alsouk · 6 months
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"Forget about everything with me"
Evening. A slightly cold wind burns my cheeks, creating chaos on my head while I sit peacefully and wait for a message from my beloved. Actually, according to the plans, we were going to walk along the embankment together, but my parents, as always, forbade everything at the very last moment. After telling Niki about this, he suggested that they just call each other and talk on the phone. Now I'm sitting in my room with the window wide open and waiting for him. I didn't have to wait long. Soon a small stone flew into my room. I looked out the window and saw him-Nishimura.
- Sorry, I thought the window was closed... - the guy said, looking modestly at his feet.
- So you wanted to break my window?
- No, no, I just wanted you to hear me, - Niki replied, smiling at me tenderly.
- Haha, we agreed to call, why did you come? - I looked at Nishimura questioningly.
- Plans have changed, I'm picking you up.
- What, Niki, are you crazy, if dad sees you, he'll kill us! - I shouted softly at my beloved.
- I wasn't going to say hello to him, jump in, - he grinned.
- Are you a dumb? I won't!
- Yes, I'll catch you!
I turned this thought over in my head once more and answered:
- Okay, just let me get my jacket, - I said, and ran after her. Slowly making my way into the hallway while my parents were looking away, I took warm clothes from the hanger and ran away.
- Catch me - I shouted and jumped out of the window at Niki. Fortunately, Nishimura kept his word and he really caught me. We hugged and walked together to the embankment.
- And what should I tell my parents, huh? - I mumbled, looking at the guy with loving eyes.
- What are you talking about?
- Fool, think with your head, you stole me!
- Everything was consensual! - Niki declared, gently placing his hands on my waist.
We had fun. I didn't want to think about anything with Niki. I just wanted to hug him and keep quiet. At such moments, it seems to me that there is no one in the world except the two of us. Although I wouldn't mind if that was really the case...
Time passed. It was getting dark outside. Niki and I didn't pay attention to it until I looked at the time.
- It's already 9 p.m. on the clock... I hope my parents didn't come to check on me," I said in a frightened voice.
- Don't worry, I'll bring you home quickly now! - the guy turned to me.
And as always, he didn't lie. Nicky picked me up in his arms and carried me home. Laughing, I shouted at him, asking him to let me go. And of course Nishimura didn't do it. Passersby looked at us as if we were crazy. But we didn't care...
in 20 minutes we were almost at home. Suddenly, I stopped:
Let's say goodbye here, - I said, patting Nicky's shoulder. There was a question in his eyes, "Why?", which I decided to answer.
- It's just, you know, what if Dad really saw that I wasn't there? And if I come alone, he won't be so angry. Niki looked at me and hugged me tightly. He hugged me as if we were hugging for the first time. I wanted to stand like this for a little longer. My boy is too cozy. Thank you, my golden boy...
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