amours-world · 7 months
maintain a habit and have the trigger to make your dreams come true
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I just finished the atomic habit book and I really learned a lot of things that I have incorporated into my routine and it works! Well I really had to force myself to maintain discipline but now I really like it. I went through several stages before really keeping my routine ☘︎
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1- why do I procrastinate?
I really asked myself the question and realized that it was because I didn't really have a goal and I was afraid to step out of my comfort zone. So I took a sheet, I put on my good vibe playlist and I started to make a list of objectives and I chose 2 objectives from this list that I will try to complete in 1 month the brain has It takes 21 days, or 3 weeks of application, for a habit to become automatic. So I chose the simplest goals to achieve like doing 1 hour of pilates every morning and listening to a podcast every day.
2-Build good habits
according to the book atomic habit to build a good habit you must:
☆ Make it obvious: an example I want to start pilate, to really get started I put my sports clothes right in front of my bed so when I wake up I know I have to do pilate and I also put on a reminder on my phone
★ Make it attractive: when I start my pilates I put on my most beautiful pilates outfit, I put on some relaxing music, I make this moment a moment of well-being.
☆ Make it easy: I started with 5 min of pilate first for my body to get used to it and started increasing the minutes on other days.
★ Make it satisfying: when I finish my pilates I make myself my favorite drink to reward myself even if I don't see the results yet and I reward myself for the effort.
3-how to maintain a habit
the big technique to get there is to stick the new habit to an old habit an example you want to read in the morning, every time you take the bus you read or every time you finish your sport you read for people who don't No self-discipline will be effective but you have to force yourself to stick to it. Also, you have to have goals that resonate with you, goals that you really want to do, not because others are doing it. start your day with the tasks that are the most complicated and don't try to postpone them until the end of the day, try to accomplish all your objectives for the day in the morning.
4-how to have the trigger to make this dream life come true
Well this step is really good It’s thanks to her that I started to improve my daily life.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ Visualization: to start, lie down in your bed and put on some meditation music or music that relaxes you, take the time to really relax. then you will close your eyes and imagine a heavenly place where you feel good, it can be a garden, an island or even your room whatever you want and you will imagine several little lights. These lights there are some that are close to you and others that are far from you, there are small ones, some medium ones and further away there is the biggest light. what I want you to know understand is that all these lights represent all your desires and your goals. at the beginning I know that you are going to try to catch all his desires because you want to try to realize them all at the same time when that's not it. we think that if we don't do it now we will never do it which is not true. If you really want something, not because you saw it in someone else or out of jealousy, just know that it's already yours. Now what to do when we are used to all these lights from now on you will start to enter the lights which are closest to you All these lights are connected together so simple example: Imagine you are in a game and there has flags when you go past flag A to reach flag B and the Monster attacks you and you lose your life you will not necessarily return to flag A but to flag B because you arrived there so when you choose a light which is closest to you it will help you project yourself towards light B which will project you towards your dream life which is the very great light that is why we say that you have to be patient and what you have to understand is that all the light is yours and no one else's.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ how to choose choose the right light: it's simply the light closest to you. This light for example can represent making your bed every morning. When I say that I know that you are telling yourself that making your bed every morning is too simple but making your bed every morning requires discipline, the fact of maintaining this action will Allow you to learn to trust yourself like that when you are faced with a greater objective you will tell yourself if I have succeeded in an objective like making my bed every morning well it is because I can succeed in this new objective.
࣪𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ₊ learn to do with the means you have: you are going to take a paper and write down everything you want to accomplish in your life and you are going to look in your notes and choose 1 or 2 things that can be achievable now. you are not you don't have to have everything now to start the things that make you dream, learn to do it with the means you have, for example I wanted to get back into pilates but I found as an excuse the fact that I didn't yet have my computer so I couldn't start yet, I continued like that for weeks then I got fed up so I took my phone I went into YouTube I looked for a pilate video and I started, I did it with the means I had. Everything doesn't have to be perfect just do it.
So these are all the things that I have learned and applied in my life. I still continue to learn new things every day and I really try to see what works for me. I hope you enjoyed. 🐾
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amours-world · 7 months
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amours-world · 7 months
How to be self-confident? (୨୧ᵕ̤ᴗᵕ̤)
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☆ External Confidence
Fake it till you make it! Outward confidence is about projecting a confident image to the world. It’s about mastering the art of “faking it until you make it real.” Stand up, don’t be afraid to look people in the eye and use positive body language! These tips are perfect for fooling others into thinking that you are a very confident person, even if you are an introvert. are naturally shy or But remember, outward confidence is just the tip of the iceberg.
☆ Internal confidence
the real treasure! Internal confidence is where the magic happens. It’s about accepting your true self and trusting your own opinion. No need to seek approval from others before posting that stunning Instagram photo. Your opinion matters, and if you like it, that’s all that matters! By trusting your instincts and judgment, you build unwavering and lasting confidence. It’s about saying, “I’m confident in myself and I’m proud of who I am.”
☆ Key Takeaways
❦. External confidence can help you impress others, but it's not always enough. Don't let it define you.
❦. Cultivating internal confidence takes practice. Start by believing in your own opinions and choices.
❦. Embrace your uniqueness and celebrate your individuality. You don't need validation from others.
❦. True confidence comes from within. Ilounge is about accepting yourself fully and having confidence in your abilities.
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amours-world · 7 months
Thewizardliz mindset
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Liz's mindset is one focused on self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-love. Liz believes that we deserve the best and that we should be content with myself, she loves herself and she knows what she wants. She takes time for herself and doesn't let other people's opinions control her life. Liz also emphasizes the importance of changing your thoughts to change your life and she focuses on personal growth. Liz knows her worth and doesn't let the criticism of others get to her, she loves herself and has confidence in herself.
so how to have her mindset?
1-start taking care of yourself: give yourself love and attention, take time for yourself to take care of yourself and take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally.
2-develop good self-esteem: learn to accept and value yourself. Compliment yourself every day in front of the mirror. Don't settle for less than what you think you deserve.
3-more authentic self: don't let the criticism and judgments of others hold you back, don't be afraid to be yourself and stay true to yourself.
4-completely change your mindset: adopt the mindset if it's possible for others it's possible for me and a queen doesn't chase, she attracts. replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. meditate, read personal development books and listen to podcasts.
5-become more selfish: put your happiness first, put yourself first without feeling guilty. learn to say no to things that do not correspond to your values.
6-identify toxic relationships and put an end to them: become aware of toxic relationships that drag you down or are toxic for your well-being emotional. it could be people who manipulate you, who criticize you or something else. identify these relationships and consider taking steps to detach yourself from them.
7-start to establish boundaries: learn to set clear boundaries and to follow them enforce respect. identify the behaviors or situations that bother you and determine what you are ready to accept or not. communicate your limits and stay away from situations that do not suit you.
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amours-world · 7 months
☾𝕄𝕆𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕀𝔾ℍ𝕋 BEAUTY ☾: 1 week to glow up
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I really need a quick and simple glow up because I'm starting my job soon so I created a program to glow up in 1 week and really get to know myself and improve myself physically and mentally. You can do this program in 2 weeks or more if you want.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day 1: lunar preparation
★shadow work: It’s time to work on yourself, answer their questions to get to know yourself better.
1. What did my childhood need most?
2. What am I avoiding?
3. What am I addicted to?
4. What secrets am I hiding and why?
5. Am I honest with myself and others?
6. What are my biggest misconceptions about myself?
7. What are my biggest fears?
8. What should I give up?
9. Am I a victim of trauma? Have I done enough to heal?
10. What do I need to forgive myself for?
11. What lessons do I still need to learn?
12. What do I want most in this life?
13. What are the first signs you notice and know that your mental health is deteriorating?
14. Do I try to hide parts of myself from others? Why ?
15. What was I like when I was a child?
16. What's the worst way someone could describe you?
★moodboard: makes a Moodboard that reflects your aspirations and your inspirations that you can look at every morning; you can put it as a wallpaper or hang it on the wall.
★ Do a major cleaning: tidy your room, delete numbers, sort through your phone, sort through your series and films, social media and my playlist, cut off toxic people.
★make a list of all your goals, choose 4 big goals in your life and separate them into smaller goals to make them easier to achieve.
★create a morning and night routine: you can copy that of someone who inspires you or simply create your own.
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★do 1 hour of sport per day
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day2:inner radiance
★ start Journaling: write down your thoughts, your emotions, your thoughts for the day and also positive affirmations.
★make a list of things you like about yourself
★become softer:
1. When someone calls you, first turn to the person and smile: This helps you to be gentler and more polite towards the person you are talking to and after smiling it gives you the opportunity to speak in a kinder tone.
2. think before you speak: this is very important when learning to speak softer because it gives you time to pay attention to the tone of your voice and also be careful with the things you say.
3. Avoid yelling at others out of frustration: Yelling is the most important thing you should avoid when trying to speak softer. When you're frustrated or going through a tough time, try doing something you enjoy to calm yourself down like music, drawing, etc. instead of taking it out on others. if someone tries to make you angry, politely tell them to stop and don't let your anger control you.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day3:educational brilliance
-listen to a podcast: I only listen to podcasts in French but if you don't like listening to podcasts you can watch videos from tam kaur, thewizardliz, simonesquared and more
-read a book: I recommend atomic habit, ikigai, the why cafe, the other books that I read are in French.
-learn a new language: on YouTube there are plenty of videos that you can find on the language of your choice.
-learn another skill: I chose to improve my computer skills but you can choose any skill it can be drawing, cooking whatever you want.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day4:celestial radiance
-work on self-love
-work on self-esteem
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* ੈ✩‧₊˚day5:lunar dream
-spa day at home
-listen to your favorite music
-watch your favorite series or films
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day6: lunar flight
-find your ikigai: that is to say your reason for being, explore your passions, your values ​​and your talents to really find what motivates you here is an example:
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-Black Swan mindset: the Black Swan mindset is about knowing your value and not letting others tell you your value, it is a mindset of trust and knowledge of your value.
* ੈ✩‧₊˚day7:moonlight beauty
become more feminine
1-have good posture: gives you more elegance, you seem taller and more confident.
2-smell good have a characteristic scent: could remind someone of you, smell good shows that you care about your hygiene.
3-Getting Your Nails Done: Getting your nails done could make you look confident and well-groomed.
4-style your hair: hair is a key point of your appearance and a good hairstyle could automatically make you even more beautiful.
5-wear jewelry: simple jewelry can enhance your outfit a lot and bring out your features.
things to do every day
☆ Workout
☆ Learn a new skill
☆ Listen to subliminals
☆ Meditate
☆ Read a book
☆ Do Journaling
☆ Listen to Podcasts
I'm going to start tomorrow and to stay organized and always have an idea of ​​what I have to do I created a simple Notion if you want it's right here જ⁀➴
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amours-world · 7 months
wonyoung:don't compare yourself to others ♡
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wonyoung's mindset emphasizes self-acceptance and confidence in one's own abilities. She knows her values ​​and does not compare herself to others. How to have the same state of mind as her?
1-become aware of your value: remember that your value does not depend on your appearance, your success or the validation of others. each of us has our own qualities and talents that make us unique and special. take the time to remind yourself of everything you have accomplished so far, your strengths and everything that makes you unique and special.
2-avoid the pitfalls of social networks: social media can be a source of comparison and insecurity. but remember that the images and stories shared on the networks only represent a fragment of reality. Start to limit your time on the networks and keep in mind that each represents this best versions online.
3-love yourself: learn to love yourself and accept who you are. Compliment yourself, repeat positive affirmations to yourself in front of the mirror and fall in love with yourself. work on your self-esteem and try to do better than you were yesterday. Also surround yourself with positive people and start activities that strengthen your self-confidence and your self-love.
4-practice gratitude: focus on what you have rather than what you don't have. Get in the habit of writing down a few things you are grateful for. This will help you develop a possible attitude and appreciate your own journey without comparing yourself to others.
5-practice self-comparison: develop a caring attitude towards yourself by granting yourself kindness and compassion. replace criticism and judgment with understanding your imperfections and your errors.
6-focus on your personal goals: define your own goals based on your passions and desires then make a realistic action plan to achieve your goals. measure your success based on your personal projects rather than comparing it to that of others.
7-Avoid constant comparisons: It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of comparison by looking at what others have or do. Focus on your own path and distance yourself from influences that fuel constant comparisons.
8-you are you, I am me: this expression from wonyoung simply means that each individual is unique and that it is important to concentrate on your own personal path. this implies not comparing yourself to others and not trying to imitate or follow the same path as others. wonyoung encourages self-acceptance and valuing one's own talents, qualities...she also emphasizes not being influenced by the opinions or expectations of others.
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amours-world · 7 months
lessons from characters
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Regina george
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Having self confidence makes you 10 x hotter, start acting like you own the place: self-confidence is the key to success. Be confident and let your unique personality shine.
Blair Waldorf
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Treat yourself like the queen you are: Don't let anyone put you down and make you doubt your worth.
Maddy Perez
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Everyone feels stupid, who cares? 90% of life is confidence: Don't let other people's opinions hold you back, act with confidence and overcome obstacles to achieve your dreams.
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Don't be afraid to give it your all and make your dreams come true:pursue your passions with determination and don’t let fear stop you.
Cher Horowitz
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Don't settle for crumbs, be picky with who you date: Don't settle for less than you deserve. have high standards and don't compromise on your happiness.
Elle Woods
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Never let anyone question your potential: believe in yourself and your abilities and don't let the opinions of others discourage you. Show the world what you are capable of.
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amours-world · 7 months
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amours-world · 1 year
summer miracle challenge
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[ collab with @angeltearsxoxo ] i'm so happy to collab with you ily 🥹🤍 this challenge is for you to manifest the dream summer 🤍✨
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part 1: self concept 🍓
before starting: you can make a list of what you want to do in the summer. plan your trip, your outfits, scenarios, etc. make sure you finalize your list. you can use pinterest boards for inspo as well. 
self concept: how you view yourself and everything around you, as well as how others treat you. though its not “required” to manifest, it can change your whole manifesting game. it's like a foundation and makes everything so much easier so don't be surprised if many of your desires may manifest just from focusing on self concept
for this challenge 🫐
☆ choose a couple self-concept affirmations make them natural for you, that you can easily repeat. don't worry about the wording because it doesn't matter how you word it, just what it implies to you that you feel comfortable saying. -> here are some you can use: 1 2 3 4 5 6
☆ repeat it to yourself for 10 minutes 2x a day you can do this whenever you're free to do so, like doing everyday tasks. or set aside time and meditate while affirming. whatever works for you.
☆ get off tumblr/social media and apply try deleting tumblr or set screentime limits. do things that you enjoy, and DO NOT consume any loa info.
☆ live in the end consistently you should always be living in the end. you are in the end. don't go back. stick to the new story. be consistent with the new story/assumption. don't entertain your doubts or the old story. don't just affirm for 10 minutes and then complain about the 3d when the time is up. remember to live in the end and persist. fullfill yourself within.
☆ repeat for 3 days while persisting
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optional: you can also listen to subliminals, or use vision boards. and make a summer playlist that you can affirm while listening to boost your confidence and self concept 
keep in mind: don't overthink it and just do it. continue to do this for 3 days and your self concept will be all ready for the summer glow up ✨✨
stay tuned for part 2. @angeltearsxoxo will post in 3 days so get that self concept together 🤍
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amours-world · 1 year
The Wonyoung guide ♡
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this is a guide to becoming the best version of yourself and creating that dream life just like wonyoung.
what this guide is about (step)
Healthy mindset and motivation
Skincare and makeup
create your dream life
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1. Healthy mindset and motivation
A healthy mindset and good motivation are the key to becoming a completely different person. Wonyoung has a good mindset, even though her life has ups and downs she remains positive and motivated. Having a healthy state of mind makes us feel more beautiful inside and out and motivates us to have a better life. There are several YouTube channels that talk about self-confidence, self-love and motivation. Here are some videos and channel that can help you.
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2. Skincare and makeup
Wonyoung is known for having beautiful skin thanks to a good skincare routine. Before doing a skincare you need to know your skin type. There are several videos or articles that can help you. Having a good skincare adapted to your skin type allows you to have clear skin like wonyoung. there are several skincare brand wonyoung uses innesfree, in an interview she said that she doesn't really have a skincare routine but she uses a serum and moisturizes her skin well. So you too can do a simple skincare routine like wonyoung: cleanser + serum + moisturizer + sunscreen.
For makeup there are tutorial videos and channels on YouTube
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Wonyoung does pilates well, it allows him to have beautiful legs, abs and good posture. She also does a lot of dancing so here are some videos that I recommend
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Wonyoung has a style that gives her princess vibes. To have the same style she can have clothes on yesstyle, shein, h&m, asos, romewe and Aliexpress But you can also find your own style, there are so many that you will find what you are looking for. Also adapt your style to your morphology, wear clothes that adapt to our morphology to look more beautiful.
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5.create your Dream life
To create your dream life, start by imagining the woman you want to be. think about his daily life, habits and routines, start building them step by step, day by day. you don't magically become her you have to start building her first then you have to visualize the woman you want to become. the way she behaves, her lifestyle and her habits, lie to yourself tell yourself that you are beautiful, that you are intelligent, that you are there better and your brain will eventually believe it and you will develop confidence. start introducing yourself as that girl. show yourself the love you deserve and become that new version of yourself. be confident, don't care so much about other people's opinions, remember to always aim for the best and not the bare minimum. do whatever you believe you can do based on your talents and that will already be a milestone. Don't tell others your plans, when they realize what you are doing they want to be you and start copying everything you do, only show them the results, not the progress.
Video that can help you
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I hope you like it and it can help you and remember never to give up on something you really want, it's hard to achieve but you can do it if you believe in yourself and persist (sorry if there are any mistakes or incomprehensible sentences English is not my mother tongue I am still learning ). ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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amours-world · 1 year
how do I manifest moving to a different country if i have to live in the 3d of my country and think about it?
Remember that 3d is just a reflection of your inner world. When you decide that you are living in your desired country then you actually are, even if you are not experiencing that in 3d.
I Know sometimes it can be hard to face the 3d, but whenever you are doubting just remind yourself that in your 4d you are already living in your desired country (practice giving more weightage to your 4d than 3d, it is really very helpful) . At night, you don't have to deal with your 3d so make it your goal to sleep in the wish fulfilled. How can you do so?
imagine a scene that implies the state of wish fulfilled.
if you can't visualise then affirm that " I'm already living in my desired country" with acceptance of it to be true, you should not force any feeling, feeling will come naturally, there is a chance that you will not feel anything but that's okay. main thing is acceptance of the fact that you have your desires
when you would accept it fully, then it would be expressed in your 3d really fast i swear
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amours-world · 1 year
You repeat it to yourself every day. And it's not yet, it's a lie. You're saying a lie over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true." - Lady Gaga
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amours-world · 1 year
Manifesting Vaunt
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I manifest instantly and I have all my desires, and it's so easy to manifest.
I manifest faster than the void. I just decide I have it, and then I do. All of my desires appear in the 3D instantly. The 3D matches and transforms the way I want it to. I literally have my dream life because I'm so good at manifesting. I can manifest faster than the speed of light. Every second I exist the faster I manifest and the faster my desires appear. Breathing makes my manifestations appear faster. I have everything I want.
Blinking my eyes makes me feel happier and gives me all my desires. Every second I exist makes manifestation faster, easier, and more fun. Existing is the only thing I need to do because my desires chase after me. I am always in the state of wish fulfilled. Every second that passes makes me better at manifestation and gives me a better self concept, though I already have the best. I am a master manifestor, and I get everything I want instantly.
My subconscious gives me everything I want, instantly. All of my wishes come true the second I say so. Manifestation is instant and all results appear in the 3D. I have the best self concept and I can easily manifest and get whatever I want as soon as I decide so. I manifest within a second, or even faster because manifestation is made for me, and my desires literally chase me. I get whatever I want, and more since I am in complete control of my reality. I have everything I want. My life is exactly how I want it.
My manifestation is instant because I am the best at it. I have the best manifestation powers, and I get everything instantly. All of my desires are mine, and I don't even have time to desire them because they are automatically mine. I am the most powerful manifestor ever. Regardless of everything, I get whatever I want instantly since I'm so powerful. My reality is malleable, and I can change it to whatever I want. It's easy for me to manifest, and I can do it within a second and I get all my desires in the 3D right away.
All my desires come to me, since they are literally attracted to me. All good things come my way, and I have everything I want. Life is a game, and I'm winning at it. All of my desires manifest into reality and I don't even have to do anything. Every negative thought I have makes me manifest faster and gives me a better self concept. Manifesting is oversimplified for me.
I have everything I want. All of my desires are in the 3D, and everything goes my way. I have the dream life, and have complete control over everything, and I am the best at manifestation. I get everything I want as soon as possible. I have no desires because as soon as I want something, it is mine. It is done, and I have everything I ever wanted in my life. All of it is mine, and I have it. Life is so easy for me, especially because I have a perfect self concept and because I manifest instantly and live the dream life, because I am a dream.
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amours-world · 1 year
ideas to work on during your self-improvement journey [that girl]
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1. body language— both reading and practicing (perfect for those of you who are verbally awkward)
2. being more exclusive with your time, effort, energy, and presence
3. finding a theme or mantra during your self development journey— it helps if you are someone that finds quotes and words helpful and as reminders
4. strengthening your life skills such as cooking, baking, cleaning, budgeting, shopping smart, self-defense, etc.
5. evaluating your boundaries and communicating your boundaries
6. not letting anxiety or depression become who you are and defining you as a person
7. learning how to enjoy being alone without feeling lonely
8. identifying self-destructive behaviors such as taking toxic exes back or self-sabotaging
9. becoming more bold with the actions you take towards something you really want aka going for it with your whole heart
10. not letting rejection hit you personally. it’s okay that we’re not a right fit for someone just like it’s okay when they’re not a right fit for us— that doesn’t mean we think horrible things about them and vice versa so stop taking rejection personally
11. not getting attached prematurely
12. not pushing anyone away once we feel like we’re becoming close
13. setting standards for yourself and who + what comes into your life
join my self-development membership page here that has dozens of free ebooks that i’ve purchased, 2.5 hours of leveling up audio content that i don’t post on tumblr, and the addition of weekly content uploaded every wednesday or thursday 🤍
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amours-world · 1 year
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Wanna have your dream life? Got you!
☆ Be delusional: Just think and live as if you already have what you want, as simple as that. Affirm that you're living your dream life, affirm that everything you want is already yours because it is.
Some affs that i like:
I'm living my dream life.
I have everything i desire.
My life is on easy mode.
I'm the universe favorite person.
I was born to succeed.
Everything works out in my favor.
☆ Don't give power to negative thoughts/people that want to destroy you: Don't seek outside validation. Just know that everything is inside of you, you want love? Give it to yourself, you want people to tell you you look good? Say it to yourself, you gotta believe in yourself because if you don't do it, who else would?
☆ Work on yourself and your goals: Yeah, the law of attracition, law of assumption, affs, all that works, but you gotta work on you, do shadow work, get to know yourself, exercise, meditate, have your goals clear, make a list of small steps to reach those goals and start working on it, universe/your higher self/god or whatever you believe in it's going to make everything fall into place for you to get what you want.
☆ Be careful on what kind of stuff you watch: Start looking for mentors, listen to motivational podcasts, there are a bunch of youtubers that teach you how to reach your goals, how to create your dream life, how to improve yourself, anything that you need in order to grow in life, you just have to look for it.
Don't consume negative stuff like news or spend your time scrolling on tiktok instead of working on yourself. The best investment that you'll do in your life is invest in yourself, read more books, learn a new skill, and anything that would help you to be your best version.
Hope this helps
Xoxo, Lovely peach🌸
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amours-world · 1 year
"The state you consistently go to, its your dwelling place. It's your home. That's what's gonna manifest"
- Edward Art
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amours-world · 1 year
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Wanna have your dream life? Got you!
☆ Be delusional: Just think and live as if you already have what you want, as simple as that. Affirm that you're living your dream life, affirm that everything you want is already yours because it is.
Some affs that i like:
I'm living my dream life.
I have everything i desire.
My life is on easy mode.
I'm the universe favorite person.
I was born to succeed.
Everything works out in my favor.
☆ Don't give power to negative thoughts/people that want to destroy you: Don't seek outside validation. Just know that everything is inside of you, you want love? Give it to yourself, you want people to tell you you look good? Say it to yourself, you gotta believe in yourself because if you don't do it, who else would?
☆ Work on yourself and your goals: Yeah, the law of attracition, law of assumption, affs, all that works, but you gotta work on you, do shadow work, get to know yourself, exercise, meditate, have your goals clear, make a list of small steps to reach those goals and start working on it, universe/your higher self/god or whatever you believe in it's going to make everything fall into place for you to get what you want.
☆ Be careful on what kind of stuff you watch: Start looking for mentors, listen to motivational podcasts, there are a bunch of youtubers that teach you how to reach your goals, how to create your dream life, how to improve yourself, anything that you need in order to grow in life, you just have to look for it.
Don't consume negative stuff like news or spend your time scrolling on tiktok instead of working on yourself. The best investment that you'll do in your life is invest in yourself, read more books, learn a new skill, and anything that would help you to be your best version.
Hope this helps
Xoxo, Lovely peach🌸
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