hard as I can in the teeth. I don’t care. Suffer for Christmas. Hi.
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Jesus, Megan.
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