allaboutdog · 3 years
Prepare Your Pets for Spring and Summer
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Spring brings with it, unseen dangers for our pets
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As spring approaches, dogs and their owners cant spend enough time outdoors enjoying the fresh air, after months of cold bitter temperatures. The ground has thawed, birds are chirping, and rivers are flowing. While this is a great time of year, it is also the time of year when snow thaws unvailing mountains of unremoved dog poop, fleas begin their quest for warm furry hosts, mosquitoes are well rested up and ready to begin their annual bite out of humanity, parasites are aboundless, and the good old worm rears its ugly head. Prevention is worth its weight in gold. When it comes to protecting your pet to the above possible dangers of spring, options are available, and by consulting with your veterinarian, a suitable prevention stratedgy can be implicated. Veterinarians vaccinate for worms and other parasitic creatures during the spring season, due to the fact that in most places, spring and summer is when your dog or cat are the most susceptible to contracting a disease or infection due to the ingestion of an already infected animal bi-product, or simple contact with another infected animal. The chance of a dog or cat of contracting any disease or infection after being vaccinated against it is pretty much 0. Compare that to the chance of that same dog or cat that has received no vaccinations at all which if exposed to an infected animal is over 75% and the decision should be easy to make. dogs and cats do not have the mental capacity to realize that certain life pleasures are actually not pleasureable but quite dangerous. They will not ignore that tempting animal carcus, that inviting pile of dog droppings, or that murky river water. Consequences do not bother them, they live for the moment and we as their owners are left to worry about the consequences that their actions bring. We can all rest a lot easier if we simply take the time to vaccinate our pets against all the hazards of spring. Vaccinations are recommended not for veterinarians to make money, but to allow your pet to live life without the unnecessary risk of contracting a virus, disease, or infection that could have easily been prevented if a vaccine had been administered. Vaccines are relatively inexpensive, and are administered on a yearly basis. For more information, or to determine when your dog or cat is due for his/her yearly vaccinations, contact your veterinarian.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Dog Health All Around Tips
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A dog’s over all health can be determined by a visual check of the exterior of it’s body simply by looking a dog owner can spot potential problems before they get worse. We can start with the obvious most telling sign of a dog’s health and that is a visual check of the whole body.
Fur and Skin
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Dog Health Fur and Skin A dog’s skin similar to a human should be a healthy pink color and the fur should not have patches of missing fur. Some dogs could actually have a skin irritation or a foul smell which is a sign of trouble. A dog should not have that “dog smell” that you find on some pets. Also, if there are patches of dry, flaky skin there could be health problems with: allergies in the diet.  Reading dog food labels these days will reveal hidden ingredients that can be very harmful to a dog’s skin. If your dog is itching, it needs further investigating by you and your vet. Dogs get itchy skin from a number of sources that could include glandular problems or diet deficiencies
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Dog Health teeth Dog ideally should have nice white, sparkling teeth and dental health is just as important in dogs as it is in us human beings. Regular brushing with a dog toothpaste can save your dog’s teeth.  Raw food is an excellent way to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and also natural chewing sticks. My dog seems to know this because she chews on pliable sticks in the park where we go each day. Willow branches are her favorite and they are actually cleaning her teeth as she chomps on them. I always make sure to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn’t get little bits in her throat. Always, always supervise a dog when they are chewing on “anything” including toys. Tiny bits can be swallowed, and cause problems.
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Dog Health gums A dog’s gums are usually pink and healthy from the tooth to the upper jaw this area should be pink and healthy. Some dogs may also have darker portions of their gums that are a darker brown color and this is normal in many species of dogs. Gums that are a bright red color usually means an infection or a possible fever. If the gums are pale in color or a lighter pink the dog may have a health problem such as: low blood pressure. If the gums are grayish in color this requires further medical attention to check for a tooth infection.
Paws and Legs
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Dog Health Paws and Legs A dog’s legs carry it’s weight while running or walking and if you notice a limp while your dog is walking check out the paws and leg bones to see if there is pain when touched by your hand. Some dogs have bone problems that require further investigating such as a broke bone or a pulled muscle.  Your can run your hand along your dog’s legs to check for any spots that are hotter than others which means the dog’s body is healing that part or you may find lumps or bumps. Paws are susceptible to pesticides on grass, and if your dog is licking it’s paws rather frequently this also could be an irritation from chemicals, a bacterial infection, dermititis or even a yeast infection. Check in between the toes for redness or scaly material. Dogs should be able to run on all four paws without limping or pain.
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Dog Health Eyes A dog’s eyes can be an indicator of health or they can have some discharge, usually healthy eyes are bright, clear with whites being white. When there is a discharge there could be some source of dust or irritant in the eye itself. Again if a dog is itching it’s eyes that is a sign also of perhaps dry eyes, irritation or some infection. Usually you see this more vividly with white dogs, the discharge can color the fur around the eyes with a stain. There are remedies for simple eye stains that are harmless and organic to try first, to see if it goes away. For yourdog’s Eyes
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Dog Health Ears Even dogs get wax in their ears, and they can become infected with bacteria. If your dog is scratching it’s ears consistently or shaking the head there could be an ear problem. Usually you can smell each ear and find this out, if it smells stinky there could be an ear infection, or yeast infection just like people get occasionally. If a dog has healthy ears, they do not smell bad so this is a good indicator to get some help. These are just some helpful hints on assessing your dog’s health visually and can give you an idea of further investigating by a vet of your choice. By these simple visual methods of giving your dog an examination you can fix the problem before it becomes more serious. Give your dog a check up today! Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Dog Illness Symptoms
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Dog Illness Symptoms are clues as to how our dogs are feeling and if they are sick or have a health problem. Some of these signs are physically visible to pet owners but if you don’t understand the signs you can’t help your pet get better. Here are Some Dog Illness Symptoms Loss of Appetite or changes in eating habits may happen if your dog is not eating regularly it is a sign that it may be experiencing a stomach problem or problems ranging from digestive issues, or internal organ problems associated with digestion.  The dog’s appetitie should be regular unless it could be related to the type of food your using to feed your dog. Many associated illness with loss of appetite are: constipation, bowel diseases, urinary infections, the flu, gum disease and kidney diseases. Commercial brands of dog food have additives that are harmful and the pet simply may be rejecting the food.  If this is so, change brands to an organic dog food available at your local pet food store.  ( Search the Yellow Pages or Internet -under Organic pet food).  A change in seasons may also be responsible for in the summer dogs will eat less and in the winter they eat more. Bad Breath a dog’s breath should not be smelly and if it is most likely a digestion problem coming from the stomach. Or a dental problem, infection but usually it is digestion. Make sure you clean and inspect your dog’s teeth as bacteria in the mouth can cause bad breath. It may sound silly but there are dog toothpastes on the market that you can use to brush your dog’s teeth daily. Dog food is also a culprit and the old saying goes: Garbage in and garbage breath. Natural chews like Bully Sticks can help to keep your dog’s teeth clean and a healthier breath.
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Dog Illness Symptoms can be visible for Pet Owners Change in Behavior are clearly a sign that your dog maybe sick if it chooses to sleep all day, or lacks energy to get outdoors and play. If your pet shows a change in a regular routine it can be a physical problem. Or, if your dog snaps at you, becomes lethargic or tired, it could be that your dog is sick.  If this pattern extends beyond a few days, take a closer look at your pet or take it to a vet. Sometimes a dog will have arthritic symptoms and will not wish to be as energetic due to pain in the joints.  Watch to see if your dog limps or favors one leg or the other, or holds one leg up while walking or running. This is an indication of pain or bone problems and get it checked out. A Dry Nose it may sound like an old wives tale but a dry nose on a dog is a sign the dog is sick or is not drinking enough clean, pure water. Today, water has a lot of impurities and pet owners are wise to use purification filters for pets and not just use tap water. Monitor how much water your dog drinks each day and leave water bowls inside and outside especially put them in the shade.  In the summer heat, a dog should not be outdoors in hot weather for more than 20 minutes.  If the dog is panting or it’s tongue is hanging on the side of its mouth, the dog is getting very dehydrated. Always encourage your dog to drink water for it detoxes and flushes impurities out of the body. Weight Loss is a sign that your dog is not well and it ties in with appetite and food choices. Weight loss indicates your dog is not eating enough food and this could be from a variety of reasons from: gastro-stomach problems, digestion is not normal and the dog is not absorbing the nutrients from the food it eats. Some diseases like diabetes or insulin problems could be the culprit in weight fluctuation either more weight or less weight. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Choosing The Best Dog Bed
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"Your Dog's Comfort Is Important" Do you know how important a dog bed is for your dog? If you don't, here's five very good reasons. - Your dog may not be human, but he is still your best friend and deserves to be treated that way. Would you want to live without a bed? - Dogs come to know what is theirs. Giving your dog his own bed provides your faithful friend with a place to feel safe and secure. - Beds provide support and comfort for your canine's bones and joints. This is particularly important for our older furry companions. - Additionally a dog bed insulates your dog from cold floors in the winter and warm floors in summer. - Since most dogs really do prefer their own bed to yours, it keeps them off your bed - saving a bunch of money on sheets and comforters. The 3 Must-Haves of a Dog Bed There are hundreds of dog beds you can buy. Some are great and some aren't so great. We have tried hundreds through the years: There was the one Berry tore up in an hour, the one that Robin felt was a toilet, those that lost their cushioning after a few uses, and those that looked horrible after a measly week. If you want your dog to be totally comfortable and you want to save time and money in the long run -- Don't buy any dog bed unless it has the following three features:
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Choosing The Best Dog Bed - Removable cover - one that is machine washable or drycleanable (for luxury dog beds). This is a MUST unless you call stinky dog smell aromatherapy.And did you know that if you or someone is allergic to dogs, frequent washing of dog beds can help. - A "high-memory" poly-fill. Have you ever had a nice fluffy pillow turn into a pancake overnight? The same thing can happen to your canine friend's bed. - Hate to say it, but you're going to have to spend a few bucks.Have you ever found yourself trying to save money trying to save money on something only to find that you have to replace it a month later?A dog bed is one of those things that is better to spend the money on up front to save money down the road.But even more importantly, you're dog will be more comfortable, your room will look and smell better, and YOU WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY! Tips For Sizing Typically the best way to find the right size bed is to measure your dog while he/she is lying down. Measure from nose to rear end and add 10-12 inches or if your canine likes to curl up measure the longest distance across. If you are unsure pick the larger size - better your dog have a little extra room than try to squeeze into a tiny spot or not use the bed at all. Beds That Stand The Test Of Time Now all you have to do is choose a bed. There are so many styles it's hard to choose. The beds below are wonderful ones to consider. They have received nothing but the best reviews from both dog experts and dog lovers. From personal experience we know that the Bowser Donut Bed and the Orvis Dog Nests not only look great, but are built to last. (and with five dogs that's not easy) Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
How To Find The Right Veterinarian
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How To Find The Right Veterinarian It's not always easy, but sometimes by chance you find the perfect veterinarian. In Ohio I had it easy; one of my best friends was a veterinarian, and was very good. Then we moved to Florida. No sooner had we got there, Berry was on the losing end of a scuffle with a cat. His face was scratched up pretty good, so less than 12 hours into our new home we had to find a vet at 10:00pm. I'm not quite sure how we found the place, but we came across a 24 hour veterinary clinic. It was there that we found Dr. Williams. He was great with Berry, but the best part was that he cleaned up his wounds for free. Well this great vet found three new clients with Berry, Wanda, and Robin.
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How To Find The Right Veterinarian How To Find The Right Veterinarian Then we moved to Dallas. As luck would have it Berry, Wanda, and I met a veterinarian's husband and children on a walk. Seeing they were obviously dog lovers, we gave Dr. Christian a chance. Seems we've been there every week since. When fate doesn't drop a vet in your lap, how do you find a good one? - Ask your neighbors with dogs who they use and how they like them. - If you have a purebred, ask a local breed club. - Sometimes you have to take a chance and use the yellow pages. If you have time, pop in ahead of time to check them out. Are they nice? Does the place look clean? - And remember you can always change veterinarians.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
How To Give Your Dog A Massage
Scratch a dog, and you'll find a permanent job. -Franklin P. Jones How To Give Your Dog A Massage A few years ago if someone would have suggested massage for my dogs, I would have looked at them and said something like, “You’ve got to be kidding!” That all changed when my Wanda sprained a muscle in her leg while playing fetch. The veterinarian prescribed rest and aspirin for the pain. But if you know my Wanda, you know that she is not one for rest. Luckily a friend of mine is a massage therapist. Teresa always did a great job for my husband and me, so I called and asked her if she could work on Wanda’s leg. Wanda was a little reluctant at first, but then she loved it. Teresa showed me how to massage Wanda’s leg myself. In no time Wanda was out chasing her Kong Toy around the yard. I was a convert. Massage can benefit dogs as much as humans. Massage speeds the healing process from surgery, alleviates arthritic pain, and relieves stress. Michael Holloway, a Boca Raton pet massage therapist offers some practical tips and some do’s and don’ts for giving your dog a massage:
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How To Give Your Dog A Massage - Lay the pet on its side and rock to calm and relax them - For trouble areas in dog’s body use a squeeze and release method of the skin and muscle tissue to relieve pain and tension. - For injured areas, apply ice for 10 minutes every 2 hours to relieve swelling and pain. - When beginning massages with your pet be patient with yourself and with your pet, it may be the first time for the both of you. - Always check with your Vet if you have any doubts. - Massage will bring you and your pet even closer together. Do’s - Do make a special time for massage. - Do enjoy your time with your pet. - Do be Consistent. Consistency brings about change. - Do exercise together -- swim, walk & play - Do check with your Vet if any questions or doubts. Don'ts: - Don't be afraid to use strong pressure, your pet will tell you if doesn't like it. - Don't make sudden changes in your pet’s lifestyle. - Don't massage deeply on a pet with cancer.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Fat Pets On The Rise
More and more pets are becoming obese
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Fat pets maybe cute, but are they healthy? The answer is a resounding no!We as a pet owning society, do not factor in to the equation of life, the fact that pets can not think for themselves and rely on us to do the majority of the decision making that involves them. Knowing this, deciding to let your pet become grossly overweight is shameful and leads to the question, should you or are you capable of even owning a pet? Fat pets Taking care of a pet is not that hard to do, if you know what your doing. Knowing when enough is enough regarding the amount of food that you give your pet, is also not so hard to do. Labels on the bag of pet food that you buy for your pet, have explicit feeding instructions making it easy to determine the amount of food that is suggested for your pet to maintain his/her suggested weight. Personally, I will adjust this measurement depending on the daily activity of my dog, a little more food after an active day, a little less after a not so active day.
Fat pets Exercise
Fat pets Exercise is a must for any pet, and no matter how much food your pet eats. If the food is not given a chance to be broken down, it will eventually translate to fat. Exercise sparks the metabolism of pets and humans, thus burning fat, and using the nutrients that the body derives from the food that has been consumed. Fat pets It is not as if pets do not want to get outside and have fun, it is simply the lazy pet owner who shirks their responsibilities, that is the main backbone behind the problem of obese pets. That said, pets are not going to come up to you begging to be exercised. By getting into a routine, one that sees you take your pet for a half hour walk every day, you will benefit two ways; you will benefit personally health wize, and so will your dog. If you can not find the time to do it, then find some one who can. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Keep Your Pets Safe This Summer
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Pets can become very ill if exposed to heat for a prolonged length of time
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The summer is almost upon us, and although it officially does not commence for another 3 weeks, the temperatures have rocketed up to astoundingly hot numbers, making it impairitive for pet owners to look after their pets. Pets unlike humans, will not tell us if they are thirsty. They will simply drink if water is available and not drink if water is not available. A conscious dog owner will always make sure that their dog's water bowl is full of cold water, so that if their pet is thirsty, they can drink freely whenever they need too. Some dogs will simply drink for the sake of drinking and it is important for you to try to distinguish the difference between your dog simply drinking for the sake of it, or drinking due to the need to quench his/her thirst. If your dog is of the outdoors loving type, making sure to provide water to him/her while it is outside is very important. Having an outdoor water bowl can come in very handy, as it will save you from bringing the inside bowl outside every so often. Changing the water multiple times daily, insures that your dog is getting fresh water that is cool and appealing to him/her. Another helpful suggestion for you to consider for the outdoors dog, is to put a dab of sunscreen on your dog's nose. Your dog's nose is the only part of its body that when upright, is bare of dog hair, making it very susceptible to the sun's penetrating rays. Finally, dogs like humans can develop sun stroke if left outside for prolonged periods of time. Signs to watch for include; weakness, panting, tongue hanging out of mouth, rapid pulse, shivering, 0 interest in what's going on around them, etc. Dogs that do have sun stroke may not even opt to drink water, thus if your dog is displaying any of these symptoms, contacting your vet to discuss a plan of action might not be a bad idea. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Do We Take Pet Health For Granted?
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Is your pet healthy? Pet health and the effert that we put into insuring that our pets are in fact healthy has become a very important component to pet ownership. With all the possible dangers that are lurking around the next corner, it is hard to stay on top of every little aspect of your pet's health, especially if you are dealing with multiple pets in your household. Pet health Disease obviously is a threat when it comes to your pet, more of a threat if your pet comes from a line with predetermined genetic trends towards a specific disease. This fact excluded, does not take away from the fact that numerous parts of your pet's body can remain healthy if you take a little time each day to give them a little tender loving care. Dental Care when it comes to your pet is very important as I'm sure you know. Your pet only gets one set, and depending on how they are treated/maintained will determine how long they last. Canine Ear Care is also very important and needs to be maintained to insure that your pet does not develop any sort of infection or even infestation. Pet health With summer approaching fast, Pet Allergies may also be something for you to consider if your pet is in fact allergic to any sort of summer pollen. Pet health For many more health related articles for you to check out to gain valuable tips and tricks to keep your pet healthier this summer, visit our Dog Health Pages. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Overweight Pets = Bad Health
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How fat is your pet?
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Overweight Pets How fat is your pet? This question when asked to a pet owner will usually invoke a response to the affect of; "my pet is not fat!" Well take another look at your beloved pooch, or lazy fluff ball of a cat, cause chances are, your not gonna like what you see. Overweight Pets Too many pets are being seen by veterinarians world wide due to health related problems that are directly linked to the weight of that animal. Not providing your pet with a sufficient diet, coupled with daily exercise, can turn that skinny house cat or dog into a fat out of shape version of what they once were in no time at all. Not being able to feel the ribs of your pet due to an access of fat padding them, is not a good sign. We all love a fat fluffy cat, but we are not the ones having to drag around all the extra weight all day. Ever wonder why your dog would rather ly down and sleep instead of being bouncy and inergetic on a nice summer day? Maybe he's too tired from a play session with the neighbor's dog, a play session that would not have tired him out as much 10 lbs ago. Overweight Pets Controlling the weight of your pet is really easy to do, and solely consists of moderating their intake of food, and providing them with exercise, in order for them to work off the food that they do eat. Animals that lack sufficient exercise are not able to work off the food that they eat, leaving it to simply sit in their stomach, and eventually stick to their ribs. A lot of pet owners feel guilty cutting back on their pet's food come dinner time, but guilt is the number one enemy here and needs to be ignored. Remember, your pet's weight problem, was caused by you, and it is up to you to fix it if you want your pet to live a healthy productive life. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Yip! Yip! Hurray For Dog Treats.
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"If a dogs prayers were answered, bones would rain from the sky." Dog Treats With so many treats out there dogs are howling "It’s a dog eat treat world." The mere mention of treat or biscuit sends the gang running for the kitchen with Robin leading the pack. Dog Treats From doggie biscotti to bone-shaped cakes, dog treats have come a long way from the Milkbone. And they have gotten much healthier for your dog. Imagine being able to actually pronounce the ingredients. Dog Treats The gang has the dream job of official taste testers. While most treats are woofed down immediately, the those that don't make the cut are left uneaten on the floor for mom to clean up. Here are some helpful hints for finding the healthiest treats for your canine companion.
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Tips For Treats - Avoid artificial colors and flavors - No harsh preservatives like BHA - Salt and sugar free - Look for human grade ingredients. No by-products
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Dog Food: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
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Do you know how to choose your dog's food? Dog Food price? Because it says its premium? Because your vet recommended it? If you answered yes to any of these, you might want to think again. Dog Food Did you know that the most expensive foods in your pet store are not necessarily the best ones? In fact they might not even be very good. Now you can be sure that the really cheap ones are not even worth looking at. No one can make high quality dog food for super cheap prices. To find a high quality dog food you may have to look farther than the grocery or pet store. Dog Food You might see pictures of steak, chicken, fresh vegetables, and grain on a bag of dog food and think that they actually contain these ingredients. Read the ingredients; you might be in for a rude awakening. I love veterinarians. But many do not know much about canine nutrition.
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Dog Food: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
So how do you find a high quality dog food?
You are going to have to break down and read the ingredients. When you find one that fits the bill, give it a try for a month or two. Dog Food If it's not the right food, believe me you will know. Berry and Robin classic examples. When Berry is not eating the right food, he suffers diarrea and vomiting. Robin gets horribly itchy skin and just the most horrible gas you have ever smelled - she can clear a room in an instant. Her idea of aromatherapy has even woke up my husband and me - usually with me demanding to know if that was him. Dog Food When you think you found the right food let your dog give it a try. If after a month your canine is itching like crazy, licking his paws, having digestive stress - you may have to hold your nose, it is time to try another dog food. Dog Food Ingredients The Good - Whole fresh meat or single-source meat meal (e.g. chicken meal rather than poultry meal) - A whole meat source as one of the first two ingredients (e.g. lamb or lamb meal) - Unprocessed grains and vegetables The Bad - Generic fats or proteins like animal fat or meat meal - Artificial preservatives - Artificial Colors - Sweeteners - Salt The Ugly - By-products (things like lungs, kidneys, brains, bone, blood, stomachs and intestines) YUCK! The following dog foods have received four paws up from Whole Dog Journal and Good Dog Magazine. Note: there are other excellen dog foods out there so if your dog food is not on the list don't worry. And remember not all dog foods work for all dogs. I have five dogs, and here at our "dog house" we serve three different types of dog food. And Don't Forget The Treats Click Here for great dog treats. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Pet Obesity, Is It Also Becoming an Epidemic?
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The fat epidemic that the world is in the midst of seemingly embracing, is not just targetting the human population. Pets of all shapes and sizes, a lot of them out of shape, are beginning to bring cause for concern due to the number of vet visits conducted yearly, strictly dealing with issues that are directly related to the weight of the patient. The sad fact of the matter is that pets are not the ones who determine how they look and feel, their owners are. Thousands upon thousands of pet owners are not even giving their pet a fighting chance, lumbering the poor animal with surplus baggage due to hefty supper servings, bountiful table scraps, and insuficient levels of daily exercise. What one human being decides to do with the body that they are given, is their own choice; however, what an animal has to deal with thanks to neglegence on behalf of its owner is unbelieveable. Heart disease, elevated bloodpressure, stomach problems, diabetes, etc. are all conditions that humans can develop if they do not take care of themselves. Well the same can be said for pets! If knowing the risks that you are putting your pet in front of, is not enough to make you determined to keep him/her healthy, then you should not even have the right to own that pet. Animals because of our domestication rely on us for everything, that includes brainpower.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Summer Can be Hazardous For Pets Too
Does your pet itch and scratch all summer long?
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Allergies are common for many people to have to endure each and every summer. Some people will even be able to tell when the heat is about to begin due to the annual flare up of those annoying allergic reactions that they deal with each and every year. Pets like humans are also susceptible to the allergic bug. Coughing Sneezing and watery eyes, common symptoms of human allergies are also very common in pets. Knowing that there is help to aid you in controling your pet's allergic reactions to a variety of summer environmental attributes is not something that a lot of pet owners are aware of. In actual fact there are numerous safeguards that you the responsible pet owner can put to good use: First off, if your pet is scratching a lot, this is a probable indication of a skin allergy due to direct contact with some sort of mold, pollen, etc. Bathing your pet regularly using a nice oatmeal shampoo compound will help ease the scratching and make your pet feel a lot better. Antihistamines and various forms of cortisone, are used to treat humans dealing with allergies, and can also be used for pets dealing with them. Some of these you can purchase over the counter, and others will need to be prescribed by your veterinarian. Fish oils added to the diet of your pet hcan also help as they are very beneficial to the skin and can help ease the urge for your animal to scratch leading to inflamation, which leads to red sore spots, leading to more scratching and so on. Taking care of your pet if it is stricken with summer allergies is very important. Not taking proper care of your allergic pet, can lead to your pet developing secondary problems directly related to the allergies that it suffers from. For example not treating a skin allergy, can lead to that pet developing an infection or rash at the scratch site on its body. Usually, treating your pet takes no time at all after a treatment plan has been figured out, and the minimum time it takes, will provide you with the knowledge that your pet is safe, and will provide your pet with a no-scratch, happy healthy summer.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Dog Dental Care - Dog Teeth Care -Dog Dental Care Treats , New 2021*
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Dog Dental Care Proper starts from when the puppies are born. Dog Teeth Care We as humans as you know develop our baby teeth only to have them replaced by permanent teeth over time. Dental Care Treats This is also true for canines. Although the rate of conversion from baby (milk) teeth to adult teeth is much quicker, it follows the same principle as our human cycle. Dog Dental Care When puppies are born, they are usually born with a total of 28 teeth. Any wonder they strive to chew everything in site. Over the first 10 months of life, these milk teeth fall out and are replaced by the permanent ones. A healthy dog will have a total of 42 permanent teeth however some of the smaller breeds will have less due to the molars being missing. This is normal and has no cause for alarm.
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Dog Teeth Care Dog Dental Care Taking care of these teeth is crucial due to the fact that one set is all they and we get. Regular brushing to remove tartar, plaque and genuine build up is vital to ensure that your dog will be better protected from developing any sort of mouth disease, stomach disease or simple bad breath. Dog Dental Care The importance of proper nutrition during the teething and overall puppy hood of your dog is crucial and you should always adhere to puppy food recommendations during this critical time of life. Having an imbalanced diet as a puppy can effect all aspects of the growth process. Having a healthy optimum diet as a puppy ensures that the foundations are there for your puppy to grow accordingly and reach his full mature capability.
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allaboutdog · 3 years
Free Ways to Spoil Your Dog
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Spoil Your Dog A loving look. Someone to talk to. Someone who listens without interupting. No judging. Someone to hug in our most desperate hours. Unconditional Love. Someone who, with a simple look tells us that everything will be alright. Dogs do that for us - Forever. And they are a lot cheaper than a therapist - in many cases better. They give us so much. We open our wallets - no $. How do we ever return the favor. Here's a few ideas to begin with:
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Free Ways to Spoil Your Dog
What's In A Name
Spoil Your Dog One of the simplest ways to care for your dog is to give him a really great name. You are probably thinking, yeah right, this from a woman whose dog is named Wanda. But keep in mind that all of my dogs were named before I got them. Even though I wasn’t quite sure about her name at first, now I really love the name; it really seems to fit her. And while people do give me weird looks whenever I tell them. Wanda’s name, no one ever forgets it. Additionally the dogs love that they get a lot of attention when people first meet them because people seem to love to repeat “Wanda.” Spoil Your Dog Let’s face it. You’re bound to come across quite a few Maxs or Ladys, but how many Wandas or Napoleons or Cassablancas have you ever encountered. And if you pay attention, you will find that dogs with really great or unique names get instant attention. I remember when I was a little girl a neighbor of ours named her little dog Ronnie Reagan. At the time Ronald Reagan was president. Every time someone would meet little Ronnie they would lavish attention on him. And little Ronnie (who was rumored to actually be a Democrat) loved every minute of it. It used to be that people named their dogs after a physical feature or personality such as Spot or Happy. That is no longer the case. More and more people treat their dogs as children. Hence human names for dogs are increasingly popular. Now you see more dogs with names like Max, which means ‘the greatest’ in Latin, or Sam, which means ‘listener.’ Spoil Your Dog Dog names are also very dependent upon the sex and age of the owner. Studies have shown that for the most part men give their dogs more masculine names like Spike or Rocky. Women on the other hand favor more feminine names such as Samantha or Tasha. Children like to name dogs after characters from their favorite movies or television shows. Consequently there are a lot of Skips (My Dog Skip), Simbas (The Lion King), and even Barneys (for that popular dinosaur). Even adults are not above naming their dog after a favorite character such as Eddie, the popular dog on Frasier. Drive Thru Heaven Spoil Your Dog Sometimes it pays to bring your dog along for the ride. At least it pays for your dog. Berry, Wanda, and Robin have caught on to a growing trend: doggie treats at drive thru windows. We first noticed the trend when we lived in Ohio. Our bank kept a container of dog biscuits at the drive thru for doggie “customers.” I don’t know how Berry and Wanda (this was before Robin’s time) could have known about the treats behind the window, but somehow they sniffed them out, because as soon as we drove up to the window their noses were out the window. It did not take them long to learn the routine, pull up to a drive thru window; get a treat. The woman working at the bank window learned their names before she learned mine. Berry and Wanda were always greeted first with a warm smile and a biscuit, while mom was sometimes barely acknowledged, even though I was the actual customer. Spoil Your DogI have since learned that my bank is not alone in passing out treats to pets. Many fast food restaurants keep a stash of dog treats around. I asked a girl at one of these restaurants why they started giving treats for pets, and she replied that they did not want the dogs to feel left out, and it was just fun to pet and talk to the different dogs. Dogs have it so "ruff". They come along for the ride and get free food while we drive and we pay for food. But that is one of the perks of being a dog. Paws For a Moment (Or Two) Spoil Your Dog One of the simplest methods of dog care is to spend time with him. Let’s face it; you are your dog’s hero and he wants nothing more than to be by your side. You can shower your dog with the most expensive and exclusive gifts, but that really means nothing if you don’t spend time with him. Experts say at the very minimum you should try to set aside fifteen minutes of undivided attention for your dog once a day (twice is much better). Not quite sure what to do for those fifteen minutes? Here are some suggestions. - Take a walk around the block or play a game. This is not only good for your dog but also for you. According to the book, Real Age, by Dr. Michael F. Roizen, owning a dog helps you stay younger longer. This age benefit is attributed to the fact that dog owners get more exercise caring for their dogs. - Brush your dog. Taking a few minutes out each day to brush your dog has several benefits as mentioned in the chapter Looking Good Feeling Better. - Give your dog a hug. Touch is healing for everybody. Babies who are untouched as infants never develop emotionally. Couples who stop touching, stop loving. Let yourself pet your dog. Dogs absolutely love this, my Berry in particular. While Wanda, Robin, Sarah, and Dresden eventually get bored, my loving boy Berry could sit and be petted for hours. When he feels that I have been paying too much attention to the computer and not to him, Berry will come and nudge my arm away from the keyboard so that my hand ends up on his back. There is no telling him that mom has a deadline. Often I end up petting him with one hand while trying to type with the other. Read the full article
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allaboutdog · 3 years
How To Give Your Dog A Bath -Give Dog A Bath At Home
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How To Give Your Dog A Bath Skip the dog groomer - save money - do it yourself. When you have multiple dogs, those groomer bills add up quick. I realized I was going to go bankrupt if I kept sending the gang to the groomer.Give Dog A Bath At Home I finally bit the bullet and starting giving the dogs baths myself. I was pleasantly surprised at how well behaved the gang was with the exception of my Wanda. The mere mention of the word bath, or the site of a shampoo bottle sends Wanda running for the other side of the house, whining and crying like a drama queen. I was relieved to find out that she is not much better for the professionals.
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How To Give Your Dog A Bath How To Give Your Dog A Bath So, you have decided to tackle the task of bathing your dog. Before you begin you will need to gather a few things to make the bathing process go as smoothly as possible. You might even find your four-legged friend waiting in the tub and ready to go. (Well we can wish, can’t we?) Bath Essentials How To Give Your Dog A Bath It all starts with a brush. Groomers recommend a slicker brush. There are even slicker brushes you can use for the face. Brushing before a bath is very important as it gets rid of extra hair and removes mats. (Be sure to brush gently so that you do not hurt your dog). The gang's groomer recommends clipping and filing dogs' nails before the bath since many dogs really, really hate this. How To Give Your Dog A Bath Next on the bath list is a high quality dog shampoo (we like herbal shampoo). Sorry but this probably means looking a little further than the local pet store. Using a cheap or harsh shampoo can leave your itching like crazy. A conditioner? For a dog? You bet your canine's sweet behind. Just like they dog for us, conditioners remove tangles and make brushing and combing easier. How To Give Your Dog A Bath Time to dry. I usually use large beach towels to remove as much water as possible. There are also super-absorbent towels that dry dogs in half the time. Read the full article
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