antoniopasolini · 1 month
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antoniopasolini · 3 months
O genocídio em Gaza por Israel
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O governo da África do Sul apresentou um processo de genocídio contra Israel na Corte Internacional de Justiça (ICJ) pelo genocídio em curso em Gaza. Desde que o bombardeio começou, sob o pretexto de eliminar Hamas, libertar os reféns e sem considerar o contexto de 75 anos de ocupação.
No mundo, fora da manipulação imperialista da mídia sionista, o caso de genocídio é óbvio. 90% das construções de casa estão destruídas, mais de 30 mil pessoas assassinadas, hospitais foram bombeados e as declarações de membros do próprio governo de Israel confirmam intenção e ação. O que está em julgamento agora é a integridade da ICJ.
O Brasil, junto com centenas de outros países, apoiou a iniciativa. Obviamente, os sionistas brasileiros reagiram da forma desonesta e virulenta como sempre. Um deles foi um professor de direito internacional da USP, que disse que apoiar o caso é antissemitismo. Essa declaração é tão exageradamente desonesta que não há o que dizer sobre ela a não ser que ela é, na verdade, uma forma de defender genocídio. Como pode uma acusação baseada em fatos incontestáveis de que um país comete genocídio contra um povo ser distorcida como uma forma de racismo contra o perpetrador do crime. É como se alguém dissesse que ao acusar um ladrão gay do crime de furto equivalesse a homofobia.
Infelizmente esse tipo de barulho é lançado no ambiente público como forma de fazer barulho e dar a mídia material para continuar em sua campanha genocida de apoio a Israel, o que ela faz por motivos econômicos, e jamais por real preocupação com judeus, que em parte considerável são críticos do sionismo e do estado apartheid de Israel. É um estado lastimável das coisas que dilui conceitos importantes que perdem totalmente o significado.
A palavra genocídio é forte mas o triste fato é que nas últimas décadas genocídio se tornou comum exatamente pela distorção semântica do terrorismo de estado do Ocidente cujas bombas sempre caem nos países árabes, cujas vidas são diminuídas para justificar sua matança.
Veja abaixo o vídeo da apresentação dos advogados sul-africanos:
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antoniopasolini · 4 months
Please help if you can.
These buffaloes you see are part of a group of 1,000 buffaloes that were abandoned on a farm in Brazil two years ago, in a calamitous siituation. After a long and protracted judicial battle, the animal rights organization Aras won their permanent custody but needs to remove it from the original farm to a couple of sanctuaries where they will have their forever homes. Transportation is expensive and they need your help. If you can send a donation, one of the sanctuaries has a PayPal account, you can get more info here
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antoniopasolini · 5 months
Genocide in Gaza is also a massacre of journalists
Israel, which is now a fully-fledged fascist state, is deliberately targeting journalists to stop the truth from being seen. And the corporate media, dominated as it is by zionists, remains dangerously silent.
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antoniopasolini · 6 months
Spread the word, the massacre must stop
Solidarity for Palestine demo in Berlin - November 4, 2023
I was there - thousands of people peacefully asking for a ceasefire. Lots of children. Viva Viva Palestine!
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antoniopasolini · 10 months
Say no to octopus farming. Sign the petition: Petition
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antoniopasolini · 11 months
Rooney Mara mostra os horrores da agricultura animal
A atriz americana Rooney Mara, que é casada com Joaquin Phoenix, participou de uma investigação de câmera escondida em uma fazenda fábrica na Inglaterra em parceria com a ONG Animal Equality. 
 "Nada poderia ter me preparado para o que eu iria sentir, cheira e ver com meus olhos quando eu entrei escondida em uma dessas fazendas fábricas," disse a atriz. 
Na fazenda investigada, mais de 50 mil aves são mantidas nos armazéns. Na ocasião da visita, as galinhas tinham 46 dias de idade. Segundo dados da própria fazenda, 1.936 pássaros morrem nas primeiras sete semanas de vida, uma média de 42 pássaros por dia.
As aves crescem tão depressa por causa de hormônios e engenharia genética que elas não suportam o peso do próprio corpo, resultando em deformidades dolorosas das pernas. Feridas e sem condições de se mover, muitas morrem de fome e sede.
Para ver as imagens, clique aqui.
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antoniopasolini · 1 year
Crane loves his rescuer
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antoniopasolini · 1 year
Northern Soul
I am having a northern soul phase - I love the energy and the retro vibe - how about you?
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antoniopasolini · 1 year
Fur farming is absolutely indefensible
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“An Ethical Critique of Fur Factory Farming” is published today by Palgrave Macmillan as part of their forty-volume strong Animal Ethics Series.   Fur is dead, so goes the slogan. But sadly the reality the in many parts of the world, the fur industry continues to rear its ugly head and cause unspeakable pain and misery to innocent animals. Vintage fashion and emerging markets have driven a revival in fur sales, much to the despair of animals who are imprisoned and tortured for someone's vanity.
So please help publicize this book, which is a shield against any argument in defence of fur.
Purdue University ethicist, Professor Mark Bernstein describes this newly published report as providing an “unanswerable” case against fur factory farming. He continues that “Anyone even remotely thinking about buying fur, needs first to read this book.”   The study found that “the conditions in factory fur farms means it is impossible for animals farmed for their fur to express their normal species-specific behaviour. The inability to live their normal expressive life leads to behaviours known as ‘stereotypies’ and harms that include psychological stress, fur chewing, self-injury, and biting.”   Written by Directors of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, Professor Andrew Linzey and Dr Clair Linzey, An Ethical Critique of Fur Factory Farming is newly published Palgrave Macmillan as part of their forty-volume strong Animal Ethics Series.   The study also found that the so-called “Welfur” system instituted by the fur industry does not prevent the infliction of major harms on animals, such as unhealed injuries, half tails, missing, and severe bent feet. The authors ask: “if fur factory farming is so animal friendly that it provides what the industry calls a ‘good’ life for animals, why should there be evidence of any injury at all?”   “The fur industry cannot have it both ways: it cannot claim to exhibit the highest standards of welfare and yet simultaneously accept that harms, sometimes major harms, can be detected on their ‘farms’. The claim that ‘Welfur’ offers protection against animal suffering is to be pusillanimous before the facts.”   The fur trade is a multimillion-pound industry worldwide. It is estimated that over 100 million animals are killed in fur farms worldwide annually. Animals farmed for their fur include mink, foxes, racoon dogs, rabbits, and chinchillas.   Bernstein also comments, “An Ethical Critique of Fur Factory Farming is especially impressive in presenting the best defence fur farming has to offer, and then showing its glaring inadequacies.”   The hundred-page report concludes that “from any ethical perspective, that takes animal suffering seriously, fur factory farming fails basic moral tests. The arguments supplied in justification are seriously flawed and or fallacious … Factory-farmed fur is a non-essential vanity product … The fur factory system is inherently inhumane. It should be prohibited by legislation.”   Fur factory farming is banned in many countries including Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, but is still legal in the United States, Canada, Russia and China.
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antoniopasolini · 2 years
Brazilian election: Lula is the Amazon Forest's best chance
I recorded this video to raise awareness of the dangers for the Amazon forest and, consequently, the world, if the current fascist president of Brazil gets re-elected.
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antoniopasolini · 2 years
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antoniopasolini · 2 years
Long life to Salman Rushdie, a symbol of resistance against religious fascism.
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antoniopasolini · 2 years
My article on the superb observational documentary Cow, by Andrea Arnold.
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antoniopasolini · 2 years
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Experiências - Vol. 1 turned 1 today!
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antoniopasolini · 3 years
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antoniopasolini · 3 years
Listen/purchase: Dahinter Das Gesicht by Schwefelgelb
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