andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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6 Key Benefits of Financial Modelling
Corporations use financial models on a daily basis. These models aid in the decision-making process for a number of crucial strategic decisions. For example, if a corporation wants to expand into a new country or even acquire another company, it will almost certainly first develop a financial model. This model is a method of creating a data, which should ideally be included in any due diligence process. Financial modelling, on the other hand, isn't without flaws. It isn't the solution to every difficulty that a company's finance department faces.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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NYUCC Occupational Health Services - Promoting Health And Wellbeing in Workplace
Occupational health care professionals are trained to identify and assess risks that can affect an employee’s productivity at work. Center for occupational health care and wellness train their professionals to identify and assess risks that can affect an employee’s productivity at work.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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Great Benefits Of Learning Guitar Online From Experts
FSM Buddy offer a wide range of online classes to learn guitar to select from. You can choose one as per your requirements and music learning goals. they also offer guitar courses online in Hindi for every passionate learner who is comfortable with learning the instrument in Hindi. to know more visit FSM Buddy website today!
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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5 Most Common Accidents That Happen At Construction Sites in New York
The construction industry has turned into New York's most high-risk employment due to major accidents that happen at construction sites. Inadequate safety equipment and protocols can cause job injuries, so a construction accident attorney with knowledge of your specific cases can help you file a legal claim. Contact us, SILER & INGBER Construction Accident Attorney, to discuss your case and let us help you discuss legal options with your case.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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Smart Automatic Blinds: Window Control at Your Fingertips
Automatic window blinds are window coverings with built-in motors that allow you to automate the raising and lowering of your blinds depending on preset schedules. The PowerView Automation system provides easy and flexible remote control blinds. Not only can you control any window covering freely, but you can also plan modifications to fit your own needs - whether you're at home or not. So, if you're seeking ways to limit the amount of light that enters your home, Hunter Douglas automatic window blinds or remote control blinds are there to assist your window control at your fingertips.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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Modern CRM software solution | ETP group
Retail Omni Channel CRM which is also known as customer relationship management software can help you increase customer satisfaction, reduce your costs and improve your company's performance In the market. It allows you to manage individual customers with its real-time analytics and reports.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
What are the best retail software company in Singapore? Enterprise retail software company that can multiply sales and revenue seamlessly.
The most prominent feature is the ETP Omni Channel Retail POS, which provides cross-platform customer database integration, allowing better CRM. With ETP, grab the reports and analysis that helps you structure your business's sales more effectively.
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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ETP group management | Retail software solutions | ETP group
ETP is one of the biggest omni channel retail solutions providers in Hongkong. they are also providing their solution to 24 countries worldwide. ETP group has one the best-experienced management team member who always works on how they can improve the customer experience more seamless, the team and the company is led by Mr. Naresh Ahuja,(CEO of ETP group.)
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andyjohner-blog · 2 years
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Omni channel franchise management software | ETP group
ETP group franchise management software provides a complete solution for both the Franchisor and the Franchisee business models, it also helps retailers provide a unified sales management, customer relationship management, inventory management, and retail shop floor management platform in a multi-location and multi-concept scenario. ETP is the best software providers in Hongkong.
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andyjohner-blog · 4 years
The Best Mixtures For Enjoying The Party To The Fullest
As a food hotspot in the busy streets of West London, Kula Cafe has hosted their fair share of locals, tourists, shoppers, revellers, in and outers, couples, singles, groups and a lot more.
Parties, no matter how big or small, however, have always held a special place among the hearts of the people working at this family-owned Café situated in Marylebone.
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Be it a small birthday treat from one friend to another to a bigger group celebrating everything from engagements to game victories, parties never fail to bring an atmosphere of cheer and delight for us, lighting up our cosy place with vibrant energy.
This is the reason why at Kula Café, presents you the best ingredients of a successful party, all of which you can find down at 21 James Street with us!
1. Ambience and Venue: After the 'who's' of a party, that is the guest list, the next big question that needs to be answered is the 'where?' Your party needs a place that suits the mood of your group. 
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So, if the hustle-bustle of West End London afternoon or the quiet of late evening James Street or the cosy interior of an independent café is what speaks to you, we would be delighted to add our special touch to your revelry!
2. People and Service: Your group's joy should not be dulled by those around you and we at Kula Café strive to ensure just that. As a family-run business, we are people who are happy to serve you to the best of our abilities and our staffs are impeccable professionals who know the smile a customer gets on their face because of our service is more important than any tip.
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3. Food and Variety: From appetizers to entrée to dessert London has no shortage of options. But when it comes to finding the best ice cream London serves, or waffle or cake London has to offer, Kula Café is a strong contender with its custom recipes and homely touch. 
With every bite of our waffle London and Belgian creates the perfect pot pourri of deliciousness and with every sip of our Karak, Indians get to smell the true flavour of home. The food, the variety and the taste offered on our menu is not limited by any boundaries and caters to a global taste.
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And when you add the budget-friendliness of this London based café, you can be assured that your party-goers will exit our doors with smiles on their faces, memories in their heart and no holes burnt in their pockets!
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
The best place in Marylebone to have scoop of Ice Cream and Gelato
At the Cafe Marylebone, whether it is an Ice cream London, Spanish lattes, speciality teas, creamy milkshakes, hot beverages, fresh juices, a Gelato Marylebone experience offers and guarantees special delightful moments that last a lifetime of sweet recollection.
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
Occupy Yourself with Beautiful Belgian Waffles and Cake London Delicacy
Deciding on what and where to eat and dine on in London or even get a quick bite can at times confuse even for the best of daily dinners especially when there is a multiplicity of tempting options at hand. 
 So, what is the best way to find and enjoy great desserts, breakfasts, ice creams, hot beverages while on an outing in London? And whats that extra punch in tasty desserts and Waffles. Let us see the best ways to get memorable Belgian waffles and cakes tastes.  
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Best Ways to Get Unforgettable Tastes on a London Outing
What are some of the most taste liberating ways to enjoy great tastes with Dessert London. Below we explore some unforgettable food temptations:  
Grab Delightfully Tasty Cakes
Cakes always do not need special occasions to celebrate. It can be a house party, birthday, anniversary, friendship date, office colleagues, family and friends. The idea to sample as many tastes that suit and reflect the moment’s joy. Cake Marylebone diverse choices can confuse even cake fanatics at heart. 
Enjoy A Delicious Dessert Fare
Desserts bring fun-end to great dining moments. And who can deny the tempting fare that these desserts are loaded with? From the Bubble Matcha green, double brownie chocolate melt, rocher fondant, peanut butter & white chocolate crumble the choices are as tempting and attractive. teamed up with diverse pancakes, chocolate fondue or sweet crepes adds to the delicious fun.
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Occupy Yourself with Belgian Waffles 
Be it loving Nutella, Belgian swish, black and white, Eton mess, red velvet, apple and cinnamon pie, lotus and salted caramel, white chocolate special, oreo fun, naughty rocher, hot brownie etc the varieties are spellbinding with a mix of different flavours and tastes.
Sip Hot Beverages Reading a Book
What can be more entertaining than sipping hot fudgy beverages while reading favourite books that instantly light up your taste buds with excitement? Hot beverages have variety in Spanish lattes, speciality teas (black, oolong, blended, green, herbal) which is a large selection of speciality beverages to satiate heart's craving.
All made with the natural goodness of fresh fruits and ingredients, with Waffle London or Dessert London whenever there is an outing chance it gets tastier and fascinating with a delicious sampling of the fare that is available. 
Delight in Tasty Fun of Frothy Ice Cream Fudges
Adding ice cream to the tasty fun can make outings extra special for a lot of reasons. This includes a wide choice in ice cream tastes and flavours, chocolate magic, strawberries & cream, Just Sorbet, Ferrero monster, Banoffee love, banana split among the special ones. This adds to the amazing taste range that makes outing truly special and unforgettable.
With a wide choice and variety in desserts, ice creams, and cake choices every moment becomes an opportunity to have fun and celebrate with Cake London.
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
The Best Cafe in Marylebone for Special Coffee Break with Buddies
The cafes in Marylebone have been doing a very noble job. It has been providing a calm and engaging ambience for the buddies or pals to interact over a cup of cappuccino, pancake or a Belgian waffle. Whether it is a weekend hook-up or a meet-up after two years, every person would love a place with an ambience that would provide them with the facility to chit-chat over a sip of coffee.
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The coffee house culture
The coffee house culture has been years long. Probably from the day when cafes came into existence! Some of the cafes arrange live music performed by some of the popular bands besides serving the mouth savoury menus. There are stories where a discussion over a coffee led to something creative amongst the people.
When it comes to choosing the best Cafe Marylebone, there are several shops. However, the selection must primarily be dependent on what the preferences are going to be. Several parameters should be taken into consideration while choosing a venue for a special coffee break when out for buddies. These are—
· The Location
The choice of the cafe should highly rely on the location. There can be several things that would govern this. There are possibilities like the friend you want to meet might not know the name of the cafe that is closer to your location (if he/she is coming from other cities). 
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Also, the venue may be quite a distance from the place he/she is staying. Apart from this, you would be looking for a cafe that has a soothing ambience with either no or light music, ample light, and delicious dishes apart from the coffee.
Well, it is totally upon what to prioritise and what are the requirements. According to the owner of one of the popular Cafe Marylebone, a special coffee break with buddies should always be scheduled at light cafes unless there is no serious discussion.
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· Features of the Cafe
Whether you and your friend are looking for only coffee or something other than it? It needs to be sorted out before finalising the best cafe. It is because every cafe in Marylebone has its bestseller menu. It might be their coffee latte or American pancake or the best Cake London. The choice is all yours but needs to be selected judiciously.
According to an expert, it is always good to visit a cafe that has diverse items on their menu to munch on. Look out for their items in sweet and savoury snacks, juices, smoothies and milkshakes beside the coffee, patty, and ice-cream.
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· A Good Time to Visit
The selection should also depend on when you and your friend are going to meet. If it is in the evening, well and good; but if your friend has to board a flight in the afternoon, morning is the only time left to be spent with the buddy. Ensure that the cafe serves you the delicious Indian Breakfast London or not. Spicy Indian style scrambled egg, with onion, tomato, and coriander would keep your appetite filled till lunch.
To name a particular best Cafe Marylebone would be Kula Cafe. Therefore, it is special for you and your friends to visit Kula. This would make the special coffee break with buddies truly extraordinary.
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
How Do Our Relished Meat Burgers Come To Existence
Since there was an immense influx of German's to America in the late 19th century, this dish was first seen in American history. So Hamburger usually has its roots and connection with the city called Hamburg in Germany, and this is how German's came up with this dish from Hamburg Town. But the word "Ham" has often been removed from Hamburger as time passed and only "Burger" has been used more for the Meat sandwich.
This is because people always linked it to "Ham" (meat) and did not know the original reason. Therefore, several kinds of burgers are found in different countries, varying between vegans and non-vegetarians.
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It was only a true story about Burger or his love. Today, the burger is fast food in Restaurant Kilburn and almost everyone who says they don't like a burger will love him after eating Burger Kilbern for the first time. There are hundreds of seasonings and small ingredients, which are used for Burgers worldwide. There are vegetarian options too, but mostly in non-vegetarian prefered. The Burger Kilbern is made from beef, pork, chicken, etc. in non-vegetarian food.
Depending on your flavours, the taste of seasonings and toppings and sausages used in it can vary. A random meat restaurant chef who has his experience for years or another dealer who is versed in this food item for years will find great delicacies from Meat Burger and Chicken Burger.
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The chicken burger is also available online or from the cookbooks without getting any difficulty in your home. Food options for burgers are also prepared and ready for consumption. The well-known Restaurant Kilburn in London named Meaty Buns is providing burgers with high-quality and taste.
Most of us are concerned with quality when it comes to packaged food. Some Burger restaurants are operating in this London, but very few are offering them the value that no Restaurant Kilburn can ever dream of. A Meaty Buns is one of those trustworthy names. For a decade, they have been operating in this industry and maintain the confidence and value of the customers. Meaty Buns has the same reasons for being loved and appreciated by its customers.
There need to be not one company only that provides customers with burgers, there are many brands and companies, but you can easily be assured of quality and taste by Meaty Buns burger Kilburn. These are various ways that Burgers can try out. But you can try to make this delicious dish at home if you want to know the real process. You can make the burger completely custom-made according to your taste and flavoured with the preferred seasoning and topping.
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It is easy to have delicious juicy Burgers in Kilburn and Harlesden, especially if you are a true lover of the meat burger and who has little knowledge about London can easily do it by visiting our restaurants. When you like a certain flavour from the category of vegetarian or non-vegetarian, you can easily try your hand on other choices offered by Meaty Buns.
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
Go For The Perfect Event Planner In London
"I can do this by myself! It really can't be that hard"- many people usually say this before planning an event. But they often forget that event planning and management is not an easy task at all and often realised it too late. 
Many things need your attention when organizing an event. And, not to forget that each and every aspect that adds to make the event successful, generally takes a lot of time. While you might be extremely enthusiastic to pull this off on your own, this might turn into a disaster as you will be juggling around with various tasks. 
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And hence, you should probably consider hiring an event planner who has their own tricks and resources under the sleeve that will surely make things smoother for you. Here are a few reasons why hiring a professional Event Planner London can make your event perfect:
1. Keep Your Budget In Check: Did you have any idea that an event planner can actually save you a lot of money? No? Read on. Event planners have been in the industry and have prior experience to have an idea about what costs to expect, where the expenses can be cut and how you can prioritise decisions that can greatly impact your events, positively of course. They also have many contacts, making it easier to negotiate costs with vendors and suppliers without compromising on your wishes and needs.
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2. Make Sure All Details Are Covered: Who wants a disastrous event? Nobody. Everyone wants their event to be successful and remembered by the people for all the right reasons. But making the right kind of impression needs skill, practice, and planning. An event planner will have exceptional organizational skills, after having worked on different events for several years and will know how to deliver an event that will be accepted by the people.
3. Remove Stress: Your daily responsibilities are enough to remind you that organizing and planning a large-scale event can get quite overwhelming. But don’t worry, an event planner has got your back! From production timelines to booking the venue, checking the time schedules, sending the invites, making the necessary calls to suppliers and vendors- an event planner is your ally and will do everything and more to make your event a great success!
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4. Your Theme Will Be Spot-on: If you are organizing a corporate event, deciding on a theme can be quite tricky. Professional event planners will not only help you decide on a particular theme that will go with your event but will also create elements that will ensure that a rapport and a memorable connection is built with your brand at the end of the day.
5. Events That Are Talked For Years To Come: Everyone hopes that their events are successful and people enjoy it at the end of the day. Thinking about the budget, the suppliers, the venue, the decorations, the music and so much more does not happen on its own. It needs someone with the perfect skills, experience and loads of patience. And that’s why you need event planners!
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Bumble Events, Event Planner London, have an in-house team of event strategists and managers who are skilled enough to turn your event into a massive success. Be it corporate events, parties, weddings or a birthday party-they are always here to help you! Want to learn more? Do contact or visit webpage page to know the kind of magic they do. 
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
Delicious Steaks & Burger Kilburn at Meaty Buns Restaurant in Kilburn
In the past few years, the fish and chips stereotype attached with London has been tackled for good. Just like its population, London’s food scene has now turned multicultural and if you are in London, then you are in for a treat. Prepare to take your taste buds on around the world trip without actually having to leave the city. From appetizing Japanese and Chinese noodles to the mouth-watering American burgers, you can savour some amazingly delicious food here.
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If you are around Kilburn, one of the largest areas in London with an Irish population, then there are some delicious food places that you can try out. Among them, if you are craving for some delicious steaks, milkshakes and some lip-smacking burgers, then head to Meaty Buns Restaurant Kilburn. Embracing the “London Burger Life” is a restaurant that serves some tasty, finger-licking steaks and burgers in the city.
Their burgers come with 100% flame-grilled beef or chicken which is in a brioche bun with regular fries and the drink. Among the burger choices that they offer, the MB classic which comes with beef sandwiched between cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato and topped with some delicious burger sauce has been at the top of the list and loved by all the customers. Other burger choices that they offer are the Buzzer, the Texas, Philli Chilli, Dual Fuel, and Breast Burger among the others. 
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Although the restaurant does not offer many options in vegetarian, people can try the Shroom burgers that are quite delicious. The steaks at Meaty Buns are all pre-marinated in the house and include a regular drink and side dish of chips, rice or salad. You should also try their regular and premium milkshakes that will go just right with your meal.
Apart from steaks, milkshakes, and burgers, Meaty Buns also offers some amazing wraps, desserts, and chicken that you are going to love! They also have a range of kids’ burgers that come with mini buns and are suitable for kids under the age of 12. To make things more interesting, the restaurant has come up with Challenge Burgers that have 480 oz of the best beef in town. If you can finish the burger within 30 minutes, then you will be awarded a cash prize of 30 euros.
What are you waiting for? Head to Meaty Buns today.
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andyjohner-blog · 5 years
Delicious Deserts at Patisserie Marylebone named Kula Cafe Marylebone
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A city at its sweetest, London is every foodie’s hub. The city is a very creative and diverse food destination that each one should take time out to explore if they are in the city. While the usual Fish n’ Chips still remains a hit among the locals as well as the outsiders, the dessert scene is something one should look out for! And mainly, if you have got a sweet tooth, London has got it covered for you. Totally! From yummy doughnuts to s’mores, cakes, sundaes, waffles and so much more, London is sure to surprise you in many many ways, especially if you are new to the city.
If you are around Marylebone, we just have the place for you. Kula Café, a family-owned Creperie London which has been serving Londoners and tourists alike for over 10-years now and continues to do so with their mouth-smacking breakfast and dessert menus.
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 Their dessert menu is so varied that you would want to have a bite of everything before you leave. Here are a few desserts you are sure to love if you head there:
1. Double Chocolate Brownie Melt: Everybody loves chocolate, and you will love it more because this homemade brownie pudding is served with hot fudge, a scoop of American cookies ice-cream and clotted cream which makes it extra delicious!
2. Caramel Pecan Piecaken: An ultimate holiday dessert, if you are someone who cannot make up your mind quick, then this is THE dessert for you! Why? Because you get a pie and a cake in one dessert! This warm homemade pecan pie is served with vanilla ice-cream and hot butterscotch sauce, which is sure to make your mouth water.
3. Bubble Matcha Green: A new addition in our dessert range, the bubble matcha is originally a Vietnamese dessert that is made up of matcha green tea and topped with coconut and tapioca sauce. Try this exotic dessert today!
4. Sticky Toffee Date Desire: The legendary sticky toffee pudding comes with a new twist to it. Our homemade Toffee-date pudding comes with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and warm caramel sauce that will want you asking for more!
5. Peanut Butter and White Chocolate Crumble: This ooey-gooey bar of peanut butter and white chocolate now comes with a scoop of chocolate ice-cream and hazelnut topping making it irresistible to munch on!
6. Rocher Fondant: Our favourite, extra chocolate dessert is made from Ferrero Rocher centre which is served with hot fudge sauce, Ferrero pieces and nibbled nuts and cream is sure to give you a sugar high!
If your mouth is already watering thinking about the desserts, Kula has more to offer! It does not offer just desserts but also ice-cream sundaes, waffles, crepes, and pancakes. Wait, that is not all! Apart from crepes and desserts, this Patisserie Marylebone is known for its drinks, especially the milkshakes and their breakfast menu, which also includes Indian dishes like the Chapati and Karak Chai, Egg Bhurji and chickpea curry among the others.
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