amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
please reblog this if your blog is safe for asexuals
(an ace safe space)
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
So I saw your answer to the ask about Irene and Sherlock, and i was wondering where you got that Irene was a Lesbian Domonatrix? (I'm not saying it's bad, I just want to know the thought process and research behind it)
?? ??? I watched the show ? ?
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
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I made some pride buttons ☆ feel free to use!
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
Everything sucks
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
infp issue #42
my grades would be so much better if i only cared enough to do my homework
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
We need to organise a response.
We need concise moments of romantic/sexual tropes used
We need queer coded moments 
We need the comments of both writers and cast that suggested johnlock
We need Arwel’s winks and clues
We need to have it addressed coherently and systematically 
We need a history of previous Holmes/Watson romance
Sorry if anyone feels as if this is too aggressive, but it’s advocacy with free speech. It’s resistance to discrimination. It’s never going to be pretty. 
The response needs to go to all the press outlets in countries were the show is shown
 Copies to all advocate groups
We need to contact allies
Anger is good, we just need to use it well, not let it burn out into depression or surrender. We have been treated abominably. So anyone who wants to proceed, let’s do it. We can be the monstrous regiment if they force us to be. We have the proof, we have the metas, we have the intelligence and we have staying power. I know this may not be for everyone, but some of us need to do this. It matters.
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
My dear Sherlockians
A week after the tragedy, you’re still waiting for someone to be kind enough to explain what happened in the Sherlock finale, and instead of getting what you deserve and desperately need, you receive the most outrageous silence and gratuitous heteronormativity.
But remember: you’re smarter, kinder and braver than them.
Don’t be discouraged, make them feel your pain and disappointment with your drawings, manips, words and pictures. Take all this nightmare and transform it into beautiful art. Because Sherlock is not their show, is yours, and this proves it.
It was just a job for them, a job they finished and then forgot about. A job they didn’t even had the courage to finish properly.
But you, you are Sherlockians, you are the fandom, and fandoms are the life of a show, the blood and the passion come from you.
Without you, Sherlock would’ve never been what it is today.
And when you feel tired and hungry for more, you’ll be more than welcome to join us at the table.
We’re here for you.
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
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maybe somewhere i deserve you and you deserve me, and we get the ending that we should have. – t.c
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
Hi guys.
Some of you maybe remember me. A couples months ago I wrote here asking you for help. That’s why this post may looks familiar for you.
My parents kick me out after they found out I’ve fallen in love with a girl. I was working in their place and I lost that job too.
My boyfriend at that moment told everyone I know about this and spread some lies. He took my dog and a lot of my stuff. He stalked me. He found my tumblr as well and I had to make a new account.
I live in my friend house but it’s really small so I slept on the floor for the last five months. I don’t want to bother them anymore. My friend’s mom is sick and on wheelchair. And my ex knows where I live and I’m scared of that because I really don’t know what he can do.
I finally get a part time job at the supermarket and a month ago a night job in the bar. But two days ago I lost the first job because the woman who worked there came back after maternity leave.
Finally i found  a cheap place to rent but they want money for five months of rent in advance.
I saved a little in those months but I still need 1500$ for that. I’m afraid to post it because last time my ex found it and threaten me with police (his father is a big one in the police) for taking money. He told me he will find a way to make that illegal. But I have no other choice.
Last time you helped me guys a lot. I can’t thank you enough. If you would spare few dollars this time too, please send it via paypal. You can choose any currency you want! My email:  [email protected]
Thank you so much for any help!
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
6 second dialogue fix that could have improved TFP
Not save it, of course, but at least improve it -
(After Eurus’ little bit about her having sex)
Eurus: Was she beautiful like the music? Sherlock: Who? Eurus: The woman. The woman you had sex with. Sherlock: I never said ‘she’.
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
From Brazil to the World: It's Always TJLC/Do Brasil para o mundo: Sempre é TJLC by Renata Gil
Hey, from someone who has gone through this last week and is still hurt, let me say something: it’ll get better, ok? One day at a time. Your life, your decisions matter, two white men can’t say what should be important to you. Feel hugged by Brazilian fandom and never give up on your dreams. Johnlock is hope and someday Sherlock and John will coming out, no conspiracies necessary.
Ei, de alguém q passou por isso semana passada e ta sofrendo ainda, deixa te dizer: vai melhorar viu? Um dia de cada vez. Sua vida, suas decisões importam, não são dois homens brancos que dirão com o que você deve ou não se importar. Sinta-se abraçado pelo Fandom Brasileiro e nunca desista dos seus sonhos. Johnlock é esperança e um dia Sherlock e John sairão do armário, sem necessidade de conspirações para isso.
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
Welcome to SempreTJLCer!
This Tumblr has the objective to link two johnlock communities that are in different social medias, but that are equally destroyed  by this queerbaiting suffered by all of us: the brazillian one (that is mostly present on Facebook), and the international one that is majority present on  tumblr and on twitter. On this tumblr, the brazillian community is represented by the facebook group “Sherlock Fandom”, that accept members from all over the world — even that they keep portuguese as the default language. We’ll use english and portuguese in our posts, for that everyone could have acess to the blog.
The Sherlock Fandom is a safe place for brazillian johnlockers on Facebook. It’s where we gather, we discuss points of view about the series, and where we create and share theories. It’s the place where we’ve found strengh to believe that TJLC was real, at least until last sunday, when we discovered that everything we believed was just queerbaiting and betrayal.
But there is still hope, there are theories been created, and we’ll always be here to debate about Johnlock. And, well, we are still suffering (a lot, I would say).  We know that a lot of johnlockers, here and on twitter, feel lonely, helpless, desolate, and attacked by people who didn’t want (and don’t want) Sherlock Holmes and John Hamish Watson to have a romantic relationship with each other.  This tumblr is made by you and for you.
This tumblr is also for @pearlrebs too, you may not realize the reach of your voice and your light, but they reached us, as well as how desolate you were after The Final Problem. 
Our proposal is to bring here what the brazillian fandom wanted to say to you all. The messengers will always be in two languages, brazillian portuguese and english, so both Brazilian fandom and international fandom could understand what we want to transmit. 
We will keep a twitter (@SempreTJLCer) that can be found in a link on our profile. The messengers will be posted both on Twitter and on Tumblr. Our official # (hashtag) is #BR4TheWorldItsAlwaysTJLC. Share this with someone that you think that needs words of comfort… The days that follow will be difficult to us all. 
Our ASK is open if you want to share a messenger. They can be written both in portuguese and in english. And don’t worry, it will be posted!
Last thing, always remember that Johnlock is bigger than the series. Johnlock exists since the creation of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson as characters. And one day, they will be free to live this love that is  locked on a closet for far too long. 
“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh Mr Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof”
— V for Vendetta
Este Tumblr tem por objetivo ligar duas comunidades Johnlockers que se encontram em redes sociais diferentes, mas com iguais almas dilaceradas pelo queerbaiting sofrido: a brasileira (sediada principalmente no Facebook) e a internacional, concentrada no Tumblr e Twitter. Nesse Tumblr, a brasileira é representada pelo Grupo de Facebook Sherlock Fandom, que aceita membros de todo o mundo — ainda que mantenha o português como língua padrão. Utilizaremos a língua inglesa e portuguesa em nossas publicações, para que todos tenham acesso ao blog.
O grupo Sherlock Fandom é o porto seguro das Johnlockers brasileiras no Facebook. É onde nos reunimos, debatemos pontos da série, criamos e compartilhamos teorias. É também o local onde encontrávamos forças para continuar acreditando que TJLC era real, pelo menos até domingo passado, quando aconteceu a terrível comprovação de que tudo aquilo que acreditávamos era apenas queerbaiting e traição.
Mas ainda há esperança, há teorias sendo criadas para TJLC, e nós sempre estaremos aqui para debater Johnlock. E ei, nós também estamos sofrendo. Muito. Sabemos que muitos johnlockers, que estão por aqui e no Twitter, sentem-se sozinhos, desamparados, desolados e atacados por aqueles que não queriam (e não querem) que Sherlock Holmes e John Watson tenham um relacionamento romântico homossexual. É para vocês e por vocês que este Tumblr foi criado.
Também é para você @pearlrebs. Você talvez não compreenda o alcance da sua voz e da sua luz, mas ela chegou até nós — assim como também chegou para nós o quanto você ficou desolada com The Final Problem.
A nossa proposta é trazer para cá aquilo que o fandom brasileiro gostaria de dizer a todos vocês. As mensagens virão sempre em duas línguas, português brasileiro e inglês, para que tanto o fandom internacional quanto o brasileiro possam se conectar e compreender o que queremos passar.
Manteremos um Twitter (@SempreTJLCer), que se encontra no link em nosso perfil. As mensagens serão compartilhadas por ambas redes sociais. Nossa # (hashtag) oficial é #BR4TheWorldItsAlwaysTJLC. Não deixe de compartilhar com quem você acredita precisar de uma palavra de conforto nesses momentos… Serão dias difíceis para todos nós.
Se quiserem mandar suas mensagens para todos, faça o uso de nossa ASK. A língua utilizada pode ser tanto português quanto inglês. E não se preocupe, nós postaremos!
Por último, lembrem-se sempre de que Johnlock é maior que uma série. Johnlock vive desde a criação dos personagens. Haverá um dia em que eles serão livres para viver o amor que esteve preso por tanto tempo.
“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh Mr Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea. And ideas are bulletproof”
— V for Vendetta
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
From Brazil to the World: It’s Always TJLC/Do Brasil para o mundo: Sempre é TJLC by Jacy Taveira
I just want to tell you that, you all are the most beautiful, passionate, creative and amazing people, I’ve ever have the pleasure to met in my life. The most cleaverest minds, I’ve seen and who you really are matters. Don’t let anyone say otherwise because, that’s not true, if anyone ever tell you that tell them to fuck. You’re an amazing human being, do not ever forget that ❤😊 —— Hey, gente 😊 Eu sò quero dizer para vocês que, todos vocês são as pessoas mais lindas, apaixonadas, criativas e incríveis que eu tive o prazer de conhecer. As mentes mais espertas que já vi na vida. E quem você é, importa. Não deixe ninguém te dizer o contrário porque, não é a verdade e se alguém te disser isso manda essa pessoa e se ferrar. Vocês são seres humanos incríveis, nunca esqueçam 😊❤
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
From Brazil to the World: It’s Always TJLC/Do Brasil para o mundo: Sempre é TJLC by Giulia Bap
Let me just tell you something that tormented me for days: you are in control. I spent too much time believing this tv show had some kind of control over me, over my emotions. I let myself believe I was in their hands, and for some time it was okay because my heart wasn’t broken yet. But then suddenly it was, and if you cry so much over fictional characters you start to wonder how. How did they do it? Why do I feel like it is my story they’re writing, and why does it hurt so much? But then I realized, and I hope you come to realize to, it never was about two male writers hovering over your head, it’ll never be. They are not so powerful (if s4 is anything to go by, they aren’t even so smart!), but you are. You are passionate. You put your heart on the front line and you risked it being hopeful. You invested yourself in love, you chose it, it didn’t choose you. And that’s why you’re beautiful. People around us seem to really think love is an obstacle, a scratch on a perfectly good plot or, more frequently, a joke. So, no, it’s not about how deep this TV show is, how clever the writers are, how busy and hardworkers the casual viewers always pretend to be (because we TJLCers have nothing else to do, of course). It is about your beautiful mind, and how important it is that you protect yourself and know that you are in control. They won’t be the last ones trying to mess with your emotions and making everything blurry. But remember that it only hurts because you are special, because you can empathize, because you can see love where others can’t. Know that just because only you can observe something, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. It only means you are fucking special, and loved, because you deserve to be loved and I will lose all my faith in humanity if you aren’t. Don’t be ashamed of being passionate, and never doubt yourself or the control you have over your mind: if you saw it, it’s there, and not even 5 fucked up seasons can take that knowledge away from you. Love exists (actually, it survives), thanks for believing. It’ll get better. ❤ — Deixa eu te dizer uma coisa que me atormentou por dias: você está no controle. Eu gastei muito tempo acreditando que essa série tinha algum tipo de controle sobre mim, sobre as minhas emoções. Eu me permiti acreditar que estava nas mãos deles, e por algum tempo estava tudo bem, porque eu ainda não estava magoada. Mas de repente eu estava, e, se você chora tanto por personagens fictícios, você começa a se perguntar como. Como eles fizeram isso? Por que eu sinto que é a minha história que eles estão escrevendo, e por que dói tanto? Mas então eu percebi, e eu espero que você venha a perceber também, nunca foi sobre dois escritores entrando na minha cabeça, nunca vai ser. Eles não são tão poderosos (e se a gente levar a s4 em consideração, nem tão inteligentes!), mas você é. Você é passional. Você colocou o seu coração na linha dr fogo e se arriscou tendo esperanças. Você se investiu em amor, escolheu isso, ao invés de ter sido escolhida. E essa é a beleza em você. As pessoas ao nosso redor parecem pensar que o amor é um obstáculo, um arranhão em um plot perfeito ou, pior, uma piada. Então, não, não é sobre o quão profunda essa série é, o quão espertos os escritores são, ou o quão ocupado e trabalhador é o público casual (porque nós, TJLCers, não temos mais nada pra fazer, é claro). É sobre a sua mente incrível e o quanto é importante que você se proteja e saiba que está no controle. Eles não vão ser os últimos tentando brincar com as suas emoções e borrando todas as linhas. Mas se lembre de que apenas dói porque você é especial, você tem empatia, você consegue enxergar o amor onde os outros não vêem. Saiba que só porque só você vê alguma coisa, não significa que ela não está lá. Só significa que você é especial pra c*ralho e merece ser amada *e eu vou perder toda a minha fé na humanidade se não for*. Não tenha vergonha de ser passional, e nunca duvide de si mesma e do controle que você tem sobre a sua mente: se você viu, então está lá, e nem 5 temporadas ruins podem tirar isso de você. O amor existe (na verdade, ele sobrevive), obrigada por acreditar. Vai melhorar. ❤
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
From Brazil to the World: It's Always TJLC/Do Brasil para o mundo: Sempre é TJLC by Camille Medina
All the times they bother you about something from our fandom, know we are here. We’re friends, we’re partners, we are part of a wonderful fandom. You didn’t waste your time making up amazing teories. Moftiss lost their chance to hear their fans, the ones who really were on the show’s side. About our ship? It’s real since ACD, since the publishing of A study in Scarlet. It’s always 1895, but we are not obligated to follow the rules of the past. We have to follow the Law of Love, the Law of the souls that conect with eachother. Keep making your teories, reading your subtext, creating your fanfics and fanarts. You have to know: if it’s important to you, do it. Don’t care about the others, they don’t get what you’re going through. So I repeat: keep doing what you love and adore. ALWAYS. I wish you all the love in the world, and there will be one day when Holmes and Watson will be able to be seen as they always were. We’re all in this together.
E todas as vezes que lhe incomodarem sobre algo de nosso fandom, saiba que estamos aqui. Somos amigos, somos companheiros, somos parte de um fandom maravilhoso. Você não perdeu tempo criando teorias incríveis. Mofftiss perderam a chance de ouvirem os fãs, aqueles que realmente estavam ao lado da série. Sobre o nosso ship? É real, desde ACD, desde a publicação de Um Estudo em Vermelho. É sempre 1895, mas não somos obrigados a seguir as leis do passado. Temos de seguir a lei do amor, a lei das almas que se ligam. Continue fazendo suas teorias, lendo seus subtextos, criando suas fanfics e fanarts. Você tem de saber: se isto é importante para você, faça. Não ligue para os outros, eles não entendem o que você passa. Então eu repito: continue fazendo o que você ama e adora. SEMPRE. Eu te desejo todo o amor do mundo, e chegará o dia em que Holmes e Watson poderão ser vistos como sempre foram. Estamos juntos nesta.
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
From Brazil to the World: It’s Always TJLC/Do Brasil para o mundo: Sempre é TJLC by Jacy Taveira
Hey guys ! How are you doing ? I know you aren’t doing very well right now, we all were deceived and mocked, I know how awful it feels. But please do keep in mind all the amazing things we’ve created all the metas, fanarts, fanfics and friendships. This amazing universe we’ve created along the friendships we’ve made, none can’t take it away from us. Mofftiss can’t take our imagination, friends, dreams and hopes all way. This show was much ours than theirs. Please stay strong. With loads of love Brazillian TJLCrs ❤💙
Ei pessoal! Como vão vocês? Eu sei que vocês não estão indo muito bem agora, todos nós fomos enganados e zombados, eu sei o quão horrível isso é. Mas por favor, tenham em mente todas as coisas incríveis que criamos, todas as metas, fanarts, fanfics e amizades. Este incrível universo que criamos juntamente com as amizades que fizemos, ninguém pode tirá-los de nós. Mofftiss não pode levar nossa imaginação, amigos, sonhos e esperanças de nós. Este show foi muito mais nosso que deles. Por favor, fique forte. Com cargas de amor Brazillian TJLCrs ♥♥
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amadbubblegum-blog · 7 years
victor: are you nervous?
yuri: yes.
victor: is this your first time?
yuri: no, i've been nervous before.
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