amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
Okay ive said it once I'll say it again.
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
Ryoba aishi on her wedding (Jokichis perspective)
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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Yandere Simulator headcanons; Part 1#! The reason they are out of order is because Kokona and Saki's headcanons were number 2# and 3# respectively and I want to do Ayano, the rivals, Info-chan ,and Senpai first! Also, Ayano's blasian edit is mine! (There'll be more headcanons in the future!💖💖💗💗)
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
He when
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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So...Would this be considered a Glow-Up or nah?
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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My first post lmao
I have the theory/hc that all Drama members ( Except Kizana ) have dyed hair, so I wanted to edit them as I imagined them with their natural hair? Or at least the one they had before they dyed it.
About the eyes, the most logical thing I think is that Kizana forces them to wear red ( for boys ) and fuchsia/violet ( for girls ) contact lenses.
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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yeah? yeah
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
writing some fanfiction....
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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Let me write the dialogue for Yandere Simulator. I know what talk-words the kids are speaking these days! Just a few Yandere-chan studies for fun!
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
Made this drawing a while ago but yknow
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
the plants are her informants actually /j
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So I was playing ys and I read this and now I'm confused.
Is someone on school campus working with info-chan, or is there someone bad-mouthing rivals over the internet? I may just be reading this wrong, but what do y'all think?
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
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emo kokona real
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
Just so y’all know that as a non binary bisexual I don’t fucking tolerate these people,,,
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
Wow I can’t believe I have to say this (or rather nip it in the bud) but
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MAJOR CONTENT WARNING for inc/st, p/dophilia, the typical proshipper fare
Encanto is my first actually Disney-based fandom I’m actively in, and surprise surprise— disney fanbases are chock full of people who see nothing wrong with incest, pedophilia, legitimately gross and abusive relationships (I.e. esmerelda and frollo from hunchback of notre dame), etcetera etcetera and so on so forth. It’s actually a huge part of why I don’t wanna join disney fanbases but bc of my hyperfixation with Encanto right now, here we are.
And it’s fucking disgusting.
More in depth thoughts begins here. Fair warning, I’ll be talking about pedophilia, abuse, grooming, incest, trauma stuff like that. I realized that putting lines through the words doesn’t help, since it takes away from people who have blocked/blacklisted the words themselves so I apologize and I deeply regret triggering anyone, accidentally or otherwise. Full words will be displayed in my explanation, but again: fair warning.
It feels like overnight on archive on our own alone there’s just been a massive boom of madrigalcest fics overnight and a server I’m in had a run in with someone who ships 2 minors+cousins from the movie (one of which is FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD) and I’m honestly shocked there’s not enough public pushback. Plus the amount of Bruno fics in this category… my god way to ruin a comfort character.
As someone who has known people/are friends with people who have been victims of this sort of thing, (as well as being a person with common sense) I want to make it clear that my page doesn’t welcome proshippers or anyone who advocates for this sort of thing. I believe this is disgusting, and while I don’t condone death threats, doxxing, any harassment like that, I think there should still pushback to say “hey this is messed up and shouldn’t be normalized.”
Under the cut I’ll go more in depth with my feelings on this topic, so be warned.
No, proshippers, people aren’t mad at you bc they’re mean and don’t understand fiction is fiction: people are upset with this because it’s objectively and morally disgusting and wrong. And I don’t understand why this has to be explained.
Children CANNOT consent. A fully grown adult CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be in a relationship, sexual, romantic, otherwise, with someone who is underage, since their brains are still developing. Don’t excuse these types of dynamics because teens and hormone imbalances. It makes you look like a creep.
Incest is inherently gross and reprehensible and traumatic for the victims involved. And it is wrong for adults as well, who have grown up under the same roof, same parents, with the same siblings, etc etc. I won’t go into detail but if you disagree with this, go get your head straight.
And I don’t care about the “fiction is just fiction” argument because fiction DOES affect reality. That’s how it’s been throughout the course of history. You can look at the shark hunting skyrocketing after Jaws, and you can look at Yellow Peril Propaganda pieces that paint Chinese immigrants as sleazy monsters, trans people being depicted as inherently disgusting and predatory, and beyond. These pieces of fiction have had very real effects on our world. And the normalization and romanticization of pedophilia and incest in online spaces is especially dangerous. Especially if it’s for a DISNEY MOVIE, where the target audience are CHILDREN.
Showing that “oh hey these disgusting things are acceptable” fucks people up. It fucks up the victims who have experiences this first hand, it fucks up people who just want to go about their day, and it fucks up potential victims of this sort of thing because it’s being normalized and encouraged by these people.
And in the cases of people who engage in proshipping having been victims of this type of abuse as well and are pushing out this content to cope: 1. That should never have happened to you or anyone. It’s traumatic, it’s disgusting, and should be treated as such. And 2. Just because it helps you doesnt mean other people who have gone through similar trauma want to see it out of nowhere. And see it being paraded as normal or acceptable.
Also don’t use the original influence the movie Encanto is from to justify it. Encanto is very very lightly influenced by the book 100 years of solitude, and the only similarity they share is the element of building an isolated oasis in the midst of major conflict and has underpinnings of generational trauma. That’s pretty much it. The original book has a running theme of violence, incest and sexuality. (That being said, my disclaimer here would be that I’m not an expert on the book. In fact, I’ve never read it. But a quick look on Google into its themes can tell me yeah inc/st is very much framed as a bad thing here.) The directors have taken MANY liberties for obvious reasons, and Encanto is just its own thing in its own right. Don’t say because it was in the original book that makes it okay because even within the book, that’s framed as a monstrous act with a whole host of social and physical consequences.
I don’t know what else to say.
Fix your head. Fiction affects reality. Don’t you dare trivialize the trauma of people who faced these disgusting acts first hand. There is a reason why people don’t like you.
As for me: stop reblogging my art. I don’t want you to even breathe on me if you’re proship. You’re not welcome on my page.
That being said, don’t send death threats or dox people. That’s just not cool. In a perfect world, this wouldn’t be the case, but Proshippers need to know more on WHY they are wrong and reprehensible instead of just falling back on “antis are mean”
And while I’m at it, proshippers from other fandoms I’m in (Assassin’s Creed, Resident Evil Village): if you ship incest (blood related or otherwise, ie Connhayth or any of the lords together), my page isn’t for you guys either.
I will not tolerate pedophilia, incest, or any form of glorification of abuse.
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amaibutagirlboss · 2 years
ryuto and pippi t4t send tweet
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