ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Yes! Yes. Okay, so I think we should do something with the clocks. Mess one up in the Slytherin or Ravenclaw tower? What do you think?”
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“But if just one is messed up, won’t it just look like that one is broken? Now if all of them were maybe changed to different times....”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Ana!” Kenna said practically skipped into her friend’s dorm. “I have an idea for a prank and I need your help.” She smiled, bouncing on her toes. “Please say yes.”
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“A prank?” Ana’s brow furrowed slightly as she frowned. “You know I’m not very good with all that stuff... I can try though?”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be in here...”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“I think it is,” Lily laughed. She rubbed her forehead at Ana’s question, shaking her head. “Er, we don’t. Where do we get that stuff? D’you think there’s, like, a build-a-face station nearby? I didn’t see one, but I also wasn’t looking.”
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“Okay, we’ll just improvise. Um, I guess we can just use rocks?” She suggested. “And... maybe we can find a stick or something for his nose.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Yeah, it’s kinda funny they seem to all have that in common huh?” Lily chuckled. She took a step back and shrugged. “Honestly, I think we’re off to a great start. Not that I actually know much, but it’s looking good so far. I think?”
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“Must be a house requirement,” she joked, taking a look at the snowman. “For a base, I think it’s fine. Oh, do we have the carrot and things for his face? And probably a jacket for him to wear or something.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
Piper groaned, “Great.” She turned back to her, “I may have left the keys inside after I locked the door.”
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“Oh...” Ana pouted, staring at the door as if that would help. “Maybe there’s another way we can open it?”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Someone bewitched it to chase after me when I finished, and it made weird noises. This was last year. I think it was meant to be some kind of prank,” Lily informed her. “Anyway, enough about last year’s snowman. Let’s get started on this one.” She started gathering snow in a pile to form the base.
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Ana made a face at the story, kneeling down in the snow to help pack the base. “It had to have been one of the Gryffindors. You know how they all fancy themselves pranskters,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I don’t think I ever actually made a snowman before.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
☃️ for our muses to build a snowman. no magic. @ana-mulciber
“I’ve only built a snowman the muggle way once and it turned out scary, but I love them so let’s do this.”
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Ana couldn’t help but giggle. “How can a snowman be scary?”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
🔑 for one of both of our muses to lock themselves out of their cabin/room ( @ana-mulciber ).
“I’m so cold, not even a warming charm can help me,” she complained as she walked to her cabin. She tugged on the door, her heart stopping when it didn’t swing open. “Please tell me you have your wand on you, because I don’t have mine on me.”
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“Um...” Ana trailed off, patting down her jacket and jeans in search of her wand. Her eyes widened when she didn’t find it, biting down into her lower lip lightly as she looked back at the older girl. “Do you mean tell you those words... exactly?”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Ok, only if you promise to do that for me too though!” Emerson laughed, “Yeah, I’ve been trying to talk to some people but they’re a little hard to talk to.” The brunette shrugged, Americans just seemed to have a hard to approach aura around them that made it hard for her to get the courage to talk to them.
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  “Hard to talk to? I thought all you had to do was, I don’t know, talk about sports or something and they’d never shut up.” Ana wasn’t exactly sure; the only experience she had with Americans was the last trip to Salem, but even then it was confined to the wizarding parts. “Ah, they can sod off. I find the whole lot to be rather boring anyway.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Nope, that seat is totally free!” Emerson smiled, glad someone decided to come and sit with her. 
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“Oh my gosh, you’re a lifesaver, Em,” Ana sighed in relief, throwing herself into the empty chair. “Next time I say I’m wearing heels, please hide them. They hurt.” She pouted, reaching down to rub one of her feet after she slipped her shoes off. “Are you having fun?”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“Oh you're so not,” Ana assured her housemate, waving her hadn't about. “I actually went with someone else not too long ago to pick out their pet, it's really not a big deal. Next weekend works great, though.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
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“I forgot about that! Will you take me!? I don’t know anything about it and you seem so knowledgeable.”
“Yeah, sure. I love going, I just never buy because of Ev. I’m afraid he’s gonna be, like, jealous or something. But yeah, whenever you wanna go.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
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“Fair enough.” She smiled, “They can be a little frightening. I guess I’ve just always liked weird things. But maybe i’ll go your route and check out some of those muggle adoption places.”
“Muggle? Why not the Magical Menagerie in Diagon Alley? They’d probably have things like Kneezles. I’ve heard those make really good pets.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
Olivia laughed, “I just want one of those giant yellow snakes, you know? The ones that are really sweet and wrap around you to give you hugs. I know it’s a little weird but honestly, they look so freaking cute.”
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Ana’s nose crinkled. “A snake? Really? I was never much of a reptile person though, so... not sure if I would agree on the whole ‘cute’ part.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
“I will never be able to understand why muggles do a lot of things, but I enjoy when they carry their pets around. Do you know how many dogs basically asked me to steal them and take them back to Scotland with me? Practically all,” he said with a laugh. “It must be easier to put him in bag then lug that thing around.”
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Giving up with the cat, Ana let out a frustrated huff and crossed her arms, choosing to instead ignore Evzen. If he ran away, then that was his problem, she though -- then instantly felt bad for thinking it and pulled the cat out to carry him in her arms. “They are very strange,” Ana agreed. “Do you think they even like being carried? I mean, I can’t imagine it’s very comfortable in the bags. Probably why Ev doesn’t like it.”
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ana-mulciber · 7 years
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“Huh,” Olivia thought about it for a second, “I’ve never even thought about that before. What else do you think Hogwarts would allow? I know it supposed to be like easy animals but what if I want like a snake?” She laughed.
Ana shrugged. "Far as I know we're only allowed cats, toads and owls. But I mean," she bit on the inside of her cheek and glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "If they don't find out, you can't get in trouble, right?"
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