aquaunderling · 4 years
Continued from here
Vivian had tried her best not to groan as Matt had dumped a stack of files to take down to the engineering bay on her desk. In no position to argue, Vivian put off the task until a time she was sure the bay would be empty. Her head was already pounding, and the last thing she need was Jay’s voice grating in her ear, especially when he realised the files were for him to look over and sign. 
Poking her head round the door, Vivian cautiously scanned the room before slipping inside once she was sure it was empty. All she needed to do was dump the files on Jay’s desk, and she could—
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Vivian jumped sky high as a sniff echoed in the room. The bay was meant to be empty, yet tucked behind the door was a sight she couldn’t ignore. With a sigh, she made her way over to the grunt, and placed the filed by her feet before gently placing her hand on her shoulder. 
“Oh nothing... Is everything alright Tae? You seem a little upset.”
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aquaunderling · 4 years
He was quiet as he listened to her words, his fingers nervously toying with the strings of his sweatshirt. “..I appreciate it but.. I think I’ve made up my mind. I.. I ain’t lyin’ in sayin’ I’d do anythin’ for my family. If Aqua can pay me more, then I gotta go that route for ‘em.” It would be different, and it might certainly come with new dangers. But in the end, if he can even just help a little more he’d consider it worth it.
He nods, though clearly to himself since he was on the phone. “Right, Route 121.. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out when I’m flyin’ that way.” He got up from his bed, allowing the mini-nose to float back to Sandy as he started to pack up some things in a bag with his free hand. He wouldn’t be able to bring anything big, but that was fine. He wasn’t planning on getting rid of this place so he could always come back here if he needed to. “I’ll see ya soon then. Stay safe okay? I know it’s late, an’ it’d be bad if a dangerous pokemon jumped out at ya before I got there. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
If they ended the call then, he’d continue packing up whatever things he felt were necessary to bring with. Mostly clothing though. Once it’s all in a big duffel bag, he’d have Sandy open up the entrance again and head out. “This is it Big Guy.. things’re gonna be a bit different goin’ forward.” He recalled the large rock-type and instead called out Lavender. He directed the pokemon to carry the duffel bag in her feet before he climbed up on her back. “Alright, Lavender.. ya ready? Let’s go-” She let out a series of chirps before she took off into the air fast as ever.
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Despite the chill in the air, he felt calmed as he looked to the sky. This whole thing.. it felt freeing in a way. Not that he wouldn’t miss Magma but.. this has to be the most daring thing he’s done since he’s gotten to Hoenn for sure. The flight still took a bit despite Lavender going as fast as she could. But eventually, he made out the familiar sight of Mt. Pyre. Route 121 was right nearby. “We’re close.. let’s head down a bit so I can see if I can spot her alright?” Lavender chirped in response and descended a bit more as they approached the route in question.
A pit formed in Vivian’s stomach. What was it like to have a family you would do anything for? To have anyone you would do anything for? She couldn’t imagine that level of love, of trust. It was such a forign concept to her. 
“You must love your family very much, you’re a good son.” It was almost as much of a struggle to hide the drop in her tone as it was to get the words out. 
Her mind desperately searched for something to say—words of comfort, or advice. Anything. Nothing came to mind. 
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“You too.” Vivian uttered before hanging up. Her hand shook slightly as she released Solace from his ball. She could always really on Solace to watch her back, and right now she needed the peace of mind. Most nights, Vivian was awake to see most, if not every hour, but she never left the base until the sun danced over the horizon. Streets after dark were plagued with danger, and since she never had any reason to venture into them, she stayed hidden salefly within the base. 
Her inexperience had her jumping at every shadow and every noise. Her heart was still racing in her chest as she left Lilycove behind her. Moving further into the route, Vivian made sure to stay well clear of the long grass before finally stopping. 
“You’re really in your element aren’t you?” Vivian sighed, watching as Solace stretched out his back without a care in the world. If only she could be se relaxed... Hopefully Adrian wouldn’t be too long. 
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aquaunderling · 4 years
“Oh? I see I’m honoured?” 
Fred regarded the sight of dog tummy with faux surprise, but immediately knelt down to get to work scritching away at the Vaporeon’s scaly blue skin. “It’s okay! Black Jack isn’t my only dog, I have a Growlithe, a Poochyena and an Eevee back home, too, so I’m well used to having four-legged friends jump up on me,” he explained, wiggling his hands over Neptune’s chest. “But I guess you’re right. They’re both pretty boisterous fellas.”
He regarded Vivian taking a hit of fur and slobber with a wince and a smile. She’d learn not overestimate his silly hound in time. Hound in question was enjoying his spoiling, big smiling mouth gaping open and dribbling drool everywhere. He eventually calmed down, stopping the wriggling to sit patiently by her feet. 
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“Looks like we should swap dogs right about now, eh, Vivian?” Fred asked, not having stopped petting Neptune for a second. Black Jack seemed to hear, letting out a cross between a bark and whine.
Her interest piqued at the mention of an Eevee—she had more than a soft spot for the type, for obvious reasons—but her mind quickly wondered. Back home. Rocket had stuck their noses in practically every region under the sun, they had bases everywhere, so she doubted home for Fred was anywhere on Hoenn. His accent certainly didn’t match any of those she’d heard on the island. Though then again, neither did her own, a somewhat Frankenstein mix of Galar and Hoenn.
“And where might home be for you Fred?” Vivian asked, her mouth moving before she could stop it. Curiosity getting the better of her, Vivian’s shoulders tensed slightly. 
At the comment, Vivian’s eyes snapped to Neptune. As their eyes met, Vivian’s lips drew into a thin line. The glint in Neptune’s eye was enough of an answer. 
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“If you give Neptune enough food I’m sure you’d end up with both pokemon, but I would like him back so swapping wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Vivian hummed. Patting Black Jack’s head sympathetically after his small whine, she then attempted to give him a persuasive nudge back to his owner. 
“Neptune, time to come back now.” Vivian’s words earned her an exasperated huff from the unmoving Vaporeon leading her to add, “Fred can give you more cuddles next time, now leave him be.”
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Meme: Favorite Pokemon List
What’s your favorite pokemon from all eight generations? Tag your friends and find out!
Starters -
Generation 1 - Squirtle
Generation 2 - Cyndaquil
Generation 3 - Mudkip
Generation 4 - Piplup
Generation 5 - Oshawott
Generation 6 - Fennekin
Generation 7 - Litten
Generation 8 - Sobble
Legendaries -
Generation 1 - Articuno
Generation 2 - Suicune
Generation 3 - Our lord and saviour Kyogre
Generation 4 - Azelf
Generation 5 - Zekrom
Generation 6 - Xerneas
Generation 7 -Lunala
Generation 8 - Zacian
Other ‘Mons -
Generation 1 - Vaporeon
Generation 2 - Mareep
Generation 3 - Absol
Generation 4 - Glaceon
Generation 5 - Rufflet
Generation 6 - Amaura
Generation 7 - Mimikyu
Generation 8 - Nicket
Selective -
Pseudo-Legend - Garchomp
Eeveelution - Vaporeon do you even need to ask
Starting Bird - Cramornt
Starting Bug - Joltik
Starting Rat - Idk, Dedenne??
Tagged By: @kazhub a while ago
Tagging: I have absolutely no idea who’s touched this so whoever hasn’t!
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Hey! So, sorry for disappearing for a bit, going back to work, brain stuff and forgetting my password is to blame for that. I’m gonna start replying to threads soon tho. Just popping in to say I’m not dead~
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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aquaunderling · 4 years
He laid back on the makeshift bed, seeming to just relax a bit as he waited for her to answer. Sandy, who was still out of his pokeball, just sort of made himself comfortable near the closed entryway. He seemed to sense something was up, but his expression remained the same as always.
He let out a little breath as she answered. “..Yeah, as far as I know. I didn’t run into no trouble or nothin’. I.. don’t think I was followed either, but jus’ to be sure I’ve blocked myself in to my secret base for a bit. Since.. I had to gather my things anyways.” He rubbed his feet. “I.. I’ll be completely honest, I almost got cold feet. Guess I thought if I jus’ went ahead an’ did it, it’d be too late to second guess myself.”
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He sat up more now, giving a bit of a small smile to Sandy. The pokemon offered one of his mini-noses for support and Adrian gladly accepted it into his lap to lean on. “So.. where am I meetin’ up with ya? Somewhere in Lilycove I assume..? Once I’ve gathered up all my things, as long as I fly on Lavender I can be there in no time at all. An’ don’t worry, she’s much better at flyin’ than before.”
Closing her eyes, Vivian allowed the tension to slip from her shoulders. That was a huge relief. If something had gone wrong, she wouldn’t have been able to help him... Not that she would have been much use. Vivian tried not to let the relief show in her voice as she replied. 
“I’m glad to hear it.” Chewing on her bottom lip, Vivian thought over her next words carefully, “...It’s a big change you’re making Adrian, it’s only natural to feel a little nervous. And it’s... It’s not too late to back out.” Her heart leapt into her throat at the words. She would feel like such a fool if it all fell through now, but she liked to think that they were friends before anything else. If Adrian suddenly decided Magma was still the best path for him, she would respect that. Even if the thought did make her stomach turn. 
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Whistles and a handful of slurred catcalls directed her way broke the peace of the night air as she passed a group of smokers outside a pub, prompting Vivian to draw her cardigan tight around her. Keeping her head down, she picked up the pace. 
“Meet me by the start of Route 121, it should be quiet enough at this time of night... I might start walking along, so keep an eye out when you hit the route. It’s better than loitering...” Vivian muttered. Tightening her grip on her bag strap, Vivian chucked an anxious glance over her shoulder just to ensure that none of the group had broken off to follow her. 
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Oooh, yes~ That was the spot. Paws padding on the spot frantically, the Houndour moved ever slowly closer to Vivian to encourage more pats. Yes, he had decided he liked this lady. He was very disappointed when the attention swung from him to the other canine (who he had utterly forgotten about the splish from), following Vivian to wedge himself besides her, his snout reaching for her hand for more petting, whining every so often for attention.
Fred was a little shocked at first to have Neptune barrel over to him, but he very much appreciated the lick, no matter how salty it was. He caught him by his shoulders so he could keep the hyperactive dog still for long enough to lay a kiss on his own head.
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“You’re welcome, you four-legged-fishy!” he said with a chuckle, plopping him down for more scritches around the fins. “I really am sorry, though, Vivian. Black Jack should know better than to start fights when I’m not around. I’m sure he thought they were playing.”
The Houndour in question was virtually sat on top of Vivian, panting and licking her hand frantically. He’d clearly taken a shine to her. 
“Please get down Neptune.” Vivian groaned, shame creeping in. It didn’t matter how hard she worked with Neptune, he always forgot any obedience she managed to teach him. 
Neptune however, ignored his trainer, only returning to the ground when Fred put him there. Squealing in delight, Neptune’s hind leg began to pound against the sand. Fred had found the magic spot. Flopping dramatically onto the sand, Neptune presented his stomach to Fred, his tongue flopping out the side of his mouth. 
“I’m sure they were... Neptune has trouble telling where to draw the line, I’m trying my best to teach him, but it’s not exactly going well... So please don’t apologise Fred, it really was just an accident!” The last word turned into something of a grunt as Black Jack thumped down on top of her, momentarily winding her. 
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“I’m sorry, was I not paying attention?” Vivian pouted teasingly at Black Jack. Unphased by the treatment her hand was receiving, she was quick to place her hands behind his ears. Starting the scratched there she slowly made her way around his neck and head. 
“You really are a big baby, aren’t you?” If she had made an impression on the pokemon, Black Jack was certainly making a lovely one in return.
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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      indie aqua grunt  |  selective  | rules  |  about  |  follows from kazhub
               ❝WE’RE GONNA KICK UP A RUCKUS!!❞
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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He looked to her at the odd pause in her words, though listened thoroughly. He nodded, and gave the best smile he could. “Y-yeah, you’re right. I ain’t gonna accomplish much jus’ sittin’ out here feelin’ sorry for myself. I’ll give it a shot.” She’s right, he should just try and think more positively. Besides, she probably had a lot better things to do besides sit here and cheer him up. 
He shook his head. “I try not to– I don’t like bein’ out an’ about in my uniform cuz most o’ the time it jus’ causes me trouble. Sailors especially I noticed hated seein’ it.. But.. sometimes I forgot. It was a pretty comfortable uniform..”
He blinked. “..Would that be alright? That’s awful nice o’ ya to offer, I’d be a right fool to say no.” He brought a hand to the marks on his lip, idly brushing them with his fingers. “..It ain’t too soon is it? I.. if he’s still mad at me, I don’t wanna make him.. well.. more mad, y’know?”
“Glad you agree.” Vivian nodded, rocking on the balls of her feet, “It won’t be easy, but stick with it and I’m sure you can manage it.”
Vivian couldn’t help but grimace at his statment. Of course, the sailors were less than happy to see a Magma strolling around so freely. Whilst most didn’t agree with Team Aqua, they likely viewed them a damn sight better than the team that was actively trying to limit, and destroy their livelihood. 
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“Of course it is, I wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t. I’m part of the HR team Adrian—it is my job to help you with any issues. We don’t need to seek him out, just take a walkthrough engineering to prove to yourself that you can do it. That’s all.” Taking a step back, Vivian slowly began to make her way back to the base entrance. One of them had to start moving eventually. 
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aquaunderling · 4 years
When Do You Realise You Love Someone?
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when you tend to someone's wounds
When the person is in need of a person and you're there. when your partner in crime is terribly wounded, you're there, and you're saying "I'm going to take care of you." When you help clean their room when they're too emotionally distraught to do it themselves, the moment you see them in need and take it upon yourself to see to their needs and help them how you can. It's been said that the first sign of humanity was a skeleton with a healed femur, how someone saw someone else hurt and cared for them, fed them, looked after them, for a very long time. When you see your friend hurt and you want them to feel better but it goes beyond that: you want to make them better, and you want them to know you want to get through this, together.
Tagged by: I did a stole
Tagging: you do a stole
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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Untitled by Ryan Pernofski
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Send my muse an anonymous nightmare.
It could be about your muse, or someone else’s, or about a past trauma my muse has experienced. Send more than one ask if need be for length!
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Your muse now has my permission to release all of their anger focused towards my muse.
Come into the inbox and hit them, yell at them, and tell them exactly what they’ve done to anger your muse.
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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aquaunderling · 4 years
Fred’s hand had been hovering over her bag when she dived for it. He held his over hand over the Vaporeon’s wound patiently. Worry melted away from his face in a silly moment.
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“Vivian, I’ve seen sanitary products before. I do have girl friends, y’know?” he joked, letting out a snorted laugh. Maybe it was to calm her down by breaking the tension, or maybe it was just for himself, but something about her reaching for her bag that way had made him feel like this was all a little more normal. Thank goodness Vivian carried potions. Neptune would be just fine, he thought, smoothing the fish-dog’s scales.
As Fred reached into the bag for a potion, not even looking at the contents, knowing their shape by feel alone, Black Jack padded up to Vivian’s outstretched hand, giving it an elaborate sniff first, dedicating her scent to memory, then giving it a thorough licking, his stumpy little tail beginning to wag again.
Gently spraying the potion onto Neptune’s bite wound, Fred waited patiently for it to begin taking effect before wrapping the bandana around the wound to stop it getting dirty and infected. “There y’go, buddy, you’re gonna be jus’ fine. Yellow suits you, too!”
He stood up, proud of his work and showing it off to Vivian.
Vivian’s lips drew into a thin line. It hadn’t even crossed her mind, she’d been too worried about Fred finding out that she was a member of Team Aqua. She definitely should have been worried about him seeing her sanitary products. Her cheeks flushed red as she shuffled over to Black Jack.
“Oh... Of course, how silly of me...” Exasperated with her own behaviour, Vivian rolled her eyes. She was ripped from her thoughts when Black Jack licked her hand, his wagging tail sending a smile to her lips. Vivian waisted no time in scratching Black Jack behind the ear. Her hand had worked its way underneath his chin when Fred spoke up. 
Keeping low to the ground, Neptune slipped past Fred to allow Vivian to inspect the wound. Her smile widened at the wound, or rather lack there off, as she voiced her thanks to Fred. Leaning down slightly, she caught Neptune’s—who had been staring anxiously at Black Jack—attention.
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“And what do we say, Neptune?” As if a light had been turned on, Neptune snapped upright. Bounding over to Fred, he jumped up to place his front paws on the man’s chest before laying an extremely slobbery kiss on Fred’s cheek. 
Vivian could only groan as she pinched the bridge of her nose. That wasn’t quite what she’d meant...
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aquaunderling · 4 years
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* 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 : Vivian Cassandra Scott * 𝙰𝙶𝙴 : 21  * 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 : 5′7″ * 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙴𝚂 : Human  * 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 : Female * 𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : Galan-Hoennese  * 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚈 : 12th February can’t believe I had to go and check that  * 𝚂𝚄𝙽 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽 : Aquarius  * 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 : Lilycove City, Hoenn  * 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 : Single * 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 : True Neutral  * 𝙳𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙺 : Coffee, coffee and more coffee someone help her she has a problem  * 𝙵𝙾𝙾𝙳 : She’s not fussy food wise, anything veggie and that’s fine. She found out where meat came from as a kid and that was that * 𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙾𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 : Night * 𝚂𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂 : Dried fruits/nut * 𝙿𝙴𝚃 : slams Neptune on the table Hi, have you met this stupid boy? Water types tho * 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁 : Cyan * 𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 : Water Lilies * 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : Bisexual * 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 : Slim, hourglass * 𝙴𝚈𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 : Blue * 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 : Brown
tagged by: @streetsteel​ c:
tagging: @rocketzealot​, @magmagruntalayne​ @aquajumper​ @roimuses​ all of them Roi, all of them and whoever hasn’t been tagged!
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