angry-axion · 2 years
Hey hey I moved this one to a multi muse that way if I lose muse for her I don’t go radio silent
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angry-axion · 2 years
She should really figure out how much she would do for friends, especially if they ask her to do something... morally unsavory. “...I’ll figure it out, you two are the first friends I have...” Morally unsavory to her would be different for someone else. It was clear Mira was fine with petty theft.
The movie was about over and people were starting to leave as the credits rolled.
“Of course they turn the lights on before the movie’s REALLY over, what about the post credits scenes?!” Not all movies had those but this could be one of them.
Morsel or Friend? ll Mira Starter
"...what in the world are you?",Grief asked. Staring down at the short mutant before him. Who was only barely taller than his older brother was. And a different sort of mutant than him too. As she was much more visible than Recluse.
Her skin was blue. There were tons of mutants in his universe but rarely a blue one. Tilting his head to the side, he asked,"Do you want something from us?"
"Or are you here to hurt us?"
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angry-axion · 2 years
“That’s okay. Anything you can show me is sure to be cool.” He paused, considering her odd question. “I guess Saturn? I mean it’s got that big, neat ring around it.”
“Okay! Saturn it is.” She would focus her powers between her hands and create a recreation of Saturn between them. It’s moons would be orbiting as well. “…I can… as far as I know, fast forward and rewind this? Kinda? Like…” She was doing terrible at her explanation. “Mmmh.” She would rewind it to the point it was just… gas. “I guess like this?” It wasn’t even a planet yet.
Billy’s eyes widened at the sight of the planet’s image appearing before the two of them. He watched as the image shifted from Saturn at the present to its distant past. A wide grin crossed his face as he began to speak almost faster than his mind could think. “That’s amazing! So you can project images of planets.. And you can show them in the past?! Is it time travel? I don’t know, but it’s cool!”
“I create them with well... dust? Space dust? It’s part of another ability I have but currently I have no strong emotions and can’t use it. I apparently can make asteroids but I have no idea how or... how to make them bigger either.” The asteroids were solid though, the planet... it’s basically a hologram. It can’t be touched. “A non-destructive use of space dust I suppose...” Saturn floated there until it dissipated back into particulate matter.
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angry-axion · 2 years
5. If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out? (From heirofapocalypse-mun)
Most of the words would be... non-words... there would be quite a bit of swearing involved. She's probably bitten a pillow during a nightmare or two though.
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angry-axion · 2 years
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wildflower lacquer
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angry-axion · 2 years
That feel when you wanna rp as another OC but don’t wanna make another account or a side blog
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angry-axion · 2 years
initial impressions, favorite details, what sort of character archetype you see them as,  what stands out to you the most etc.  
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angry-axion · 2 years
"Ah dammit this isn't the way to the bakery." The void was wide open and showed an alley on the other side. "Uh, I guess I could sit down for a chat?" It's not like she had much better to do. "You sure there's no one else though?"
"We weren't going to a bakery! We were running from some of those men from another family." Midnight felt the need to correct her host.
"Shhhh." Mira covered Midnight's non-existent mouth. "Ignore them. Dang shadows."
"What did we say about calling us shadows?!" Midnight wasn't happy, but didn't move or change position. She was currently just a small stalk with a head coming off of Mira's shoulder.
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@angry-axion liked for a starter !!
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“Good morning,” Megan remarked. “It’s nice to see you again. Do we have an appointment I missed or did you need a last-second session with me?” The psychiatrist asked. “I’m free for a few hours if you need immediate assistance.” She went on to offer up to the other.
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angry-axion · 2 years
some flirty memes
��  like my shirt?  it’s made with boyfriend/girlfriend material.  ”
“  do you like raisins?  how would you feel about a date?  ”
“  if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together.  ”
“ are you a parking ticket? ‘cause you’ve got fine written all over you.  ”
“ tell me,  do you believe in love at first sight?  or should i walk by you again?  ”
“ it’s a good thing i have my library card ‘cause i’m checkin’ you out.  ” 
“  i was feeling a little off today but you’ve turned me on again.  ”
“  any chance you have an extra heart? mine’s been stolen.  ”
“  they say nothing lasts forever so— wanna be my nothing? ”
“  could you help me?  i think there’s something wrong with my phone.  see,  it doesn’t have your number in it.  ”
“  someone better call god.  looks like he’s missing his prettiest angel.  ”
“  you must be so exhausted from running through my mind all night.  ”
“  did the sun just come out? oh no,  that’s just your smile.  ”
“  if you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber.  ”
“  i was wondering if you’re an artist because you’re definitely drawing me in.  ”
“  would you help me hold this it’s really heavy— ”  *offers out hand*
“  you know.  that does look good on you.  but i think it’d look better on my floor.  ”
“  you’re the most captivating person i’ve ever met.  ”
“  i dunno what it is about you…you just.  you’re like a sun.  you make everything so warm and bright.  ” 
“  i swear you have the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  i swear you have the most handsome smile i’ve ever seen.  ”
“  you’ve never looked more ravishing.  ”
“  is that a new dress?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  is that a new suit?  i like it.  looks wonderful on you.  ”
“  i like it when you wear that.  ”
“  here,  i got you some flowers.  your favorites.  ”
“  wow—  that is definitely your color.  ”
“  are you sure you’re not hiding wings and a halo around here somewhere?  ”
“  i don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you.  ”
“  you have my full attention.  you always do.  ” 
“ don’t you know?  i’ll always come when you call.  ”
“  i’ll be waiting.  when you’re ready to admit you want me.  ”
“  sorry— i don’t mean to stare.  you just look…radiant.  ”
“  come on,  just one drink?  ”
“  tell me,  your perfect date.  anything you’d like.  nothing out of the question.  i’ll do it. i’ll make it a night you never forget.  ”
“  if you give me a chance,  i’ll treat you the way you’ve always deserved.  ”
“  if you let me hold your heart i promise to be gentle with it.  ”
“  see that’s the problem,  you’ve already got my heart.  i just hope i get to have yours too.  ”
“  oh,  i’ll always be waiting for you.  ”
“  i just feel drawn to you.  can’t really explain it.  ”
“  why do you keep looking at me like that?  ”
“  i just like watching you.  ”
“  you get this little dimple when you smile.  sometimes i just want to kiss it.  ”
“  stop being so cute it’s fucking distracting.  ”
“  surely you must know what you do to me.  ”
“  if you don’t quit looking at me like that i’m not gonna be able to keep my hands to myself.  or my lips for that matter. ”
“   i’m not gonna sit here and play games to figure out what you desire.  tell me everything you wish the people who lost you had noticed.  then give me a chance to be the one who remembers it all.  ”
“  you’re just too adorable i can’t stand it.  ”
“  oh,  the things i’d do with you… ”
“  well,  are you gonna make the first move or shall i? ”
“  i like beautiful things.  maybe that’s why i like you so much.  ”
“  careful,  you keep this up i might just fall in love with you.  ”
“  i’ll never get tired of seeing that smile.  ”
“  i’d do anything just to make you laugh like that again.  ”
“  trust me.  the way i feel about you is like nothing i’ve ever felt before.  ”
“  i don’t want to make you mine. i want to be yours.  i already am.  just a matter of whether or not you’ll keep me.  ”
“   no— don’t look at me like that.  you know i can’t resist it.  ”
“  did you wear that just for me?  ”
“  i wore it just for you!  ”
“  you’re everything i’ve ever wanted.  and so much more.  ”
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angry-axion · 2 years
98 Unique Character Development Questions
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If they were an animal, what would they be? What is the first thing they’d do when they learn they’re an animal?
Do they pick wildflowers?
How do they like their eggs? (Fried, poached, soft-boiled, etc.)
How do they see themselves in their head, and how is that image wrong?
If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
(For good guys) If they were a villain, what would their evil dark lord name be?
Muffins or cupcakes? Write at least one page of their rant about muffins vs cupcakes.
Do they prefer arm day or leg day?
What is the longest they’ve ever slept in?
They’re on their way to the hospital when they hit a parked car. They can’t stop, and don’t have paper for a note. They drive away without telling anyone what happened. How do they ease their conscience?
Most embarrassing middle school moment?
Favorite pizza toppings? List the top five in order.
What was the last (non-story-related) dream they had while sleeping?
If they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (Shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
Write out their last nightmare as a short scene.
If they spray-painted a wall, what would they write / draw?
Pick a fictional character from another book / movie to be their guardian angel. Is it hard to look out for your character? Does the guardian angel interact with them? What’s their first conversation like?
Do they find fart noises funny? (Be honest.)
They wake up invisible. Do they ask for help right away, or do they stay hidden? What do they do while invisible?
What are their final words? Try to make them unexpected!
What one aspect of their physical appearance do they think is hot?
Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
How far can they spit a watermelon seed?
Are they more likely to notice the shapes of the clouds or the color of the sky?
What do they joke about and say, “I would die for that!”
On a road trip, are they the driver, the DJ in the passenger seat, or one of the people eating snacks and huddled under the bags in the back?
Do they sleep in normal clothes or pajamas? To what degree are they clothed?
What are their three favorite types of flowers?
If they could travel to the future, but they couldn’t go back, would they do it to escape their problems?
Do they prefer unicorns or pegusi?
When they sneeze: hand, elbow, or nada?
Their crush / another hot character asks them to dance and pulls them to the dance floor. How do they react? Do they try to hide their feelings? And most importantly, do they dance?
What was the last thing they thought about stealing?
Their favorite thing about riding a Ferris wheel?
Are they a cat, dog, or horse person?
What time period do they wish they lived in? Now as the author, write why that would be a disaster.
Do they celebrate Christmas? What’s their favorite Christmas decoration?
Do they prefer the loud fireworks or the smaller, quieter fireworks?
What song is their theme song?
Do they keep a diary? What is the biggest secret in it?
When they’re stressed, do they stress shop, bake, eat, or clean?
Five years ago, who did they look up to? Do they still look up to them now? If not, why?
Do they prefer raw cookie dough or fully baked cookies?
While playing Monopoly, do they buy a bunch of properties right away or save their money as much as possible?
What game are they terrible at playing?
Are they ticklish?
What would they do if they were locked in a room with a rat?
They die and become a ghost, doomed to haunt others but unable to talk or write messages to say who they are. Who / what do they choose to haunt? Do they wish they could speak, or do they prefer to remain anonymous?
What’s inside their glove box?
What’s their birthstone? Do they like how it looks? Why or why not?
If they could snap their fingers and become super famous overnight, would they do it? Have them weigh the pros and cons of fame.
What’s their favorite color of Skittles?
What TV shows do they binge-watch by themselves at 2 AM?
Who is their favorite Avenger? Which Avenger are they the most like personality-wise?
How can the other characters tell when they’re lying? (Looking down, picking at fingernails, not blinking, etc.)
Do they prefer floral / outdoor scented candles, or candles that smell like food?
Would they rather own a sailboat or a jet-ski?
What keychains do / would they have on their backpack?
When was the last time they physically attacked something?
Do they pay attention to the weather forecast?
What book / movie / song do they swear they hate until they’re alone and start reading / watching / singing it on repeat?
Would they rather wear glasses or contacts? (Even if their eyesight is fine.) Why?
Are they more of a slow-and-steady endurance runner or a super-fast sprinter?
Can they do any celebrity impersonations?
When was the last time your character got sick? Who took care of them?
Do they know what memes are? If so, what memes do they quote on a regular basis?
Do they give nicknames to other people? What is the funniest nickname they’ve come up with? Does everyone else know about these nicknames?
What’s a weird / wacky / embarrassing story about them as a young child that everyone else remembers, but they don’t?
When they go to the beach, do they use sunscreen? Lotion or spray-on?
Do they play the arcade game with the claw? What do they try to win?
How do they like their steak?
If they speak more than one language, do they know the swear words in those languages?
Do they prefer to write with a pencil or a pen? If they use pens, what color is the ink?
They’re on the beach, waist deep in the water. A big wave rolls up and towers over their head. Quick— do they dive under the wave, body surf the wave, or freeze and get swept off their feet?
What annoys them about the religious groups in their area?
What is the most popular tweet they’ve ever written?
Before the story starts, what are the last ten items in their Google search history? Did they clear that search history?
Do they sing in the car, in the shower, or both?
Deep down, do they believe a hot dog is a sandwich?
Long sleeves or spaghetti straps?
Do they have a harder time going to sleep at night or getting out of bed in the morning?
What’s the weirdest place they’ve climbed up on?
If they could make any scent into a perfume, what would it be?
Picture this character’s worst enemy. Now write a short scene in an alternate universe where they fall in love with their enemy. What attracts them to each other? Try to find personality traits that the characters fall for (not just physical attraction).
Why don’t they like how their voice sounds in recordings?
Would they rather fly or be immortal?
Do they try to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk? Do they step on every crack? Do they care?
What’s the dumbest way they’ve been injured?
For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
Are they able to fall asleep in the car? On an airplane? On a boat?
What is something they are fine with that most people would be afraid of?
If they were forced to dye their hair, would they rather dye it purple or neon green?
What do they schedule / plan out in their life? (Even if they wing it most of the time, they probably have at least one thing planned.)
Under what circumstances would they hug a complete stranger?
If they were able to compete in the Winter Olympics, what sport would they compete in?
How do they like their coffee? (Or tea if they don’t drink coffee)
List 10 reasons why you love spending time with this character.
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angry-axion · 2 years
Send 💗 if you are willing to ship our muses platonically. Send ❤ if you are willing to ship our muses romantically. Send ✖ if you are willing to hateship our muses.
If we’re currently already shipping (regardless of type of ship) our muses then send  ∞ to let me know that you still enjoy it.
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angry-axion · 2 years
RP starters: Flirting ( + responses to it. )
“You come here often?”
“Can I offer you a drink?”
“So.. You expecting someone?”
“Do you need a place to stay for tonight?”
“I gotta tell you… you look incredibly hot.”
“Do you want to dance with me?”
“Look at us… we are basically a couple already.”
“I bet you would look even better without your clothes on.”
“Are you single? Just asking.”
“You’re the most beautiful person I have ever encountered.”
“What would you say if you and me would go somewhere else?”
“I love the way you’re dressed.”
“Do I have any chances with you?”
“Do you have anything better to do later?”
“Can I get your phone number?”
“You seem like a bad boy/girl/person type.”
“I can do whatever you want, babe.”
“You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.”
“I bet guys/gals/people are all over you.”
“You should be a model.”
“Are you… trying to flirt with me?”
“Maybe if I get a free drink I can consider talking to you.”
“That won’t work. Try again.”
“Oh my god, did you just say that out loud?”
“I’m waiting for someone. However, you can amuse me in the meanwhile.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“I thought you were taken.”
“So, have you flirted with every girl/boy/one in this bar yet?”
“Do I look like someone who seems interested in you?”
“Compliments won’t pay my drinks.”
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angry-axion · 2 years
“Heyyy you’re welcome!” Mira would smile and look up at the screen. “I might be a bit of a pain in the ass to some people but to friends? I’ll probably do anything? I don’t know, never had any before. Til now anyway.”
Midnight would be out of sight for now, probably resting up since she was out in the light. That was something she wasn’t a fan of, maybe a possible imperfection for her? Who knows.
Morsel or Friend? ll Mira Starter
"...what in the world are you?",Grief asked. Staring down at the short mutant before him. Who was only barely taller than his older brother was. And a different sort of mutant than him too. As she was much more visible than Recluse.
Her skin was blue. There were tons of mutants in his universe but rarely a blue one. Tilting his head to the side, he asked,"Do you want something from us?"
"Or are you here to hurt us?"
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angry-axion · 2 years
“Maybe there’s another way to prove my worth... You have any ideas? Other than showing humans what for because that clearly didn’t seem to like that before.” Well she did try taking her bullies on and Midnight usually was the one to finish things. Some of her own powers were definitely not for use against human kind... or anyone else. “Got any good suggestions though?” Anything would be nice... anything at all.
“We’ve never heard that word no. But I guess that would explain things!” Mira nodded with a smile. “We keep each other safe and she kept me happy as a child. A friend!”
Midnight didn’t like hiding but she wasn’t a great big fan of the sun. “If only it was eternal night... Fear of what we look like isn’t really it for us. The sun isn’t our friend.”
“Nor is it mine. I roast quickly out there.” Mira let out a sigh, “I do better in the dark, not sure if it’s my powers, a down side to my mutation, ooor I’m REALLY just a night person.” All of these were very likely, even multiple at the same time.
That is something she could not guarantee, very, very good. Mediocre to failing grades in school won’t get her very far. “I’d love to be an asset to a science team but my grades… the fact I dropped out. The fights I got in. There’s so much going against me there.” There was a sigh, sounding a bit defeated, it sucked.
“Midnight’s an alien?” She tilted her head, curious, “No she’s not harmed me at all! We’ve been chilling like siblings ever since I got her I guess. Never hurt me but she has hurt enough bullies and bad guys!”
“We enjoy the time together.” Midnight shrugged. “We can do many things, we have many helpful abilities for Mira to use.”
Erik crossed his arms. “Educational standards in this country are appalling. It’s all set to benefit whatever lobbyist group bribed the federal government the most money to agree to - textbooks, testing, all that. Real intelligence and aptitude is measured differently, and not everyone learns the same. There are plenty of ways to prove yourself and find a way to make yourself useful, with satisfying outcomes.”  That speech he truncated, though, as he could go on. “It all boils down to capitalism ruining another good thing.” 
His eyes landing back on the shadow, which was…communicating, now, somehow. “Have you…..ever asked it?” He ventured. 
Mira coughed, “NO SURPRISE THERE”, followed by another cough… they were fake coughs. “Yeah everything’s dumb. I know a lot, I KNOW I know a lot. I just didn’t get a chance to prove it with my graaades.” She was starting to sound annoyed at the school system. “Colleges care about those… That’s pretty stupid too but what can I do really? Astronomy’s a college course.” There was a shake of her head, not really sure what she could do at this point.
“I’m not someone who can just prove to the world: HEY I CAN MAKE SPACE APPEAR IN MY HANDS. HERE’S JUPITER, WANNA STUDY IT?” That… was an ability she had, though it was merely a simulation of her studies on the planet.
“Actually I never thought she’d be an alien y’know? I thought she was just an extra power of mine… But after she grew from a simple hand to having a full body I knew she was something else. So since then we were siblings… sorta? As much of siblings as you can be with a shadow!”
“We… really aren’t a shadow but can hide well in one. It worked out in our favor to keep secret from humans. Especially the judgemental ones.” Midnight shrugged. “We also don’t know what we are.”
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angry-axion · 2 years
Mira smiled, “I’d make a good thief... but I try to do... some good with it.” She handed over the snacks to Grief before looking over at Recluse. “You sure you don’t want anything?”
Midnight wasn’t able to eat so she’d just disappear back to Mira and dine on the nutrients there.
At least the movie was good, it was an action flick. “Can you imagine if some of this stuff happened in real life?” Mira’s comment was meant to be taken ironically.
Morsel or Friend? ll Mira Starter
"...what in the world are you?",Grief asked. Staring down at the short mutant before him. Who was only barely taller than his older brother was. And a different sort of mutant than him too. As she was much more visible than Recluse.
Her skin was blue. There were tons of mutants in his universe but rarely a blue one. Tilting his head to the side, he asked,"Do you want something from us?"
"Or are you here to hurt us?"
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angry-axion · 2 years
“Okay! Saturn it is.” She would focus her powers between her hands and create a recreation of Saturn between them. It’s moons would be orbiting as well. “...I can... as far as I know, fast forward and rewind this? Kinda? Like...” She was doing terrible at her explanation. “Mmmh.” She would rewind it to the point it was just... gas. “I guess like this?” It wasn’t even a planet yet.
“Talk has gotten our host in enough trouble and actions in much more trouble.” A lot of this world seemed to be trouble but they both grew up with this trouble. it was a shame. “Talk, don’t talk, fight, don’t fight. You get abused regardless of what you do. By what is supposedly your own species.” It seemed Midnight was holding a lot of humanity in some sort of contempt.
Mira opened a rift in space time to go to an area outside the city, it was dark there too and stars could be seen through the void. “…It’s destructive as all hell that’s why I pointed us to an empty field outside the city. The way Midnight opens these is cooler than I can do but I cannot form weapons with my ability. She cuts rifts with a scythe.”
Billy nodded solemnly. “Humans are horrible to each other and they’re even worse to mutants. I’m still sorry for the pain both of you have been through.” He soon turned his attention to the portal, marveling at what he could see before replying. “That makes sense. I’ve see anything like that before.” The part about forming scythes caught his attention. ’“Scythes?! That sounds awesome!” For all his attempts at acting mature, his teenage self slipped out in moments of pure fascination and enthusiasm.
“Midnight’s the only one of us who can make weapons with her body. I can just open one with… well I guess my ability? She has my ability too so I think she just copies some things?” Mira was absolutely not sure what Midnight really did. Though Midnight had no idea what she could do.
“We can make weapons, our favorite is the floor spears.” Midnight would laugh thinking that was a nice trick to play on others. “You lead them down a dark alley and SHING. They won’t follow you anymore.”
Mira would hop through the portal, bringing Midnight with her. “This should be a big enough place to show things off… I hope.”
“Let’s hope you don’t make one that goes through the ground again.” Midnight cackled.
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angry-axion · 2 years
Midnight would head back into the shadows and Mira would be chowing down on some cheese balls. "Hey, you guys want anything? I definitely have more than enough for all three of us." She was trying to be quiet in the theatre. It wasn't her style so she did sound louder than a whisper.
Morsel or Friend? ll Mira Starter
"...what in the world are you?",Grief asked. Staring down at the short mutant before him. Who was only barely taller than his older brother was. And a different sort of mutant than him too. As she was much more visible than Recluse.
Her skin was blue. There were tons of mutants in his universe but rarely a blue one. Tilting his head to the side, he asked,"Do you want something from us?"
"Or are you here to hurt us?"
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