amenomiko · 5 days
Mitsunari: MC! Neko-san can talk!!
MC: Huh?? What did he say??
Mitsunari: Meow meow (❁´◡`❁)
MC: Awwww Mitsunari you are so cute ❤❤❤❤❤
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amenomiko · 5 days
Modern AU
A situation of "I lost my boyfriend at a party", Ikesen MC version
MC: Oh no.. Where did he go...
Definitely at the candy area.
Munching candies while commanding.. Yes, COMMANDING, the HOST to pack it up for him.
Mitsuhide is the accomplice. Duh.
Is... Somehow helping in the kitchen.
Or with the staffs to clean around.
And- "MITSUHIDE!!!! What are you doing encouraging our Boss to eat more unhealthy stuffffff OAO!!!"
Drunk and become a mat (people accidentally stepped on him).
Or if he is not drunk, he become a pole dancer.
And MC will wonder where did all the money came from-
( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^) 👈 *Sits at a corner of the room, silently enjoying MC searching for him.*
Until his boss spotted him that easily to become the accomplice of packing the candies.
Continue with the above scene when Hideyoshi spotted him.
The one who choose to pet any pet of the host.
Almost HISS to everyone nearby. Especially Mitsunari.
PANIC silently realizing he got separated from MC
Enters the party normally.
Enjoy it normally.
Until he saw a book on the floor and didn't budge AT ALL making MC think she have lost him.
Enters the party normally +1.
Until his positive side drained, he went away for a while to bar section.
..Then saw Masamune and joins him for pole dancing.
Glaring daggers at almost EVERY MEN in the party.
When he saw the bar section.
Sip sip sip drink drink drink. Another one to pack every good drink.
He is not available to any women to flirt anymore so there he is, at the candy section.
Glaring contest with Nobunaga.
Escapes when Yukimura spotted him.
Awkward dot com + Why I have to be here dot com.
Ehh.. This food and drink is not bad.. Wait isn't that..
"BOSS SHINGEN! WHAT DID I TOLD YOU ABOUT EATING THOSE??" Thus the reason he got separated from MC.
It's easy.
He enters the party normally. Until he saw Kenshin creating a scene at the bar area..
Blend in with the wall no jutsu. I'm sorry MC, I will get back to you soon.
Enters normally + glaring daggers.
About to take a drink for MC when he saw Kenshin creates a scene at the bar area.
Joins him.
Enters normally, eat and drink normally..
A certain decoration caught his interest.
He have been spending hours on admiring the object until MC didn't realize he went missing from her side.
Enters with MC but since he don't fancy this kind of thing..
He is at the balcony area.
Silently watching MC searching for him + grinning to himself.
Enters normally + do his part as romantic partner by serving MC with food and drink before himself.
Was about to get a dessert when he spot a special section : Japanese Snacks.
Was there filling his mouth with endless senbei.
As always the sweet type, getting all the food and drinks to share with MC.
Joins Nobunaga for the fun of it.
And later joins at the entertainment area to sing like an idol. He is a star of the night.
........I will just...sit here.
Oh.. A cat. *Pet pet pet pet* Alright I'm done.. MC?
Ah.. *Another one to PANICC*
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amenomiko · 6 days
Emma: Clavis, are you done?
Clavis: Well.. I would love to say I'm done, but the problem is, I don't know what to wear.
Emma: We are going to a party as a couple.. Just wear anything that match with me okay?
Clavis: Will I look handsome in it?
Emma: Oh, you silly.. Of course, of course..
Clavis: *Wears Emma's dress - Literally wearing something MATCHING* Wait for me (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)~❤
Emma: DON'T COME NEAR ME ( ☉д⊙)
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amenomiko · 7 days
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So I saw this CG and..
Imagine Masamune and MC were doing this and then Masamune said
Masamune: Don't be too adorable, kitten.
MC: *Giggles* Why? Will you kiss me if I do that? *Playfully wink at him*
Masamune: Heh.. You are really naughty.
MC: *Giggles again* Hm? Masamune, did you add a pillow under my head? It feels hard..
Masamune: That's not a pillow, kitten
Also MC: Oh. That's why you say don't be adorable.
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amenomiko · 7 days
Hideyoshi, a math teacher, teaching Mitsuhide maths:
Hideyoshi: Once again, what is 3 times 7?
Mitsuhide: 37
Hideyoshi: No, Mitsuhide! Alright, Imagine you have 3 pens-
Mitsuhide: I don't have pens.
Hideyoshi: Alright, maybe a tea cup!
Mitsuhide: Tea cup? That's a lot. Do we have people coming?
Hideyoshi: *GROANS* Just imagine it. Okay, so you have 3 tea cups, and you have another 7 sets of it. How many do you have now?
Mitsuhide: I don't know, maybe it's a birthday party to serve that much?
Hideyoshi: *SEETHES* Mitsuhide! I'm not asking what is that tea cup for, I'm asking how many do you have now??
Mitsuhide: But why do you want to know? Do you want to buy from me or something?
MC: Oh no.. What happened here?
Hideyoshi: THIS KID-- *Takes a deeeep breath*
MC: It's okay, let me take over. Mitsuhide, what is 3 times 7?
Mitsuhide: 21, teacher ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
MC: See? He is doing well. Don't be too hard on him.
Mitsuhide: Yeah, don't be too hard on me, teacher. He has been in a very bad mood...I'm scared :(
MC: Awww.. There there..
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amenomiko · 9 days
Mitsuhide x MC ooh lala session Part 2:
Mitsuhide: Now now don't be upset. I was only teasing you. *Turn MC around, her back facing him*
MC: M-Mitsuhide..
Mitsuhide: It's time to play, my little mouse.
*10 minutes later*
Mitsuhide: ....and the car goes up the mountain, then down the mountain it goes ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)~
MC: Are you done? Can I sleep now?
Mitsuhide: Can't do, little mouse, another car incoming. *Slides a toy car up and down MC's butt* vroom vroom~ ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)
MC: ಠ_ಠ I'm breaking up with you.
Mitsuhide: Oh, I love you too
(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)~
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amenomiko · 11 days
Mitsuhide and MC ooh lala session:
Mitsuhide: Little mouse? Let's use some toys tonight, shall we?
MC: M-Mitsuhide.. *Blushes* Alright.. I'm ready to use some..
-Few minutes later-
MC: ಠ_ಠ.....*sigh*
Mitsuhide: *Arranging legos on her forehead* Now now, I'm trying to make a tower here, don't move okay ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)?
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amenomiko · 21 days
I've been reading your fics for almost 4 years now. You feel like a distant friend to me hehe
Ó╭╮Ò Really??? I dont know what to say.. Thank you so, so much that you have been following and reading my works throughout these years. It's an honor, really ❤.
I'm sorry if I didn't update as much anymore. Life has been tough.. And whenever my brain try to get creative, I have a writer's block instantly that I gave up halfway 😔.
But thank you so much for your support! Really appreciate it ☺☺☺☺☺❤❤❤❤❤
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amenomiko · 26 days
Thank you for the tag!
1. Time alone
2. Chatting and spending time with my favorite person
3. Kissing my cat ❤
4. Food
5. Shopping
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers 🦄
1.) Writing (especially for my favorite fandoms)
2.) Reading
3.) Animals
4.) Coffee
5.) Chocolate
Tagging: @chrysalis-the-butterfly @natsuki208 @cjs-51703 @blackbutlerfandomnerddomain @antholojade @hazbin-corner @sebaschian @purpleandstarlight @masculinemiracles @jexinky
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amenomiko · 1 month
I instantly cry.. This breaks my heart.
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Israel’s senseless slaughter leaves thousands of children orphaned. Palestine must be free! Don’t tire keep talking about what’s happening!
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amenomiko · 1 month
Usually I dont care when people dislike a character. But once they mention they dislike Kicho..
Have you look at YOURSELF before judging? Vermins.
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amenomiko · 3 months
Ahsjskdksklaldf Thank youuuuu QAQQQQQ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ @priestessrosery
It's Show & Tell Time!
Tag your favorite fic author!
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amenomiko · 3 months
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To that every suitors and maidens that victimized themselves after throwing a rock at me and cried waterfall when I fight back. They even twist stories and spread shit here and there.
Yeah, live on with that lies you are spreading. Karma will go to your Children and loved ones. I BELIEVE THAT.
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amenomiko · 3 months
Yukimura: Hey.. I wanted to ask you, since, you know, you are the tactician, and have a broad knowledge.. Do you know what "BJ" stands for?
Mitsunari: Ah, I'm honored ☺. Hmm.. I guess it is "Berry Juice"? 🤔
Yukimura: Oooh.. I see.. Because MC said she wants to give me BJ later. Say, how about you come together with me, you can bring some of it back to the castle, and give it to everyone? As a thank you for answering my question.
Mitsunari: I will be honored! Thank you so much 😊😊😊!
Hideyoshi: HALT 三三ᕕ(OAO)ᕗ!!!!
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amenomiko · 3 months
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AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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amenomiko · 3 months
Kicho, calm and composed.
Yet go ( ☉.⊙) when his body were measured.
I CANT STOP LAUGHING AT THIS SCENE AND HIS ASSISTANTS JUST GO ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ After that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
#kicho's route
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amenomiko · 4 months
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I never really burst into tears to any part of the words said in the game.. But today is a first time.
It hit me right on the chest. I instantly break and cry to his words.
Thank you Cybird. Thank you Kicho.
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