antisocialdork · 28 days
Yeah Sophie Foster keeps the Lost Cities but who’s keeping your city huh
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antisocialdork · 1 month
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Cover reveal!
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antisocialdork · 5 months
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antisocialdork · 6 months
This, my friends, is *true* art
was feeling insane and decided to draw them sorry. (acting like i’ve never done this before)
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(i was going to color this but i gave up👍)
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antisocialdork · 6 months
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Accurate I will not be taking criticism 👅
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antisocialdork · 6 months
Bronte needs hugs
Bronte needs so many hugs. Give this poor old tired elf a hug. He just needs love.
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antisocialdork · 6 months
He is petite
“He’s petite” please I am dying😂
But seriously bro is built like drywall
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antisocialdork · 6 months
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Sophie and mr forkle from kotlc, I just think he needs a hug sometimes.
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antisocialdork · 6 months
was told to post this here so. yeah.
where my fintan x bronte enjoyers at yoooooo (i’m delusional)
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antisocialdork · 7 months
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antisocialdork · 7 months
Vesperas such a well written character idk if i can write her properly lmao
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antisocialdork · 7 months
ok so headcanon that in kotlc the more advanced your ability is and older you are the harder it is for you to get sick. so this means that the council like never does but since they're in such close quarters and work so close together if one of them gets something they all do.
so like every fifty-sixty years someone'll like fall asleep at a meeting and someone will be about to wake them up and then they notice something's off and they all collectively are like oh shit.
and then they're in for the worst two-three weeks of their life. and nothing gets done. but also they take care of each other and it's very nice kind of.
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antisocialdork · 7 months
bronte and oralie friendship fic PLS
Of course! :D
“Keep still,” Oralie muttered, grabbing Bronte by the shoulders to stop his fidgeting.
“Oralie, why can’t you just try out your new makeup on yourself?”
Oralie smirked and paused, her brush hovering over Bronte’s closed eyelid where she was applying a dark eyeshadow. They were in her readying room, the one with wispy pink curtains and her favorite makeup collection—for when she needed to look her absolute best.
“Because you always rock whatever I put on you,” She told him, and resumed the applying of the eyeshadow.
“That’s not true.”
“Um, yeah it is.” Oralie pulled back to look at him. “What about a few days ago when I tried that new contour on you and we went shopping at Atlantis? You can’t deny that people were looking.”
Bronte tipped his head to the side. His balefire earring glinted. “They were,” he admitted.
“See?” Oralie teased. “I even saw a few people trip because they were checking you out. Everyone thinks you’re hot.”
Bronte snorted. “Sure.”
“Emery and Terik do.” She poked him on the shoulder.
Bronte swiveled away from her, a silent protest as his now-pink ears drooped slightly in embarrassment. “Whatever,” he muttered, and pulled away when Oralie began applying more makeup. “Okay, that’s enough. Seriously—Oralie, stop.”
She took one of the many pillows off of the floor and gave him a whack over the head.
“None of that,” she ordered as he sputtered in indignation. “Give me a few more minutes, and you’ll look fabulous.”
*finger guns*
(you guys I literally just found this in my drafts. Fairly positive it spawned from nowhere because I do NOT remember writing this.)
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antisocialdork · 7 months
I can’t explain this but Keefe looks how peanut butter tastes
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antisocialdork · 8 months
bro has Bronte been in the Keeper graphic novel yet??? I’m dying how does he look did they have justice with my favorite boi
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antisocialdork · 8 months
POV Councillor Bronte appears at your doorstep at 2 AM with a shotgun and a body bag, what do you do
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antisocialdork · 10 months
So yeah, I decided to continue it. @antisocialdork (sorry for the ping, but I believe you were asking for Bronte content)
Bronte Cintalin looked up at the wall of books and scrolls before him. He swept a few muffin crumbs off of the table and frowned. He thought he'd read every book in the Council's library, but recently he'd stumbled upon a white leather book with no title. Its old yellowed pages donned deep magenta stains as if someone long ago had carelessly spilled wine or juice on them. He turned a page and inhaled softly. The ancient paper crinkled weakly, leaving a bookish aroma on Bronte's fingers. Books had the most wonderful smell. Old books, new books, musty old scrolls, and newly-printed novellas; he'd make a candle that smelled of books if he could.
This particular book was different though. It smelled like lushberry blossoms and dust in the best way possible.
He studies the book further but quickly finds that he cannot read it. It's in a language he's never seen before. Perhaps it was a human dialect? He tucks the book in his vest pocket. Perhaps a visit was in order.
He snatched up the last bite of the blitzenberry muffin on the table and stood up, taking the wrapper with him.
Luckily, he knew just the Councillor to help him figure out a way to translate the book.
The man was obsessed with humans. He found them utterly fascinating and thought they were a very important species to study. He also thought that they should be considered intelligent. Bronte shared this belief and knew that he could trust him with the book he'd found. While many books in the Council library were written in human languages, this one was different. Its ragged and stained pages seemed out of place in the huge pristine library, especially just to be sitting out on a table. Gnomes cleaned the library every night before bed, so it was strange that a book would be lying out so early in the day.
Bronte was always the earliest riser and spent most mornings lounging around and reading books while the others were still waking up and getting ready for the first meeting of the day.
Terik was most likely still asleep.
Oh well.
Bronte strode out into the hall and began making his way to Terik's tower.
While being a Council member is always a difficult job, weekends are probably the most grueling. Saturdays and Sundays bear constant, until-you-collapse busywork.
Terik is the kind of person you do not want to be around on these days. He's a socialite. Terik is hands-on, always ready for travel, and a diligent note-taker. He can conduct interviews, bend rules carefully, and is incredibly persuasive. He's not the type to spend his time organizing scrolls and signing documents at his desk all day.
Today was Monday, which meant he was probably trying to sleep in after the long and taxing weekend.
You can imagine how displeased he was to be awoken by the sound of someone pounding on his front door at the crack of dawn.
But, when he arrived at the door and saw who it was, he quickly smiled. "Bronte? What brings you here so early?"
"I have a request." He pulled the white leather journal out of his vest pocket and held it out to him. "This book was written in a human dialect. I figured you could help me translate it."
Terik took the book and flipped through a few pages. "Hm. When do you need this finished?"
"Ah, well, it's not for work. It's for myself. I found it in the library, and it caught my attention. I'd like to read it."
Terik smiled, glancing at him. "Then I'll get it translated as soon as I can."
"Good. Thank you." Bronte nodded, satisfied.
"You're welcome. Do you need anything else?" Terik asked.
Bronte hesitated, then shook his head. "No, that should be all." His lips twitched slightly and he stepped back. "Have a nice day, Terik."
Terik nodded a watched Bronte walk briskly away. He flipped through the book's pages one last time before turning to go inside, closing the door behind him.
Yeah, so, maybe this is turning into a Bronte × Terik thing? Who knows lol
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