amadorb2-blog · 5 years
Daring Adventures
Nathan Wolfe: What's left to explore: https;//www.ted.com/talks/nathan_wolfe_what_s_left_to_explore
This TED talk relates to the theme of my blog because as you know my blog thing is "Adventurer". I'm about adventuring, exploring, and trying new things. So this TED talk was really interesting to me considering the fact it was about exploration and what Nathan did is something I have always wanted to do. Definitely on my bucket list. I learned you can do whatever you put your mind too and also learned the deeper you go into the Earth the cooler things you will find.  Nathan and his crew found the really cool shaped growths coming off the rocks inside of the cave. Some were shaped like mushrooms standing upright and some were shaped like icicles hanging of the ceiling of the cave. It's very inspirational how much of the world this biologist has explored. It really motivates me to get out there and search the unknown. Very great and informal TED talk.
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amadorb2-blog · 5 years
Blog #4
Blogging can be confusing to a new comer in the blogging world. When starting a blog you need to follow some pretty simple steps. First, you need to figure out which blogging platform you'd like to use (Tumblr, WordPress, Blogger). Pick one that you are most comfortable with and can easily maneuver. Since you'll be on it very often personalize it. Choose a theme and design your blog. Think of what your blog is going to be based around and what you'll be talking about in general. Then give your blog a name. Try to be creative and outgoing with it. For example, your blog could be named 'The sweet life of [your name]' and could be a blog based all around you or you could have a blog titled 'Pups R' Us' which could be about puppies. Choose something you could always make conversation with. Once you've got all that covered and got the hang of it you could start thinking about monetizing your blog which is an opportunity to make money. First off you could start by committing to a regular publishing schedule. Post your blog the same times on the same days. For example, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 pm. This gives your audience a chance to always be attentive and see your blogs. You could then start to publish and promote your posts to start earning. Promote your blog posts on social media. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest. Experiment and see which one works best for you. What you're doing is trying to grow your blogs traffic. Once you have gotten your blog traffic raised you could start advertising sponsored content. Also, by launching simple podcasts for your readers is another great way to start monetizing your blog...
Are you lost in a sea of blogging details? (Article)
This article's title caught my attention which is why I chose to read this one. This blog explains not to obsess over the blog details like blog traffic, ads, ebook sales.. It talks about how your blog still can be very successful without this things. Give all of your attention and energy to creating from a compassionate and generous space. Build a great blog by just focusing on the fundamentals and not the trivial details.
Like I mentioned before the reason I chose to talk about this article is because the title caught my attention. I agree with this article. If you're to tied up and focused on the details of the blog you lose the actual wonderful experience of it. Just try to keep things simple and not complicate it. But at the same time there's nothing wrong with using ads and ebook sales. DIfferent things work for different people. Just because something worked for you doesn't mean it'll have the same effect for another. Overall, such a great article.
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amadorb2-blog · 6 years
The Many Questions of Technology
What does technology want? This is an interesting question. It's not really want technology wants, it's what the creators of the technology want. They want you to use the technology and invest your time and attention to it and use it in your daily life. How do you feel about evolution and technology and the humans who create it? Personally I think the evolution of technology can be a good and bad thing, It all depends of what we the people make of it and how we choose to use it. As for the humans who create it, I feel as they go in with good intentions wanting to make life simpler with technology.  Is technology driven by humans or by a larger force of nature? In my opinion technology is driven by humans and their many ideas and visions for the future in hopes to make everyday life and activities simpler. Humans are the brains of the operation which is the more natural explanation. Technology doesn't really have those advances of thinking for itself which would make it unnatural.  To what extent can inanimate things make decisions based on emotion? Inanimate things can only do so much but as for making actually decisions by itself I am unsure. In the TED talk the gentleman talked about how these websites could put together a post similar to your other posts only because it scans and evaluates your other posts. It's not really coming up with the post all by itself by "thinking".  Thoughts on the Cyber Quiz? Looking at this quiz made me realize the importance of internet safety for children and how the parents involvement in their kids use of the internet could make all the difference.  Ever thought about your digital legacy? Before the TED talk I had never heard of a digital legacy before. Personally I've never been affected by this. For my digital legacy I would want it to be something positive and heart warming and even comforting for my loved ones to know I lived a happy life and died knowing that. I would probably use one of those websites mentioned in the TED talk to go about making my digital legacy. Which I think is very interesting.  How does social media benefit a blogger? Social media could help expose a blogger and get them seen and heard but it could also be a not so good thing because it could attract unwanted crowds. In the future I could see myself using social media tools in my blogging because it could be very helpful and beneficial. Still learning how to use all of this new technology so probably in the not so near future haha!!
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amadorb2-blog · 6 years
Citizen Journalism...
Citizen journalism is any type of news gathering and reporting by citizens.Some of the pros and cons of citizen journalism are... Pros: Provides different perspectives, Easy access to present events, provides assistance to professional journalist. Cons: Bias opinions and statements when reporting the news, copyright issues, limited audience in some cases. Blogging ties into this scenario because people provide there own statements and opinions on things or events happening we could be true or altered in some way. I have never really experienced citizen journalism personally or in my community but I have on a global level due to a new advancement in online technologies. For example, I've seen many bloggers and videos from people on youtube and social media that fall into the category of citizen journalism. It's continually growing everyday. In some ways I can envision myself as a citizen journalist if I was really intrigued by different happenings in my town or around the world.
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amadorb2-blog · 6 years
Blog #1
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. This is my first blog ever so hang with me. I hope you guys enjoy.
The title of my blog is " Adventurer..."
The theme of my blog is going to be about adventuring, some experiences I've had with adventuring and traveling, education and safety on being an adventurer, and some technology used when it comes to getting the full experience and capturing these moments.
My anticipated audience can be anyone wanting to know about adventuring and what it's like, and some people wanting to know some of the experiences I've had but everyone is absolutely welcome.
The reason I made this blog was to maybe encourage people to get out of there comfort zone and experience the world and all of the wonderful things it has to offer.
Response to the TED talk: I watched the https://www.ted.com/talks/mena_trott_her_blog_world.html, In this talk Mena Trott talks about her blog and her experiences. She mentioned how in one of her blogs she posted attracted a very disturbing audience and she explained how that's not what she intended to happen. It's an example of how we need to be careful about what we post. She also mentioned a story about a woman who used her company's blogging website to post blogs. The woman had cancer and had unexpectedly passed away. but a family member of the woman reached out to Mena and the company and explained how blogging had made her last few months alive very enjoyable and peaceful. Blogging is a good way to talk about things and make yourself heard. It could be a good way to distract yourself from the negative and get yourself through the bad days.
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