amandae2006 · 8 months
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amandae2006 · 8 months
Fangs, Claws, and Kisses
chap 2 body heat
sometimes I write short chapters and sometimes I write long it all depends on the creativity I feel. and this chapter is a short build-up to the next longer chapter. so it's much shorter than the last.
Chapter Text
Derek rushed home. the smell of stiles still lingering on him. Thankfully even though he was part of his family's pack he lived alone. His sister's would be all over him by now if he went to his family home. Derek fumbled with his keys unlocking his door. tossing his shirt to the ground, and kicking his boots off at the door. His body still sweating, as he thought about the stranger's lips. his mind began to falter as he entered his shower, steaming water pouring over his head. He knew even a cold shower could fix the raging bone between his legs. Slowly grasping, he slid his wet hand up and down. pumping steady, as he thought about stiles brown eyes, and rough yet soft hair his pace increased.moans slipping through his gritted teeth. After another long stroke, his wolf let out a growl as he released into his shower. He tossed his head back water shaking from his black glistening hair. His wide chest and chiseled body finally started to cool off.
"What the fuck was that!" Derek's mind was racing as he dried off, wrapping a towel around his waist. he shuffled his feet to the kitchen downing a shot of whiskey before heading to bed. That night he was restless. tossing and turning. kicking his covers off. every time he closed his eyes he remembered hearing Stiles's voice ring in his ears. As he started to finally settle down and dream the sound of his alarm startled him awake. Derek decided to wear his tight black jeans, grey undershirt, and his best leather jacket. he slipped into his boots at the door, grabbed the keys to his sleek black Camaro, and headed back to work, hoping to see if Stiles would come back. after a ten-minute speed session, Derek spun rubber, slinging asphalt and dirt while pulling into the junkyard. and there standing beside his blue jeep was Stiles.
the biggest grin came over both their faces. Derek's heart was racing once again, He pushed the Camaro door open
"get in"
stiles walked over leaned into the door frame
"Are you gonna work on my jeep at all?"
"only if you come with me"
Stiles hesitated
"I will work on it for free"
He didn't even spare a second to consider before jumping into the passenger seat of the Camaro. Derek's family owns the junkyard so he could come and go as he pleased. Right now he was pleased with himself for getting Stiles to come along. Dust flew past the car, gravel digging under the tires
"where are we going?" stiles asked while trying to avoid Derek's gaze." "I don't know about you but I am starving and we have things to discuss. Are you an omega?"
Stiles was twiddling his thumbs before answering "I am but I'm recessive. I don't emit pheromones"
" Well I certainly smelled you last night"
Stiles's anxiety was through the roof. Derek could smell his. He reached over and grabbed Stiles's hand.
"I've never smelled anyone like you. I'm sorry about " Stiles interrupted Derek
"Are you an Alpha? That's the only way you could possibly sense me right?" Derek pulled the car off the road into an empty parking lot. While putting the car in park he turned to face Stiles.
"Technically in human terms yes, I am an Alpha, Status wise you could consider me a Beta for now"
"Human wise?'
"My family and I are members and leaders of the werewolf pack in this area"
"I've heard stories about your family and your kind I just haven't met a werewolf that is so open"
"There are more of us out there than you know" Derek took a deep breath, shifting to smell Stiles's sweet aroma more. He smelled like the woods when the sun shone on the perfect field. Peaceful, calming yet with hints of anxiety and sweat. "Let's talk more about us, yesterday I know I may have been pushing you but your response was overwhelming" Stiles looked down fiddling with his clothes and hands. Derek reached out grabbing his hands again. His touch managed a gasp to escape Stiles's lips. The heat in both their bodies began to arise again.
'I know this will sound crazy but I think we are a fated pair" Stiles's head turned toward Derek's. Both facing each other feeling the pull of their bodies wanting to adjoin. Derek's inner wolf wanting to cry out and bite Stiles.
"Are you sure?" "I can't think of another answer for my body getting this fever and you're reacting every time I touch, It's definitely more than me just being an Alpha."
Stiles gathered his courage reaching out towards Derek's face. Derek wanted to respond but Stiles asked him to stay still he wanted to see if Derek's theory was right. As his skin grazed against his softened grainy beard his body felt hotter. Derek nuzzled into Stiles"s palm. His wild green eyes shone through his sunglasses. Stiles stroked Derek's cheek and his pants began to tighten. Something he never experienced before began to happen to his body. His backside became wetter. The true sign he was an omega. Being Reccessive He's never had a normal heat, it was always just a slight fever for a few days, this was the first time he felt such a sensation. Derek's vision began to blur, His body felt the fever with Stiles's every touch. Derek couldn't hold back anymore he leaned over planting his lips on Stiles's lips. small slips of air gasping from each other as their heads turned, lips grazing against one another. tongues getting intertwined. Derek grabbed a handful of Stiles's hair on the back of his head and pulled him away long enough for both men to catch their breath. Stiles knew the answer to Daerek's theory was answered and he didn't care. He wanted more of this man, the wolf. his fated mate. Derek let go of Stiles long enough to slide his seat back, Stiles leaned toward Derek now and Derek slipped his hands down Stiles's shirt, grabbing his waist, lifting the slender man onto his lap/
Stiles straddled Dereke's lap. fingers running through their hair as their lips collided again. the warm touch of Derek's fingers Stiles's chest sent shockwaves through his body. More, he needed more. craving Derek's every touch. Derek's thumbs rubbed across Stiles's little buds
"Ahhh" The sound of Stiles's moan rang through Derek's body. Napping at his neck while caressing every inch of Stiles's upper body his inner wolf craving more. Stiles shifted trying to help the tightening in both their pants gasping as Derek's fingers traced their way inside the back. Stiles may not have a thick booty but to Derek, it fit perfectly in his big hands. Another squeeze caused Stiles's back to arch, Derek's finger slowly getting closer to his rim. Stiles's hips were shaking, grinding back and forth over Derek's ever-growing member. Derek could fit the urge no longer. the wetness makes inserting easy. derek pressed one finger inside, wiggling his way against Stiles's inner body. Stiles was losing his mind, Derek, rubbing away at his insides, he whispered into Stiles's ear
"I'm gonna add another" with a shift motion, he pushed the second finger in as Stiles yelled "Wait!"
he tried to stop himself but Derek's touch rendered his useless, Derek felt the wetness now on the front of Stiles's pants too
'Did you just cum from my fingers" Stiles laid his body onto Derek's chest while his hips were still grinding from Derek's fingers. Derek couldn't take anymore Stiles was shifting, grinding, teasing the big wolf. another burst of moans from Stiles and Derek let out a small howl as his ever-growing member let loose, Both men blushing as Stiles slide back into his seat. Both me panting, in disbelief and slight embarrassment at cumming in their pants.
"I guess breakfast is canceled," Stiles remarked
Derek bit his inner lips before starting the car back up.
"Let's go clean up at my house" he insisted
stiles muttered under his breath "I've never did that before" Derek's wolf hearing caught his words as he responded
"Neither have I"
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amandae2006 · 8 months
Fangs Claws and Kisses
Sterek Fanfic
Derek hale/ stiles stilinski
Chap 1 - Cresent moon smile
In the city of beacon hills, there lies a secret that most humans citizens do not know about. The town's name is based on what some consider folk lore, but to the supernatural it means hope, a beacon of hope, for all supernatural creatures to come and live safely. In the middle of the humans and creatures stands a werewolf pack who tries to keep things under control. The biggest family and pack around known as the Hales.
The leader is Talia, she has 3 kids. The oldest is Laura who is married to Henry and they have 2 pups named rika and reese. They run the inner city pack. The youngest who is barely in high school at 14 is Cora. Start student and athlete. Finally the only son at the age of 21 is Derek. Mechanic, wild, and searching for his mate to tame his wolf.
Everyday after working at the junk yard derek goes on a run through the woods. He loves the breezy air going past his ears, the feeling of the grass and leaves crunching under his paws. There is one big rock cliff that stands above beacon hills at the edge of the woods, it was the perfect place for howling especially at the moon. The way the moonlight hit Derek's yellow eyes, made then shine brighter thab normal. The wind would blow his fur so lightly. He was a beautiful pure black wolf.
After a good run and howl, derek takes off back towards the junk yard to gather his clothes and head home. As he enters the grounds he smells a scent hes never smelled before. He could tell it was human. But something smelled sweeter about them. He darted behind a broken car, still in wolf form. His clothes were in the garage on the other side. The more he smelled the sweet aroma the closer he would get. It felt like a pull, something that lingered inside himself but never made its self known.
Peeking around a power line post he caught a glimpse of the face the sweet aroma belonged too. It was a male maybe 18 or 19. Slender, brown hair, hoodie and jeans, hands in his pockets, he was standing there just swaying,looking around then he heard what sound like a music to his ears.
"Hello, anyone around?"
The boy mumbled to himself while kicking the dirt " damn it, they're closed". Derek darted behind some garbage cans then the dumpster managing to hit one in the process. The loud rattle scared the young man. He started to run derek darts from behind the store quckily putting his shirt on.
"Hey, hello, sorry"
The young man stops and turns to see Derek standing there, jeans on, belt unbuckled, boots on yet loosened, white tee with grease stains. Derek looked up at the young man as the wind blew that sweet scent across his nostrils. It sent electricity through his bottle.
" hi, i was wondering if you had a radiator for my jeep"
Derek took a deep breath, cleared his throat, trying to contain his composer.
" do you know the make and model?" "1980 CJ5"
" right this way and Ill look it up in the computer"
Derek dusted his hands off, held it out towards the man "I'm derek" The man grabbed dereks hand, immediately felt like his body was burning all over, he had to let the man's hand go, stepping back. The shockwaves from his touch, it was like all the air in his lungs left then returned.
"Im stiles, am I crazy for, is it too hot out here to be fall"
Derek senses noticed the swear dripping down stiles's neck, his heart rate racing and that sweet smell flooding his whole body.
" yeah, ill turn the air conditioner on inside, while i check out your jeep, you are welcome to follow me back into the garage"
Derek managed to avoid stiles eyes as he searched the computer. His body felt like fure was burning him from the inside, his inner wolf was trying to get out. It felt drawn to stiles. Derek could feel a connection when their eyes finally caught one another. Was this the feeling of his mate, or was it an omega in heat. At this point stiles is sitting down fanning with his shirt. His face flushed, body sweating thirst feeling in the back of his throat.
" do you have any water? Im sorry i don't know whats coming over me" Derek's vision blurred he couldn't concentrate on the computer anymore. His wolf was screaming take him, mate him. Derek's willpower was losing as he walked closer to stiles. And to much of dereks surprise stiles smiled back before reaching out to Derek's face.
" hey man i think something is wrong with us. Gas leak or something. I feel all kinds of strange and hot, do you?"
Derek was salivating, the color of his blue eyes flickering, his body inches from stiles. Stiles hand brushed against Derek's cheek. The rugged beard felt grainy and rough against his hand. Derek couldn't stop. He grabbed stiles face just planting their lips against one another. Both men felt like their heart was beating out of their chest. Stiles pulled back only to be met with derek nibbling his bottom lip. Control was gone. Instict had taken over. Stiles arms went around Derek's shoulders as he lifted up his slender body onto the big black table covered in tools.
Lips colliding harder, fingers running through their hair. When stiles tongue grazed against Derek's it drove him crazy. His inner wolf pushing his way out. Derek was fighting hard to resist. He didnt even know who stiles was. A stranger. Here he was ravaging a guy he had never met and yet his body was so turned on his pants. Stilles tilted his headed, napping at Derek's neck. Derek felt a howl coming through his chest. He wanted to bite stiles, make him his. Only by his strong will did he manage to bite his own arm. The pain put clarity in his mind long enough for him to step back, whisper "sorry" and run out of the garage.
The wind whistling past his ears, his body wanting to shift, it was like the air in his lungs was gone. He managed to lean aagainst a tree long enough to think about what he had done to stiles. He slide down to ground, head tossed back the pounding and heat between his legs was excruciating. He loosened his button, slide down the zipper the thickening of his member out lined by his briefs. He shifted his hands around the bands against his waist, his cock now throbbibg in hands. A few slow pumps, a flick of his tip, his whole body rippled as his white cum poured down the pants.
He was panting, taking in the air. Not fully satisfied as it would have to have been inside stiles. Enough for his body heat to die down, his mind to become clearer. His heart rate finally slowing. He had the energy to stand and head home.
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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That time Daesung controlled the rain 😂
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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the first concert
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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greatest cinematic sequence of all time  ♕
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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► 10th Anniversary gifs: BIGBANG songs give you strength
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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BANG BANG BANG  → FANTASTIC BABY  → SOBER ↳ (a.k.a the best transition in the entire concert. starts at 18:02)
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amandae2006 · 8 years
legendary pokemon kwon jiyong doing his infamous squawking noises
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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Scruffy bigbang is sexy! When will we get to see dae & t.o.p with some scruff 🔥🔥🔥 #bigbang #beardsaresexy
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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Dae's hair flip 🔥🔥🔥👼
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amandae2006 · 8 years
Bigbang will rise like a phoenix🔥🔥
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amandae2006 · 8 years
👑Check out my YouTube bigbang vids👑
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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i love daesung
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amandae2006 · 8 years
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BIGBANG - ‘Let’s not fall in love’ - Daesung ver.
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amandae2006 · 8 years
daesung: *flashes some thigh*
me: my crops are watered, my skin is clear, i’ve won the lottery, my soul has ascended, there is no more pain or sadness, there is world peace
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