appljack · 8 years
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“Them two.... Goin’ at it like a couple’a June bugs on a summer grill. Sure hope they're half as serious and twice as precious.”
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appljack · 8 years
Send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
♡ = complimenting them.
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She lets out a little nervous laugh. “Awh, shucks, you ain’t so bad yourself, partner. ” Not one to normally receive compliments, it takes her a moment to quell the slight bashfulness coloring her cheeks but with a clearing of her throat and a slight adjustment to her hat, Applejack is back to normal. “Thank you, kindly, all the same.”
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appljack · 8 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
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appljack · 8 years
[🍎] Applejack really needed to stretch. Being cooped up in a city, in an apartment, was really making her already weakened muscles weaker. She trotted outside, her speed increasingly climbing to a full gallop. No sooner had she started did she need to skid to a stop. What the-?
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“Gosh, Ah didn’t spook ya none, did Ah?”
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appljack · 8 years
[🍎]  “Howdy, there, youngin’. Why with that getup, Ah reckon you must be some sorta mage, wise beyond yer years, huh?” As horrible as it was for children, or what appeared to be a child, to be dragged into this horror, at least a little dress up and play pretend could alleviate the situation. 
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“So what’s a wise mage doin’ wanderin’ these here parts?”
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appljack · 8 years
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[🍎] “It ain’t no big never mind, a’course, just Ah’m all well rested an’ even so, Ah can’t seem to buck worth a lick!” It really could be any number of factors affecting her, some spell gone awry perhaps? Or Discords doing? Either way, she needed to shake this weakness out of her legs.
“A fountain ya say?” Was it that simple? Just a dip and she’d be kicking with the best of them? Or did she have to drink from it? “Mind runnin’ them instructions by me, partner? Ah ain’t got much experience with them fancy healin’ fountains an’ all.”
.:[ ★ ☆ ]:. Amethyst stopped slurping her soda long enough to get a look at the talking horse. Not that it was weird in of itself (heck, just look at who else she knew), but didn’t they seem just a little familiar? Maybe she was just imagining things.
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“Uh… I dunno where a healer is, dude. I guess there’s a fountain over there?” She didn’t know if the pony meant healing tears or not, but Rose’s fountain came to mind.
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appljack · 8 years
Her apartment offered fine accommodations and all but for a pony used to an active farm life, Applejack could easily get restless. And some things just couldn’t wait until morning. 
Set in her stubbornness, Applejack trotted through her immediate distinct, marveling at all the offerings and absently wondered if she should set up shop sometime soon. She smiled to herself, if there was anypony who would appreciate all this, it would be. Wait. Applejack backtracked. “Heheh, well ain’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
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There she was, standing in front of a large display window, the one pony Applejack could not imagine meeting here. “Mighty sorry you’ve been brought here, too, Rare.”
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appljack · 8 years
What was this place? Applejack trotted through the strange, large city, occasionally stopping to try and figure out how it was that cities could be so confusing. There just would never a time she could happily stroll one, was there?
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Applejack sighed in annoyance and figured she might as well swallow her pride and ask one of the odd bipedal locals. "Beg pardon," She approached a purple someone, and through a sheepish grin and a shrug of her shoulders, she asked. "Could ya point me in the right direction? Seems my strength's a'wainin' an' Ah might could need a healer?"
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appljack · 8 years
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This here's a starter ad for good ol' honest Applejack. Go on ahead and smack that like for a mini non-event starter. :D
Capped at 2, uncapped for mlp/eg castmates.
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appljack · 8 years
Hi, I'd like to app Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic without prior reservation if available. Application should be under /app, thank you!
Welcome to the hive, Applejack!
You will be housed in apartment h-5.
You will retain your enhanced strength at a third of it’s usual power.
Enjoy your stay!
– mod 『 』
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appljack · 9 years
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appljack · 9 years
[🍎] “For one o’ the barrels?” Applejack patted the nearest one. She had intended to give it out as free samples, as a way to promote the Golden Oak cafe, but to ask for a whole barrel? Applejeck chuckled. ‘Tis the season. “Shucks, Ah reckon you can take it, ain’t no one else come ‘round these parts.”
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As a bonus, Applejack tossed a few pastries into a bag. “Name’s Applejack, what’s your’s, partner?”
.:[ ★ ☆ ]:. Amethyst looked over the the line of goods: mouth-watering, to be sure, but no, not enough. She did have her eye on something, however, and her curiosity could only be cured by asking: 
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“Yo, how much for one of these barrels?”
When Amethyst goes in, she goes in big.
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appljack · 9 years
Apple scones, mini apple pies, apple fritters and hot apple cider. Mmm! The apple-tastic treats lined the table she had set up earlier while a few barrels of cider stood to the side of her. With the weather hitting lower and lower temperatures, she was sure someone would want to warm their bellies. 
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Any minute now...
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appljack · 9 years
[🍎]  “Eeyup.” Applejack gave the other girl a customary tip of the hat. “Wish Ah could say it were mighty nice to see you here, Sunset, but... Ah ain’t sure this here is a place Ah’d want any of my friends to be stranded in.”
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No, truth be told, Appeljack was very much against the idea of any of her friends being there. This was not a good place, and they were almost entirely neglected their magic. Winona’s whines at her side brought Applejack out of her thoughts. The poor thing must really be restless, barely able to sit still and all. It was then she realized how many papers Sunset had dropped.
“Gosh!” Applejack helped her poor friend out. What kinda person would allow their friend to pick aaaaall her papers up by herself after her dog had caused her to drop them in the first place. “Say, what’re all these about anyway?” She handed Sunset the tiny, neat pile she had collected.
Being tackled down by an excitable canine was not somethingsomeone would expect to normally happen. So, it was a whirlwind experience whenthe papers she was holding flew into the air and she was suddenly on the floorand very wet from a slobbery tongue. 
She couldn’t contain the laughter as shepet the dog to try to calm her down. “Hey there, this is a surprise!” Thankfully, Sunset’s lungs were given a rest from theexcessive laughing when the dog had returned to their owner from the command ofa whistle. 
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Despite being rather preoccupied, the girl couldn’t miss the voiceof one of her closest friends. She picked up the papers that she had dropped asshe got up, smiling at her friend. “Applejack! It’s great to see youagain! And Winona too!”
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appljack · 9 years
[🍎] “Oh, well, alrighty then.” Applejack wasn’t sure how she felt about that smile, all the same, she kneeled to pet Winona and attempted to rein her in, but the dog pulled against her hold. She dropped her front half down against the pavement and barked happily, her tail wagging furiously behind her.
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“Gosh, Ah’m supposin’ she’s mighty restless.” She laughed nervously and patted Winona’s side. “Aint’cha girl?”
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The metal woman watched the animal before her. The Ball, her own pet, seemed to lower itself from her side to ‘look’ at the animal. Kneeling before the dog she extended a hand for it as if calling it closer.
It was no time before the owner of said dog met them. Blue eyes lifted to the blonde and watched with intrigue. “It is fine. There was no harm done.” A smile touched the woman’s face, though it looked as though the expression didn’t belong there.
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appljack · 9 years
[🍎] “It helps about as much as a go kart in a diving competition.” She sighed, clearly annoyed that her aimless wandering was not coming to an end. She looked around for any sign of this supposed station. “Heh, but don’t you fret your pretty little candy apple head about it.” 
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“So, right over yonder, huh?” Applejack sighed. “Well, iffen yer headin’ out, we could walk there together?”
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‘H-huh…?’ turning to face the young girl in need, of all the places to find themselves lost in this place, only recently making some sense of this labyrinth after many trials or so he would believe, then again nothing could ever be certain in a place like this.
‘…there is a station not that far from here, if that helps..?
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appljack · 9 years
[🍎] “You might just be right.” Applejack rested a hand at her hip, the other tapping her chin. “Ya know, Ah bet we could make a proper get together. Shoot, get the kitchen goin’, bakin’ many a’ apple pastries and entrees.” Applejack knew she wouldn’t remember being away, and her family wouldn’t know that she had left at all. But it was still nice to dream.
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“You’re a fine friend, Sora.”  Applejack took his hand and gave him a too firm handshake. Was that a knuckle popping? and offered him a tip of her hat. “Kinda makes me miss my own somethin’ fierce.”
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“Hehe, well I use to be roped into some situations that had me traveling to other worlds, but going back home to see familiar faces isn’t bad at all.” It’s too bad no one here is able to do that. “But– I’m sure you’ll be going back home soon. And when you do, you’ll have everyone waiting for you at home!” It’s the least he can say to cheer her up. “Applejack? Heh, that’s an interesting name. My name’s Sora!”
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