alt255 · 10 hours
something someone could describe you by - if they don’t know your name, they could go “oh, the person with the xyz!”
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alt255 · 2 days
Earth is under my protection.
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I still can't believe this is canon
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alt255 · 2 days
mine are carrots, specifically raw. i can demolish a bag of baby carrots in one sitting. eat them like chips, no dip required
(sorry if tumblrs limit made me forget yours but pls tell me)
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alt255 · 2 days
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STH x P5 //: 𝘕𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴. 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴!
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alt255 · 3 days
Oh, you're a psychology major?
Name every psycho.
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alt255 · 3 days
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
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alt255 · 3 days
Going to try one of these
Spin this wheel to get a tumblr sexyman!
Reblog for a bigger sample size! And tell me who you got in the tags!
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alt255 · 3 days
friendly reminder that you don't need any diagnosis or disorder to adapt your routine to accommodate you! sit down in the shower. brush your teeth and wash your face in the shower. bring a chair to the kitchen while you cook. use unscented products. your routine should be built for you.
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alt255 · 3 days
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anybody else in the club feeling this one
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alt255 · 3 days
Things i learned as a child that probably no one intended to teach me
To grown-ups, being bad at stuff is a sin. Forgetting stuff is the worst sin of all, and also doesn’t exist - it is widely believed (and your behaviour will be interpreted thusly) that in some Freudian sense, it is impossible to forget things if you care about them or their consequences or the people who care about those things.
Your being happy and enjoying what you do doesn’t matter. All that matters is whether you are Fulfilling Your Potential.
Human beings do not require rest outside of sleep. Thinking that you do is called ‘being lazy’.
Who you show physical affection to is a matter of politeness and social protocol, and has nothing to do with your own desires
It is rude to inform people of your preferences, even if they seem to care about catering to them and therefore might find this useful information.
Etiquette centres around doing things in especially awkward, skilful and time-consuming ways in order to demonstrate superiority over people who aren’t able to keep up.
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alt255 · 4 days
guards! read me my bedtime yaoi
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alt255 · 4 days
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After all, it's the name you know me by.
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alt255 · 4 days
thinking about Akechi's unused costume dialogue makes me sick (and I say this affectionately) sometimes and imo one of the worst ones (in terms of subjectively least heterosexual things to say) is the dialogue associated with when Joker wears the demonica suit w/ the helmet on
Every other party member has responses ranging from "WHO ARE YOU!? JOKER?" or "joker, that's you, right?", but Akechi's response is like "oh, Joker, it's you. how did I know? well obviously the suit perfectly fits the shape of the wearer." as though it were a completely typical thing to say and didn't implicate Akechi paying enough attention to Joker to be quite familiar with the shape of his body... alright, man!
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(from TCRF)
this is the suit in question, by the way. aside from the horrendous stance, I don't think I'd be able to easily identify this was Joker either, let alone just by looking at the suit. I fear Akechi might just be gay
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...happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
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alt255 · 4 days
happy pride month
would you like to help out a family of 3 autistic transmascs, a 4 year old and now my dementia having mother in law who is getting dropped into our care with little to no warning when we already can’t support ourselves?
of course you do
if you’d like to pick up a bill or chip in towards one, i’ll quite literally do whatever the fuck you want
alternatively, our etsy is here ( https://www.etsy.com/shop/DangerCowCrochet ) i’m still uploading stuff but listen man i’m a full time student and working two jobs and i wish etsy uploads could be a priority but they can’t be right now
here’s the bills. i didn’t include what we have already paid, and tried to mark the extremely important ones we can’t put off and then realized it’s almost all of them🫠
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please consider sending some love our way this pride month. i’ve got two jobs and school, my partner’s got two jobs, our roommate has his hands full with our 4 year old and my mother in law… we’re trying really hard. it never seems to be enough. we just want to get stable. it just keeps slipping out of reach and we are so tired.
c$: $himb0logy
vnmo: kenl0rd
i will not be doing gofundme this time around because it takes a few days for those funds to actually get to me, and frankly it could come too late for a lot of these things. i can’t really risk it. if you don’t have either of the above and feel strongly about pitching in, DM me and i’ll see what we can do
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alt255 · 5 days
big fan of attributing things to "the curse" recently and not elaborating
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alt255 · 5 days
i love you. you made a mistake? i dont care i love you. you made a wrong choice? love you. you don’t think you’re good for anything? guess what you’re good for loving i love you
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alt255 · 5 days
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He brings 2 presents for a single Grave.
And when he places the presents down its like he brought them for two different people, none of which he could save.
It seems like an insult, as if a slab of stone could carry the inmense weight of the lives,deaths and grief Goro dragged around. Happy Birthday Akechi.
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