alexusivy · 2 years
Are you a victim of Sea-Lioning?
Now sea-lioning may sound like a funny little phrase, but it can be more serious than it seems. As a form of harassment, sea-lioning is when an individual consistently pesters someone with repeated questions or requests, under the pretense of civility. Despite acting under the pretense of sincerity this form of harassment often occurs out of bad faith. This is a common form of trolling and can often be seen on social media. So how can you handle sea-lioning? Often in cases of sea-lioning the sea lion accuses the victim of being uninformed or that their belief is wrong. Simply ignoring the sea lion is easier said than done and it doesn’t mean that the sea lion would actually leave you alone. To combat this, you could give the sea lion the resources to become informed. Send them links and give articles so that they can research in hopes of educating them on the topic of interest. Send them a link to a 3rd party source and block them. The art of trolling is becoming more subtle and you may have been affected whether you know it or not.
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alexusivy · 2 years
This video published by EuroNews is a great example of how people are using social media to bring awareness to issues of racial injustice. 
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alexusivy · 2 years
Tumblr media
In the age of social media people no longer rely on traditional news sources. Social media has allowed for the spread of information in a way that the world has never seen before. 
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alexusivy · 2 years
We need a digital economy where our data and our attention is not for sale to the highest-bidding authoritarian or demagogue
Zeynep Tufekci, We’re building a dystopia just to make people click on ads
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alexusivy · 2 years
This article published in the New York Times describes the efforts that former president Barack Obama has been taking to alleviate the spread of false information on social media.
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