Daily Greenland Things! #2 & #3
(Oh Wow i missed a day already? Wow i'm that lazy huh- anyway on to greenland's things he does! ~Admin Mari)
Greenland :
#2 : Today wasn't very interesting, i did try and make something but i ended up alnost burning my house down..well that was a very unlucky day! I managed to just make myself some Smørbrod because Norway recommended it to me a while back, it was yummy!
#3 : Denmark visited me today, not sure why but he just barged in while i was feeding Snow saying that he wants to hang out..i know that my land is technically his too but still- he can't just break down my door and just say "HEY GREENIE! WATCHA' UP TO??" ! But at least he got me a new door, it was actually a really nice day actually!
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Daily Greenland Things #1
Greenland :
Today for breakfast, i had Suaasat! I really recommend if you really like soup! I had it using Seal meat, it was nice and i love it! Totally not biasing because its my traditional food..Snow really liked the potatoes, and only that for some reason. I think i added too much black pepper but i guess its fine :'D
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Greenland :
Aluu! (Hello!) So today i'm gonna start my own daily things that i do! I've seen Norway and Iceland do it, so why can't i? Since there's literally nothing i can do here except for scrolling through Tumblr and download memes, i decided to write about things that happened daily in my life! I'll try my best to actually do it daily and not give up the 2nd day! That's all for now! Baaj!! (Bye!!) :D
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Hi Greenland! I've heard you have the highest suicide rate in the world? Does this affect you in any way? (Sorry if it's kinda dark, i just wanted to know, you don't have to answer!)
(Oh god this is so late i apologize for that!! My Tumblr doesn't give me any notification for some reason- sorry again!)
Greenland :
It does affect me, it's not physically though but i feel some sort of pain whenever someone did. I feel really sad whenever i see the news about how much the suicide rates are going up and i feel really guilty, its depressing really and i feel really bad. It has a bit of affects like i get some sort of pain, usually how the person who did it. Usually i get headaches, some pain in my chest, back, etc. But at least there's someone who comforts me once in a while, who is my Artic Fox! She doesn't have a name yet but i call her Snow. Thanks for the ask! (And sorry for the very late response!)
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Hello! Green here! This is my Ask-blog (or whatever that is..) so others can get to know me and the others too ofc! My first ever post on this platform..anyway. If you wanna ask me questions about, basically anything you want! (As long its apporopriate :)) That's it for my intro. Hope i can ask all of you guys' questions! :D ~Greenland
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