andi-eaton · 1 year
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“ right ?! that’s what i said to him . i was like , ‘ why the hell would anyone want to eat something that had come from space ?? ‘ but he quickly shut me down on that front . i mean , that’s our whole shtick , right ?? “ she threw a gesture to the fifties-themed diner decorated , floor to ceiling , with alien memorabilia — stop signs with cows being abducted , little green bobbleheads , moon rocks that were likely just age-old hunks of cheese … to ender , the whole thing was as humiliating as her working there . one day she would break free . one day her talent would be noticed . she was just waiting on that day , whenever it chose to come . “ cherry milkshake and a plate of fries . you got it , cutie , “ the woman spoke as she scrawled the order on her tiny notepad , every ‘ i ‘ dotted with a heart , “ let’s just say every time i hand in an order the chef looks visibly annoyed when people don’t want the wings . i mean , i don’t blame anybody — they’re probably made of pigeon or crow — but you can’t fault the higher-ups for trying to pedal them . “
Andi rolled her eyes lightly at the schtick. It wasn’t entirely wrong, she knew that. It was the whole tourism front of Roswell. Aliens. People loved it, and to a degree Andi loved it, but in a way that only townies could. “To be fair, should be like a separate greeting for locals. Something simple like, ‘hey’.” She grinned widely at Ender. “But, you’re doing great, it was both the worst thing I’ve ever heard, and also so charming,” she teased. She let out a small little giggle at the pet name. She contemplated the wings, and made a face at the clear risks involved in them. “Hm, tell the cooks I’ll come back after my shift and bring some home. Even if I think they’re gross, someone’ll eat them. Hate to see good crow go to waste.” The last sentence came out deadpan, but she smiled making clear she was in on the joke. “Hey, when’s your break? Tell me you haven’t taken it yet, and you can join me at least for like 5 minutes? I have eaten here alone every single day this week, I’m starting to get a complex about it.” 
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andi-eaton · 1 year
""I can't stand you," she said, poorly fighting off the laugh that threatened to make a run for it. "Get your ass in here before I regret it and have to shame you in front of the entire neighborhood." She rolled her eyes, and threw the door open for him, enough of a welcome that she ever gave Asher. Almost immediately, she walked off to the fridge, and pulled out two beers, cheap and gross, but it was something. She held one out to him. "Mom told me I'm 'in a rut' today. Can you believe that? I'm not in a rut, am I?" She didn't let him respond before she was popping the tab of the beer with a less than satisfying pfftzsss. "Did you bring weed? I'm out."
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While either of them pretended that they were done with each other's antics, Asher was well aware that behind all the teasing and curses, there was a genuine connection that had been built up since they'd been kids and through all the ups and downs, they'd learned that they could count on each other no matter what - even if those moments of sincerity were often disturbed by whatever dumb joke he could think of or whatever prank was pulled. Pressing his lips together in an attempt to keep his expressions from giving him away, he rolled his eyes. He knew better than that and he was sure that Andi did too.
Clearing his throat, Asher offered her a smug grin and leaned in.
"The chicken, loser."
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andi-eaton · 1 year
Bright eyes dart to the space behind her, as if evaluating her surroundings when paired with the female’s words, deciphering if it the scene was what she suggested it may be. “I suppose that all depends upon your definition of weird.” After all, this was nothing outside of the norm for Lyra, nothing to raise a brow at — that didn’t mean such could be said for everyone, most unwilling and uninterested in climbing into a dumpster for anything, let alone the items she tended to search out. “I wouldn’t label myself as a freegan but I certainly wouldn’t refer to them as weird, either. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I don’t think anyone can deny the fact that the economy is less than stellar and that humans are depleting the Earth’s resources.” Not exactly conversational topics that one would normally get into with a stranger, but social cues were clearly not the girl’s forte. “I respect it.”
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Everything the other said was fair, she supposed. Andi didn’t exactly judge, most of the time at least. Digging in the dumpster was hardly in the offensive category. “Weird like a sex thing,” she said bluntly, with a shrug. “I don’t know, you say freegans aren’t weird but when it turns out to be some rich kid asshole cosplaying poverty because they got yelled at by their rich dad it’s a little weird. All for people doing what they need to no questions asked, but if I see you a week later wearing some designer suit next to your rich daddy, I tend to be a little judge-y.” She stepped closer, not bothering to read too much into the situation. “Yeah, yeah, the planet is dying and capitalism and rich people are evil, I’m aware, I agree. People out here just trying to survive are not my concern, you gotta do what you gotta do. Doesn’t mean I’m not curious about you lookin’ like a deer in the headlights, though. So, which is it? Survival, fun because your rich dad got mad at you, or is it the weird sex thing? You can be honest, I’ll only judge you on one of those.”
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andi-eaton · 1 year
She bit the inside of her cheek to fight off the smirk that was threatening to take over her face as Asher whined at her teasing. The second he poised himself, and reintroduced the beginning of the knock, knock joke, Andi's eyes were nearly rolled into the back of her head. "Jesus Christ," she groaned. "If this is the same joke that I blocked you with, I'm never going to speak to you again." The statement was clearly a lie, one that she threatened often, but would never actually see through.
"Okay, fine," she said, suspicious of what was about to come out of Asher's mouth. Still behind the screen door, half lit by the dull yellow light behind her, Andi's eyes narrowed, and she allowed the frown on her face to settle in fully. "Tell me, pathetic stranger, who is there?"
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Asher couldn't help but snort at Andi's text in return, though, as per usual, he couldn't let it go and sent a series of sad emojis that he was sure would hit, or rather annoy, his best friend just right. He'd already gotten up from where he'd been lounging on his couch and made his way out and over to Andi's trailer - the joys of not only being childhood friends but also neighbors - to make sure he'd get to finish what he'd started.
He gave her door a rather aggressive knock, he had to make sure she'd know that it was him immediately after all, and bounced on his feet a little as he waited before his face went blank. "Wow," he mouthed at her deadpan demeanor, trying his best to hide the quiver of his lips where they tried to curve into an amused smile. "You're so fucking lame, Andi - I'm not soliciting, I'm here to complain about my dickhead neighbor. You didn't even let me finish my joke!" He told her pointedly. "Fine." With that, Asher cleared his throat, standing a little taller and tucking his arms behind his back as if he was about to recite a poem at school. "Knock, knock."
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andi-eaton · 1 year
"Ew, are they seriously making you say that now?" Andi asked as soon as Ender greeted her with as much enthusiasm as Andi currently held in herself before her shift at Forbidden Planet. It had been long enough since she'd worked at Crashdown that she had finally started to miss the food, but this addition to the required effort was enough to wipe the momentary nostalgia from her brain. "I won't make you tell me about those cosmic wings. Calling a food 'cosmic' has never made it more appetizing." She settled her hands folded on the table in front of her as she turned her frowning disgust at the new greeting into a sympathetic, pained smile. "I'll take a cherry milkshake and a plate of fries. Are they trying to push the wings super hard? Like about-to-expire-the-end-of-the-week pushing? I'm not picky, maybe I'll also take a order home for dinner."
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the crashdown cafe ( open — to all ! ​)
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“ welcome to the crashdown cafe . let me show you to your seat , and get ready for take-off . can i get you a drink or a gluten-free menu ?? “ the welcome messages her boss had passed down to her were starting to get ridiculous , and the deadpan delivery made the crude puns ten times worse than they already were . ender didn’t belong in a mint gown with deely-bobbers atop her head ; that much was clear by the way her face was painted like a masterpiece , eyeliner sharp enough to kill and lids glittering with shimmering shadow . perhaps if she continued to fake it — to dress like the job she wanted , not the one she had — she would be able to fool the general public that she was , in fact , the long lost daughter of kris jenner . “ you should try the zeppelin zinger wings . they’re cosmic – apparently . whatever that’s supposed to mean . “
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andi-eaton · 1 year
Living in a decently sized town, roughly a small city, made it so there wasn't much that Andi hadn't seen. A pair of freegans making out with each other in the dumpster outside of the Crashdown Cafe while she'd worked there had been the reason she'd quit the diner in the first place. So when she heard any sort of dumpster noise, Andi tended to mind her own business. Whatever the reason, though, the sound down the small alleyway had Andi peering in with a confused interest. "'S'long as this isn't a weird thing, I'm not about to judge for just, like, rooting through the trash. I'm like 78% sure it's legal, unless this alley is private property. So, you're like, mostly fine." She looked her over, and frowned. "You don't look like one of those freegan weirdos. Did you just lose your phone or something?"
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Open Starter. Open Location.
Worn black boots collide almost harshly with the cement as she jumps, without warning, from her vantage point, bandaged hands dusting themselves off onto her pants for no real purpose as she’s just as quickly reaching back out for the items she’s collected on the ground, allowing her the chance to better analyze them and their worth now that she’s on solid ground. She discovered many years ago that it was almost criminal, the things people - and more often companies, threw to the trash without a second thought, items that had sometimes not even gotten a chance at a first life let alone a rebirth they could withstand. Though, speaking of criminal, Lyra’s entirely unsure as to the exact specifics when it came to laws regarding what it was that she was doing, which is precisely why the sound of footsteps has her turning so quickly, an expression of half guilt washing over her features. “Is this the part where I ask you to believe this isn’t what it looks like? …even if it’s clearly what it looks like?”
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andi-eaton · 1 year
location: andi's trailer @asher-finch
The text from Asher had earned a singular snort of a laugh. Though, that was something Andi wasn't going to admit that to him. But, no sooner had she hit send on the fake block message that she'd heard the knock on the door of her trailer. Asshole. A swing of her leg helped kick herself up off her bed, spurring her to the front door.
She opened the door, her face serious, and full of faux annoyance. As soon as she met Asher's face, she tapped the 'No Soliciting' sign that sat in the screen of the storm door. "Sorry, we aren't interested in hearing from chickens. Us losers consider you our mortal enemies." She gave him a once over, and shrugged. "But, you look pathetic enough that I'll give you a chance to convince me. You got five seconds to sell me on exactly why I should let you in. And know, that I am a very tough sell."
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andi-eaton · 1 year
andi: Error 20002: You have been blocked by the intended recipient of your message.
asher: fuck again? that's real fucking cold...you know i cried about it last time asher: only once tho asher: jk it was ONE tear i shed it wasn't that deep 🙄 asher: okay fine but promise to keep playing along yeah? trust the process asher:... asher: to get to the losers house.
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andi-eaton · 1 year
andi: full warning, if this isn’t funny i am blocking you again. better be careful on that thin ice
andi: but fine, why DID the chicken cross the road?
Text ✉️ Asher → Andi
ASHER: hey!! ASHER: i got an important q for u nerd ASHER: why did the chicken cross the road? 🐣
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andi-eaton · 1 year
It took a second before Andi realized she was being spoken to, thinking it was more of a rhetoric question, something sent to the universe. But, the second she processed the question she made a face, frowning at the thought of school. "Ew," her kneejerk response slipped out. "I mean, if you're really dedicated to procrastination, you could go the entire semester without doing homework." She smiled, something saccharine and not entirely warranted for the conversation. "I don't know, though. I guess if you're really shooting for honors or something, you're probably past that window, right? Unless you want a ton of all-nighters, which I guess is part of the college experience, or whatever.'
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status: Open
location: The Food Court
Traveling back and forth to Roswell and Vegas was never easy. Getting back into work and school mode was worse. She wanted to be back at home with her parents and sister, with little responsibilities. No payments or other huge life changing events to worry about. She thought about drowning her unmentioned worries in ramen at the food court but ice cream won in the end. “How long do you think I can procrastinate on not doing homework? I swear I can’t get back into adulting and winter break has been over for like a week now.” Christmas had brought her a new laptop, one that could reliably be left off it’s charger for more than five seconds. Having a functional computer should have been motivation to get back in school mode but that was far from the case.
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andi-eaton · 1 year
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daisy edgar jones & she/her / cis woman ‷ watch out , andi eaton has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 25 years old and celebrate their birthday on june 15th. they are from roswell, nm, reside in tripps trailer park and are currently working as cashier at forbidden planet. one thing you should know about them is she has made a habit of stealing something from every house that she has visited.‷ 
full name: andrea maeve eaton
nickname: andi
age: 25
birthday: june 15th, 1997
sexuality: "whatever, man"
zodiac: gemini sun, libra moon, sagittarius rising
element: air
enneagram: 6w7
mbti: enfp
temperament: sanguine
alignment: chaotic neutral
roswell native, raised by her grandparents after her mom was arrested for armed robbery at a Walgreen's when she was 4.
growing up andi was a latchkey kid, but would get bored and wander around the neighborhood, and then further exploring downtown and things when she absolutely shouldn't have been.
her grandparents attempted to keep her a 'good kid' took her to church, took her to youth groups, all of which andi accepted happily as it was something to do, but didn't really buy into religion. she just liked to socialize.
got caught for shoplifting at a Sephora when she was like 14, and was immediately told to get her act together before she ended up like her mom.
she did, sort of, take that seriously and did stop shoplifting. however, she rebelled elsewhere, started going to parties, sneaking out at night and getting high with friends.
the first party at a rich kid's house she went to, she stole a necklace from the kid's parents' bedroom, and yes, she does still have it and still wears it every day. thank you very much.
it became a habit at any house she visited she's stolen at least one thing, and it's usually something super innocuous and weird, usually something no one would ever notice.
she graduated high school and immediately settled into slacker mode, taking a 'gap year' with no intention of actually going to college
she told her grandparents she was backpacking around europe for a month when she was 18, but was actually in san diego fucking around and getting high on a beach for a month straight
when her mom got out of jail, andi moved into a trailer in tripp's trailer park with her, their little attempt at bonding again.
andi does not have her shit together, and happily so. she is very friendly, and will talk to anyone who gives her the tiniest amount of attention, she just wants to hang out with everyone and have a chill fun time.
ride or die friendship (the only person who knows about her little thieving habit pls and thank u)
neighbors at tripp’s
drinking and smoking buddies
coworkers/former coworkers (she has worked a bunch of menial shitty jobs since she was 16, so she has likely crossed paths with so many people)
exes/flirtationships/etc. etc.
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